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Year in Review & Astrology Survey - Feedback_

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Dear Friends, This is a Year in Review article on last year and our possible, astrological New Year's Resolutions,

we all might wish to to be making!




Mark Kincaid


PS: Oh, yes, there is an astrological survey and feedback that I would

appreciate you all filling out and sending me, as well!


Here's hoping you have the best year, of your life, this next year!





























Year In Review & New Year's Resolutions










And Astrology Survey - Feedback


January 15th, 2010











In This Issue




Year in Review & New Year's Resolutions


Astrology Survey - Feedback






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Dear Friends,



is the time of the year, when one year is ending and another NEW year

beckons; where we naturally think about the past and wish some things

could be better and more improved. Check out the Year in Review,

article and answer the questionnaire there, to get much more in-touch

with how your last year was for you, especially astrologically. This

will help you really 'key' in on exactly what you need to do to make

your New Year's Resolutions the most relevant and successful!The

2nd article, on Astrology Feedback, I'd appreciate you spending a few

minutes filling out as well. As I look ahead and plan my next year, I

would like to know what areas of your lives you'd like to improve and

how I can help, in that process.




Mark KincaidFor any of my thoughts or opinions, feel free to pop this finished email back to me.MAY THIS UP-COMING YEAR, BE YOUR HAPPIEST AND MOST SUCCESSFUL, EVER!










Year in Review



love to look back, and see how my last year went. We can see exactly

what areas of our lives, we wish were better, and once we realize what

parts of our Astrology, were responsible, we can make the appropriate

changes and self-improvements so we can accomlish even, much more in

this next year.Unfortuantely, most people fail, in their yearly

New Year's Resolutions, just because they don't understnad the true

astrologial basic of life. Whatever you life was like, this last year,

whatever YOU wish was different or improved, figure out which planets

need to be self-developed and you can accomplish anything this next



For example, if

you suffered financially, this last year, and want to figure out how to

Make More Money, over this next year, be sure to check out your 3 money

houses. We make money from our 11th house, we spend money according to

the issues and realities in our 12th houses and how much we have left

over is gleamed from our 2nd house.For example, I've got a

Libra rising, which means Saturn was going through the Leo that is the

'sign' in my 11th house. And, the last 2 1/2 years were dominated by

much less money coming in, (even doing construction, which has been my

main money maker over the last 20 years) than normal. Knowing that

Saturn was going to be going literally, across my 11th house, helped me

a lot, because I knew that this time was the time, where Nature was

going to be teaching me, how 'Librans' and especially, 'me' could

benefit from bringing more Saturn silence, into my wholeprocess of

financially gaining. The net result of watching Saturn moving across

my 11th house, and all the planets that I have there, was I grew

tremendously in my awareness of how to gain more!I'm therefore, really looking forward to finances, improving this next year!In

addition to finances, we all have many other aspects of our lives that

we're especially interested in and would like to improve or grow with.

Fill out this brief form, to get you more in-touch with how you did, on

a personal level this last year.Self-ConfidenceHow would you rate your interior self-confidence this last year?Would

you give yourself an A, for extremey high, B, for medium or C, for

chronically wishing it would be better! Keep this in mind, as you

reflect on this next year.Emotional Evenness & HappinessOn

another level, how would you rate your emotional happiness and

stability over this last year. Were you A, extremely 'even', 'stable'

and exceptionally Happy! Or, were you only mediumly satisfied on an

interior feeling level? Or, did you, C, have a lot of challenges

emotionaly, during this last year?Intellectualy SpeakingThen,

there's the part of us that intellectually reasons and understands. We

call this the Mercury part of us, and this rules how sucessful our

rational and analytic thinking is. How would you rate your intellectual

clarity of mind this last year?A, B, or C?Love - Romance - Relationships - Friendships - Business RelationsThen,

there's the part of us that is involved in all our relationships. We

call this the Venus part of us, as Venus rules everything related to

love, romance and ALL, relationships. In other words, how was your

love life this last year? How successful were all your relationships?

