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For Those of you who would like to re-read this article from our new Constant Contact Newsletter system, I'm archiving in the Nature's Astrology Sincerely,Mark KincaidConstant Contact <supportkincaidmarkSent: Sun, March 28, 2010 3:40:55 PMYour email _3 Pillars of Life - Charts - Transis

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_3 Pillars of Life - Charts - Transis & Dasas_























"The 3 Pillars of LifeCharts - Transits & Dasas"








The Stars Speak to Us Every day - - -Our Personal Planets - InterpretThose 'Words'!



March, 2010










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"The 3 Pillars of Astrology - Transits - Charts - Dasas"


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Dear Mark,


Every one of us is living 3 main aspects of our Astrology. I call them the 3 Pillars of Astrology, because all together, they represent almost 100% of everything that we go through.These 3 Main parts of our Astrology include 1) Our Charts, obviously, but equally as important 2) The Transits and 3) something called our Dasas.I thought we might review these three because a number of new people have recently joined our Nature's Astrology newsletter, here.See the article below on Charts, Transits & Dasas and see if you can identify what you're presently going through!You'll then be able to answer this all-important

question. What I'm experiencing is in my Chart, Transits or Dasas.Then, the 'Next' goal in Astrology however, is to figure out what to do about it. If we're ever, experiencing any 'negativity' in life, than we definitely want to figure out why. One of the most useful, astrological ahas, is that whatever you 'suffer' under it HAS to correspond with a particular planet in your chart.So, the first goal in Astrology, really, is to figure out which of your planets are your Benefices and which one's Malefic. Astrology has long understood that all the positive aspects of our lives are due to the stronger, more healthy or well developed positive planets which are called Benefices.On the other hand, all the challenges in life, the struggles, frustrations and especially, suffering, are due to the weaker, undeveloped, so-called Malefic planets. See, below for the simple formula you can use to determine which

one of your planets are Benefic or Malefic.Because all future periods, whether due to the Transits or Dasas, will flow, innocently from whether your planets are positive or negative. If your Moon, for example, is functioning malefically in your chart, then, this means, ALL, future Moon transits or dasas will be negative!On the other hand, where you have Benefic planets, then all future periods of those planets, will be positive!Therefore, you can begin to predict what all your future Transits and Dasas periods will be like.Once you 'grok' where your chart started out at, then, you can begin the process of planetary Self-development which is really the main purpose of Astrology, or life, anyway.So, if you want to change future negative or malefic periods, then, you need to change, heal or self-develop that planet which has previously been malefic.See the article below for more


Mark KincaidFor

those of you who haven't found 'us' on Face book, feel free to join

us. We're discussing the Stars each day and the discussions and

knowledge is just flying around!Facebook To communicate with me, personally for all your questions:kincaidmark or markkincaid Nature's Astrology website, Click Here









"The 3 Pillars of Astrology"Transits, Charts & Dasas


These three main 'pillars' or components of Astrology, called our Charts, Dasas and Transits, really do account for almost everything that happens to us. And, once we learn exactly how to 'read' which part of our charts we're experiencing at every moment, a tremendous quality of power or self-actualization will come to you.There is a simple formula I've learned for determining whether what we're going through is due primarily to the Transits, the Dasas, or simply, our Charts themselves.Once you know where your experiences are coming from, then, you'll know how to understand them better, and then, use them to progress further, in your life.If you've been watching the Transits with us for awhile you may be wondering why I emphasize the Transits, so much.In many ways the Transits are the easiest to experience. This is because 'they' are outside of us and move about, like the 'weather' each and every day.When you watch the Transits for even 2-3 months you'll learn quite a bit about Astrology. Transits The first thing I recommend is to watch the Moon. It acts like a big 'receiver' and will literally pick up the energies or vibrations of everything around it. Every 2 1/2 days the Moon will push through, a new Sign, (or constellation, collection of stars.) The true nature, qualities and characteristics of these different Signs will be radiated to you, through the Moon every 2 1/2 days. Watch especially how you 'feel' between signs, when the Moon's going through the 'gap' between each sign and you'll begin to feel the amazing uniqueness of each Sign.This will first of all show you what the future worldly environments will be like each day. On Moon in Virgo days, suddenly people will start seeing each others faults. Then, on Moon in Libra days, suddenly everyone feels

