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2-Lhynn, ....& All.....Janna.....Distress Signals & suffering from Mark Kincaid

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Dear Lhynn,..... Ever hear of that Christian book called "Why Do Terrible Things Happen to Good People?" I remember when I first heard of that. I had no answer but it made you think. I think of that now, when I reflect on all the set-backs and ‘sad’ experiences we go through.I remember my ‘worst’ Saturn time when I first went into Saturn Maha Dasa in 1991. I had just gotten married, at the tail end of Jupiter. Even had a little bit of money saved, but over the next ‘year’ I couldn’t find any work, went through all my savings. Then, we got ‘pregnant’ but then, lost the baby during the 4th month of pregnancy. My wife, would never get over that. Later, we separated, got divorced, I went bankrupt and then my dad

died, ALL in those first few Saturn Maha Dasa years…I at least knew ‘why’ thought I thought I’d already become in-tune enough with Saturn and said that to him: “Lord, Saturn, why are you still doing this to me. I thought I was in-tune with you!†If you’ve never heard ‘God’ laugh at you, it was quite an experience.Big, belly aching, rolling around on the floor, and it went on and on and on…. Until I remember thinking: ‘Eh, okay, I guess I’m not… so what more do you want from me….?â€And, Saturn, or God, don’t know which, … said to me, just two words, “more silence…… more silence…â€And, ‘that’ my friends was the beginning of my true understanding of Saturn.See, we think we’re here just to live our lives, and have families, and you know, do regular stuff, but what we’re TRULY here to do, is get more in-tune with LIFE!And, the

Saturn part of life means, infinite silence….Those of us, who have such ‘severe’ Saturn things happen to us, are those ‘strong’ souls who’ve come to grow, a lot with Saturn.Each one of us, we will find a strong Saturn influence which means we’re meant to wake up more to Saturn’s particular uniqueness!(See below)Lhynn Nevarez <lhynnseasons_of_the_stars Sent: Fri, February 19,

2010 10:59:06 PMRE: [seasons_of_the_stars] 2-Janna.....Re: Distress Signals & suffering from Mark Kincaid



Hi Dr and Janna,


I have had a huge amount of setbacks in my life...and I wondered why me as you said...I am very spiritual and the more enlightened I became the more tests and challenges jumped in...and no I wasn't happy either...Now, I know those of us who are lucky enough to have Saturn 'st-backs are really the LUCKY ones! If I hadn’t have had those Saturn ‘shakes’ I’m sure now, that I wouldn’t have developed all the great, internal Saturn qualities that I have. .I got very ill in 2005 with 2 autoimmune diseases and i found out i went into my Saturn Dasa..well it woke me up..the first year I thought I would die. Even listen to your words...."it woke me up"....The thing we have to always remember is that it isn’t Saturn, or God, or anyone else that brings us these horrific consequences or lessons. It’s really our own

actions that are finally coming back to us.One of my dear sister’s is facing very severe pain and Cancer and yte, I know this is due to a life-time of neglect, smoking, drinking and NOT resting deeply enough. She, of course, can’t quite see it, but finally, this latest wake up call, is abruptly, finally, waking here up, too.but found huge amount of deception then in the family and friends I was so shocked . .And, this is what happens, we see some greater tuth that was alluding us before!.and then I am alone alot now as you would expect in that dasa And, this is one of Sani's greatest lessons, to learn to be truly happy all by ourselves, and/or with God, alone....but actually I want my life to be happy and full of people but the stillness has helped me alot and I do let it come in and there is much

more contentment when I do this.,Yes, we do want to be happy and have a life full of people, but we've done this many times, and many of us, NOW have come to learn to be happy 'alone'. But, as you say, now, "the stillness has helpd m a lot...... and with 'much more contentment....!

Janna I am a member of the Intenders I love it and it does help!!

I wish you both luck sucess and happiness!!

