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2-Sanat re. Is Astrology a science? from Mark Kincaid 2/23

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Re: Science of astrology 2- Sanat from Mark Kincaid


Posted by: "sanat2221"







Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:30 pm (PST)



Dear Mark,

Thanks for your comments without any reply on my outstanding point since a year.



Dear Sanat,


Previously, you talked about how many astrologers use different systems

in India and there is no consensus of which are correct, etc. I want

to say I agree that there are many differing views as to how people

both, try to understand Astrology and how they use it. But, this

doesn't mean that there isn't one system, one true laws of nature that

is the 'real' and scientific Astrology. See, below....


I think you are not aware that many Indians find that Western system is

> correct instead of so called Vedic system. Some one may support

> Krishnamurty system, Palmistry, terro card, Vaastu, Nadi etc. etc.. So

> how you can substantiate that one system is correct. When another person

> is having some opposite views. It means it is only personal psychology,

> by which you are attached to any one system.


For example, in the history of humanity there

have been many systems of understanding including such disciplines as

Alchemy and Philosophy or all sorts, etc. etc. But, then, science

began and individuals banded together to try and figure out if a system

of self-examination could be adopted that would allow all these

differing views of 'reality' to become integrated.


And, the result now, 300 years later is that we do have a very

well-integrated, sophisticated system of understanding the universe,

based on profound mathematics, and tests of verification and

validation. There are of course, many controversies in the field of

science as well. But, what is extremely attractive about modern day

'science' is that they

have learned how to reconcile their differences and come to a synthesis of what is true and what is not.


Case in point was the old view that the world was flat and that the

earth was the center of the universe. Scientific study, prediction and

mathematics have since proven that the world is round and the earth is

but one planet, orbiting a medium size Sun, which itself is orbiting

the middle of just one of billions of galaxies in this known universe.


Obviously, the field of Astrology could benefit tremendously by learning to become more scientific.


We could start a system of verification and validation that could help

people determine whether their systems are more true or accurate from

the billions of humanity that could so powerfully benefit from this



In my own experience, I have found that the Lahiri based system that

I've followed, which by the way, is still, probably the most well

followed system in the world today, does fit me very accurately.


And, I was very happy to hear that you have been studying your own chart as well.


My next question, for you is, have you found that it fits you?


In first point, do the character and human characteristics aspect of your chart fit you?


Does the Sun, Moon and Rising sign, symbolism's fit your personality, your mental and emotional make-up and your

human disposition? If the answer to this is yes, then, you've verified for your self that this system that you're using

does indeed fit you.


The next step is to discover if the system of Astrology that we're 'each' using fits those around us.


And, like I said before, when I first came back from India in 1987,

where I first got exposed to Jyotish, I found that many people had been

given predictions by all of the most active, well known and famous

astrologers and Jyotishees of that time and so many of these

predictions DIDN'T turn out to be true.


But, the Guru that had introduced me to Jyotish said that Jyotish should be accurate in its ability to predict, so I

thought obviously, there was something wrong with the way people were

using Astrology if their predictions weren't being truthful.


As a result, I focused on a different aspect of Jyotish, on what I

could find that was accurate. What I immediately found was the

symbolisms of my chart really did fit me. And, I compared that to the

Western, Tropical Astrology that

I'd grown up with in my early 20's. Some of that system, by the way, did fit, but not much and the Jyotish system fit

me much more accurately.


Then, I decided to see if this system of Jyotish fit other people I

knew. I focused on my family members first because I thought I know

them the best and I might be able to more easily determine if their

charts fit them. I quickly discovered that their personalities, their

very unique human dispositions and tendencies,did fit their charts

too, in the same way that my chart fit me.


That, then, inspired me to expand into my friends. After about 25,

then, 50 and finally about 100 people I began to see a very obvious

pattern emerging where I now 'knew' that this system of Astrology was



And, if you've studied how the system that you've been following, fits other people around you, then, you too, will

grow in the 'aha' that Astrology is accurate.


What needs to happen in the future is we need to take all the different systems of Astrology and cross analyze them,

and use the same tools of modern science to come to a better synthesis of what truly works.


In my own case I continued just because people's charts so accurately fit them!


When, I got up to 500 people and literally all of them fit their charts, that was extremely powerful.


Then, when I got up to 1,000, 2,000 and eventually, 3,4 and 5,000 I knew that this system works.


But, if you want to focus on the different systems that people use, then, we should start a scientific journal, where we

could invite people of different systems, to create scientific papers with powerful studies of their different groups.


Then, we could begin to analyze which systems are the most accurate.


I've purposefully stayed away from the predictive side of Astrology, just because its seemed to be the least accurate.


Did you look up my chart, (Sept. 4,1951, 11:17am Kansas City, Missouri US - Libra rising)?


What system of Jyotish do you use?


And, has it allowed you to see your self more clearly?






Mark Kincaid



PS: Personal self-validation is only the beginning, but if our own system doesn't fit us, then, we won't even think to

apply to others. Maybe you're one of those people that can help the world learn to resolve the obvious differences

due to different systems.


But, you need to come up with a system such that the different systems

can be analyzed in terms of their effectiveness, regardless of whether

predictions or human characteristics are predicted.






>>>>>>how well do you know your chart, so far? I'd suggest we

talk about your chart, because the extent to which you know

your own chart, that'll help you really answer your questions!<<



First of all let me inform you that I am also in your age-group and

studying astrology since last 40 years. So definitely I am also aware

with my horoscope. But if you want to say that I may conclude some

prediction and match it with my life to find out the truth of astrology

then I must say that it is not the proper way to conclude that

astrology is correct. Because out of so many conclusions derived from a

(my) horoscope after applying different sort of principles like lord,

aspect, debilitation, friendship, dasha etc., we may get many (all)

prediction with some opposite conclusion. In this situation you may

support those principles, result of which appears to be correct

according to your mindset, and you left other conclusion. But in

forecast how you can say that a particular conclusion is correct and

opposite conclusion is not correct.

Psychologically, we only remember those conclusion, which appears to be

true and left other predictions. Hence knowing our horoscope is not

going to solve the problem of correctness of astrology.

Astrology may only be correct, if any principle is socalled correct in

a horoscope may also be correct in all horoscopes having that

combination of planets etc. You also know that it is not so.


Then it is only our (client and astrologer) whim to take any prediction

as correct and remember that and forgetting all other wrong predictions.

We are actually discussing it randomly, which is favorite tactics

of the astrologers, so that main point and aim may loose in between.

Earlier I have asked to intimate some principles, which in your opinion

is correct. As you may have collected so many principles during last 20



If you are shying to answer my earlier points then let us start from the following point to take deep route in due course.


Whether destiny is fixed or not fixed ?


Thanks for your pains.


Yours truly,


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