harmonious and non-confrontational.Look for one main 'quality' in the daily Transits. Look for the distinctive differences in the Signs. This will tell you a lot about your own chart, which necessarily has planets in those unique signs of the zodiac. The second thing you want to be looking for is those times when you feel 'good' and those times when you feel 'rough', upset, or not your best self.These periods each month will begin to show you which of your personal planets are positive or negative in your chart. And, this 'aha' is of the greatest importance.Secondly, look for the Moon's conjunctions, or 'collisions' with all the other planets, each month, as well. The Moon will 'send' to you the very nature and balance of each of the planets. Tomorrow, when the Moon becomes a Full Moon, it will simultaneously tell you a lot about the Sun and also about Saturn!This is because when 'full'

the Moon is receiving the exact, most intense concentration of the Sun's rays. This will tell you a lot about the Sun, but also about the Moon. This 'full' Moon however, the Moon in Virgo, also collides with Saturn. So, simultaneously, the Moon will tell you, a lot about Saturn as well.Actually, you can experience either the positive or negative side of Saturn. Depending upon how in-tune you are with your own, personal Saturn, this up-coming Moon/Saturn experience will either be smooth, joyful, silent and still, or rough, upsetting, stressful and even depressive. These two, wildly different possibilities are due to Saturn's direct influence through the Moon.But, why we each experience the 'Saturn' that we do, is an intimate reflection of our inner balance with our own interior Saturn.Charts So, we've started with the Transits. But, you want to quickly discover what's going on in your unique chart. I'd say, in fact, that more than 50 or 60% of all that we experience is due to the issues and qualities of our charts. The Transits and Dasas, only serve to bring out the positive and negative aspects of our own charts. Remember our Charts represent the very essence of who we are! Our Charts describe our personalities, our mental and emotional natures or disposition and even our human strengths and weaknesses. There are two ways to determine whether your planets are positive or negative. #1 if you experience any negativity during any transit, that experience is indicative of a specific planet, in your chart,

that's actually acting malefically.The second way is to look within and ask your self some questions about each planet. These questions, too, (I call this the 60-Second Star Test, see below) will easily and effortlessly help you get more in-touch with your planets.DasasThen, there is the final aspect of our Dasas. The Dasas represent the karmas of our charts, of our strong and weak planets coming to us, also in time. The Dasas, however, unlike the Transits, come to us, on the 'plate' of our emotions. In other words, we quite

often will 'feel' the many varied qualities and shifts of our Dasas whereas the Transits come to us, as if, from the outside, through our senses or our bodies.But, if you start first with the Transits and get fairly accomplished in 'reading' your Transits, what you then, go through, that can't be found in the Transits, is most likely due to your Dasas. We'll study the Dasas in much the same way that we study the Transits. We can follow the so-called shifts of our Dasas, on paper, from our chart, and using a journal keep close track of our personal experiences. You'll begin to experience that delicious, 'inner' quality and shifts within, and especially if they're NOT due to the Transits than they're very likely, due to your Dasas.See below, now, for more detailed descriptions of these three main areas.#1 TransitsToday, for example, the unique combination of Astronomical forces, presently going on can teach us a lot about Pisces. Right now, the Sun, Venus and Mercury are all going through the Sign of Pisces. We're therefore being presented with an advanced fireworks display of both the good and the bad of Pisces.As you probably already know, Astrology believes that certain planetary configurations are more indicative of the positive side of life. Venus, for example, is supposed to be extremely happy and positive, Benefic it is called, when traveling through the sign of Pisces. Mercury on the other hand, is very indicative of the poorer side of Pisces. Where Venus' 'best' side comes forth in Pisces, Mercury's worst side manifests when in Pisces.Where

