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Dear Friends,Here is an email about the Transits coming up for th Wek of March 4-10th...Enjoy...Mark K.PS...remember if you want to receive this or other Astrology articles and newsletter, you need to sign up for it,(see below)----- Forwarded Message ----Constant Contact <supportkincaidmarkSent: Wed, March 3, 2010 11:30:29 PMYour email The "Daily" Stars - For The Week of Thursday March 4th - 10th has been sent






















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The "Daily" Stars - For The Week of Thursday March 4th - 10th























"Positivity - Rising"Weekly "Daily" Word Transit ReportFrom, March 4th - 10th








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March, 2010










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Dear Mark,



The Daily "Transits" this week are going to be particularly interesting. These are the main influences going on NOW:1) Venus has moved into Pisces, its Sign of Exaltation. Exalted Planets always will have a more benefic or positive influence.2) The Moon is continuing to wane which if youthink about it, in contrast to the last 2 weeks, is a nice change of pace! If you find your self frustrated and struggling in especially the waning times of the Moon, just remember, that there is a very important place and role of Rest in life, and the Moon's waning times is another great recuperative opportunity!3) Venus will be moving directly over Saturn's 7th House 'gaze' or Aspect, so pay especially to those days.In all cases, if you take advantage of that 60-Second Star "Mentor" you can discover if you are in-tune or if you would benefit from adapting more to Nature, even if its your

own nature!EnjoySincerely,


Mark KincaidTo communicate with me, personally for all your questions:kincaidmark or markkincaid Nature's Astrology website, Click Here









"Week At A Glance:

Thursday, March 4th - 10th"I'd suggest paying special attention to each day's Transits, especially through March 15th, when the next New Moon occurs. Normally, these Venus - Exalted in Pisces Transits are extremely powerful and extraordinary. Last year, for example, Venus was Exalted for an amazing amount of time.This year, however, almighty Saturn is also

found 'Aspecting' from the opposite sign of Virgo. This means that Saturn's influence will affect Venus' Special Transit very profoundly this year.Watch each day closely and you'll be able to take better advantage.March 4th - Thursday "Harmonious & Lovely"Today,

the Moon starts off this week at about the 14th degree of Libra. This is a welcome relief from the last few days when the Moon was directly being aspected by Saturn in Virgo. Moon in Libra is one of Venus' special signs, so this month's Moon/Libra transit will be even more positive. I've heard it said, (by Jyotishees) that each planet sends back a 'mail' to its Homes, (signs) in regards to how happy it is doing. So, Venus' recent movement into Exalted Pisces will not only affect where your Pisces is, but also Venus' signs of Libra and Taurus will also be positively influenced. See, if you can feel that extra Venus sweetness pervading Libra and the Moon today and much of tomorrow.


March 5th - Friday "Lovely w/Some Undercurrent"Today,

the Moon starts off at the 26th degree of Libra which means 4 more degrees or about 8 more hours of Libraness! So, if you're in a place in the world where you're going to be working during these nice hours than you'll especially benefit from it. Though I suspect even if you're going to be sleeping, your sleep will be more tranquil than some times.The 'only' thing to watch is there is some slight undercurrent of 'other' planetary qualities that are also flowing directly into Libra. Both, Ketu and Mars directly influence Libra, this month and year, from their placements in Gemini and Cancer. So, if you feel some slight lack of ease, this may be why. Though remember, when ever you find yourself unsettled by ANY transits, this is still, a good sign that you could be more steadfast from within, for say, next month.March 6th -

Saturday "Irritableness"Today, the Moon begins the day at about the 10th degree of Scorpio. So, the word from the wise is, 'watch out' for your fiery irritableness. This happens every month during these Moon/Scorpio days so you may be getting more used to these days by now. Some remark that some constellation, so far away, couldn't possibly affect us upon the Earth.At some point I studied more about Scorpio. Did you know there's a big, Red Giant Star in the middle of Scorpio called Antares? It's so bright that you can even see its redish tone with the naked eye! Still, I was even more surprised when I read about Antares' size. It's 450 times BIGGER than our Sun. So, if you were to plop it down upon our solar system, it would occupy the entire space from the Sun, all the way out to Mars!Therefore, watch

especially these next two days and look out for any sudden rush of strange fire, and heat that appears as if from nowhere. That's Scorpio! And, we can do things to pacify that imbalance. I eat snow on some of these winter Scorpio days. (Okay, I'm kidding, but I do take slightly longer walks outside if I need to.) Just don't let that sudden internal 'heat' make you fiery, irritable, angry or mad.You may even find some good reasons for that 'intensity', only to later regret bursting out.

