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2-Janna and Prasad, re..... How to Speak the Sweet Truth!

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Janna, See below....jnanalynn <jnanalynnseasons_of_the_stars Sent: Fri, January 22, 2010 9:48:25 AM[seasons_of_the_stars] Re: 2-Janna and Prasad, re..... Mars, Saturn, Rahu....and....well everything! h



Some good advice, thanks, Mark. I do have your chart but had forgotten that you have Mars in Cancer too.


I did "lash out" defensively in anger just after the Mars station in December, so I understand what you mean when you say:


"So, be stronger Janna. Do what you think is right. Just know too, that in the first, even being debilitated, there is a tendency to as you said, lash out, so don't do that either!"


And I agree that it is important (and very, very tricky) to try to come from a place of my own truth without being too confrontational. ("Tricky, really, how to stand up, more, but NOT be too Marish! at the same time").I've found these type of 'tricky' situation in my chart, as well as many others.So, they're tricky, because sometimes we need to simultaneously, stand up in some way,but at the same moment, NOT! So, I learned how to stand up for myself, but not be so Marish. For example, in that Mars of mine, I am supposed to stand up for myself! But, my Mars, is also, NOT supposed to be in the 10th house. In other words, I also learned to completely NOT flow through the Mars, so much! Instead, my chart, helped me get in touch with the deeper truth that there are much more positive ways in which I can flow with the 10th house

of public and career.I learned that the deeper, more positive energy in my 10th was that very sweet, nourishing and loving, motherly Cancer energy. You too will benefit by getting more in-touch with that. In other words, your Mars/Cancer transtit there is just a fiery, phenomenal reality.Soon, it'll be gone and you'll wonder where it went! hehe For me, I've had to learn to always, stop flowing through that Mars.Which was tricky too, because mars is so well suited to be in the 10th. But, the more I learned to flow more, through my Mars, the more positive responses I got back from life.Sure, I use my good Mars energy to be dynamic, enthuiastic, and even crusading orienting,but for me, personally, that Cancer side is much more positive! I spoke my piece with poison in true Ashlesha-Bharani fashion, then withdrew in my

Cancerian shell for a month (where I remain, slightly uneasy but at least secure, peering out of my shell from time to time to see if it is clear to venture out!). Well, here's another good example. Getting swooped up to speak with 'poison' is not obviously the best way. And, as a result, you felt, naturally to retreat for a month. So, oncewe learn to speak our truth and stand our ground, then, we won't have to lash out.And this is where I wonder if I will remain at least until Mars turns direct (at 6* conjunct my SUN) on March 10. But it seems that my strategy is to try to strengthen my position during this retrograde, as you suggest, so that I can take right(eous) action to defend my cause in the spring (and hopefully find a better housing situation when Mars enters Leo. It is becoming a very long transit of Mars in Cancer. This relatively, yes, very long Mars/Cancer transit is ideal for working on our Mars's!I would think this might be affecting your career similarly in some way, especially with the retrograde? Actually, my career has never been more positive and expanding. I don't feel the debilitating influences much any more, thank God! I remember what Yogananda said one time when asked about how to deal with so-called debilitating times or circumstances.He said: "Find me the worst day in my up-coming year's chart, and I! will accomlpishanything on that day!"I just love that expression. That's become my motto, that indeed, anything and everythingis possible, all the time.but, of course, learning to listen to Saturn, will help us know when and where we need torest and go more slowly! too.

Like you, I also have a waning (small) moon (but also somewhat Marish in Aries), so unfortunately I am often thrown off-balance by some of these major transits; but I am reading your transits commentaries even more closely these days, and find some insights that correlate with my experiences of the transits. More to reflect upon today and the weekend with (as it turns out) the first quarter Aries Moon coinciding with my lunar return too).

Once we recognize that these Transits are always going to be there to help us, as Prasadsaid, to self-improve than we can take more great advantage from them.But, yes, having your Moon in Aries, will incline you to be more Marish too. I have anotherdear friend who has her Mars in Cancer with Moon in Aries too, and she has learned a lotthis last year how to be both, more self-assertive, (due to Mars/Cancer) and yet, not soMarish due to a naturally inclined Marish Moon in Aries!Jai Guru!Mark

Om hum srim mangalaya namah




seasons_of_the_ stars@ s.com, Mark Kincaid <kincaidmark@ ...> wrote:


> Hi Janna, How's it going! See below....





> ____________ _________ _________ __

> jnanalynn <jnanalynn@. ..>

> seasons_of_the_ stars@ s.com

> Fri, January 22, 2010 8:27:24 AM

> [seasons_of_ the_stars] Re: 2-Prasad, re. How can I NOT feel bad! (Debilitated Mars)



> To Mark and Prasad,

> I have been following this dialogue because as a Cancer lagna, Mars is RX in my first house too and is also 4th from my Moon (Aries-Bharani) and aspects my 4th house. I vacillate between intense anger over my domestic situation (a house share with very incompatible energy) and despondence because I do not know how to change it and wonder if it has to continue through the transit of Mars in Cancer (it has intensified in acrimony since the Mars Rx station); as a result I am bitter and impatient most of the time. I think, like Prasad, Mars is yogakaraka in my chart too (natally in H2, 25*), so it is frustrating to feel "held back" by this weakened Mars warrior.


> Janna, Having Mars in Cancer in my original birth chart, I have a lot that I can contribute here, as well! hehe


> What I've especially learned about Mars/Cancer, is that one is supposed to stand up more for one self!


> So, you're meant to be stronger, especially now.!


> The fact, that Mars is weak, is only about the outer influences. We can still be strong on the inside!