Venus represents the good, Mercury represents the poor, undeveloped, or imbalanced side of Pisces. Also, this 'time', right now, is an advanced treatise on Aspects. During this whole time that the Sun, Venus and Mercury are traveling through Pisces, almighty Saturn is in the opposite Sign of Virgo and bringing its unique perspective and positive and so-called negative blessings to Pisces.First - The Moon

If you're relatively 'new' to watching these Transits my main suggestion is to focus on the Moon for a few months. Every day the Moon is doing something. But, because it moves so fast, literally every 2 1/2 days it'll plunge into a new sign and new adventure with the other planets. Today, for example the Moon's still going through Leo which is the first thing, and secondly, its also extremely big, now, just 1 sign away from Virgo, which is directly opposite to the Sun, which makes this a Full Moon coming tomorrow, March

29th."Waxing - Waning & By Sign"Actually, the very first thing you'll want to follow is this relative 'size' of the Moon. Every month it goes

through these two cycles of Waxing, (getting bigger) and Waning, (getting smaller). Watch closely how you FEEL each and every day for 2-3 months and trust me, you'll learn more Astrology than any book you've ever read. "Size Really Does Matter!"In this case, its really true what they say, 'size really does matter.' Watch how you feel each day and the relative increasing and then, decreasing size of the Moon should be 'felt' by you, inside your own, interior Moon. The Sun, Moon and planets are all, literally following and confirming every single, Jyotish or Vedic astrological rule and principle you'll ever 'read' about. So, watching these Transits will convince you very deeply, exactly how true to life these

principles are."#2 - One's Chart"Then, when you want to understand your personal chart, you'll already have a lot of direct experience and knowledge that will allow you to confirm the unique astrological patterns that you are!When, you study your chart, by the way, do one simple thing. Look inside and ask yourself this single question: "Does this description, fit me?" And, if it does, then do a second thing: Write down, exactly how it does. Don't worry if it doesn't quite, fit the description that you're reading."The Astrological Resonance"Trust your insides, and your inner Voice, will tell you more perfectly, exactly, how you're experiencing that 'configuration' inside your self. As you continue the search for your Complete Astrological Self, keep in mind that you're looking for two Main Characteristics.Number One, you're looking for your Benefices. These are those positive functioning planets or parts of yourself that are going to give rise, ONLY to positive consequences. On the other hand you want to keep an eye out for your Malefic patterns. Because these represent those underdeveloped, imbalanced or slightly dysfunctional parts of your self that are going to create the disappointing karmas that are in your life, even if you have the best of intentions."Benefices & Malefics"A really simple, and yet profound 'formula' for determining the positive or negative condition of any of your planets is to discover whether you're experiencing the positive or negative side of that planet. The brief description of each 'planet' below will give you a quick, litmus test for Benefic vs. Malefic ness."60-Second

Star Test"The Sun - Self-ConfidenceThis first question about your Sun, self-confidence will give you profound insight into whether you Sun is acting positively or as a malefic. Do you have good self-confidence, a strong sense of self-worth, or, do you have a lack of self-confidence? The spontaneous answer that comes up, inside of you will tell you right away about how 'strong' your Sun is. Then, when you study the details of your Sun, in either Sign, or House, that will go to confirm exactly 'why' your Sun is at the strength level that you're sensing.Moon - Emotional - Power - HappinessNow, in 'another' moment you can easily and quickly discover whether your Moon is one of your benefices or

malefics. Look within ask your self this question. Do I have a strong, even, and stable interior, feeling part of my self? Or, do I worry, feel anxious, fearful, suffer literally, any mental or emotional problems, even depression?The answer to this one, will give you a quick clue as to your interior Moon's health.Mercury - IntellectIf the Moon represents our emotional nature's, what modern science calls the Right-brain part of us, the planet Mercury then, represents the Left-brain, part. The Moon rules emotions and feelings, while our Mercury rules how we think, analyze, discriminate, choose, decide and even, just have thoughts. If your Mercury is sound, healthy and well developed, than your Mercury, intellect is likely to be Benefic. If, however, you have any difficulty thinking things through, or have challenges with decision making, choices and making up your mind, than its possible your Mercury may be one of your functioning Malefics.Venus - AppreciationSo far, we've talked about the Sun and Moon which represent the deepest part of ourselves. Then, we talked about Mercury which represents how the rational 'mind' works. Now, let's talk about Venus, one of the two most important relationship planets. Venus rules how we love, how we appreciative,

basically how friendly we are. Therefore the Venus question is: How loving am I? Am I an appreciative, loving person? Am I loved, well, by others? How successful am I in all my relationships?The answer to this will give you a clue into the health and development of your Venus.Mars