On a scale of 1-10, 10 being superb and 1 being the worst imaginable,

where did you find your self, this last year?Fire - Passion - Energy - Determination - Courage - Standing up For OneselfIf

Venus rules how successful we are in 'love' Mars rules how powerful we

are in our passion, courage, and especially standing up for what is

right! How would you rate your last year, Mars year? Would yu give

your self an A, for superb, accomplishing, and achieving or a B, for

only medium success or a C, for too many challenges in the fire,

fighting, disagreements, conflicts, areas? Don't feel bad, if you have

a C, in any question. The key to life, astrologically speaking, is to

determine how well developed or how well functioning all our planets

are, just so that next year, you can create more success, by being even

stronger, with all your planets!Spirituality - Growth - Expansion - Progress & ProsperityHow

would you rate your spiritual and material growth, progress and

achievement over this last year? In a year, when, especially,

all-important Jupiter was found debilitated, many people suffered a lot

in these ways. Either, A, you felt a lot of spiritual and material

growth this last year. Or, B, you felt only a medium amount of

satisfaction with your progress. Or, C, you felt many challenges of

faith, of spiritual content, or in life stagnating.Balance - Health - Stability - Losses - Grief - SufferingIf

Jupiter rules how forward progress, Saturn rules our every day,

stability, rest, recuperation and rejuvenation. For example, we step

forward due to the power and clarity of our Jupiter. We 'expand'

forward with our first foot, and then, we PLANET that foot. That

planting foot becomes a Saturn foot, and depending upon how balanced

and stable that foot is, the next Jupiter foot moves ahead. Together,

Jupiter and Saturn 'feet' rule all steps of progress and growth in

life. This last year, how 'stable' were you? How was your health? How stress free, did you feel? Rate this part with an A, B, or C.Obsesions - Compulsions & AddictionsAnd,

finally, we can look into the Rahu/Ketu, obsessive, and compulsive

tenedencies in our lives. In other words, how 'free' of negative

desires, obsessions or addictions were you this last year? Again, give

yourslef an A, B, or C.Now, quickly go back and look at each of

these questions and you will see how you were doing with each of your

planets. Self-confidence relates to the Sun. Emotional happiness,

relates to the Moon. Intellectual clarity relates to the functioning of our Mercurys and on and on.NOW, you have a very good handle on how you were doing with all your planets.Where

you had to answer B or C or ony 1-5 on each of these questions, this

will now, give you a better idea, which planets you could benefit from

strengthening this net year!Areas of the Life - In GeneralCareer - Work - Occupation - DharmaNow,

we can evaluate our lives in general. For example, how did you do with

Career? Occuptation, career, one's life work, dharma, or life purpose,

are all rolled into one, when we inquire with this question. How was

your year, this last year, 1-10?Making Money - Practical SurvialWe

have these 2 parts of our charts. There's the 10th house which rules

career, and those 3 money houses for making money. How was your money

making this last year? A, B, or C?HealthHow was your

health this last year? Superb, excellent? Medium, with only some

small complaints? Or C, did you have some real challenges this year?RelationshipsHow success were you this year, in the area of relationships? A, B or C?Family Life - Parenting - ChildrenAnd,

how was your family life? Did you experience a lot of happiness,

medium or too many difficulties in these all-important areas?SpiritualityAnd,

finally, how was your spiritual life this last year? Either you felt a

lot of growth, spiritually or only a medium amount, or a chronic sense

of alarm, or disappointment on a deep, spiritual level?These

questions, as some of you obviously now, relate to the success,

strength and the happiness of some of the important houses in our

charts. Their success, depends upon the issues or realities in these

houses, which can help you focus now, on what you wish was better and

improved.NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS!Now, comes the fun part!Wherever

you answered B or C and wherever you experienced any challenges,

frustrations or disappointments, these are just Nature showing you,

where you could benefit from putting more attention on improving those

parts of your Astrology, DIRECLY responsible for each of these areas!When,

I make my New Year's Resolutions, I'm going to focus on putting even

more attention this next year, on especially, those planets responsible

for what I wish was better!For improving Self-confidence, work on your Sun!For improving emotional happiness and stability, work on your Moon!For better clarity of mind, put attention on your Mercury!For more happiness on a heart level, definitely put attention on Venus.For resolving any challenges with disagrreements or conflicts, look to Mars!For growth of any spiriutal quality, definitely enliven your Jupiter, this net year!For

any and all health problems, disappointments, frustrations, and

especially such things as losses, grief, suffering of all kinds, even

depression, GO RIGHT AWAY, to Saturn! If Jupiter is the right-hand of

God, Saturn is the Left-Hand!For all obsessive, compulsive or addictive tendencies, look to stregthen Rahu!And,for All health problems look to your Saturn, and 6th & 8th houses.For all challenges with children, look to Jupiter and your 5th House.For any difficulties in marriage or partnerships, look to your 7th House.For all career challenges, primarily look to the 10th House.For ALL financial woes, look to the 3 money Houses, 11th, 12th & 2nd.For all addictive tendencies and frustrations, look to improving your Rahu!And, finally...For ALL spiriutal difficulties, look to your 9th and 12th Houes.Most people comment that New Year's Resolutions, hardly ever get fulfilled!What

a sad, phenomena, that we can't understand why we're not fulfilling

ourselves in important and significant way. But, Astrology, is really,

the utlimate self-improvement technology! There is no philosophy, no

system of self-development that is more profound at helping us grow and

achieve, than our own personal Map of God, for ourselves!Here's

hoping, that all of us, gain the ability to figure out the real basis

of all of our earthly challenges, Fix those planetary influences that

are truly responsible, and have such unparalled growth, progress and

prosperity this next year, and forever, in to our future!Jai GuruSincerely,Mark KincaidPS: If you'd like to get any feedback from me, as to some of your answers to thiswonderful Year in Review, New Year's Resolutions, feel free to pop this email, right back to me.