March 7th - Sunday "Scorpio Day #2"Today,

the Moon begins the day at the 22nd degree of Scorpio which means 8 more degrees or about 16 more hours of 'it. By today, you'll know whether this is influencing you 'poorly' or not. If not, Eureka! you're residing deeper within. If you are, then take this as a sign that you could be more positively anchored. What I like to do on such Scorpio days, is project this 'intensity' into the nature and vibration of Scorpio, which is to care for what is right and just.Only I don't get mad if I or others aren't living up to any Scorpio standard. March 8th - Monday "The Balm of Wisdom"Today,

the Moon has moved into its much more happy sign of Sagittarius. I, often feel this unmistakable shift from Scorpio 'fire' to Sagittarius 'wisdom'. Look for this today, and you can even plan that others will be more receptive on these days.Though Rahu's also in Sagittarius this month and year, it won't so intensely affect the Moon until tomorrow. But, if you do feel some rush of obsessive qualities, this is why and you can benefit by putting some attention on the Remedies of Rahu.SATURN'S 7TH HOUSE ASPECT UPON VENUS Earlier we've been talking about Exalted Venus getting more and more close to Saturn's direct degrees. Well, today is

that day when Venus is at the 7th degree of Pisces while Saturn's at the 8th degree in Virgo. So, if any intense dramas find their way onto your door step, 'now', this is why.Try and weather the Cosmic storm. It'll be gone before you know it.I'm not going to be planning any important meetings on this day!But, I love what Yogananda said about Astrology. "Find me the worst day, according to my chart, in this up-coming year, and I will accomplish anything on that day!" We may not quite be in that high, or brilliant state of mind or consciousness, but I do keep that in mind and aspire to some day.The other main Saturn remedy for these type

of days is to be extremely calm and silent. And, if you're not feeling that way naturally, do something extra to stir that, within. I'll mediate for an extra 5 minutes if I have time. I'll even do some extra yoga to smooth out the body.You'll have some favorite things you like to do, to keep yourself settled and centered.

March 9th - Tuesday "The Storms of the Universe"Today,

the Moon starts off the day in the later degrees of Sagittarius (17th) just that much closer to Rahu's exact degrees. (25th). 8 degrees apart means a major Rahu/Moon, so-called Planetary war today, in exactly 16 hours. This day will be the most intense of this transit, and tomorrow, will fill with more relief.SATURN'S 7TH HOUSE ASPECT UPON VENUS


Today, Venus has traveled to the 8th degree of Pisces, which is EXACTLY opposite to Saturn which is at the 8th degree of Virgo. Today, you're likely to feel the greatest intensity of that 'glance'. So, if you're feeling particularly Rough, emotionally or in terms of your Venus heart, this is why. However, never get into the thinking that it has to be this way. It's only this way, because we're not more Cosmically centered, within. I take these so-called Malefic days as a challenge and aspire to be that much more in-tune next month when similar transits tend to occur.

March 10th - Wednesday "The Relief - After the Storm"


Today, the Moon starts off at the 28th degree of Rahu. So, the Moon and Rahu will still be extremely close together. But, see, if you don't notice that the intensity of their mutual collision is today, than yesterday. It feels quite often like the 'clear air' after an intense storm.The storms are scary sometimes. Sometimes they are unsettling. But, so often, there's an immediate purification and 'goodness' in the air, right after the storm.See, if today isn't more like that. I'm going to plan accordingly with this. Because especially later in the day, say in the afternoon, the Moon will be just that much farther away from Rahu's direct

influence.Here's hoping you have a great week and use this knowledge of the Cosmic Weather reports to progress more easily through your days!Sincerely,Mark KincaidJai Guru!PS: Join and Participate in this New Nature's Astrology: Blog!Nature's Astrology Blog!



Questions & Answers Column


Keep those questions coming in and we'll have some nice discussions here periodically. Write to me, at either "kincaidmark" or "markkincaid"enjoy,Mark PS: How's your Winter been! Saturn is Winter and a golden opportunity to grow in more Saturn depth and power.






Nature's Astrology News

March 2010

There's a number of activities going on this next month that you may want to know about.#1 This month, too, we're going to be continuing with some of the research we've been doing over this last year. Check out especially this one on "The Map of God." It'll be usd for the new book that'll b out this year called: "Map of God - Astrology is For Enlightenmnt." Click on below to go there.

Map of God - Research

#2 And, if you are not yet a member of our largest and most active Nature's Astrlogy participatory group you can find this at:Nature's Astrology: Best of West and East#3 If you're not yet signed up for this NEW Constant Contact Newsletter, sign up at:New Nature's Astrology NewsetterYou can receive the Daily Word Newsletter every day. Or if you'd rather receive only the Weekly Transit Report, please mention that. Or, if you'd only like to receive the 2-4 other Astrology articles or newslettrs, than specify that as well.Otherwise, you'll receive all 3!


#4 Don't forget the 2010 Season's of the Stars E-book is still Available. Not only are the Daily, Weekly & Monthly Transits clearly described, but what are the most Favorable and Unfavorable Days of the entire year, are available. I, especially love seeing the Transits of the whole year because that then, structures within the various positive and negative flows of the year.


To order, email me through here, at our website at: Nature's Astrology. #5 Also, if you order this e-book or have already, you can participate in daily discussions about the Stars at our : Season's of the Stars.


Sincerely,Mark KincaidJAI GURU!www..comPersonal Email:



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Free15 MinuteSpecial Reading For ...


Don't forget, if you ordered the 2010 Season's of the Stars, book, you 'll get again this year, another free 15 minute reading. Call or email me to schedule: kincaidmarkAlso, if you want to expand these readings, a fairly inexpensive $ 1.00/minute rate will suffice.



















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