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2-Wes & All.....Part 2: Is Astrology a science or myth? from Mark Kincaid

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Re: Is Astrology a science or myth?


Posted by: "itswagon"







Sat Feb 6, 2010 6:24 am (PST)



Greetings to all. I am new thanks to an invitation. I've studied

Astrology since about 1968 and began my studies then to disprove it. I

haven't yet. I have dismissed quite a bit resulting from my objective

testing but there is so much more that I've learned that cannot be

shaken. I am convinced of the validity of the Mother Science and am

quite comfortable with my claim to be able to prove the validity of the

science in double-blind demonstrations before an objective panel of

experts. Astrology has never been my profession and I do not wish to

become a professional astrologer, but I do enjoy discussions on the

topic with practical fold interested in talk about "true things."

Ok, on to the topic "Is Astrology a Science or Myth?"


Dear Wes, Nice to hear from you.


I'm particularly glad to hear of your confidence in subjecting

Astrology to such things as double-blinded studies. Unfortunately, the

only really large study that's been done so far was done completely

incorrectly. You'll hear people refer to the large German study that

proposed to try and investigate the relationship between people's

astrological charts and their chosen careers or professions.


They interviewed over 60,000 people but found their was NO statistical

relationship between their careers and their Sun signs. When I read

about this, it made me vry sad to see that the entire premise of this

study was itself, THE PROBLEM! Even western astrologers should know

that you don't look to the Sun sign for the information about the

person's potential careers.


Anyway, if you know of anyone interested in scientific research, those

of us who are more exprt in the field should work with them to help

them even ask the right questions! Career, by the way is an automatic

reflection of the person's 10th house and 10th house lord and any

aspects upon the 10th house and that 10th house lord.



Mark said, "The sinle, eternally most important and most illusive of all human

questions is why! Why do I exist? What is the purpose

of my life and existence here? These questions have still not been

answered. We can now, put a 'man on the Moon' but we

still can't these most basic of human concerns.


Fortunately, today, in the ancient knowledge and philosophy of

Astrology is the fulfillment of this question."


I respond: First, I do believe that jumping to the "Why" question

before discovering Who we are individually is an unnecessary step -- a

problem that produces overwhelming expectations. Yes it would be nice

to know but does the pondering of such a question without facing the

question of who we are as individuals the right path? I do not believe

so. If we tackle the question of who we are, and (just as important)

who we are not, the implications of the study may produce a very clear

"why" answer just for me alone. It will produce my fit, my gifts, and

inadequacies, my path, personality, my soul, my attractions and their

purposes, my repulsions and their purposes, and so much more. My

perspective or question should not be to understand the "why" for

everyone, but to determine the "why" for me alone. Perhaps I can then

presume some theories of how others fit into my life path.


As you undoubtedly discovered later in my

article, the reason why I mention focusing on one's 'why' is just an

important part of Astrology. We will find, as you mention above, that

Astrology also has the supreme ability to help us discover, exactly

'who' we are as well. And, inside the knowledge of who we are, what

kind of personality we will have, what our strengths and weaknesses

will be, for example, there will also be found the answer to 'why'.


Because we've also been born, to not only live the positive and

negative parts of our charts, but we've also been born, just so we can

learn how to Transform, our negatives into positives.


Every person who has a health problem, knows that they want to learn how to be healthy.

Every person who has emotional, (Moon) problems, knows that they want to get over these.


The problem is that Astrology has not adequately focused on exactly how

to strengthen the planets or configurations that are at the true basis

of all of our problems. But, as more and more creative minds put their

attentions to this great task, then Astrology will finally become the

true science of human self-development that it has the potential to be.



Mark saidInside each of our astrological charts, is a clear description of who we are and who we're even, meant to become."


