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New Astrology Course - Solution To All Problems In LIfe - Starting Jan. 23rd 201

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Dear Friends,


Please find below a description of our next Jyotish, Astrology course

we'll be teaching. It's both, going to be available on the net as a

computer course as well as in-residence. So, if you're in Fairfield,

Iowa, or near by, you're welcome to join here in town, as well. See below, for a thorough description.




Mark Kincaid


PS: If you're not receiving

these new newsletters personally, at your home email address, and would like to, you can sign up for them, in our new

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Solution To All Problems In LifeCourse









The Stars Not Only Describe What Problems We Will BE Having, but they also indicate what our Solutions can be!


Starting Sunday, January 23rd, 2010











In This Issue




The Solution to All Problems in life -- Course


New Year's Bash in Fairfield






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For All Chart or Astrological Products & Services

For Receving This Newsletter, More Regularly

Join This Winter's CoursesStarting Jan. 23rd:Map of God

You Will Be Your Own Best AstrologerNEW 2010, Season's of the Stars - CourseNew Physical Home For Nature's AstrologyCourses: See Below!










Dear All,



may seem pollyanish or presumptious to talk about 'anything' being the

solution to all problems in life! However, already we know that

Astrology has the ability to see or identify what human problems each

person will be experiencing.The

person who's likely to have emotional problems is because of what is

happening to their Moons, in their original birth charts.

That person who has self-confidence issues, is likely to have deep Sun

challenges in their charts. An accident prone nature, problems with

health, difficulties in relationships, problems with one's parents,

spiritual issues, ALL problems in life can be traced back to a

particular weakness or malefic functiong birth planet!The

'best' aha I ever had in Astrology, was: "Those configurations which

normally express just our human difficulties, also contain the actual

SOLUTION to those same problems!"(See below)




Mark KincaidSPECIAL

ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm back in Fairfield in January and will be having A


all of you, living in Fairfield. Stop by any time between 10 - 4pm! Or calle me at (641) 472-3004,if you'd like.(See below for that too)Jai Guru!










"Solution to All ProblemsIn LIfeCourse"


Starting Sunday, January 23rd, 2010Contained

within each person's chart, is a clear description of what our

strengths and weakneeses will be. Astrology already, understands that

our positive human qualities and characteristics are due to the

positive or well developed planets in our charts.Astrology

also understands that all our problems in life, stem from our weaker,

less well developed planets, which Jyotish calls our functional

Malefics!For hundreds and perhaps, thousands of years, this has been well known!What

has not been known, however, is that the same, very, malefic

configurations which are literally, causing us all our grief, are also,

the same EXACT configurations, that contain, literally, the solution to

all our problems!In this course, we will examine first of all

how all problems in life can be traced back to the particular,

so-called malefic configurations or planets.Then, we'll examine how each person's same configurations also, contain their opposite and even more importantly, SOLUTIONS!So,

whether you want to improve your health, improve your relationships,

make more money, get along better on the job, or find God! We will FIND

the literal solution that's there, inside your chart.In

this course, which will range from January 23rd to February 23rd we'll

first identify the exact negative or malefic configurations.In

the first week, we'll be identifying the malefic configurations in all

the course participant's charts. So, if you're interested in this

course, email me

right away and tell me what difficulty, you wish was gone!In

the second week, we'll begin the process of figuring out what the

literal, Solution is that's also there, contained in your chart!Then,

in weeks 3 and 4, we'll go through the practical steps that are

necessary to begin unraveling the negative patterns or configurations

and transforming them, literally, into more healthy, positive and even benefic

functioning planets and configurations.This is absolutely, the greatest aspect of Astrology.Even

more important than identifying one's problems, its extremely more

valuable to find the solution. My teacher used to say: "If we

can't change the dangers on the horizon, it might be better, never

to know what diffculties were going to be coming."So, built into our charts is the most fantasic technology of self-development and human improvement possible!Join me, in learning this great knowledge, and ushering into your next year, a much better, more happy and successful year!If

we don't learn to do this, than the negative repercussions, or

predictions of our malefic planets, will continue being our future.Sincerely,Mark KincaidJai GuruCourse Structure: In-Residence & Over the NetFor those of you, living in Fairfield, you'll be able to take this course, in-residence.For those of you, living outside, this course will be conducted over the net, as in other courses.There will be course assignments and readings to help faciliate the activities and goals of each week. There

will be weekly lectures both in-residence and over the net which will

involve topics of knowledge and opportunities to ask questions.The

course 'seating' will be limited so we have plenty of time, to go

in-depth with each person. So, contact us right away to reserve your

seat.Cost: Normally, this cost would be $ 75.00 dollars for a month long course.This

time, however, the course fee will be a donation, only just so that

people can receive this great knowledge. Due to the most recent financial

situation in the world, we're accepting any reasonable donation.Keep in mind, the seating is limited.If

you can afford the normal course fee, however, please submit that. The

world needs this great Nature's Astrology knowledge, as soon as

posible, so any financial contribution you can make will make this

possible.!Please register at this course at:http://health.HowToStudyAstrology/And,

contact me right away, or asap. Please include your complete date of

birth info. as well as your Jyotish rising sign, if you know it. Also,

include how well you know your chart so far and what difficulties or

challenges you wish were improved!



Jai Guru!








Saturday, January 22nd, 10am-4pm cstCelebrate theh New Year with me and also, the coming out of this years' 2010 Season's of the stars, 'book'.I'm staying at 2153 N. B. Street in Fairfield, so if you're in town, come by and say hi.While

I'm here we'll be having weekly lectures on many different topics as

well as possibilities for personal chart readings and consultations.This

new Sthaptya Vedic home, is a brand new home on 7.5 acres surrounded by

beautiful trees, forest and water. It will make a beautiful

envirnoment in which to learn Astrology and even has available rooms

for in-residence occupation if you can come during this next month.It's located just off of B. Street, just north of Silver lakes.If you need directions feel free to call me at: (641) 472-3004Jai Guru!Mark Kincaid



















SpecialChart Readings Sale Going On Now!




as a result of the most recent Saturn difficulties, many people find

themselves in, we're now offering a 3-month 'Donation' only sale on ALL

Chart readings, and even courses.If finances are tight for you,

make whatever donation that you can afford. Utilize more of your

Astrology, for your self and as finances improve, than look to make a

larger donation, later! What's the most important, is that we gain as much astrological wisdom as soon as we can!Jai Guru





Offer Expires: April 15, 2010















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Nature's Astrology | P.O. Box 371 | Fairfield | IA | 52556

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