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Hi Everyone,I wanted to make you aware of a NEW Weekly Transits Newsletter we'll be creating. If you'd like to receive this orthe other, relatively new, Daily 'Word' newsletter let us know. Be sure to specify if you only want one or the other. Otherwise, you'll receive both. See, below for this first Week's Week At A Glance!Sincerely,Mark KincaidIf you'd like to join, please go to:http://visitor.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?m=1102474607250 & p=oi





























NEW "Week At A Glance" - Transits Report - For January 23 -30_
























NEW "Week At A Glance"Transits Report:January 23 - 30









The Stars Give UsA Vision intoOur Future!


Saturday January 23rd - 30th











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NEW NATURE'S ASTROLOGY PROJECT; Integrating the Transits with our Dasas and Charts!






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Dear All,

For 'most' people I talked to yesterday, it was a wonderful day and a rather nice departure from last week's intensely more negative karmas. For one couple, however, Rahu Came Early!The Moon moved into Aries, yesterday, where I had predicted the 'day' would be much nicer than recently. However, technically, Rahu is also fully aspecting and influencing Aries, from its position in Sagittarius.However, in previous months and years, I have noticed that Rahu's influence due to its 5th House aspect is more intense, even, as 'you' get closer to Rahu's exact degrees! Today, this most intense Rahu influence would be on Sunday.On Sunday, the Daily "Word" was going to be CAUTION!But, yesterday, for at least one couple, that 'intensity' of Rahu came early! (See

Comments Section Below)This experience inspired me this morning to start a New Transits Report called The "Week At A Glance" Vision of the Future!It's important to realize that sometimes, the unique karmas and consequences that will be coming, due tend to overlap the 'specifics' of each day!See, below, for the First Week AT A Glance, Transits Report!If you especially want to receive JUST the Daily or Weekly Transit Report, than please write in, and we will set that up for you!If you want to receive both of these reports, you don't need to do anyting, and they both will continue, coming to you!



Mark KincaidPS: If you would like to be able to calculate the Tranists, or charts, for your self and need some Astrology or Jyotish calculating software, contact me. I am a distributor for Parashar's Light and can get you a special 'demo' version for just 20$! The full version costs 300$.PSS: For 'other' Nature's Astrology NEWS, check out the links, to the left.Jai Guru!










The "Week At A Glance" Vision of the FutureFor January 23rd - 30th"From EmptinessToFullness!"


Today, the Moon's still in Aries, but the most predominant quality is that its now, HALF FULL! In other words, in a week, the Moon will be completely Full.We call this next week, the 2nd Quarter of the Moon and I find that this week is often the most powerful and dynamic week of the entire month!However, it's also incredibly important to know what the 'other' most important flavors of the Transits will be of each day, as well.See, below for a brief description of each day's Transits for the Week At A Glance, ahead!Saturday, January 23rd: Word: Movement with CautionThe Moon starts off today at the 10th degree of Aries. This gives it some of the strongerst Aries, doing and accomplishing energy today!However, Rahu is also influencing Aries due to its, 5 houses away aspect from Sagittarius. This means Rahu's

influence 'may' also be a part of today's Cosmic 'Mix'! The 'thing' to watch for is for Rahu's unmistakable negative qualities of intensity, set-backs and even meaness.Of course, even if such experiences do come our way, (See below for the couple that had Rahu, sharply visit them, yesterday) the thing to discover is How are these influences important for you to understand!In other words, the Transits that come to us, are in a very real sense, still, our Karmas! We can't therefore, blame, even 'them' for bringing to us what we go through. My Guru used to say: "Don't blame the messenger!"When, karmas come, in ANY shape or form, especially negative ones, we're apt to 'blame' the messenger! But, if you can look more deeply into the specifics of your own chart, you'll find the seed, of karma, there for you.Sunday, January 24th: Word: Extreme CautionToday, the Moon starts off today, at the 24th degree of Aries. If you have your Season's of the Stars book for 2010, you'll notice that Rahu is also in it's latest, degrees, at the 27th degree of Sagittarius!So, even though they're NOT in the same sign, Rahu's influence will be very intensely felt today, because of its 5th House Aspect. So, be especiall cautious, walk on egg shells, tip toe tenderly, lest you wake up the sleeping elephant! In other words, be more careful today!ASPECTSEvery planet influences the planets that are within the same 30 degrees.Every planet, also, influences every planet that 's in the opposite sign or house from where it is, transiting. So, if Rahu's in Sagittarius, now, this means it's 7th or opposite