> All of my life, I found myself attracted to those situations and circumstances where I could grow!


> I always, loved westerns and shoot em ups, movies. I loved everything to do with war, with fighting!


> Then, when I learned Astrology I saw why I liked those. They, put me in touch with that part of me that's supposed

> to be stronger, to stand up and fight! for both myself and others.


> But, like you said, about Mars being also doshic or imbalanced too either in your first house, or mine in the 10th,

> I'd often go too fast, and have accidents! So, I've learned to stand up for myself and yet, be less Marish, too, at the

> same very time!


> For example, one time, I was doing this re-modeling work for some friends of mine. They had me paint their home,

> and so I told them they could hire me by the hour or by the job. They asked me the advantages and disadvantages of

> both, so I told them. They hired me by the job, and yet, at the end, after doing this bang up job, they came to me,

> and said this: "Eh, we really loved your work. You did such a great job, ... but, now, we're wondering, it went so

> well, we're wondering if we could pay you less!"


> I, of course, was flabergasted. All of my career life, I strived to do excellent work! I prided myself on doing a fabulous

> job, and NOW, to be told that I deserved less money, I was aghast! But, then, I remembered this part of my chart,

> where I tend to be taken advantage of, just because I'm so easy going here.


> So, I stood up for myself, I said: "You know we already discussed this. You asked me what the advantages and dis-

> advatages of the job by the hour vs. the job would be. And, now, you can't punish me because the job went so well!


> I finally said: "Look, how would you have reacted if it hadn't gone so well and I had come to you and said, I needed

> more money?Oh, we wouldn't have liked that!" they said. "Exactly, so now, you can't fault me, for the job going

> so well!"


> Anyway, they paid me. But, it was excrutiatingly difficult for me to go through this. They were some good friends.

> I was worried that it would damage our relationship. And, in fact, it did, for about a year. Every time we'd see each

> other, there was this 'tension' in the air. But, you know what happened?


> After about a year, it went back to normal, and yet, now, I felt this new respect they had for me, just because I

> spoke up, more for myself!


> So, be stronger Janna. Do what you think is right. Just know too, that in the first, even being debilitated, there

> is a tendency to as you said, lash out, so don't do that either!


> Tricky, really, how to stand up, more, but NOT be too Marish! at the same time.



> I have also felt a strong Rahu influence and on January 20, the transiting Capricorn Sun opposed my natal Cancer Sun, as well, and I had an all-day headache, so with the continual agitation in my environment, the peace of the Moon often eludes me, especially when Rahu aspects the Moon.

> We always need to realize that if we're the type of person, who's generally being assaulted or moved off our center,

> due to these kinds of transits, we need to cotinually realize we need to continue developing ourselves, internally.


> I'm sure this is one of the main reasons why I've made such a life long! study of them, Just because I, too, needed

> to become stronger within. And, every year that went by, especially, when I put attention on always being stronger

> and stronger, within, eventually I became more and more immune to what the stars are doing!


> I am, so much less negatively affected today, than I was even a year or two ago. So, each day and month that we

> strive to be more in-tune with ourselves and the universe, we will become stronger!



> Any suggestions? And Prasad, if you want to exchange birth data, please let me know. I am in JU ME JU dasa, but I don't think that TR Jupiter in House 8 is helping me at this time (although I am also not sure). But since we are both experiencing the transits in the same houses, it may be advantageous to exchange notes:


> July 22, 1946 6:56 AM Salt Lake City, Utah, USA (Ashlesha asc; Bharani Moon; Pushya Sun).

> See above for my suggestions for Mars transiting the first, even for Cancer rising individuals.


> Ciao


> And, good luck!


> Mark


> Jai Guru

> Regards,

> Janna


> seasons_of_the_ stars@ s.com, "Joe Tisch!" <kincaidmark@ ...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > I guess one needs the star's help too for growth & when they are

> > inimical ..........?

> >

> >

> > Exactly! The fact is, we've always lived in a star-studded astrological

> > reality!

> >

> > Only, most of the time, people don't have a clue what that means, or

> > what is going

> > to be the individual influences of each day.

> >

> > But, that's what I love the most about these Transits, that they give

> > deep insight and

> > wisdom! as to what's going to be going on!

> >

> > It's a great science of Astrology.

> >

> > I've in fact, learned more Astrology from watching the stars every day,

> > than any

> > book I've ever read. Nature is living, breathing Astrology at every

> > moment, and

> > when we put up the 'lens' of Astrology to the goings on, each day, we

> > will see the

> > unmistakable 'star' hand in our experiences. ...

> >

> > So, YES, we can benefit from knowing what the 'stars' will be doing!

> >

> > We can circumnavigate the days better, like the most powerful weather

> > channel,

> > known to man! We can even use these Stars to grow!

> >

> > We will discover in our own, unique positive and negative experiences

> > each day,

> > EXACTLY where we're tender, and where we're strong. Where we have our

> > good and great days, this is nature confirming that we're doing well!

> >

> > Where we're feeling rough, out of sorts, and literally, ANY negativity,

> > these then,

> > are days, where Nature is telling us, we could benefit from growing!

> >

> > And, interesting enough, those exact days of our discomfort are always

> > related to

> > particular planets! So, we get upset with Saturn, like in the last 2

> > days, and that's

> > nature and Saturn telling us we could benefit from a great attunement

> > with Sani!

> >

> > Your, being able to zero in on your present situation of debilitted Mars

> > going

> > through your first house, is nature's way of showing you, YOU could

> > benefit from

> > becoming more in balance, with your Mars!

> >

> >

> >

> > Mark

> >


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