LhynnAnd, what I wish for all of us, is that we continue to finally, 'get' what Saturn is trying to show us, and through HIM, find the great peace and inner happiness that is Sani's trueest nature!Jai Sani!Mark K.To bring anything into your life....Imagine that it is already there!--- On Fri, 2/19/10, DR.PRASAD P.R.K. <DRPRKPRASAD@ hotmail.com> wrote:

DR.PRASAD P.R.K. <DRPRKPRASAD@ hotmail.com>RE: [seasons_of_ the_stars] 2-Janna..... Re: Distress Signals & suffering from Mark Kincaidseasons_of_the_ stars@ s.com, jnanalynn , rhodes10 , kincaidmark@ Friday, February 19, 2010, 6:41 AM

Dear Mark,jnana ety al, I appreciate your positive attitude & your spiritual approach- two qualities that helped me survive all the setbacks in my life.I know that whetever is happening is for my betterment & I got to endure all this.But then my cancerian moon makes me sink into abysmal depths of despondency & mental depression many a times b'cos the question "WHY ME ALONE TO SUFFER ALL THIS " stares at me from the wall as though it was written only for me !Does this happen to you too ? (Since you said you share nearly the same planetary positions as me except the natal moon ?).And this why me haunts me many a times & I d'ont ever seem to get answer from anything & everything that I have read & researched ! 7 1/2 years of saturn taught me patience & endurance yet I keep wondering if my entire life is going to be spent only in waiting for what I want in life or if I am ever going to get it !Is

my life ever going to be a fulfilled one or a wasted one is the question that I seek an answer from all ye learned people !.I worked my butts out to reach where I am in life today but it does'nt seem enough to give me the happiness to be content with my life ! I am sure all of you will feel elated & happier reading my life's story that ye are a more blessed lot ! And that brings the question - what should you do to be a blessed lot ? Prayers alone or prayers with purity alone d'ont seem to get you heaven's blessings ! One seems to need that damn LADY LUCK too ! Do ye all agree ? Your comments I await !



seasons_of_the_ stars@ s.comjnanalynn Fri, 19 Feb 2010 14:11:24 +0000[seasons_of_ the_stars] 2-Janna..... Re: Distress Signals & suffering from Mark Kincaid


Hi Mark,I am beginning to see some light in the darkness as last night when the Moon was exact at 0* Aries I signed a six-month renewable lease for a new dwelling, taking this as a sign of a positive new beginning (and my lunar return, Aries-Bharani, is Saturday) since it will be more nurturing with feminine energy present in the property with plants and cats, which is more in tune with my lunar composition. It has been very de-stabilizing to move every 5 months, and I have been fuming because this move marks the fifth move in 18 months or a year and a half. All that I have done is pack and unpack boxes, and I hope this is it for at least the next 18 months!Your insight was helpful about transiting Saturn being in the same house with natal Jupiter, and in fact, when transiting Jupiter enters Pisces WOW May 5! it will then oppose transiting Saturn and natal Jupiter in my chart for a year. Interesting too is that in

April my third PD dasa lord, will be Saturn, so I will be in JU ME SA dasa around the same time that JU enters Pisces and opposes NT JU and TR SA. I wonder what this mix will bring.I will share an appropriate message that came through today that I think is also an auspicious omen of a new and more positive cycle for me and in alignment with some of the things you said in your reply, especially your comment that SA with NT JU "means you want to proceed ahead, but Saturn obstacles and slow progress are hampering you. -jannaThe Bridge ~ Step 44 ~ GraceWhen man remembers his spiritual connection to All That Is, he lives in a most joyous state, wherever he is, whatever he is doing The Intenders of the Highest Good would like to thank you for joining us as we stroll across The Bridge to our self empowerment. It is our firm intention to provide you with everything you need to become a mighty manifester and create the life of

your choosing. At this point we'd like to present you with a loving reminder from The Code. And we intend that you continue using T! he Bridg e to become a powerful force dedicated to the Highest Good of the Universe, yourself, and everyone you touch.Remember . . .That which is meant to be yours will come to you. Just as those of you who are aligned with the highest good will eventually experience your highest ideal, so shall your daily needs be met. You need never worry about your survival because there was a special mechanism put into place long ago which regulates and guarantees that everything you need will be there for you in the exact moment that you need it. Oftentimes it will not appear until the instant before it is needed, but you may be assured that while you are waiting you are being strengthened. As you learn to trust in this wondrous process, the obstacles and hardships of life fall by the wayside and are replaced by a

serenity that knows no limit.These times of great upheaval are truly gifts unto you. You are constantly surrounded by an environment that is conducive for bringing out your most fulfilling form of expression. Your ego, the part of you which is in service to yourself, is giving way to a much larger, grander you'the you that is in service to others. You are blossoming in all your glory, and it is this blossoming that you have always longed for. Be open, be available, and, in the meantime, be at peace. Your prayers and intentions are all being answered. My intention for today is:I intend that the Sweetest Love imaginable, like a torrent of rushing water, washes simultaneously over and through the hearts of every man, woman, and child who walk this Earth. And I intend, from that moment of Grace forward, that all seven billion of us have a reference point to remind us of how good life can be when we are filled, to the brim, with