- Fiery nessIf Venus represents how we 'love', Mars represents how we fight. So, how well we stand up for ourselves, how well we stand up for others is a direct reflection of the strength and 'health' of our Mars. Mars is the planet of heroism, and those with really good Mars' can be crusaders, entrepreneur's, or strong salespersons. Strong Mars people are persuasive, enthusiastic and inspiring!However, if Mars is weak then the person may have 'low' physical energy and feel timid, and incompetent in any number of normal and natural ways. Sometimes, Mars is too loud, or imbalanced and a too fiery, angry,

manipulative and even controlling nature can result.On good Mars question would be do I have good energy, dynamism and ability to stand up for myself? Or, am I slightly timid, shy with a slight aversion to fighting or confrontations?Jupiter - Spirituality - Progress In

LifeSo far we've been talking about all our inner and social planets. The Sun, Moon and Mercury rule our inner space, while Venus and Mars express how we get along with others, or our social relations. Now, lets' talk about how we view life itself and how we grow. Jupiter represents how we 'expand' in life. As a result, Jupiter is called the King of the planets and reflects how we progress.How easily we grow and progress, how open we are to new situations, and circumstances, all of these are ruled by the health and vitality of our Jupiter's. If Jupiter is strong and healthy than we have a natural openness to learning, to parents, teachers,

and especially mentors, advisers, counselors, Guru and even God, him/herself.Therefore, the Jupiter inside of us is also indicative of our general spirituality and even our very path of realization. If Jupiter is strong and healthy than one has a natural spiritual nature. However, if Jupiter is weak, in either sign or House than one's natural ability to grow and enjoy a healthy spirituality can be hampered.Ask your self this simple question. Am I confused by life, the purpose and meaning of life? Or, am I clear, intellectually about life's grand purpose and design? Saturn - Balance - Support of NatureIf Jupiter represents how we 'Expand', Saturn, then represents how we 'Contract'. As a result, Saturn is the primary planet that expresses how balanced and healthy we are. Saturn, therefore 'rules' rest, recuperation, healing and rejuvenation. If Saturn is strong, then, one naturally has a strong and virile immune system and

health. If Saturn is weak, than any number of health complaints can be there.We take one step forward (expand) with our first Jupiter foot, then, we 'plant' that same foot, which then becomes a Saturn, step! Then, based on the success of that Saturn step, our next Jupiter foot expands ahead. That foot then, pauses, rests, and then, plants itself, becoming a new Saturn step, so that the other foot now, can step ahead with Jupiter.Together, Jupiter and Saturn represent the two phases of life, rest and activity which determine all growth, progress and prosperity. We step ahead with Jupiter and then, we plant and balance with Saturn. At every stage in life, we'll either be acting and expanding or resting and recuperating, planning for the next expansive phase.If your self this 'good' Saturn question. I'm calm, peaceful, relaxed, full of energy and ready for the next step. Or, I'm tired,

worried, stressed and out of balance.Rahu/KetuThe last two planet that Jyotish feels are important are the two Nodes of the Moon, called Rahu and Ketu. Though they are 'not' technically 'real' planets, they do represent very real places and times in space. They primarily represent the Eclipses. Twice a year we have Solar and Lunar Eclipses which just happen to correspond to those times when both the Sun and Moon are found close to Rahu and Ketu.On another level, Rahu/Ketu represent what I like to call our innocent "Desire Mechanism". In other words, how healthy our desires are is a pure reflection of the health or balance of our Rahu and Ketu. If they're out of balance, than any number of dysfunctional kinds of desiring can result. These, include all obsessions, compulsions and especially, 'addictions' in life.If you have any strong obsessions, then finding exactly where Rahu is in your chart will shed some profound light