I could not agree more except that saying that it is the Interpretation

of the Astrological Chart that presents the problem. The influences are

there, there is simply no doubt in my mind on this note. The weaknesses

is in the interpretation which is doubly weakened by those who know

nothing about the Structure and Dynamics of the individual human psyche

and yet arrogantly proceed with interpretations they call intuitive or

couched in so-called "esoteric" language. The old Mother Science's

dress is further tattered when the charlatans, who profess knowledge of

astrology, in fact know little more than how to cash your check or ring

up your credit card charge. I actually visited a lady who had an

"Astrology" sign in front of her house. I went in for a reading. I

asked what house system does she use and she had no idea what I meant.

Nothing she had to tell me had any relevance or use at all.


Yes, I agree, there are many examples of where

Astrology is now, done poorly or incompletely. But, that will be

solved, the more that Astrology is done well! I count 'good' Astrology

as 1) that accurately interprets the person's chart, accurately. #2) I

count 'good' Astrology as one that also knows how to help the person

develop or strengthen their weaker or undeveloped (what are called

Malefic) planets.




Mark continues, "All of our human characteristics, qualities and

personality traits are well described, there." No doubt about that

statement. As I noted above the weakness is in the interpretation by

those claiming expertise. Even authors of Astrology books are very weak

in really understanding the individual human being, so how could they

sufficiently interpret the human characteristics presented in a chart?

Of course, they can not.


I believe there is a natural relationship with

how well every person truly understands their own chart, and their

ability to ideally interpret others. Then, one needs a lot of

experience, doing other people's charts, to adequately prepare someone

to do people's charts, 'well'. When I'd studied 50 people's charts,

there was a certain level of knowledge and wisdom that came from that.

But, when I'd expanded to 500 people's charts, that was just enough

charts to generate quite a bit of understanding as well as



Mark said, "The main problem with Astrology, for over 1600 years has

been Western Astrology has been increasingly becoming more and more out

of tune with the actual sky. Today, since Western astrologers most

recently started calculating the 'stars' differently those Mathematics

have continued pushing Astrology, out of synch with

the actual sky!"


This argument appears every once in a while for many good reasons,

however, the answer is that the influences are not in the sky but in

the Earth. The earth is like the mechanism of a complex clock, the

background sky, like the signs and houses formed by the time of birth

are no more than the numbers on the outside face of the clock. The

planets are the hands of the complex clock. The problem is that many

believe the backward movement along the ecliptic puts the traditional

Aries (the beginning of the Natural year) away from the Vernal Equinox

due to the wobble of the Earth's poles). This would be a problem except

that the natural year Still begins with the Sun moving North at the

Beginning of Spring or the Vernal Equinox. The originators of Western

astrology did not mean that the space in the sky we traditionally call

Aries for astrology purposes, should still begin at the Vernal Equinox.

Those wise people in the old times did not actually see images of the

signs in the sky they placed the images in the sky to match the events

on the ground, on the Earth, from where the influence emanates.


Exactly how the mechanism of Astrology gets

generated is certainly open to scrutiny and investigation, but I was

just trying to make the point that traditional, what is called Tropical

Astrology does NOT accuratly work, and should continue to be abondened,

in favor of th more accurat, 'actual sky' approach. When I'd studied

my western (Tropical) chart in the late 1960's and 70's, I felt that it

fit me to some degree, and that of course, was very exciting. But,

there were a number of other references that did not fit me vry well.


But, when I expanded to include the study of my so-called Eastern chart, in the late 1980's, that exprience, totally fit me!

And, with each passing moment of greatr self-understanding I found that the Vedic Astrology chart, much more accurate.


My main point is that the 'BEST' of the East could be combined with the

best, of the old, western system, to create a really profound and

extremely important TRUE science of Astrology!


The first step is to continue to refine exactly how the symbolisms of Astrolgy really do fit people!


Then, when any person has learned which of their planets are positive

and which one's negative, then, Astrology needs to perfect the

strategies of self-development, typically called Remedies and Remedial

measures, until people learn how to literally, TRANSFORM their

negatives, also into strengths.


Having this as my primary focus now for over 20 years I can say that

Astrology definitely has the potential for profound, self-development

and self-improvement.



I have to run.


Best wishes,



Fun talking with you.





Mark Kincaid





Nature's Astrology :


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