Love.We encourage you to forward this message to your list of friends. If this message was sent to you from a friend, you can go to http://www.intenders.org/ to sign up free for The Intenders Bridge.Y! OUR COMM ENT: And, the fact, that you're also, in Jupiter Dasas means you want to> proceed ahead, but Saturn obstacles> and slow progress are hampering you.> > Just let go of needing it to be in any way, and instead focus on> accepting whatever way Nature is unfolding for you.> > Remember the old scripture: "Not my will oh, lord, but thy will be> done!"> > This is a purely 'good' Saturn expression.> > Hope this helps.seasons_of_the_ stars@

s.com, "Mark Kincaid" <kincaidmark@ ...> wrote:>> Hello Mark,> > I am sending out a plea of help from you for a mini-interpretation and> for> others who may have insights into the causes of my current states of> terror and> displacement.> > Dear Janna,> > I so sorry to hear of your dilemma. Just 'know' that there is a deep,> and positive purpose to all> this turmoil that you're going through! And, soon, very soon, you'll> see that too...> > See below....> > > > I am very distressed, having moved 4 times in less than two years, and I> must> move from my present location by March 1. I am 63 years old; I am not> certain> that I can survive even physically this current situation.>

> I know what you mean. I've probably moved 40 times in my entire life. > Sometimes its just> built into us! 'Moving' just needs flexibility. Let go of the anxiety> about it, and instead> look at the bright side....> > I think the primary agitation is a combination of Rahu in H6 and Mars in> H1> (Cancer lagna). My physical strength is ebbing as Mars approaches the> exact 6*> of my Cancer Sun (and this mrityu bhaga, fatal degree) and will remain> on this> d! egree ex act March 1-21.> > Yes, you could be right. But, regardless of the astrological 'reasons'> just know that your> re-action to the moving is still, within your control! You CAN react> more positively.> > It's like dieing. It's inevitable. We all, soon, are going to pass> that way. But, its truly> up to us how we 'react' to that

inevitability.> > The timing is bad, but I have been harassed and threatened now to be> sued by> this demonic landlord who unfortunately occupies the house I rented as a> house-share in September. All I have of his birth data is:Sept 2 1961,> San> Francisco (I think evening; I have him placed around 0* sidereal> Pisces). He is> not the problem; getting out of here and to a place where I am not> tormented is> the problem, with limited funds in a rajasic, over-inflated rental> market.> > Sometimes we do get kickd out of a 'bad' situation, even though we can't> see the bright side of it.> It may be that the new situation will at least take you away from that> torment.> > Any suggestions you have to help to alleviate this particular stress> will be> deeply appreciated, since after 4 moves, I don't know if I can

survive a> fifth> one, but must somehow. Do you see a favorable passage approaching for> movement?> > Just KNOW, that you have the potential to weather, truly, ANY storm!> > The more you go within, the more you will insulate your self against all> pain, grief,> misery and even enemies.> > This is where Christ's story can help us. His life was not an easy or> pleasant one.> > But, he showed us all that on can still be one with God, and through> that, rise up> above any adversities, no matter, how severe.> > Keep focusing on the inside, on enlivening y! our inte rior, and that is> the best thing> you can do to weather any storm.> > I am in JU ME JU (with JU MD another terror).> > 6:56 AM July 22, 1946, Salt Lake City Utah> > And, finally, the last thing that comes to mind, is

that Saturn's now> going through the sign and house> where your Jupiter is, and that's bringing dis-stress, a kind of tension> to Jupiter.> > And, the fact, that you're also, in Jupiter Dasas means you want to> proceed ahead, but Saturn obstacles> and slow progress are hampering you.> > Just let go of needing it to be in any way, and instead focus on> accepting whatever way Nature is unfolding for you.> > Remember the old scripture: "Not my will oh, lord, but thy will be> done!"> > This is a purely 'good' Saturn expression.> > Hope this helps.> > Sincerely,> > Mark Kincaid> > > > > Kind regards,> Janna>



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