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Dear Friends,Wrote this article yesterday on the 'seasonal' influence of the Transits I thought you'd enjoy.Mark KincaidPS... If you want these new Constant Contact newsletters to come directly to your personal email, sign up at:http://visitor.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?m=1102474607250 & p=oiYour email The Saturn Winter Transits of the Year! has been sent...Fri, February 5, 2010 8:45:24 PMConstant Contact <support...View ContactTo:kincaidmark






















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The Saturn Winter Transits of the Year!























The Saturn Winter Transits of the YearArticle










The Stars Speak to Us Every day - - -Our Personal Planets - InterpretThose 'Words'!



January, 2010J










In This Issue




The Saturn Winter Transits Article


The Next 7 Day's of the Transits


New Map of God Research Project










"The Saturn Winter TransitsTime of the Year!"


For those of you who are relatively 'new' to watching the Stars or

Transits every day I thought a few introductory remarks might be

helpful. There are 2 main influences that are the most

powerful in the every day star movements. The first one is the Sun.

The Sun has two main influences that create an overall background

through which we experience all the other Transits. Right now, we're

in the Winter mode of the Sun! It's relatively lower in the sky

and as a result we have winter! So, the Moon, Mercury, Mars and other

planets move about creating all their 'other' influences, but

underneath them all, is the fact that we're in the Sun Winter time of

the year. For example, the Moon's been waning now for a few days since

the last Full Moon on January 30th. But, to me, this waning Moon

feels much more inward than other months and I've tried to figure out

why and it naturally occurred that the backdrop of the Winter makes

this seem much more intensely inward. So, keep this in mind

when you're experiencing the other relative Transits. In other words,

do you enjoy the Winter? Do you love this time of the year when the

Sun pulls away and we have the colder, more hibernating, inward months

of the year? The second most powerful influence of the

Transits I find is the Moon. It has two basic rhythms, as well, Waxing

and Waning and these two very different vibrations again creates a

powerful backdrop underneath all the other Transits.. All the other

planets are somewhere going through their particular gyrations but

underneath them all is the basic waning and waxing times of the Moon.

Right now, the Moon's just passed being 1/2 full or more accurately,

1/2 empty so its going to be rapidly getting smaller and smaller now.

Also, the Sun's deep in its most inward ness due to its basic winter

cycle so see if you don't feel more Inward now, because of these two,

simultaneous realities. Therefore, everything to do with 'more

inwardness' will be coming up for you. If you need more rest and

recuperation than you might find yourself dragging and feeling

listless. If you're trying to do too much, you may also find yourself

frustrated because nature doesn't seem to be supporting. What Nature

is doing, of course, is being about its regular Winter times.

This means, whether we like it or not, we're in the Winter zone!

Everything else in nature is hibernating, taking a break, and deeply

resting and preparing for next year's 'waxing' times! If we feel

frustrated and complicated during any of these Transit times, the REAL

reason may because we're not accepting that this is the basic rhythm of

this season. I had a dear friend, recently move out of the mid-west

here, just because she couldn't handle any more of this intense Saturn

time of the year! It was extremely valuable for her that she got

in-tune with what was really bugging her. It was this natural winter

time of the year! For me, Saturn has taught me so much during all the

last 19 years of my Saturn Maha Dasa times so I deeply enjoy and am

prepared for exactly what this winter period is about.

Therefore keep all this in mind when you're reflecting on the Transits

each day. In fact, ask yourself this simple question. How much do I

love Saturn winter? Do I really appreciate this time of the year? Or

do I feel frustrated and disappointed with all that you have to go

through due to these times? The answer to this question will

help you understand the 'basic' reality underneath all the other

happenings of the Transits at this time. Then, when we talk

about the Moon going here and there and other planets interacting,

you'll better understand what the underlying Saturn, or Winter reality

is doing as well. Maybe we should start a section of the

Daily Word, where we comment on the particular Saturn Winter flavor

that's going on. For example I found these last 10 days of the

Transits uniquely different than other times and if finally occurred to

me, it was because we are in Winter! When the spring comes,

then, we'll find the Moon's regular movements through all the 12 signs,

which it does every month, somehow feels much different. One

of the next articles I'll be sending out is in fact called; "Saturn is

Winter!" which talks about how all the qualities of winter are the

same, exact qualities of Saturn. Sincerely, Mark Kincaid Jai Guru!








Next 7-Day's Transits Moon in ScorpioThe

Moon goes into Scorpio, tomorrow on Saturday February 6th and as in all

othe rmonths transits through Scorpio for 2 1/2 days. What you may

notice is feeling more put off by Scorpio's typical fineluce now, just

becauuse we're in the Saturn time of the year! Keep that in mind, and

if you find your self biting someone's head off, maybe stop and embrace

Saturn Winter more!Moon in Sagittarius


The Moon then moves into Sagittarius on February 9th.

