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2-Karen, re....:The Daily 'Word' - For Friday, January 22nd, 2010

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Mark, I had a superior productive day today!




Hi, Karen....Wonderful! Amazing isn't it, to be able to predict ahead! I still marvel at it, even after all these years.


So, fascinating to think, that these transits were written over a year ago, (In the Season's of the Stars books) and yet, they

still end up being exceptionally accurate!


Thanks for sharing!

Sincerely,Mark PS: For those of you who would like to receive the new Nature's Astrology newsletter, (see below) join up here:http://visitor.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?m=1102474607250 & p=oi

Karen Keefe <karen.keefekincaidmarkSent: Fri, January 22, 2010 6:53:03 PMRe: The Daily 'Word' - For Friday, January 22nd, 2010

I had a superior productive day today!--- On Thu, 1/21/10, Nature's Astrology <kincaidmark wrote:

Nature's Astrology <kincaidmarkThe Daily 'Word' - For Friday, January 22nd, 2010karen.keefeDate: Thursday, January 21, 2010, 6:10 PM
























Daily Word From the Stars






The Stars Speak to Us Everyday Our Personal Planets Interpret Those 'words'!

Friday, January 22nd, 2010






In This Issue


The 'Daily Word' For Tomorrow!


Questions & Answers Column


NEW NATURE'S ASTROLOGY PROJECT; Integrating the Transits with our Dasas and Charts!





Quick Links



For All Chart or Astrological Products & Services

For Receving This Newsletter, More Regularly

Join This Winter's CoursesStarting Jan. 23rd:Map of God

New Nature'sAstrologyE-MagazineComing Soon!NEW 2010, Season's of the Stars - CourseInterested in Jyotish Research? Click Here






Dear Karen,

(Re-sending tonite, after fixing a couple of typos)

Well, today, the 21st many people still felt that

heaviness and unique Saturn influence upon their Moons. Though there

were many too, who felt good this day. The 2 extremes of Sani, ahh,

such a unique time.For me, I was unstressing a lot. Holed up,

in the Winter wonderland where I am, a big 'ball' of Sani, purification

started 'un-stressing' yesterday. Sani is the supreme PURIFIER!Tomorrow,

Friday, January 22nd, the Moon 'graduates' to the new sign of Aries.

Also, the Moon's almost 1/2 full so the next 7-10 days will be more

ideal to doing and accomplishing.Though to look at my winter

'scape' out my window, I don't want to do or go anywhere! I just

surrender to go into town to get food!



Mark KincaidSPECIAL

ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm back in Fairfield in January and will be having A


all of you, living in Fairfield. Stop by any time between 10 - 4pm!

Or callme at (641) 472-3004, if you'd like, or you need directions.I will be going back to Chicago, soon, so I'd love to seeyou if you're in town, before I go!PS:

If you would like to be able to calculate the Tranists, or charts, for

your self and need some Astrology or Jyotish calculating software,

contact me. I am a distributor for Parashar's Light and can get you a

special 'demo' version for just 20$! The full version costs 300$.Jai Guru!






Daily Word for Friday, January 22th

"MovementInSaturn Silence"

Tomorrow, the Moon moves into Aries, which will be quite a shift over the last few days.The

'stuck' quality of Saturn from yesterday and Wednesday, will give way

to a clearer sky, and inner Aries drive to do and move. Hopefully, the

Saturnesque Winter quality will support!Today, see if you don't

get more done and feel more outward. I know a lot of people felt

extremely rough during the last 2 days. There were however, a number

of people who on the other hand, had a lot of bliss during this most

recent Saturn influence.What peole don't, generally, understand

about Saturn, is that 'He' is the main planet that teaches us the

importance and priority of silence.We take a step, and if we don't 'plant' that same foot, well, then we can slip and fall.That

delicious Jupiter, expansive foot, for a moment, becomes a silent and

unseen, though all-important Saturn step! It plants, it stabilizes us,

and as a result of its steadiness, we move ahead. In that next moment

we move ahead, which is our ecstatic joy, but hardly ever giving due,

to that previous, all-important Saturn, secure step.Hail Sani! for his unseen and much underappreciated role in life.But, always listen to his prompts, because he wants his due, as well.They say, from 35 and onward, the natural Saturn period of life kicks in.After

kicking around for 10 or 15 years, as young adults we've finally got

enough experience that we're no longer willing to strain or work so

hard. We now, realize the importance of taking better care of

ourselves and all our health needs.Today, Saturn eases off, so

we can get away with more now. Though don't forget, the 'next' Saturn

step, will catch us, if we've swayed too far off, the balanced path.You should however, get more supported over the next few days, with Mars/Aries

support.Don't forget, keep those questions coming in.EnjoyJai Sani!Sincerely,Mark KincaidHow are you enjoying these Daily Transit, reports!Let us know.





Questions & Answers Column:

Again, we heard from many today, with both extremes of Saturn' positive and negative effects.This

time let's hear from Anthony in Fairfield, Iowa and then, from Rhoda,

in India. Then, we'll finish up with Terry in Southern California."So,

Anthony, how you feeling yesterday and today?" "I'm having some very

rough days." "Anthony, just keep remembering tht these are purifying

days because of Saturn! And, like finally catching up with more sleep,

you wiil feel better!'Terry:"Mark, we're having some

wild weather here, in suny California!" "Ya, how so?" "It's been

raining so much that all the streets are flooded and the water almost

swallowed up my car!' "And, have you been feeling internally?" "Eh,

I've been feeling kind of low. I thought it was because I was worried

about getting through these flooded streets. But, now I realize that

it's because of the Transits.""And, don't you feel that this is important, good

news, you know, instead of not understanding where these feeings come

from?" "Yes, yes, I'm sure you're right.""I'll tell you a good rule of thumb about the Transits. What I've noticed is there is a direct correlation between the outer weather, and our internal weather!When

it's raining, overcast, and generally, miserable 'out there', you can

be sure that this correlates very perfectly with that same kind of

'roughness' on the inside, or in terms of the planets."And, finally, from Rhoda:Rhoda:"Mark,

