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Interested in Improving Your Spirituality?

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For those of you who missed this previous Nature's Astrology, 'constant contact' Newsletter we're going to be archiving it on the Nature's Astrology .enjoyMark Kincaid----- Forwarded Message ----Constant Contact <supportkincaidmarkSent: Sun, March 28, 2010 4:10:10 PMYour email Interested in Improving Your

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Interested in Improving Your Spirituality?























"Interested in Improving Your Spirituality?"








The Stars Speak to Us Every day - - -Our Personal Planets - InterpretThose 'Words'!



March, 2010










In This Issue




The Path of Spirituality - In our Stars


Map of God - Research Project


Research Project - Questionnaire


Nature's Astrology News





Quick Link




Order This Year's2010 Season's of the StarsE-bookParticipate In

AnyNumber of WonderfulJyotish ResearchWonderful Chart ReadingsAvailable:Individual, FamilyRelationship,CompatibilityWith Improved Skill









Dear Mark,



Inside each of our charts, of course, is a clear description of our human nature's and karmas for literally, all aspects of life.Our relationship with health is right there. Our karmas of a love nature, especially including our romantic relationships is there.All aspects of life, from birth, to child rearing, education, marriage, even career, they're all there.Of all the various aspects of life, one of my favorite's is in the area of spirituality. In our next book, this title came up, called "Map of God".It occurred to me, that our charts are really great expressions of each one of our individual, paths of enlightenment. This next book is all about how we can improve our Spirituality by 1) Understanding our charts or individual paths better, and 2) Learn those particular lessons and/or challenges that are also there, in our charts, but especially related to our Spiritual paths.If

you're interested in knowing, more about your Spirituality, , then, read below.I'm starting a special Research project to document how people's charts are the most clear descriptions of our entire spiritual lives. If you'd like to know more about your spiritual path and would be interested in doing that 'research' with me, please let me know.Sincerely,

Mark KincaidTo communicate with me, personally for all your questions:kincaidmark or markkincaid Nature's Astrology website, Click Here









"Map of God-Astrology Is Our Path of Enlightenment"

Millions of people, today, are actively pursuing and moving towards their Spiritual goals.Astrology has a lot of very fascinating to say, about one's path of spiritual development.In fact, I enjoy this topic so much that my very next book is about this.Inside each of our charts, of course, is a profound description of every aspect of our lives.Our

propensities for certain subjects in school is there in our charts.Our interest and attraction to particular careers is also, right there in our charts.Our karmas for health, our ability to make money, everything is there.In the area of Spirituality, Astrology has some definite, strong ideas associated with Spirituality.The Spiritual PlanetsThere are two planets that are in fact, one's main spiritual planets. Jupiter and Saturn are those two planets, that combine to express almost everything about the person's spiritual nature and tendencies.When you talk to people, you can easily see how the placements of their Jupiter's and Saturn's express so much about their paths of spirituality. Jupiter, on the one hand, expresses how we expand. We grow, progress and evolve in life in directly due to the health or ill-health of our Jupiter's. Those with very good Jupiter's have no problem expanding. Those, on the other hand, with more challenged Jupiter's find that progress in life is tedious or held up in some strange and mystifying ways.Then, there is Saturn. If Jupiter is the planet of 'Expansion', Saturn is the planet of

'Contraction'. We step forward with Jupiter, and then, we plant, or contract, for a moment with our Saturn, and then, the next Jupiter foot steps ahead.Together, Jupiter and Saturn represent the two main, steps, of all spiritual advancement.Actually, Jupiter and Saturn represent how we expand, even in relative or mundane pursuits. But, if we're especially interested in developing our spirituality, then we can benefit by looking into the nature and the health of these two planets.The Spiritual Houses


Jupiter and Saturn are the two main spiritual planets, while the 9th and 12th Houses are the two main, spiritual houses. As you may already know, our planets represent all the different aspects of our human nature. The Sun represents our egos, our Moon's represent how we feel or our emotions. Jupiter represents how our minds and bodies, grow and Saturn represents how our human nature's balance.The Houses, on the other hand, represent the various areas of the life, through which we flow or find

ourselves involved with, as the particular paths of our lives. For some, family life is the primary way in which they were born to live, work and evolve. For others, making money, and worldly pursuits are their path. For some, spirituality, is very highly accented.The 9th House represents how open and receptive we are with God, him/herself. Those with relative good or well developed 9th Houses, have an ease and receptivity to everything particularly spiritual and even religious. The 12th House, on the other hand has to do with our actual experiences of a spiritual nature.Those with so-called 'well-developed' 12th Houses, have strong tendencies, to arranging their lives in very important and powerful spiritual directions. Our Spiritual Paths


