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Interested in Improving your Spirituality?

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Dear Friends,....


Inside each of our charts is not only a clear picture of who we are, but also, a clear picture of every aspect of our lives....


Our early lives, our young adulthood years,.... how to make money, how

to take care of our health, our karmas for relationships, everything is

right there.....


However, one of the most fascinating 'stories' that's inside our charts is our spirituality.....


In my next book, called the "Map of God"....... all the different spiritual paths that we're on are

clearly there in our charts...


If you'd like to reflect on your Astrology and would especially like to discover what your spiritual story or path is about then, let me know. I'm going to be doing this particular 'research' for my book I'm writing, and I'd be happy to talk to

you.... some time....This research project will include #1 How our path of spirituality is right there in our charts.#2 this research will also show Exactly how we can improve and develop our spirituality byunderstanding and improving ourselves through our Astrology.If you're interested in either of these activitis, then, I'd love to have you in this research.


I've included a brief Spirituality Questionnaire I'd like you to fill out.


Then, send it back to me: (kincaidmark) and then, we'll set

up a time to talk over one of the net's instant messenger systems...


I'm on either , face book and skype IM's.... so let me know...and we'll schedule...





Mark Kincaid


PS: All those people who participated in other research projects, can

also join this. In fact, if we've already talked before, I'd

especially be interested in talking with you, about this, since we

already have been going into your chart...


Here's the Questionnaire:


Map of God









Welcome to our new group, and research project on the `spiritual' nature of our Astrology.


To begin with I'd like to fill out this brief description of your spiritual path.


Please describe yourself, especially, `before' you learned any Astrology.


And, then, you can describe how you've changed , how

your`understanding' of yourself has changed since you learned your



If you're completely `new' to Astrology, then, fine, mention that

as well. However, even if you know nothing really about your

Astrology, yet, I'm sure you have a lot of interesting thoughts about

how you feel about spirituality or God.


Please try as be as specific and detailed as you can.


Next, we'll start going into how your personality, and experiences

of a spiritual nature, are a wonderful description of your astrological

`star' pattern.


Date of Birth Information


Please include your date of birth information, day, time and place

of birth. Also, describe if you've ever had your `exact' time

verifi2d, astrologically?



Time: ________________

Place: _


Jyotish Rising Sign, (If you know it): ___________


Misc: _




Now, let's begin....



From The Earliest Age



In this section, please describe your earliest thoughts or memories

of `God', spirituality, wonder about the nature and purpose of life.

Again, be as detailed as you'd like. Take even more space if you need


A this stage I'd prefer that you `not' put your descriptions in

astrological terms. Later, you can talk about how discovering your

chart, has given you insight into your spiritual life or journey.















When I Learned Astrology


Everyone can be described as either a Beginner, Medium or Advanced

astrological student. What this means is `How well do you know your

Astrology?" In other words, how well do you feel that your chart `fits



Would you say:


A: _____ My chart fits me extremely well, somewhere between 80-100%. Or,

B: _____ I only seem to know about 50% of my chart. Or,

C: _____ I only know a very small about of my chart. 0-30%.


Now, since learning your chart, (whether a beginner, medium or

advanced student), now, how do you perceive your self, spirituality or















When I First Learned Astrology


Everyone can be described as either a Beginner, Medium or Advanced

astrological student. What this means is `How well do you know your

Astrology?" In other words, how well do you feel that your chart `fits

you' so far?


Would you say:


A: _____ My chart fits me extremely well, somewhere between 80-100%. Or,

B: _____ I only seem to know about 50% of my chart. Or,

C: _____ I only know a very small about of my chart. 0-30%.


Since, learning your chart, (whether a beginner, medium or advanced

student), now, describe how do you perceive your self, spirituality or















Blessings & Obstacles

Along The Spiritual Path


What would you describe ar your greatest `blessings' in your spiritual life so far?












And, what would you say your greatest challenges, obstacles or frustrations have been along your spiritual path?














This now will serve as a beginning `template' for your spiritual

situation. In this `course' we're going to focus on learning more

about our Astrology and especially how our personal Astrology chart can

give us some greater insight, knowledge and wisdom about our spiritual



Any other comments you'd like to make, at this point?














Thanks again, for participating in this study.







Mark Kincaid

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