I've felt absoltely wonderful the last few days. Though I have to

admit that some people around me are feeling a tad bizarre." "Why do

you think this is, Rhoda?" "I'm sure its because I've been wtching

the Transits so long now, that they're almost becming second nature to

me!""That's wonderful! I can't tell you how it warms my

heart to hear of others, making such good progress against the negative

stars!""Well, it wasn't always like this. I often well much

more rough during these kinds of Transtis. But, now, it's such a

pleasure to find myself, shifting with the stars more easily. And,

thank you again, for helping us keep aware to the Stars' movements."Questions and Answers from Yesterday:Today

we heard some a wide range of experiences from people as the Moon

'collided' with Saturn. In such times, it's especially possible to

experience the whole range of Saturn's positive and negative

influences, of course depending on how balanced or settled our internal

Saturn sense, is doing.First, let's hear from Laura in Chicago.Owner of a floral design business, she actually had a really 'good' Saturn


Mark, I really felt much better today. Though from your description of

the Transits, yesterday I was a little worried about today.""Laura,

well, now you know that Mars and Ketu's cycles aren't quite as benefic

or positive for you as your Saturn. And, for me, this makes total

sense because you do have that Exalted Saturn in Libra in your original

birth chart.""I'm beginning to get that. So, thank you for this wonderful mirror of the stars!"And, also from Amy in the Eastern U.S we hear:"Wow... I must be doing good with finally making friends with Saturn... I do feel great today as well as peaceful and serene.""Good job, Amy, well done!"Though

in Amy's case, her experience is due, more to developing an improved

relationship with Saturn. For Laura, she was just born with that great

Saturn balance!And, finally, let's hear from Dr. Prasad, in India, who's

experiencing some of the less than positive side of this Saturn transit."Mark,

I have two malefics, one in my 12th house and another in my 5th,

retrograde and 6th from venus, and a temporary enemy! How could I feel

better!""Dear Dr. Prasad. And, this is exactly my

point. These uncomfortable, distressing affects from the stars, are

not just something inevitable, from the outside, but indicative of

where we could benefit from interior growth. All the transits will put

us better in touch with how all our planets are doing.Than, we can resolve to practice important remedies until those planets are more balanced and well developed.So, even though you're obviously uncomfortable with these present transits, just know they don't have to always be this way!"






New Nature's Astrology Project:

Uniting the Transits With Our Charts & Dasas

So, if you feel more familiar and comfortable with pretty much

what's coming to you in the outer, maybe now, you might be interested

in uniting the Transits with the rest of our astrological nature's.What

I like to do is keep a brief journal next to be bed before sleep. I'll

just make a vew notes and especialy recording when I feel 'good' and

when I don't.Now, you might like to see if other influences

don't start to come now. In other words, what doesn't seem to fit the

'days' Trnsits, write those experiences down, and then, we'll see if

something more subtle, perhaps even in our Dasas, has shifted and is

definitely cuaing us our upset-ness.Good job thought!JAI GURU!










15 MinuteSpecial Reading For ...


forget, if you ordered the 2010 Season's of the Stars, book, you 'll

get again this year, another free 15 minute reading. Call or email me

to schedule,








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This email was sent to karen.keefe by kincaidmark.

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Email Marketing by

Nature's Astrology | P.O. Box 371 | Fairfield | IA | 52556

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Just wanted to mention that Retrograde Mars is delivering some lollapaloozas to those of us whose natal planets it's aspecting right now. I'll be happy when it goes direct, on or around Mar. 10. My oldest son has it backwards squaring his Sun, opposing his Moon, and he was in a car accident 2 days ago. It's squaring my Venus, which is my 5th house (children) ruler. The list goes on. Has anyone else had any experiences with this?






On Behalf Of Mark KincaidFriday, January 22, 2010 6:48 PM1 Cc: Subject: 2-Karen, re....:The Daily 'Word' - For Friday, January 22nd, 2010



Mark, I had a superior productive day today!Karen...Hi, Karen....Wonderful! Amazing isn't it, to be able to predict ahead! I still marvel at it, even after all these years.So, fascinating to think, that these transits were written over a year ago, (In the Season's of the Stars books) and yet, theystill end up being exceptionally accurate!Thanks for sharing!Sincerely,Mark PS: For those of you who would like to receive the new Nature's Astrology newsletter, (see below) join up here:http://visitor.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?m=1102474607250 & p=oi




Karen Keefe <karen.keefe >kincaidmark Sent: Fri, January 22, 2010 6:53:03 PMRe: The Daily 'Word' - For Friday, January 22nd, 2010




I had a superior productive day today!--- On Thu, 1/21/10, Nature's Astrology <kincaidmark > wrote:

Nature's Astrology <kincaidmark >The Daily 'Word' - For Friday, January 22nd, 2010karen.keefe Date: Thursday, January 21, 2010, 6:10 PM
























Daily Word From the Stars






The Stars Speak to Us Everyday Our Personal Planets Interpret Those 'words'!

Friday, January 22nd, 2010






In This Issue


The 'Daily Word' For Tomorrow!


Questions & Answers Column


NEW NATURE'S ASTROLOGY PROJECT; Integrating the Transits with our Dasas and Charts!





Quick Links



For All Chart or Astrological Products & Services

For Receving This Newsletter, More Regularly

Join This Winter's CoursesStarting Jan. 23rd:Map of God

New Nature'sAstrologyE-MagazineComing Soon!NEW 2010, Season's of the Stars - CourseInterested in Jyotish Research? Click Here






Dear Karen,

(Re-sending tonite, after fixing a couple of typos)

Well, today, the 21st many people still felt that heaviness and unique Saturn influence upon their Moons. Though there were many too, who felt good this day. The 2 extremes of Sani, ahh, such a unique time.For me, I was unstressing a lot. Holed up, in the Winter wonderland where I am, a big 'ball' of Sani, purification started 'un-stressing' yesterday. Sani is the supreme PURIFIER!Tomorrow, Friday, January 22nd, the Moon 'graduates' to the new sign of Aries. Also, the Moon's almost 1/2 full so the next 7-10 days will be more ideal to doing and accomplishing.Though to look at my winter 'scape' out my window, I don't want to do or go anywhere! I just surrender to go into town to get food!



Mark KincaidSPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm back in Fairfield in January and will be having A SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S CELEBRATION/ GET TOGETHER AT 2153 N. B. STREET for all of you, living in Fairfield. Stop by any time between 10 - 4pm! Or callme at (641) 472-3004, if you'd like, or you need directions.I will be going back to Chicago, soon, so I'd love to seeyou if you're in town, before I go!PS: If you would like to be able to calculate the Tranists, or charts, for your self and need some Astrology or Jyotish calculating software, contact me. I am a distributor for Parashar's Light and can get you a special 'demo' version for just 20$! The full version costs 300$.Jai Guru!