This month and year, Rahu is also in Sagittarius. And, 'they' say,

they being Jyotishees, they say that Rahu acts a lot like Saturn! So,

we're in Saturn Winter, we're in the Saturn, waning time of the month

and then, the Moon's actively colliding with Saturn minded Rahu. So,

though Sagittarius is a happy change from Scorpio, see if you

experience Moon in Sagittarius days differntly just because we're also

in Saturn winter!Moon in Capricorn


The Moon, then, moves into Saturn Capricorn on February

11th. So, again more Saturn. Capricorn, as many of you know is one of

Saturn's natural signs. And, in the northern ehisphere, all Sun in

Capricorn months represents one of the most powerful Saturn winter months of the year. The Sun is also in Capricorn, right now, (28th degree) so the New Moon is very immanent!New Moon February 14th


And, finally the New Moon arrives on February 14th

just as the Sun dips into Aquarius as well. On the 14th the Sun and

Moon collide at the 1st degree of Aquarius, which of course, means the

New Moon. So, over the next 9 days the Moon will be taking us in to a

deeply inward, blissfully, silent, quiet and profoudly serence and

'silence is golden' time!If you find yourself in any complications, try doing this one thing; EMBRACE SATURN WINTER, MORE!The below is a good picture of the Sun going through some of the Saturn Winter signs of the year!For Daily sightings go to:http://www.astroviewer.com/current-night-sky.php?lon=-73.94 & lat=40.67 & city=New+York+City & tz=ESTRight

now, you can see just how the Moon is now, farther away from Saturn.

Watch and see if you don't definitely feel that influence, tomorrow. Som Good Saturn Experiencs:From Terry, Southern California:"Wow!

I'm having one of the best days of my whole life! Everything is finally

coming together today. There is a certain amount of synchronicity today

that I have not experienced in a long, long while. It feels almost

magical today. I have been meeting new people all day that I have felt

I've known for years and that am deeply connected with. Freakish.""Congratulations

Terry! I remember in Moon & Saturn 'moments' over this last year

where your experience was so much worse, during this Transit. This

wonderful experience shows that we indeed, are in control of our

experiences. Well done!"MarkFrom Sheryll, US"Dear

Mark, I just wanted to tell you when I read your description of January

31st, 2010 from the 2009 Season's of the Stars, I have to say I finally

'got' what you were saying. You said: "The Moon starts to wane, to

pause and one should reflect over the last two weeks of

accomplishments" and I suddenly realized I never pause and reflect.

Instead, I just dive into the next thing and the next thing and this

may be why I never have a sense of actually accomplishming anything.

So, thank you so much for helping me pause, reflect and realize I have

done a lot over these last few weeks.""Dear Sheryll, I'm so

glad to hear about your experience. Because I remember when we talked

doing your chart, that this was one of the malefic possibiliities in

your chart. Remember, you have those many planets in Gemini in your

10th house and that keeps you always staying busy! So,

congratulations! Well done."Like this we all have innumerable

experiences that we go through. Our Astrology is there to give us

deeper insight into what we're doing which is benefic or positive and

that which is malefic and causing, literally, our challenges, even when

we don't realize it.Sincerely,Mark KincaidKeep all those good questions and comments coming in!








Nature's Astrlogy News February 2010

There's a number of activities going on this next month that you may want to know about.#1 We're going to launch our first Nature's Astrology E-magazine!This

will come out each month and will include several wonderful articles on

Astrology as well as a Monthly Transits article. Each month of this

first year, too, will focus on one of the main astrological planets.

This month's 'planet' appropriately will be all about Saturn.Be

sure to look out for that. This first issued includes these great

articles: 1) The Future of Astrology Today, 2) The Full Potential of

Astrology and 3) A Guest Writer's article called "Western & Eastern

Astrology." #2 This month, too, we're going to be

continuing with some of the research we've been doing over this last

year. Check out these 2 special research projects in case you're

interested.Spirituality & Astrology

The first one's on the nature of Spirituality & Astrology. Inside

each of our charts, is our own personal 'Map of God' that describes our

very personal and unique path of spirituality. If you'd like to know

how your chart describes your 'path' than join at: Spirituality_Astrology/ The second

one's on the fact that our Charts, truly do Fit US!You Will Be Your Own est Astrologer This research.33has

to do with the fact that each one of us, literally, has the potential

to be our own Best Astrloger. This group will reserarch how we each

can better learn our own charts. If you're interestd join at:You Will Be Your Own Best AstrologerWe're

only going to do research for about 12-24 people and if you've been

involved in previous research projects we'd like to especially hear

from you.#3 And, if you are not yet a member of our largest

and most active Nature's Astrlogy participatory group you can

find this at:Nature's Astrology: Best of West and EastSincerely,Mark KincaidJAI GURU!www..comkincaidmark@...
















15 MinuteSpecial Reading For ...



forget, if you ordered the 2010 Season's of the Stars, book, you 'll

get again this year, another free 15 minute reading. Call or email me

to schedule,



















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