Astrology Feedback & Survey



we 'both' look into this next year, I would appreciate your feedback as

to what I can do, to best serve you, this up-coming year! Please spend

a few minutes filling this survey out and pop it into the mail to me.

I wil use this feedback, especially, in deciding which books or

prodoucts to create and finish, primarily for you!Please identify the areas of your life that you wish were better!Career _________Finances ________Health __________Family Life ________Relationships ______Making Money _____Spirituality ________When you click on 'reply' you WILL be able to make changes, and make commentsor suggestions for both your self and to send back to me!There

are 3 areas of our Astrology, that are literally responsible, for each

and every aspect of our lives. #1 we have our charts, which represent

our human natures, personality and even 'level of consciousness'. This

is the main aspect of our Astrology that we should be especially

intimate with and concerned about being the most well-developed!The

other two main areas of our Astrology are the influences from the Stars

each day, called the Transits, and the consequences of our karmas or

actions, comingback to us, especially, emotionally, as described in our Dasas.Please now identify which of these parts of your chart, is the most important to you,and where you'd like more help, guidance, or learning.Also, we could list "Predictions" as a 4th aspect of our Astrology.We

can look into our Futures and 'see' what positive and negative karmas

will be on our Horizons! So, mention if you'd like more insight into

this area of Predictions.Finally, I'd love so feedback from you all, as to what you've liked the most from what we've already been creating.1) How have you enjoyed the Season's of the Stars - Transits - CalendarsHow would you like these to be changed or improved?2)

How have you enjoyed the personal Chart readings that you've received

in the past. One new thing I hope to have set up soon, is to make a

more modeern MP3or computer generated file or recording, which can immediately be sent to you, viayour email or web addresses.*) Any other comments about any of our Nature's Astrology products or servicesyou've received?a)

Transit Reports - We're thinking about creating some monthly, weekly or

daily Transit reports that will be personaly tailored to each person's

Rising Sign, in the future, if there's enough interest.b)

Monthly Progress Reports - We've also, recently created some very

inexpensive, follow up, or monthly progres reports that contain a very

brief, 10 or 15 minute reading, to keep you in touch with how you're

doing, and especially monitor what previous suggestions and remedies

that you've received from the past.c) Remedies - Remedial MeasuresIn

the future one thought is to create some very extensive, and detailed,

descriptions of many wonderful and profound remedies and remedial

measures that can be done for each Planet and each Area of the life.Please, make a note, if these are interesting to you, to receive.d)

Astrological Courses: We've taught a number of astrological courses in

the past. Which one's did you enjoy the most? And, what would you

like to see, in the future? We can do day courses. We could do week

long, monthly and even year long, wherever there's the interest.e) Tapes, CD's, all media productions.f)

New Books: These are some of the future books I've been thinking about

and working on. Any of these, seem particularly interesting to you?"Map

of God" is one that I've been working on a lot. This shows how each of

our Spiritual Paths are right there, in our Astrology charts. We can

actually, improve our path to God, by learning 1) how our unique Map of

God, works, and 2) we can get closer to God, by stimulating those

aspects of our charts that deals specifically with Spirituality. These

include primarily our Jupiter, Saturn, 9th & 12th Houses."You

Will Be Your Own Best Astrologer" The 'other' main book I've been

working on for awhile now, is a very deep and comprehensive guide, that

actually, helps people learn their own charts. This book, not only

includes a very thorough description of all of the most important

aspects of Astrology, but also includes an actual step by step

instruction as to how to learn your own chart. This book, also,

includes many, descriptions of how other people already have benefited

from both studying their charts and applying the practical Remedies and

Remedial Measures of Astrology, to their lives.We've included many of the actual words, of over 500 people that were interviewed about their Astrology over the last 3 years!"Season's