on the subject. If, however, you don't seem to suffer any unnatural or unhealthy compulsive, bad habits, then, there's a good chance your Rahu/Ktu are relatively fine or balanced.Ask your self this question. I feel driven too often by my desires, compulsive and have some bad habits of an especially addictive nature. Or, I feel free of these kind of obsessions and have desires but they don't rule me.Self-ImprovementThese first simple questions will help you get a feeling for which of your planets are doing well, balanced and developed. And, once you know which planets are needing help or improvement than you'll be able to develop a self-improvement strategy that takes into account, the exact needs and requirements of all your planets.Of course this is only the beginning of your Astrology.Once we know which of our planets are strong or undeveloped, needing improvement, we can then investigate in terms of such fascinating subjects as career, occupation

and what is generally called Dharma or Life purpose. I've NEVER, found any system of Philosophy or human thought, more capable at helping any person discover exactly who they are and what their life purpose is.

Life Purpose, Career, Health, Relationships,Making Money, SpiritualityFor more deep insight into this, or any other human concern or area of life, we only need to investigate into the nature of our charts and planets, more deeply. Our planets represent "Who" we are, while the areas of our charts, in which we have our planets, commonly called the Houses, represents all the specific areas of the life in which we've come to work out, all of the details of our lives.Planets, Houses, &

SignsFor example, once we discover what our personality is all about, and which of our planets are stong or weak, we'll find them, focused more or less strongly, in particular areas of the life. If we have planets in the 10th House for example, the house of career and occupation, then, career is definitely one of our chief areas.However, if we have a lot of our planets in any of the health houses, 6th or 8th, specifically, than personal health may be extremely important. Dasas - Cosmic - Time PeriodsOnce we know ourselves, better, through our Charts, we can begin to investigate into how our lives manifest, in either the Dasas or Transits. These two areas, govern all the specific 'times' in which everything will unfold. The 'key' to understanding either the Transits or the Dasas, lies in our understanding about whether any of our planets are Benefic (positive) or negative, or Malefic.Once we know which of our

planets are benefic or malefic then we can guess what their karmas will be like in the future. If our Moon is delicate, too tender and we get our feelings hurt easily, then, in future Moon Dasas or Transits, we shouldn't be surprised that they're filled with a sudden shift of intense and sometimes frustrating feelings.Our Charts will then tell us, the likely 'nature' of future periods, which will not only help us know what the future 'terrain' or environments will be like, but they will also explain the REAL purpose's of our future.If we've discovered our Saturn is functioning malefically in our charts, then, in future Saturn Dasas or Transits, not only will these be less positive time periods, but these will also represent the ideal time for us to work on improving this planet. So, instead of suffering the typical frustrations and disappointments of Saturn, we can decide to use these future Saturn periods to actually work on

improving this planet.It was like that for me when I went into my Saturn, what's called one's Saturn, Maha Dasa period. This first began in 1991. I was quite shocked at just how quickly, 'everything' began to change after 16 years of wonderful, ever-expanding Jupiter times, before. For the first few years of Saturn, I experienced many losses, challenges and trying times. All of these, by the way, seemed very predictable due to having my Saturn in the 12th House of Loss. But, since I had another 12 or 13 years of Saturn left, I thought maybe there might be something I could do to understand better what the real lesson of Saturn was about, especially in my

chart.As I studied Saturn, immediately I began to realize that my appreciation of Saturn was not as strong or developed as say my Jupiter. But, the more and more I appreciated Saturn, then, that, automatically translated in terms of Saturn suddenly acting more positively.Very soon, in fact, what started out to be a horrific period, quickly became, literally, my happiest time in my life! Though I had to really shift my priorities, from Jupiter Expansion, to Saturn's nature which is to contract and go within. Every planet, then, will have a unique and very special meaning for you and your life.As you, truly, 'get'

these, you'll find that your Life becomes tremendously satisfying, enriched, progressive and then, fulfilling.Planetary Self-Development - Success In