sign aspect will influence Gemini! (We'll notice in about a week, when the Moon moves into Gemini, this unmistakable Rahu flavor coming again)Some of the planets, also influence other signs and houses, as well.For example, Rahu influences the sign in which its in.It also influences the opposite sign of Gemini, now.It also influences the 5th and 9th Houses and Signs, from where it is!So, Rahu in Sagittarius, now will automatically, influence the 5th sign away, or Aries, and it will also Aspect or influence the 9th sign away, of Leo!Once you learn exactly how precisely the Transits affect you, then, you can expand your experience to include these very fascinating Planetary Aspects, as well!Monday, January 25th: Word: BLISS!Moon moves into Taurus

today, the Moon's happiest sign.And, just like that, you'll be shocked, really, to discover that on this day and Tuesday, the Moon moves into Taurus, where there is NO, negative or maleficc influence! This bodes well, for pretty much everything because the Moon's so wonderfully, happy in Exalted Taurus! Therefore, you really want to plan on utilizing these next two days! Schedule important events. Do something special with that 'special' someone who you've been neglecting or not finding enough time with!If you don't experience a lot of bliss on this day or Tuesday, then, you're seriously out of balance! Of couse, with all the transits that go on, and with all the pressures and demands of life, that may be a very real possibility. These next two days, however, will help!Tuesday, January 26th: Word: More

Bliss!The Moon starts off today, at the 22nd degree of Exalted Taurus, so another really good day! Though of course, don't forget ALL the transits are also influenced and shaped by the other importtant influences in our Charts and Dasas.But, see if you can't feel some significant 'flavor' of this unique, positive emotional Transit coming!Wedneday, January 27th: Word: ComplicationsAnd, just like that, things will change again. Today, the Moon moves into Gemini, it'll find itself in the same sign as Ketu and directly opposite to Rahu. Look out for strong, undercurrents of confusion, intensity, stress and COMPLICATIONS, today and tomorrow!Thursday, January 28th: Word: Even More Complications!Today, the Moon starts off at the

21st degree of Gemini. This puts it, already, only 6 degres away from the so-called 'dreaded' Rahu/Ketu influence, both of which are running at the 27th degree!Pay SPECIAL attention to this day. Personally, I'm not goign to be scheduling any, really important meetins or events except to take it easy! Otherwise we will tend to get swept up in this Rahu-Ketu confusion.Friday, January 29th: Word: Relief & Joy!And, just like 'that' life sifts and moves, again! This day, the Moon bursts into Cancer, which is its 2nd most happy place to be. Again, the prediction. here is good 'tidings' on the horizon! The Moon is extremely smooth, joyous and happy in its Own Sign of Cancer.Only caution: Mars is also in Cancer, now, and even though Mars is supposed to be 'weak' or slightly timid in Cancer, still, after all, it is

MARS! So, caution, not to let your self get too angry, or mad, due to that sudden Mars influx, as well.Moon & Mars directly 'collide' at 11pm cst, when both get to the 15th degree of Cancer! AFter, that, if you do feel any of this unique Mars roughness, it will quickly subside tomorrow.Saturday, January 30th: Word: Mmmmmm Good!And, finally we come to an end of another quarter of the Moon's ramblings. Today, the Moon starts off at the 21st degree of Cancer, so it's technically beginning to Wane, but still, the Moon will be very bright.In fact, I find these moments, directly after the extreme intensity of the Full Moon are more smooth and enjoyable. See, if you can immediately feel that 'whoosh', ahhhh, relief, feeling of the Moon STOPPING to wax, now! For days, the Moon's been building and building, expanding, getting

brighter and brighter; no wonder some, literally FREAK out during Full Moons!Today, will feel more relaxed. This will be a good day and weekend to kick back and relax after another intense waxing Moon cycle, completed!So, let us know how you like these new Week at a Glance, Transit reports.EnjoySincerely,Mark KincaidJai Guru