of the Stars" books and Especially, a new one titled: "2012! It's

Coming Sooner, than you Think!" This book would be at least a 3 year

description of the Transits for say, the years 2010, 2011, 2012 and

2013. With millions of people already interested in this so-called

dreaded 2012, that's supposed to be coming, it would be really great to

show how the future is intimately tied up in what the actual stars wil

be doing!"The Purpose of Life is Soul Growth" I've been

writing awhile in this theme of how our lives are really all about our

'Soul Growth'! This book, shows how our charts describe the exact

areas of our souls or personalities that we've come to work on and grow

in."Planet Earth - Nobody Gets Out Alive." This book is all

about the importance of Saturn and exactly how to get more in-tune with

Him!"Dharma vs. Survival" This book has to do with the fact

that in each person's life, and chart, there are two pirmary

realities. There's How to make a living, in our charts, and what our

deeper, true, life purpose or Dharma is. Learning how to be more

in-tune with both of these realities can give great clarity and help to

our lives.Anyway, you get the idea. I have ideas on books on

Family Life, and parenting. I also, have a powerful book on

Relationships, how Compatibitlity and Skill are the two most important

aspects of all relationships including romantic and marriage.Books

on health would also be extremely important. The exact health

situation, that we're all going through is right there in our star

charts!g) Astrological Research: We've done quite a

bit of astrolgoical research over the last three years, so I'm hoping

to keep that up, and even do some very even more scientific

astrological study. If you're interested in this, be sure to let me

know.10) E-Magazine: One product I've been working on this

last month is on a Monthly Nature's Astrology e-magazine that will have

2 or 3 major, important articles each month, as well as a Monthly,

Transits article on the month ahead. There would also be a monthly

article on one of the 10 basic planets. So, in a year, you'd get a

much more indepth appreciation of all the planets. Also, there would

be a very practical: "How to Do Astrology - More Profoudly" article

each month. And, finally therer would bea monthy Questions &

Answers Column to receive and answer any one's questions. Look for a

sample of this e-magazine to come out very soon, in the next 2 days!11) Remedies & Remedial Measures. There are 2 main aspects of Astrology.#1

there's the fact, that our charts fit us! I all this the

Self-Understanding part of Astrology. We all, will get a tremendous

advantage by knowing our charts more deeply. However, the most

important and previously least undersood aspect is in terms of our

Self-Development. In other words, no only do our charts describe,

'who' we are, But, they also have the exact remedies and remedial

suggestions, knowledge and wisdom, so that we can BECOME literally, the

perons, that we're meant to become! This is obviously, infinitely more

valuable than just knowing that our charts fit us. And, it's really

too bad, that this area of Astrology has been so neglected, ineffectual

or non-existent in Astrology, for perhaps thousands of years.Fortunately, today, this great facet of Astrology, is finally blooming and propering!12)

World's First New Age, Multi-Level System One of the things I noticed

over the last few years was just how debilitating, recessions and

down-sized financial times are for everyone. As a result, I thought of

creating the worlds' first new age, Multi-level business that would set

up a distributor system so everyone could grow in financial wealth,

even as they're growing within their own charts and

self-understanding. Be sure, to look out for this, in the next few

months.13) In-Residence Astrological Study We've recently

found a possibility of an in-residence astrological home or building

that can be used for in-residence astrological study, learning and

classes. If you're, especially, interested in coming to Fairfield Iowa

and taking some personal classes, in-residence, LET ME KNOW ASAP.14)

Book Tours Soon, after especially our next 2 books come out, we'll

plan another world tour, to promote this great work. If you'd like to

be included in this tour, whether you're in Europe, South America or

Asia, be sure to let me know! I'm thinking, practially, next Fall,

might be a good time.15) Over time, we're going to create

seminars and teaching tools, phamphlets and books to bring this great

kowledge to really, every aspect of life. There will be books on

parenting, and child rearing. There will be guides to life-education.

There will be books on how to move towards one's ideal career and

relationships or marriage. There will be practical tools on how to

make more money and there will be books on improving health, and

spirituality.15) Teacher Training And, finally, we're going

to need to train about 100 people in this fine art of Nature's

Astrology, so if you already have some expertize in this great field,

and would like to particpate in doign this kind of special Astrology,

be sure to let me know.16) Last year, I had video

recorded, by a professional company, 3 or 4 seminars I taught

physically, in-residence. Tell me if you have an interest in receiving

the finished CD's or tape recordings of these seminars?As you

can see, I'm pretty open to creating any and all, products, tools, and

services to help you, become the best person you were born to be, and

become the success in this world, that would make your life extrememely

satisfying and fulfilling.So, thank you very much for all your time and feedback here.Together,

we can create a better world, by appling this wonderful, more

Enlightened Astrology to our every day life, friends, and family.Jai GuruSincerely,Mark Kincaid
















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