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Having a bad time astrologically - please help from Mark Kincaid to Puneet

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"HI MARK ...... but having a bad time astrologically,would request you if you could see my chart."Well, that's what Astrology is all about! Finding the personal reasons why we're struggling, or having difficulties.... Sure, I'd be happy to. Maybe you can do something for me too....?Make some financial donation for my cause.... bringing Astrology to all the people of this world....!You didn't answer my other question, How well do you know your chart? The more you know your chart,the more you'll be able to decipher, the exact planetary reasons, why we struggle, sometimes.... They're all theirright in our charts....So, while I look up and look at your chart, please describe with more details, the 'exat' "bad

time astrologically" you're going through? You having work difficulties? You feeling bad, personaly? You having relationship problems, money problems, what? And, also describe for how long this has been going on?Sincerely,Mark KincaidPS.... You receiving my new Astrology newsletter, yet? Sign up at:http://visitor.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?m=1102474607250 & p=oi puneet ahuja <resumepuneetkincaidmarkSent: Sun, January 17, 2010 2:04:06 AMRe: Re: GREETINGS



I am working in a software company in New Delhi,but having a bad time astrologically,would request you if you could see my chart.



Puneet Ahuja


On Sat, 16 Jan 2010 19:28:51 +0530 wrote

>Thanks Puneet, Glad to hear you're enjoying it.


What's new with you? Where you living, nowadays?


How's your life, going? Can't remember, but how well do you know you chart, so far?


take care


Mark K.




puneet ahuja


Tue, January 12, 2010 11:22:22 PM















I am very impressed by your Daily Word Format




Excellent Work indeed.




Warm Regards


Puneet Ahuja




On Wed, 13 Jan 2010 05:26:15 +0530 wrote














































Nature's Astrology


Wednesday, January 13th 2010


















































Dear puneet,




>Today, the Moon's even closer towards the New Moon, which comes early on Friday, in the morning. However today, the Moon joins all those other planets in Sagittarius, as well. TODAY, there are litrally, FIVE PLANETS, close together in Sagittarius, See, below for their exact degrees.




>Today, that 'Intensity' of yesterday, continues. Today, however, see, if that intensity, doesn't co-exist with extreme Inwardness, as well.




>See, especially, the Questions and Answers, below from San Diego, California.










Mark Kincaid




>TODAY, I decided to send this out early, bcause I can feel, this quality of Intensity, and


>yet relief from Scorpio ness, coming earlier. When I made a chart for 'right now' I found the Moon already has made it's shift into Sagittarius!


















The "Daily Word"






Today's Word:
















Today, as the Moon moves ever, closr to the Sun the quality of New


>Moon 'Stillness' begins to come upon us.




>There are now, FIVE planets all together in Sagittarius.




>Can you feel it!




>I certainly can. As I've been watching these 'stars' for such a long time now, I'm deeply famiiliar, especially with these Inward, Waning, New Moon times.




>But, this month, the intensity of this inwardness is even more than normal. Look at the exact degrees of these 5 planet's and you will see, at least intellectually, why these days have been so intense. Be sure to read the question and answer section below, becauses its all about this 'intensity' going on.




>Today, Sun is at the 29th degree of Sagittarius.


>Venus is at the 29th degree of Sagittarius, too ((Complete Sun-Venus Combustion)


>Rahu's still at the 27th degree of Sagittarius.


>Mercury's at the 11th degree of Sagittartius and the


>Moon's at the 11th degree of Sagittarius too!




>Wow, that's a lot.






>Jai Guru






>Mark Kincaid




















Nature's Astrology - Best of West & East




>In truth, there is only 1 natural Astrology. When we look out into the universe, there is only One. That Astrology, that subtle, Cosmic influence of the Stars at every moment, has a profound relationship with each one of our lives.




>Discover what your personal stars are all about and you will find the literal, REASON why you've come to this earth.




