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2-Anne from Mark re. I want to rememeber!

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Hi Mark,


I want to remember the things I realize about life now so I can remind myself when things seem out of balance.




The whole world is almost insane, actually!


We are soooo lucky! I used to write down little reminders when I

first started paying a lot of closer attention to the Transits.


In 2 or 3 months, you'll be much more clear about exactly which Transits bug you the most.


Then, you'll find yourself, circumnavigating those more challenging

Transits, but even more importantly, you'll find your self exploring

and practicing the unique profound Remedies that are NOW available for each weaker functioning planet.






A much brighter future is awaiting all of us!


Anne Dietrich <AnneorganicMark Kincaid <kincaidmarkFri, January 22, 2010 8:34:57 PMRe: 2-Anne from Mark re. Fri. nite

Hi Mark,


I want to remember the things I realize about life now so I can remind myself when things seem out of balance.


Thank you for your support and encouragement.


I was on hulu . . . the whole world strains, it seems . . .







Mark Kincaid

Anne Dietrich

Friday, January 22, 2010 7:16 PM

2-Anne from Mark re. Fri. nite



PS: About tonite, I'm feeling kind of tire, and not much like socializing.So, I'll talk to you again in a few days. I've got to get the house here ready for the movers to come on Sunday.But, next week I'll have more time.Met with a yoga teacher in town today. Am putting together a Yoga and Astrology seminar for next Saturday, on the 30that her yoga center if you're interested. It'll be 10-12 and 1-4pm. We met today and went over some very exciting and profound topics to put together in a seminar.Look for an email soon to advertise next weekend.take careMark




Anne Dietrich <AnneorganickincaidmarkSent: Fri, January 22, 2010 7:03:44 PMRe: The Daily "Word" - For Saturday, January 23rd

Hi Mark,


I appreciate the explanation. It's so much calmer today. I feel so different!!!


I'm trying to memorize what this is like so I can pacify the other kind of days . . .







Nature's Astrology


Friday, January 22, 2010 6:00 PM

The Daily "Word" - For Saturday, January 23rd
























Daily Word From the Stars






The Stars Speak to Us Everyday Our Personal Planets Interpret Those 'words'!

Saturday January 23rd, 2010






In This Issue


The 'Daily Word' For Tomorrow, Saturday, January 23rd!


Questions & Answers Column


NEW NATURE'S ASTROLOGY PROJECT; Integrating the Transits with our Dasas and Charts!





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Dear Ann,

I'm afraid we're going to have to post-pone our New Year's party that was scheduled for Saturday, January 23rd...!It's a literal sheet of glass, icy road out there, so I wouldn'tsuggest you try it! We'll do it again, before I go back to Chicago!The Day-long course, on Sunday, also, will be POSTPONED!See, below for the Daly 'Word' for tomorrow, Saturday, January 23rd!Wow, did you feel the shift this morning? Moon moved into Aries, away from Saturn's intense, opposite gaze and boom,extremely more easy and calm!Amazing! Never ceases to surprise and amaze me.Tomorrow's Daily Word, for Saturday, however, is below.



Mark KincaidPS: If you would like to be able to calculate the Tranists, or charts, for your self and need some Astrology or Jyotish calculating software, contact me. I am a distributor for Parashar's Light and can get you a special 'demo' version for just 20$! The full version costs 300$.Jai Guru!






Daily Word for Saturday, January 23rd

"Clear SpeedAhead!"

And just like 'that' the stars shift and suddenly everything feels different. Today, Friday, the 22nd it was truly amazing to literally feel that shift, 'away' from Saturn's direct gaze.I noticed a lot of people got there buttons pushed with Saturn, the last few days.(See questions and answers column for some of these)Now, however, the Moon moves into Aries, which already makes it more dynamic and doing oriented. But, because Aries is out of Saturn's direct, line of sight, you'll also feel a definite 'relief' quality as well.Today, enjoy feeling finally, like you want to do and accomplish more.But, keep in mind, it's still, deep within the nature of Saturn winter, where everything is going more slowly, any way!Right now, there's an actual sheet of glass out there where there used to be a road, to our house.So, I feel like doing more, but I know the footing is still treacherous, and verrry,Saturnish!But its always like this. There have always been these two parts to life.The doing and moving part is ruled by Mars.And, the non-doing and resting part has always been ruled by Saturn!So, always, we've needed to keep both of these aspects of ourselves, in check!If we go too fast, regardless of whether it's due to a too fast Mars or a too, ineffective Saturn, we still, can fall down!So, resolve to listen more, to the extremely significant feedbacks of your internal Mars and Saturn.Listen to 'them' and follow more their inclinations for you!EnjoyJai Mars and Sani!Sincerely,Mark Kincaid