Daily Word for Friday, January 22th

"MovementInSaturn Silence"

Tomorrow, the Moon moves into Aries, which will be quite a shift over the last few days.The 'stuck' quality of Saturn from yesterday and Wednesday, will give way to a clearer sky, and inner Aries drive to do and move. Hopefully, the Saturnesque Winter quality will support!Today, see if you don't get more done and feel more outward. I know a lot of people felt extremely rough during the last 2 days. There were however, a number of people who on the other hand, had a lot of bliss during this most recent Saturn influence.What peole don't, generally, understand about Saturn, is that 'He' is the main planet that teaches us the importance and priority of silence.We take a step, and if we don't 'plant' that same foot, well, then we can slip and fall.That delicious Jupiter, expansive foot, for a moment, becomes a silent and unseen, though all-important Saturn step! It plants, it stabilizes us, and as a result of its steadiness, we move ahead. In that next moment we move ahead, which is our ecstatic joy, but hardly ever giving due, to that previous, all-important Saturn, secure step.Hail Sani! for his unseen and much underappreciated role in life.But, always listen to his prompts, because he wants his due, as well.They say, from 35 and onward, the natural Saturn period of life kicks in.After kicking around for 10 or 15 years, as young adults we've finally got enough experience that we're no longer willing to strain or work so hard. We now, realize the importance of taking better care of ourselves and all our health needs.Today, Saturn eases off, so we can get away with more now. Though don't forget, the 'next' Saturn step, will catch us, if we've swayed too far off, the balanced path.You should however, get more supported over the next few days, with Mars/Aries support.Don't forget, keep those questions coming in.EnjoyJai Sani!Sincerely,Mark KincaidHow are you enjoying these Daily Transit, reports!Let us know.





Questions & Answers Column:

Again, we heard from many today, with both extremes of Saturn' positive and negative effects.This time let's hear from Anthony in Fairfield, Iowa and then, from Rhoda, in India. Then, we'll finish up with Terry in Southern California."So, Anthony, how you feeling yesterday and today?" "I'm having some very rough days." "Anthony, just keep remembering tht these are purifying days because of Saturn! And, like finally catching up with more sleep, you wiil feel better!'Terry:"Mark, we're having some wild weather here, in suny California!" "Ya, how so?" "It's been raining so much that all the streets are flooded and the water almost swallowed up my car!' "And, have you been feeling internally?" "Eh, I've been feeling kind of low. I thought it was because I was worried about getting through these flooded streets. But, now I realize that it's because of the Transits.""And, don't you feel that this is important, good news, you know, instead of not understanding where these feeings come from?" "Yes, yes, I'm sure you're right.""I'll tell you a good rule of thumb about the Transits. What I've noticed is there is a direct correlation between the outer weather, and our internal weather!When it's raining, overcast, and generally, miserable 'out there', you can be sure that this correlates very perfectly with that same kind of 'roughness' on the inside, or in terms of the planets."And, finally, from Rhoda:Rhoda:"Mark, I've felt absoltely wonderful the last few days. Though I have to admit that some people around me are feeling a tad bizarre." "Why do you think this is, Rhoda?" "I'm sure its because I've been wtching the Transits so long now, that they're almost becming second nature to me!""That's wonderful! I can't tell you how it warms my heart to hear of others, making such good progress against the negative stars!""Well, it wasn't always like this. I often well much more rough during these kinds of Transtis. But, now, it's such a pleasure to find myself, shifting with the stars more easily. And, thank you again, for helping us keep aware to the Stars' movements."Questions and Answers from Yesterday:Today we heard some a wide range of experiences from people as the Moon 'collided' with Saturn. In such times, it's especially possible to experience the whole range of Saturn's positive and negative influences, of course depending on how balanced or settled our internal Saturn sense, is doing.First, let's hear from Laura in Chicago.Owner of a floral design business, she actually had a really 'good' Saturn day."Wow, Mark, I really felt much better today. Though from your description of the Transits, yesterday I was a little worried about today.""Laura, well, now you know that Mars and Ketu's cycles aren't quite as benefic or positive for you as your Saturn. And, for me, this makes total sense because you do have that Exalted Saturn in Libra in your original birth chart.""I'm beginning to get that. So, thank you for this wonderful mirror of the stars!"And, also from Amy in the Eastern U.S we hear:"Wow... I must be doing good with finally making friends with Saturn... I do feel great today as well as peaceful and serene.""Good job, Amy, well done!"Though in Amy's case, her experience is due, more to developing an improved relationship with Saturn. For Laura, she was just born with that great Saturn balance!And, finally, let's hear from Dr. Prasad, in India, who's experiencing some of the less than positive side of this Saturn transit."Mark, I have two malefics, one in my 12th house and another in my 5th, retrograde and 6th from venus, and a temporary enemy! How could I feel better!""Dear Dr. Prasad. And, this is exactly my point. These uncomfortable, distressing affects from the stars, are not just something inevitable, from the outside, but indicative of where we could benefit from interior growth. All the transits will put us better in touch with how all our planets are doing.Than, we can resolve to practice important remedies until those planets are more balanced and well developed.So, even though you're obviously uncomfortable with these present transits, just know they don't have to always be this way!"






New Nature's Astrology Project:

Uniting the Transits With Our Charts & Dasas

So, if you feel more familiar and comfortable with pretty much what's coming to you in the outer, maybe now, you might be interested in uniting the Transits with the rest of our astrological nature's.What I like to do is keep a brief journal next to be bed before sleep. I'll just make a vew notes and especialy recording when I feel 'good' and when I don't.Now, you might like to see if other influences don't start to come now. In other words, what doesn't seem to fit the 'days' Trnsits, write those experiences down, and then, we'll see if something more subtle, perhaps even in our Dasas, has shifted and is definitely cuaing us our upset-ness.Good job thought!JAI GURU!









15 MinuteSpecial Reading For ...

Don't forget, if you ordered the 2010 Season's of the Stars, book, you 'll get again this year, another free 15 minute reading. Call or email me to schedule,








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This email was sent to karen.keefe by kincaidmark .

Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUn™ | Privacy Policy.


Email Marketing by

Nature's Astrology | P.O. Box 371 | Fairfield | IA | 52556

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Hi Bettina,


I have been chaffing about Mars RX in Cancer, as Mark says on the Seasons of the

Stars list, as a Cancer lagna and Aries Moon because TR Mars is 4th from my Moon

and aspects my 4th house, and a housing situation I entered just before Mars

entered Cancer has been explosive and made me quite bitter (I posted the Ace of

Swords from the LotusCard site).


Like you, I am hoping to get through the next 6 weeks until Mars stations DX,

but I don't think I am being overly successful since I " blew up " when Mars

stationed RX on my asc (25*) and will station DX on my Sun (6*). My natal Mars

is in Leo, so I would have to " ziplock " my pent up anger for 6 months while Mars

goes into Leo after leaving Cancer (but at least will finally leave Cancer). I

am somewhat sulking in my Cancerian shell, biding time, and not much motivated

to engage with anyone. Now I am trying to remind myself not to buy into the

negative Mars energy, although it's very difficult. About 7 more weeks of this;

seems like a long time!



Om hum srim mangalaya namah

Om we bow down to Mars, Bearer of Welfare.




, " Bettina " <chiria wrote:


> Just wanted to mention that Retrograde Mars is delivering some lollapaloozas

> to those of us whose natal planets it's aspecting right now. I'll be happy

> when it goes direct, on or around Mar. 10. My oldest son has it backwards

> squaring his Sun, opposing his Moon, and he was in a car accident 2 days

> ago. It's squaring my Venus, which is my 5th house (children) ruler. The

> list goes on. Has anyone else had any experiences with this?



> ...Bettina


> _____



> On Behalf Of Mark Kincaid

> Friday, January 22, 2010 6:48 PM

> 1

> Cc:

> 2-Karen, re....:The Daily 'Word' - For Friday,

> January 22nd, 2010






> Mark, I had a superior productive day today!


> Karen...



> Hi, Karen....


> Wonderful! Amazing isn't it, to be able to predict ahead! I still marvel

> at it, even after all these years.


> So, fascinating to think, that these transits were written over a year ago,

> (In the Season's of the Stars books) and yet, they

> still end up being exceptionally accurate!


> Thanks for sharing!



> Sincerely,


> Mark


> PS: For those of you who would like to receive the new Nature's Astrology

> newsletter, (see below) join up here:


> http://visitor.

> <http://visitor.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?m=1102474607250 & p=oi>

> constantcontact.com/d.jsp?m=1102474607250 & p=oi




> _____


> Karen Keefe <karen.keefe

> kincaidmark

> Fri, January 22, 2010 6:53:03 PM

> Re: The Daily 'Word' - For Friday, January 22nd, 2010



> I had a superior productive day today!


> --- On Thu, 1/21/10, Nature's Astrology <kincaidmark wrote:





> Nature's Astrology <kincaidmark

> The Daily 'Word' - For Friday, January 22nd, 2010

> karen.keefe

> Thursday, January 21, 2010, 6:10 PM






> <http://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs003/1102474607250/img/8.jpg?a=110295

> 7730009>



> Daily Word From the Stars



> The Stars Speak to Us Everyday Our Personal Planets Interpret

> Those 'words'!

> Friday, January 22nd, 2010


> In This Issue


> <http://us.mc457.mail./mc/welcome?.gx=1 & .tm=1264163978 & .rand=flf7et

> 1ibqqf6#LETTER.BLOCK8> The 'Daily Word' For Tomorrow!


> <http://us.mc457.mail./mc/welcome?.gx=1 & .tm=1264163978 & .rand=flf7et

> 1ibqqf6#LETTER.BLOCK9> Questions & Answers Column


> <http://us.mc457.mail./mc/welcome?.gx=1 & .tm=1264163978 & .rand=flf7et


> Transits with our Dasas and Charts!


> Quick Links


> For All

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> g5FO6MqJWcgp9cUTEfI2TIdjE7PeerPSadAIG9azGiRwjeuSLSmB_cxqLExgVFlPZBViAhOtxadY

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> g5FO6MqJWcgp9cUTEfI2TIdjE7PeerPSadAIG9azGiRwjeuSLSmB_cxqLExgVFlPZBViAhOtxadY

> n4ONZNtyPG_UzRFPw==> :


> Map of

> <http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102957730009 & s=392 & e=001LZT1TRCHhPzm8IDVZ8YL4bt2Q

> DkTfaOoMumrGAfP6Ss87w2BGAuPxdZ-OiI0eYMjzXCv2jKw3FUlThf7jzahS57WeQzFW2wppTXe7

> 3CdAO0ivSCLi0hVJG2_oFCpJf41o3voX9RBFapLa0WlC-dph-cVb183h6K4> God



> New

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> h_Ra2dCR-Om1D4j3_LDryVZQppar3B3D9cCkkluWUZW6UCWKVpsj5_a-YX_> Nature's

> Astrology

> E-Magazine

> Coming Soon!


> NEW 2010,

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> QPcnpXHJfRdMhWwzkPAMEDRZD1Uzd1Nva8F7TQT2fmZ6lg6UTq1a1rvAPTr> Season's of the

> Stars - Course



> Interested

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> oM_in4TXDvv0BxokLCUiegbDDWdi7_yWdzF43cUgeL3BjjXAoDYT0UE0IvsX7B-yQ6b3iRNTAmiv

> 5NaPljKYVL1d7vVvrRMEKHoCeHwRH6lpJNEeg2kaK0J04O8zDRvaaR1qVbS> in Jyotish

> Research? Click Here






> Dear Karen,

> (Re-sending tonite, after fixing a couple of typos)




> Well, today, the 21st many people still felt that heaviness and unique

> Saturn influence upon their Moons. Though there were many too, who felt

> good this day. The 2 extremes of Sani, ahh, such a unique time.


> For me, I was unstressing a lot. Holed up, in the Winter wonderland where I

> am, a big 'ball' of Sani, purification started 'un-stressing' yesterday.

> Sani is the supreme PURIFIER!


> Tomorrow, Friday, January 22nd, the Moon 'graduates' to the new sign of

> Aries. Also, the Moon's almost 1/2 full so the next 7-10 days will be more

> ideal to doing and accomplishing.