Comments, Questions & Answers Column:


Received a very distressed email and then conversation with a lady yesterday, who's Rahu, indeed came early!"Oh, Mark, I had the worst experience happen today. My 'X' called me and lashed out at me! What a 'bas...' I was so, upset for hours. So, I opened up your Transit book to try and find out why!I noticed on the description for Friday the 23rd, that you talk about Rahu's potential influence, but mention it being worst on Sunday! Does that mean, its going to get even worse on Saturday and Sunday!"Terry, the 'fact' that this Rahu influence came earlier for you, is because for both you and your x, you're both needing to pay more attention to your Rahu. So, the fact, that it is indeed coming now, can be a wake up call to both of you!"Oh, he won't be open to any of this!"Then, let's figure it out for you! Now, that you're over the

extreme 'hurt' of this moment, now let's try and figure out why this is still, kamic for you! You're feeling very hurt and confused why he would lash out at you, but try and take it in, how have YOU created this karma for youself!"Oh, I was afraid you'd say something like this! God, let's see. Well, we had a big fight over money. We're trying to work on this project together and we're both a little streessed out I guess."Well, here's part of the problem. When you get out of balance, for any reason, than sometimes, particular karmas come to us, to make us aware of this.For both of you it sounds like you're kind of stretched financially, and its said, that Rahu acts a lot like Saturn, so karmic lessons of imbalance can come to us during such Rahu moments like these.But, lets now, try and practice some really good, 'Great' Astrology!Because if you can turn this around, for your self, you

know inside, than you can influence and help others, even your X!"That would be nice."Maybe this karma for you is coming just because you'e so on the edge financially, and you're taking these risks, which you don't really have to, you know. And in both of your charts, Rahu is NOT a particularly smooth and easy planet. In both of your charts, your Rahu's tend to force you to take risks. So, it's not surprising tht this present Rahu moment is bringing that up."Mmm, I see what you mean. Well, this was one of our problems, you know in our marriage. We'd get together, and together, we'd feel like taking too many risks. But, so often, a lot of misery came out of this."So, there you go. Such negative things don't come to us, unless there's a germ of truth there in them, for ourselves!The biggest problem I see is often we want to 'blame' others or the outside,for how we're

feeling but in trurth, it's all just us, our karmas, just coming back, to us. But if we can see where the 'fault' really lies with us, than we can change, 'us' and then, be able to react differently to things."Thank you Mark, this has been extremely helpful."Well, try and make up with your x, and notice, now, that even, this aha, will help you weather the increasing intensity of Rahu's influence coming on more today, and even tomorrow!"Thanks, again, will try and I will let you know how it goes."And so it goes.This is an extremely good example of how to do really Good Astrology.We all need to identify where things come from.But, in the final analysis they ONLY come from us!We alwasys wonder why tornadoes going through town, knock down certain houses, and then, completely miss others!But because everything ultimately comes from us, from our own, personal choices and actions, this

then, means we are supremely positioned, therefore, to change ANYTHING!The first step is to take responsibility.The 'next' step then, is NOT to lash back, to create more bad karma, but instead, resolve to start creating even better 'good' actions!Sincerely,Mark Jai Guru!







New Nature's Astrology Project:

Uniting the Transits With Our Charts & Dasas

Don't forget, we're always just experiencing our Charts, Dasas and Transits. Watcing the stars, or transits each day, will best, serve, to help us become more and more of how balanced and well developed we are!In this project, ask any questions you have, related to either your Charts, Dasas or Transits.JAI GURU!Isn't this a cool picture! To me, this is the enlightened, Jyotish soul!

















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Don't forget, if you ordered the 2010 Season's of the Stars, book, you 'll get again this year, another free 15 minute reading. Call or email me to schedule,



















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