Comments, Questions & Answers Column:

See below for a number of people's experiences over these last 2 days as the Moon was fully being aspected by Saturn. Note, too, there were also some very striking positive experiences, as well. So, keep this in mind, that Saturn does NOT have to mean, only negative experineces.In fact, when we get more in-tune with Him, than, any number of his more posiive features will pop out!See, too, today's Questions & Answers, as well."Once I see, how the stars are affecting me, how do I grow with the Stars!"From a relatively new-comer to our Nature's Astrology, Vered."Mark, for me, these Saturn days were very intense. It felt like a volanic eruption!I actually picked up a cigarette after not smoking for 4 years, just to relax a little."And, from veteran Nature's Astrology member, Sally."Mark 3 of my friends, were going a bit berserk on these Saturn days, that you predicted."And, finally from another 'veteran' in California, Terry."Wow, the last few days have felt horrific. I think I'm just so used to southern California always being so beautiful. But, its rained and flooded and I've been depressed! Is this Saturn?""Yes, it certainly can be. Of course, the best way to figure these sorts of things outis to pay closer attention and when you see that 'depression' comes, like a thief, in the night, and then, just as quickly subsides, as in this case, when the Transit is over, this is a good example of exactly where its coming from.But, always remember, if we EVER experience any negative Saturn experience, this is just nature's way of showing us where we could benefit from growing!And, Now, let's hear from a few people who had wonderful Saturn experiences.From Laura, in Chicago:"I was half expecting to be depressed today. But, I felt so wonderful, silent and happy! Maybe I'm not experiencing the same transits, hehe?""No, you are, but don't forget, your Saturn is better than most, because it was Exalted on your original birth day!""But I did feel pretty crummy on those two previous Moon-Mars and Ketu days.""So, that's nature showing you that you could benefit from being more developedwith your Moon, Mars and Ketu, rather than your Saturn!"And, from Rhoda, in India,"I'm so happy that Saturn is my friend! I had the most delightful day today. Though it was kind of Saturnish. I mean no one came around to bug me. So, I was happy and still, with Saturn at home!""Well, don't forget Rhoda, you've actually spent a long time working on your Saturn, so your situation is a good example of how it's truly possible to improve one's Saturn!"QUESTIONS & ANSWERS:Today, we hear from Dr. Prasad, also in India:After a lengthy, two day conversation about the Transits and their influences he says:"So, I guess one needs the star's help too for growth & when they are inimical ..........?""Exactly right! When we discover that any pattern, cycle or rhythm of the stars is causing us distress, these are all signs of some internal planet, that's trying to tell us, we could benefit from improving!To me, that 's the real purpose of the Transits.Sure, they can be studied and followed to get along better in life.But, there real purpose is to also, help us become aware of where we need to improve! And, as we do this, practice special remedies for each of our planets,we will GROW!And, once we learn to grown, more, within, than the Transits from without, will NOTinfluence us so negatively!"






New Nature's Astrology Project:

Uniting the Transits With Our Charts & Dasas

Don't forget, we're always just experiencing our Charts, Dasas and Transits. Watcing the stars, or transits each day, will best, serve, to help us become more and more of how balanced and well developed we are!In this project, ask any questions you have, related to either your Charts, Dasas or Transits.JAI GURU!Isn't this a cool picture! To me, this is the enlightened, Jyotish soul!









15 MinuteSpecial Reading For ...

Don't forget, if you ordered the 2010 Season's of the Stars, book, you 'll get again this year, another free 15 minute reading. Call or email me to schedule,








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