> Though to look at my winter 'scape' out my window, I don't want to do or go

> anywhere! I just surrender to go into town to get food!



> <http://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs003/1102474607250/img/14.jpg?a=11029

> 57730009>



> Mark Kincaid





> SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm back in Fairfield in January and will be having A


> you, living in Fairfield. Stop by any time between 10 - 4pm! Or callme at

> (641) 472-3004, if you'd like, or you need directions.


> I will be going back to Chicago, soon, so I'd love to see

> you if you're in town, before I go!



> PS: If you would like to be able to calculate the Tranists, or charts, for

> your self and need some Astrology or Jyotish calculating software, contact

> me. I am a distributor for Parashar's Light and can get you a special

> 'demo' version for just 20$! The full version costs 300$.



> Jai Guru!



> 7730009> Daily Word for Friday, January 22th




> " Movement

> In

> Saturn


> Silence "





> Tomorrow, the Moon moves into Aries, which will be quite a shift over the

> last few days.


> The 'stuck' quality of Saturn from yesterday and Wednesday, will give way to

> a clearer sky, and inner Aries drive to do and move. Hopefully, the

> Saturnesque Winter quality will support!


> Today, see if you don't get more done and feel more outward. I know a lot

> of people felt extremely rough during the last 2 days. There were however,

> a number of people who on the other hand, had a lot of bliss during this

> most recent Saturn influence.


> What peole don't, generally, understand about Saturn, is that 'He' is the

> main planet that teaches us the importance and priority of silence.


> We take a step, and if we don't 'plant' that same foot, well, then we can

> slip and fall.


> That delicious Jupiter, expansive foot, for a moment, becomes a silent and

> unseen, though all-important Saturn step! It plants, it stabilizes us, and

> as a result of its steadiness, we move ahead. In that next moment we move

> ahead, which is our ecstatic joy, but hardly ever giving due, to that

> previous, all-important Saturn, secure step.


> Hail Sani! for his unseen and much underappreciated role in life.


> But, always listen to his prompts, because he wants his due, as well.


> They say, from 35 and onward, the natural Saturn period of life kicks in.


> After kicking around for 10 or 15 years, as young adults we've finally got

> enough experience that we're no longer willing to strain or work so hard.

> We now, realize the importance of taking better care of ourselves and all

> our health needs.


> Today, Saturn eases off, so we can get away with more now. Though don't

> forget, the 'next' Saturn step, will catch us, if we've swayed too far off,

> the balanced path.


> You should however, get more supported over the next few days, with

> Mars/Aries support.


> Don't forget, keep those questions coming in.





> Enjoy



> Jai Sani!



> Sincerely,



> Mark Kincaid



> How are you enjoying these Daily Transit, reports!


> Let us know.


Questions & Answers Column:

> Man - Peering Through the Sky

> <http://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs003/1102474607250/img/18.jpg?a=11029

> 57730009>



> Again, we heard from many today, with both extremes of Saturn' positive and

> negative effects.


> This time let's hear from Anthony in Fairfield, Iowa and then, from Rhoda,

> in India. Then, we'll finish up with Terry in Southern California.



> " So, Anthony, how you feeling yesterday and today? " " I'm having some very

> rough days. " " Anthony, just keep remembering tht these are purifying days

> because of Saturn! And, like finally catching up with more sleep, you wiil

> feel better!'


> Terry:


> " Mark, we're having some wild weather here, in suny California! " " Ya, how

> so? " " It's been raining so much that all the streets are flooded and the

> water almost swallowed up my car!' " And, have you been feeling internally? "

> " Eh, I've been feeling kind of low. I thought it was because I was worried

> about getting through these flooded streets. But, now I realize that it's

> because of the Transits. "


> " And, don't you feel that this is important, good news, you know, instead of

> not understanding where these feeings come from? " " Yes, yes, I'm sure

> you're right. "


> " I'll tell you a good rule of thumb about the Transits. What I've noticed

> is there is a direct correlation between the outer weather, and our

> internal weather!


> When it's raining, overcast, and generally, miserable 'out there', you can

> be sure that this correlates very perfectly with that same kind of

> 'roughness' on the inside, or in terms of the planets. "



> And, finally, from Rhoda:


> Rhoda:


> " Mark, I've felt absoltely wonderful the last few days. Though I have to

> admit that some people around me are feeling a tad bizarre. " " Why do you

> think this is, Rhoda? " " I'm sure its because I've been wtching the

> Transits so long now, that they're almost becming second nature to me! "


> " That's wonderful! I can't tell you how it warms my heart to hear of

> others, making such good progress against the negative stars! "


> " Well, it wasn't always like this. I often well much more rough during

> these kinds of Transtis. But, now, it's such a pleasure to find myself,

> shifting with the stars more easily. And, thank you again, for helping us

> keep aware to the Stars' movements. "




Questions and Answers from Yesterday:



> Today we heard some a wide range of experiences from people as the Moon

> 'collided' with Saturn. In such times, it's especially possible to

> experience the whole range of Saturn's positive and negative influences, of

> course depending on how balanced or settled our internal Saturn sense, is

> doing.


> First, let's hear from Laura in Chicago.


> Owner of a floral design business, she actually had a really 'good' Saturn

> day.


> " Wow, Mark, I really felt much better today. Though from your description

> of the Transits, yesterday I was a little worried about today. "


> " Laura, well, now you know that Mars and Ketu's cycles aren't quite as

> benefic or positive for you as your Saturn. And, for me, this makes total

> sense because you do have that Exalted Saturn in Libra in your original

> birth chart. "


> " I'm beginning to get that. So, thank you for this wonderful mirror of the

> stars! "



> And, also from Amy in the Eastern U.S we hear:


> " Wow... I must be doing good with finally making friends with Saturn... I do

> feel great today as well as peaceful and serene. "


> " Good job, Amy, well done! "


> Though in Amy's case, her experience is due, more to developing an improved

> relationship with Saturn. For Laura, she was just born with that great

> Saturn balance!


> And, finally, let's hear from Dr. Prasad, in India, who's experiencing some

> of the less than positive side of this Saturn transit.




> " Mark, I have two malefics, one in my 12th house and another in my 5th,

> retrograde and 6th from venus, and a temporary enemy! How could I feel

> better! "




> " Dear Dr. Prasad. And, this is exactly my point. These uncomfortable,

> distressing affects from the stars, are not just something inevitable, from

> the outside, but indicative of where we could benefit from interior growth.