LifeThe True Goal of Astrology is no different, really than life itself.Once you become more keenly aware of either the positive or negative nature of your charts, transits or dasas, then, you'll become deeply aware of what your real goal in life is all about. Our charts, dasas

and Transits, by the way, only serve as a platform to help us see what we came in with, that we really hoped to plan or grow with. Putting our attention, then, on this self-improvement is really the most fascinating and powerful aspect of Astrology.Next time, we'll go into more about how we can begin improving ourselves and our lives by simply, improving or strengthening our interior malefic functioning planets.We want only to succeed, grow and achieve and accomplish in life.If we begin to think of Astrology, in these terms, then we'll be able take Maximum advantage of our Stars scenarios!

Sincerely,Mark KincaidIf you have any desire to learn or study your Chart more deeply, feel free to join our Nature's Astrology, participatory group at:Nature's Astrology




Special Research

ProjectOnSpirituality & Astrology

For some of you, you've already been participating with me on astrological research. I found a number of years ago, that people express quite succinctly, all the realities and truths of their charts. Unfortunately, people don't generally know this. In the future, I believe the astrologer's main role will be to act as a kind of 'mirror', to help each person see themselves more clearly.If you're interested in joining this Research Project, please let me know. There's an initial Questionnaire I'd like you to fill out. (See, below for this first questionnaire.) It

doesn't matter whether you're experienced in Astrology or not. In fact, I want to also include a number of people who don't yet, know much about their Astrology.In this project we will research how each person's chart, describes perfectly the present path of spirituality that they are on. Secondly, we will research how one's spiritual life, can actually be improved by 1) Understanding one's chart better, and 2) Learning How to Eliminate the planetary obstacles that are also there in one's unique 'path'.Part of the spiritual life is just finding True meaning and purpose in our lives. Of all the philosophies and systems of human thought I've studied, no system of human understanding, even begins to help us understand our Life Purpose as profoundly as our Astrology."The 'key'

to self-understanding, lies in the details!"The key to understanding the purpose of Life, for each one of us, lies in the unique and very personal details of each one of our charts. When, you learn to understand each of your unique planetary details you will find your Self even more profoundly!When, you learn how to apply those details or personal 'ahas' to your spiritual goals, then, life moves ahead, quite quickly and profoundly.The time you'll need to participate in this research will be:1) Enough time to fill out a few questionnaires. 2) Enough time that you can keep a Daily Journal of your various experiences and especially Ahas, as you understand your chart better.3) Enough time to talk with me personally, 2-3 times over the next 30 days.If you have the time and the interest, let me know as soon as possible.I'm only going to have the time to work with only 12-24 people

so contact me right away.Otherwise, look for this ground-breaking book, this Year!All thanks to the Lords of Jyotish, who have kept this knowledge and wisdom alive, which is not easily available to us, for all good, in life...Oh, yes, if you don't have time to participate in this research but would like to have a personal reading on this topic of Spirituality feel free to contact me for that special chart reading.Sincerely,Mark KincaidContact me at:kincaidmarkJoin this Project at:Nature's Astrology - Spirituality Project(See,

below for the first questionnaire.)




Map of God Questionnaire


See below for the brief 'Spirituality' Questionnaire we'll be using in this research project.Thank you for your participation in this project. You'll not be disappointed with the ahas, and insights that you'll receive as a result of looking at your chart, in this profound spiritual way.Sincerely,Mark Kincaid

Map of God





'In The Beginning'



Welcome to our

new group, and research project on the 'spiritual' nature of our Astrology.


To begin with I'd like to ask you to fill out this brief description of

your spiritual thoughts, feelings and understanding of your unique path.


Please describe yourself, especially, 'before' you learned any



And, then, you can describe how your 'understanding' has changed since

you learned your Astrology.


If you're completely 'new' to Astrology, then, fine, mention

that as well. However, even if you know

nothing really about your Astrology, you'll

still have a lot of interesting thoughts about how you feel about your spirituality

or God.


Please try as be as specific and detailed as you can.


Next, we'll start going into your individual chart and how it's an EXACT expression of your unique path of Spirituality.