>Join me in bringing this great knowledge and wisdom, to the world.




>Contact me at:




>Mark Kincaid












P.O. Box 371




Fairfield, Iowa 52556






>(641) 472-3004






Nature's Astrology


















Questions & Answers Column






>Have a question, send it in and we will answer.




>From Terry, San Diego, California U.S.




>"Hi Mark. Thank you so much for these Transits. They've been a real God-send. My question has to be with this intensity of all these Rahu planets that are in your book, Season's of the Stars? I've recently had to move, and I thought the intensity that I was feeling was due to having to move? Do you think what I'm feeling is due to the stars or due to what I'm doing?"




>"Dear Terry,




>This is a very good question. We can not always tell which is which until we get more experience watching the stars or the Transits each day. In truth, we are all, living the 3 main parts of our charts, dasas and Transits, each day. So, the real answer to your question lies somewhere between these three."




>"Well, Mark, how can I tell?"




>"Terry, as I said, watching the Transits each day will show you what comes and goes. The fact that you're also in a Mars dasa and Mars rules your 4th house, explains a lot why this period is especially one of you moving in your life. But, see, your Mars is with Rahu in your birth chart, so moves in general, tend to be more intense in general, wouldn't you think?"




>"You're absolutely write, there! I"ve always felt like I had to move, but dreaded the process each time."




>"So, this is great for you to discover about yourself, and then, especially, how to deal better with this. For example, right now, you're receiving the knowledge of all this, due, in part because all these planets are moving through Sagittarius and 'that' is giving you a lot of Sagittarian knowledge and wisdom about this."




>"Thank you, this has been extremely helpful, Mark"




>"The final stroke, will be in a few days, as most of these planets quickly move out of Sagittarius and their close proximity to Rahu, you should look to see how you feel then as well. Every moment, really, is a great way of experiencing the Stars and all they have to teach us! Good luck!"






















In This Issue






The Daily "Word" From The Stars












Featured Article




"Every Day the Universe is found Speaking to Us. As we learn to 'hear' the quiet musings of the Stars, we will hear nature, the universe, even God speak to us. Learn to 'listen' to the universe, this is the living Scripture of Nature."


























Visit Nature's Astrology at:










































Astrology Courses Starting


>January 18th, 2010




>Map of God Course Link 1




>Link 2 - You Will Be Your Own Best Astrolger




>Link 3 Season's of the Stars - 2010












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Special Nature's Astrology


>Products and Services Now,






>Over these last few months


>we've been working on the


>2010 Season's of the Stars


>book which is now available


>as well as some Teaching


>Tools for all of you who are


>especially interested in


>learning your own charts.


>Check out the:




>Astrology Dictionary




> Check out the recently created


> World's First Astrological


> Dictionary. This dictionary


> gives very in-depth and pro-


> found astrological meaning to


> important words. This will help


> you in your personal astrol-


> ogical study. Check out these


> two descriptions:




> Abundance:




> Abundance is a good 'Jupiter'


> word that explains what happens


> when one has a good deal of


> 'benefic' Jupiter energy going


> on in one's life. Abundance


> also, can be related to the qual-


> ity of one's Moon. When the


> Moon is full, one naturally feels


> more abundant. When the


> Moon is tiny or weak, in many


> ways the inner quality of


> fullness or abundance, can be


> lacking. Develop your Moon


> or Jupiter, to enliven this special


> flavor of 'Abundance'!




> Abuse:








Abuse means to be taken


> advantage of, to be victimized,


> to having negative things


> happen to one. For some, it's


> because their Mars is weak, and


> they're experiencing 'abuse' at


> the hands of others, just so they


> learn to stand up for themselves.


> Find the typically, Mars reason


> why 'abuse' is coming your way.


> Abuse, is a rather uncomfortabl


> karma that is coming to us. But,


> we still, do have control is we


> learn to strengthen those plants


> that are drawing 'abuse' to us.








































































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