> All the transits will put us better in touch with how all our planets are

> doing.


> Than, we can resolve to practice important remedies until those planets are

> more balanced and well developed.


> So, even though you're obviously uncomfortable with these present transits,

> just know they don't have to always be this way! "


The Cosmic Enlightened Man - In-tune with the Universe

> <http://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs003/1102474607250/img/19.jpg?a=11029

> 57730009> New Nature's Astrology Project:




> Uniting the Transits

> With Our Charts & Dasas




> So, if you feel more familiar and comfortable with pretty much what's coming

> to you in the outer, maybe now, you might be interested in uniting the

> Transits with the rest of our astrological nature's.


> What I like to do is keep a brief journal next to be bed before sleep. I'll

> just make a vew notes and especialy recording when I feel 'good' and when I

> don't.


> Now, you might like to see if other influences don't start to come now. In

> other words, what doesn't seem to fit the 'days' Trnsits, write those

> experiences down, and then, we'll see if something more subtle, perhaps even

> in our Dasas, has shifted and is definitely cuaing us our upset-ness.



> Good job thought!










15 Minute

> Special Reading For ...

> Don't forget, if you ordered the 2010 Season's of the Stars, book,

> you 'll get again this year, another free 15 minute reading. Call or email

> me to schedule,




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Another son, who is normally very calm, had an explosive temper tantrum yesterday. He has MA moving onto his nat. Saturn.


A lot of weird worldwide stuff too...weather conditions and such, which of course pale compared to Haiti.


I have always disliked R Mars...it seems worse than Saturn in some ways when transitting. I'm sure being in its fall doesn't help.






On Behalf Of jnanalynnSaturday, January 23, 2010 1:02 PM Subject: Re: 2-Karen, re....:The Daily 'Word' - For Friday, January 22nd, 2010