Date of Birth Information


Please include

your date of birth information, day, time and place of birth. Also, describe if you've ever had your

'exact' time verified, astrologically?


Name: _____________________________

How to Contact,

Email Address: __________________________





Jyotish Rising Sign, (If you

know it): ___________






From One's Earliest Age

In this

section, please describe your earliest thoughts or memories of 'God',

spirituality, or wonder about the nature and purpose of life. Again, be as detailed as you'd like. Take even more space if you need it.

At this stage

I'd prefer that you 'not' put your descriptions in astrological terms. Later, you can talk about how discovering

your chart, has given you insight into your spiritual life or journey.















When I Learned Astrology


Everyone can

be described as either a Beginner, Medium or Advanced astrological

student. What this means is 'How well do

you know your Astrology?" In other

words, how well do you feel that your chart 'fits you'?

Would you say:


A: _____ My chart fits me extremely well, somewhere

between 80-100%. Or,

B: _____ I only seem to know about 50% of my

chart. Or,

C: _____ I only know a very small about of my chart.

0-30%.Please click on A, B, or C!


Now, since

learning your chart, (whether a beginner, medium or advanced student), now, describe how

do you perceive your self, spirituality or relationship with God?














Blessings & Obstacles

Along The Spiritual Path


What would you

describe as your greatest 'blessings' in your spiritual life so far? Hint: These will correspond with your Benefic Planets in your chart.












And, what

would you say your greatest challenges, obstacles or frustrations have been

along your spiritual path? Another hint: These will correspond with your so-called Malefic planets.














This now will serve as a beginning 'template' for your

spiritual situation. In this 'course'

we're going to focus on learning more about our Astrology and especially how

our personal Astrology chart can give us greater insight, knowledge and

wisdom about our spiritual paths.


Any other comments you'd like to make, at this point?














Thanks again,

for participating in this study.







Mark Kincaid










Nature's Astrology News

March 2010

There's a number of activities going on this next month that you may want to know about.#1 This month, too, we're going to be continuing with some of the research we've been doing over this last year. Check out especially this one on "The Map of God." It'll be used for the new book that will be out this year called: "Map of God - Astrology is For Enlightenment." Click on below to go there.

Map of God - Research

#2 And, if you are not yet a member of our largest and most active Nature's Astrology participatory group you can find this at:Nature's Astrology: Best of West and East#3 If you're not yet signed up for this NEW Constant Contact Newsletter, sign up at:New Nature's Astrology NewsletterYou can receive the Daily Word Newsletter every day. Or if you'd rather receive only the Weekly Transit Report, please mention that. Or, if you'd only like to receive the 2-4 other Astrology articles or newsletters, than specify that as well.Otherwise, you'll receive all 3!


#4 Don't forget the 2010 Season's of the Stars E-book is still Available. Not only are the Daily, Weekly & Monthly Transits clearly described, but what are the most Favorable and Unfavorable Days of the entire year, are available. I, especially love seeing the Transits of the whole year because that then, structures within the various positive and negative flows of the year.


To order, email me through here, at our website at: Nature's Astrology. #5 Also, if you order this e-book or have already, you can participate in daily discussions about the Stars at our : Season's of the Stars.#6 We're involved with many, simultaneous Research Projects. Because I've discovered that people themselves, literally 'speak' out their charts at every moment, if we can record those declarations, we'll hear, the real Truths of Astrology, being spoken. In addition to this present research project on Astrology and Spirituality, we're also researching things like:a) Family Life b) Health c) Making Money d) Relationshipse) Dharma vs. Career - OccupationSo, if you think you have an interesting chart, about any of these special, important areas of life, feel free to join our Main

Research group at:Astrological Research


Sincerely,Mark KincaidJAI GURU!www..comPersonal Email:



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Free15 MinuteSpecial Reading For ...


Don't forget, if you ordered the 2010 Season's of the Stars, book, you 'll get again this year, another free 15 minute reading. Call or email me to schedule: kincaidmarkAlso, if you want to expand these readings, a fairly inexpensive $ 1.00/minute rate will suffice.



















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