Hi Bettina,I have been chaffing about Mars RX in Cancer, as Mark says on the Seasons of the Stars list, as a Cancer lagna and Aries Moon because TR Mars is 4th from my Moon and aspects my 4th house, and a housing situation I entered just before Mars entered Cancer has been explosive and made me quite bitter (I posted the Ace of Swords from the LotusCard site).Like you, I am hoping to get through the next 6 weeks until Mars stations DX, but I don't think I am being overly successful since I "blew up" when Mars stationed RX on my asc (25*) and will station DX on my Sun (6*). My natal Mars is in Leo, so I would have to "ziplock" my pent up anger for 6 months while Mars goes into Leo after leaving Cancer (but at least will finally leave Cancer). I am somewhat sulking in my Cancerian shell, biding time, and not much motivated to engage with anyone. Now I am trying to remind myself not to buy into the negative Mars energy, although it's very difficult. About 7 more weeks of this; seems like a long time!jannaOm hum srim mangalaya namah Om we bow down to Mars, Bearer of Welfare. , "Bettina" <chiria wrote:>> Just wanted to mention that Retrograde Mars is delivering some lollapaloozas> to those of us whose natal planets it's aspecting right now. I'll be happy> when it goes direct, on or around Mar. 10. My oldest son has it backwards> squaring his Sun, opposing his Moon, and he was in a car accident 2 days> ago. It's squaring my Venus, which is my 5th house (children) ruler. The> list goes on. Has anyone else had any experiences with this?> > > ...Bettina> > _____ > > > On Behalf Of Mark Kincaid> Friday, January 22, 2010 6:48 PM> 1 > Cc: > 2-Karen, re....:The Daily 'Word' - For Friday,> January 22nd, 2010> > > > > > Mark, I had a superior productive day today!> > Karen...> > > Hi, Karen....> > Wonderful! Amazing isn't it, to be able to predict ahead! I still marvel> at it, even after all these years.> > So, fascinating to think, that these transits were written over a year ago,> (In the Season's of the Stars books) and yet, they> still end up being exceptionally accurate!> > Thanks for sharing!> > > Sincerely,> > Mark > > PS: For those of you who would like to receive the new Nature's Astrology> newsletter, (see below) join up here:> > http://visitor.> <http://visitor.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?m=1102474607250 & p=oi>> constantcontact.com/d.jsp?m=1102474607250 & p=oi> > > > _____ > > Karen Keefe <karen.keefe> kincaidmark Fri, January 22, 2010 6:53:03 PM> Re: The Daily 'Word' - For Friday, January 22nd, 2010> > > I had a superior productive day today!> > --- On Thu, 1/21/10, Nature's Astrology <kincaidmark wrote:> > > > > Nature's Astrology <kincaidmark> The Daily 'Word' - For Friday, January 22nd, 2010> karen.keefe Thursday, January 21, 2010, 6:10 PM> > > > > > <http://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs003/1102474607250/img/8.jpg?a=110295> 7730009> > > > Daily Word From the Stars> > > The Stars Speak to Us Everyday Our Personal Planets Interpret > Those 'words'!> Friday, January 22nd, 2010 > > In This Issue > > <http://us.mc457.mail./mc/welcome?.gx=1 & .tm=1264163978 & .rand=flf7et> 1ibqqf6#LETTER.BLOCK8> The 'Daily Word' For Tomorrow! > > <http://us.mc457.mail./mc/welcome?.gx=1 & .tm=1264163978 & .rand=flf7et> 1ibqqf6#LETTER.BLOCK9> Questions & Answers Column > > <http://us.mc457.mail./mc/welcome?.gx=1 & .tm=1264163978 & .rand=flf7et> 1ibqqf6#LETTER.BLOCK12> NEW NATURE'S ASTROLOGY PROJECT; Integrating the> Transits with our Dasas and Charts! > > Quick Links> > For All> <http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102957730009 & s=392 & e=001LZT1TRCHhPycRIvnESHtuGePW> g5FO6MqJWcgp9cUTEfI2TIdjE7PeerPSadAIG9azGiRwjeuSLSmB_cxqLExgVFlPZBViAhOtxadY> n4ONZNtyPG_UzRFPw==> Chart or Astrological Products & Services> > > For <http://visitor.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?m=1102474607250 & p=oi>> Receving This Newsletter, More Regularly> > > > <http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102957730009 & s=392 & e=001LZT1TRCHhPycRIvnESHtuGePW> g5FO6MqJWcgp9cUTEfI2TIdjE7PeerPSadAIG9azGiRwjeuSLSmB_cxqLExgVFlPZBViAhOtxadY> n4ONZNtyPG_UzRFPw==> Join This Winter's Courses> > <http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102957730009 & s=392 & e=001LZT1TRCHhPz_G8ZNCMVWIm3m8> ngqTBWWKTBiLKQDnEgg7L-syGJZKLaIE0EB0oFvBmlL-A6kS5yRtrwUF-P1PCaAniMm4qEAXv8CA> wkt3EhM55CWa4TzXBpXsV2Ji_2r> Starting Jan. 23rd> <http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102957730009 & s=392 & e=001LZT1TRCHhPycRIvnESHtuGePW> g5FO6MqJWcgp9cUTEfI2TIdjE7PeerPSadAIG9azGiRwjeuSLSmB_cxqLExgVFlPZBViAhOtxadY> n4ONZNtyPG_UzRFPw==> :> > Map of> <http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102957730009 & s=392 & e=001LZT1TRCHhPzm8IDVZ8YL4bt2Q> DkTfaOoMumrGAfP6Ss87w2BGAuPxdZ-OiI0eYMjzXCv2jKw3FUlThf7jzahS57WeQzFW2wppTXe7> 3CdAO0ivSCLi0hVJG2_oFCpJf41o3voX9RBFapLa0WlC-dph-cVb183h6K4> God> > > New> <http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102957730009 & s=392 & e=001LZT1TRCHhPz_ZEh6nV3aAPUZX> n20zYvu_DJai5FocAeWNRQub_H_4T336P8ohNHyLiD-XLSlf7a4dakHRkM3Yahu2nOuCBtTmV6J3> h_Ra2dCR-Om1D4j3_LDryVZQppar3B3D9cCkkluWUZW6UCWKVpsj5_a-YX_> Nature's> Astrology> E-Magazine> Coming Soon!> > NEW 2010,> <http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102957730009 & s=392 & e=001LZT1TRCHhPzzgjxxrLWptTTCq> L31A42S7Mji4iN5vuUKjsJ0n3tekHMmiW7HP_R_rpSwHYtfinf67q9zmYiD9J1BU97QOUMMfJH5M> QPcnpXHJfRdMhWwzkPAMEDRZD1Uzd1Nva8F7TQT2fmZ6lg6UTq1a1rvAPTr> Season's of the> Stars - Course> > > Interested> <http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102957730009 & s=392 & e=001LZT1TRCHhPyUZWQzHiugeFu4G> oM_in4TXDvv0BxokLCUiegbDDWdi7_yWdzF43cUgeL3BjjXAoDYT0UE0IvsX7B-yQ6b3iRNTAmiv> 5NaPljKYVL1d7vVvrRMEKHoCeHwRH6lpJNEeg2kaK0J04O8zDRvaaR1qVbS> in Jyotish> Research? Click Here> > > > > > Dear Karen, > (Re-sending tonite, after fixing a couple of typos)> > > > Well, today, the 21st many people still felt that heaviness and unique> Saturn influence upon their Moons. Though there were many too, who felt> good this day. The 2 extremes of Sani, ahh, such a unique time.> > For me, I was unstressing a lot. Holed up, in the Winter wonderland where I> am, a big 'ball' of Sani, purification started 'un-stressing' yesterday.> Sani is the supreme PURIFIER!> > Tomorrow, Friday, January 22nd, the Moon 'graduates' to the new sign of> Aries. Also, the Moon's almost 1/2 full so the next 7-10 days will be more> ideal to doing and accomplishing.> > Though to look at my winter 'scape' out my window, I don't want to do or go> anywhere! I just surrender to go into town to get food!> > > > > > > > Sincerely,> <http://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs003/1102474607250/img/14.jpg?a=11029> 57730009> > > > Mark Kincaid> > > > > SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm back in Fairfield in January and will be having A> SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S CELEBRATION/ GET TOGETHER AT 2153 N. B. STREET for all of> you, living in Fairfield. Stop by any time between 10 - 4pm! Or callme at> (641) 472-3004, if you'd like, or you need directions.> > I will be going back to Chicago, soon, so I'd love to see> you if you're in town, before I go!> > > PS: If you would like to be able to calculate the Tranists, or charts, for> your self and need some Astrology or Jyotish calculating software, contact> me. I am a distributor for Parashar's Light and can get you a special> 'demo' version for just 20$! The full version costs 300$.> > > Jai Guru!> > > > > > > > <http://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs003/1102474607250/img/9.jpg?a=110295> 7730009> Daily Word for Friday, January 22th> > > > "Movement> In> Saturn > > Silence"> > > > > Tomorrow, the Moon moves into Aries, which will be quite a shift over the> last few days.> > The 'stuck' quality of Saturn from yesterday and Wednesday, will give way to> a clearer sky, and inner Aries drive to do and move. Hopefully, the> Saturnesque Winter quality will support!> > Today, see if you don't get more done and feel more outward. I know a lot> of people felt extremely rough during the last 2 days. There were however,> a number of people who on the other hand, had a lot of bliss during this> most recent Saturn influence.> > What peole don't, generally, understand about Saturn, is that 'He' is the> main planet that teaches us the importance and priority of silence.> > We take a step, and if we don't 'plant' that same foot, well, then we can> slip and fall.> > That delicious Jupiter, expansive foot, for a moment, becomes a silent and> unseen, though all-important Saturn step! It plants, it stabilizes us, and> as a result of its steadiness, we move ahead. In that next moment we move> ahead, which is our ecstatic joy, but hardly ever giving due, to that> previous, all-important Saturn, secure step.> > Hail Sani! for his unseen and much underappreciated role in life.> > But, always listen to his prompts, because he wants his due, as well.> > They say, from 35 and onward, the natural Saturn period of life kicks in.> > After kicking around for 10 or 15 years, as young adults we've finally got> enough experience that we're no longer willing to strain or work so hard.> We now, realize the importance of taking better care of ourselves and all> our health needs.> > Today, Saturn eases off, so we can get away with more now. Though don't> forget, the 'next' Saturn step, will catch us, if we've swayed too far off,> the balanced path.> > You should however, get more supported over the next few days, with> Mars/Aries support.> > Don't forget, keep those questions coming in.> > > > > Enjoy> > > Jai Sani!> > > Sincerely,> > > Mark Kincaid> > > How are you enjoying these Daily Transit, reports!> > Let us know.> > > > > > > > Questions & Answers Column: > Man - Peering Through the Sky> <http://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs003/1102474607250/img/18.jpg?a=11029> 57730009> > > > Again, we heard from many today, with both extremes of Saturn' positive and> negative effects.> > This time let's hear from Anthony in Fairfield, Iowa and then, from Rhoda,> in India. Then, we'll finish up with Terry in Southern California.> > > "So, Anthony, how you feeling yesterday and today?I'm having some very> rough days.Anthony, just keep remembering tht these are purifying days> because of Saturn! And, like finally catching up with more sleep, you wiil> feel better!'> > Terry:> > "Mark, we're having some wild weather here, in suny California!Ya, how> so?It's been raining so much that all the streets are flooded and the> water almost swallowed up my car!' "And, have you been feeling internally?"> "Eh, I've been feeling kind of low. I thought it was because I was worried> about getting through these flooded streets. But, now I realize that it's> because of the Transits."> > "And, don't you feel that this is important, good news, you know, instead of> not understanding where these feeings come from?Yes, yes, I'm sure> you're right."> > "I'll tell you a good rule of thumb about the Transits. What I've noticed> is there is a direct correlation between the outer weather, and our> internal weather!> > When it's raining, overcast, and generally, miserable 'out there', you can> be sure that this correlates very perfectly with that same kind of> 'roughness' on the inside, or in terms of the planets."> > > And, finally, from Rhoda:> > Rhoda:> > "Mark, I've felt absoltely wonderful the last few days. Though I have to> admit that some people around me are feeling a tad bizarre.Why do you> think this is, Rhoda?I'm sure its because I've been wtching the> Transits so long now, that they're almost becming second nature to me!"> > "That's wonderful! I can't tell you how it warms my heart to hear of> others, making such good progress against the negative stars!"> > "Well, it wasn't always like this. I often well much more rough during> these kinds of Transtis. But, now, it's such a pleasure to find myself,> shifting with the stars more easily. And, thank you again, for helping us> keep aware to the Stars' movements."> > > > > > > > > > Questions and Answers from Yesterday:> > > Today we heard some a wide range of experiences from people as the Moon> 'collided' with Saturn. In such times, it's especially possible to> experience the whole range of Saturn's positive and negative influences, of> course depending on how balanced or settled our internal Saturn sense, is> doing.> > First, let's hear from Laura in Chicago.> > Owner of a floral design business, she actually had a really 'good' Saturn> day.> > "Wow, Mark, I really felt much better today. Though from your description> of the Transits, yesterday I was a little worried about today."> > "Laura, well, now you know that Mars and Ketu's cycles aren't quite as> benefic or positive for you as your Saturn. And, for me, this makes total> sense because you do have that Exalted Saturn in Libra in your original> birth chart."> > "I'm beginning to get that. So, thank you for this wonderful mirror of the> stars!"> > > And, also from Amy in the Eastern U.S we hear:> > "Wow... I must be doing good with finally making friends with Saturn... I do> feel great today as well as peaceful and serene."> > "Good job, Amy, well done!"> > Though in Amy's case, her experience is due, more to developing an improved> relationship with Saturn. For Laura, she was just born with that great> Saturn balance!> > And, finally, let's hear from Dr. Prasad, in India, who's experiencing some> of the less than positive side of this Saturn transit.> > > > "Mark, I have two malefics, one in my 12th house and another in my 5th,> retrograde and 6th from venus, and a temporary enemy! How could I feel> better!"> > > > "Dear Dr. Prasad. And, this is exactly my point. These uncomfortable,> distressing affects from the stars, are not just something inevitable, from> the outside, but indicative of where we could benefit from interior growth.> All the transits will put us better in touch with how all our planets are> doing.> > Than, we can resolve to practice important remedies until those planets are> more balanced and well developed.> > So, even though you're obviously uncomfortable with these present transits,> just know they don't have to always be this way!"> > > > > > > > The Cosmic Enlightened Man - In-tune with the Universe> <http://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs003/1102474607250/img/19.jpg?a=11029> 57730009> New Nature's Astrology Project: > > > > Uniting the Transits > With Our Charts & Dasas> > > > So, if you feel more familiar and comfortable with pretty much what's coming> to you in the outer, maybe now, you might be interested in uniting the> Transits with the rest of our astrological nature's.> > What I like to do is keep a brief journal next to be bed before sleep. I'll> just make a vew notes and especialy recording when I feel 'good' and when I> don't.> > Now, you might like to see if other influences don't start to come now. In> other words, what doesn't seem to fit the 'days' Trnsits, write those> experiences down, and then, we'll see if something more subtle, perhaps even> in our Dasas, has shifted and is definitely cuaing us our upset-ness.> > > Good job thought!> > > > > JAI GURU!> > > > > > > > > > > 15 Minute> Special Reading For ...> Don't forget, if you ordered the 2010 Season's of the Stars, book,> you 'll get again this year, another free 15 minute reading. Call or email> me to schedule, > > > > Forward> <http://ui.constantcontact.com/sa/fwtf.jsp?m=1102474607250 & ea=karen.keefe%40> & a=1102957730009> email> > <http://visitor.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?v=001kkqO0FxDKZRXC92HbaigwrsDWeIjv> xHnX_xnZo-UVY9XmKHcWHTTbQ%3D%3D & p=un> Safe Un > > This email was sent to karen.keefe by kincaidmark@> <http://us.mc457.mail./mc/compose?to=kincaidmark> .> Update Profile/Email> <http://visitor.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?v=001kkqO0FxDKZRXC92HbaigwrsDWeIjv> xHnX_xnZo-UVY9XmKHcWHTTbQ%3D%3D & p=oo> Address | Instant removal with> SafeUn> <http://visitor.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?v=001kkqO0FxDKZRXC92HbaigwrsDWeIjv> xHnX_xnZo-UVY9XmKHcWHTTbQ%3D%3D & p=un> ™ | Privacy> <http://ui.constantcontact.com/roving/CCPrivacyPolicy.jsp> Policy.> Email Marketing> <http://www.constantcontact.com/index.jsp?pn=newslettergal & cc=news04> by> <http://www.constantcontact.com/index.jsp?pn=newslettergal & cc=news04> > Nature's Astrology | P.O. 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