Once we see what the main Spiritual planets and houses are doing in our charts, we can then, discover what strengths and obstacles are there, along our paths.For some lack of self-confidence is a primary hinderance on their path. For others, emotional weakness, shyness or feelings of inadequacy are a part of their path. In fact, every spiritual challenge or roadblock is contained within the details of each persons Map

of God.For all those who want to develop their Spirituality, they only need to learn which Spiritual Path they are on. Some are on a particularly Intellectual Path of God. For others, faith, belief and devotion are an intimate part. For others, direct experiences of God are, so to speak, in their Stars.If you're interested in knowing more about your unique, individual Path of God, then, learn to look at the most important Spiritual Dimensions, of your chart.I'm initiating a special Research Project, (See below) for all those who would like to focus, with me, on the particulars of finding our Paths of Enlightenment.Join me in celebrating the unique knowledge, lessons and wisdom that are there, contained in your Stars.With these insights you can find yourself progressing and growing towards God, much more profoundly.Without the particular knowledge and wisdom that's within your Stars, you may

continue struggling and finding frustrations along your path of life.Look for this unique astrological, earth shattering book, to come out this year, 2010, as almighty Jupiter makes its wonderful transition into its very happy sign of Pisces, starting in May!Sincerely,Mark KincaidLook for this special Research Project at:Spirituality & Astrology



Special Research

ProjectOnSpirituality & Astrology

For some of you, you'll already been participating with me on astrological research. I found a number of years ago, that people express quite succiently and perfectly, all the realities and truths of their charts. Unfortunately, people don't generally know this. In the future, I believe the astrologer's main role will be to help each person see themselves more clearly.So, if you're interested in joining this Research Project, please let me know. There's an initial Questionnaire I'd like you to fill out. See, below for this first questionnaire. It doesn't matter whether you're experienced in Astrology or not. In

fact, I want to also include a number of people who don't yet, know much about their Astrology.In this project we will research how each person's chart, describes perfectly the present path of spirituality that they are on. Secondly, we will research how one's spiritual life, can actually be improved by 1) Understanding one's chart better, and 2) Learning How to Eliminate the planetary obstacles that are also there.Part of the spiritual life is just finding True meaning and purpose in our lives. Of all the philosophies and systems of human thought I've studied, no system of human understanding, even begins to understanding Life Purpose as profoundly as our Astrology.The 'key' to life lies in the details!The key to understanding the purpose of Life, for each one of us, lies in the unique and very personal details of each one of our charts.

When, you learn to understand each of your unique planetary details you will find your self even more profoundly!When, you learn how to apply those details or personal 'ahas' to your spiritual goals, then, life moves ahead, quite quickly and profoundly.The time you'll need to participate in this research will be:1) Enough time to fill out a few questionnaires. 2) Enough time that you can keep a Daily Journal of your various experiences and especially Ahas, as they come through understanding your chart better.3) Enough time to talk with me personally, 3-4 times over the next 30 days.If you have the time and the interest, let me know as soon as possible.I'm only going to have the time to work with only 12-24 people so contact me right away.Otherwise, look for this ground-breaking book, this Year!All thanks to the Lords of Jyotish, who have kept this knowledge and wisdom

alive, which is not easily available to us, for all good, in life...Oh, yes, if you don't have time to participate in this research but would like to have a personal reading on this topic of Spirituality and developing oneself in these important ways, feel free to contact me for special chart readings.Sincerely,Mark KincaidContact me at:kincaidmarkJoin this Project at:Nature's Astrology - Spirituality ProjectSee, below for the first questionnaire.




Map of God Questionnaire


See below for the brief Spirituality Questionnaire we'll be using in this research project.Thank you so much for your participation in this project. You'll not be disappointed with the ahas, and insights that you'll receive as a result of looking at your chart, in this profound spiritual way.Sincerely,Mark Kincaid

Map of God








Welcome to our

new group, and research project on the 'spiritual' nature of our Astrology.


To begin with I'd like to fill out this brief description of

your spiritual thoughts, feelings and understanding of your unique path.


Please describe yourself, especially,'before' you learned any



And, then, you can describe how your changed 'understanding, since

you learned your Astrology.


If you're completely 'new' to Astrology, then, fine, mention

that as well. However, even if you know

nothing really about your Astrology, you'll

still have a lot of interesting thoughts about how you feel about spirituality

or God.


Please try as be as specific and detailed as you can.


Next, we'll start going into how your personality, and

experiences of a spiritual nature, are a wonderful description of your

astrological 'star' pattern, astrological chart or Map of God.


Date of Birth Information


Please include

your date of birth information, day, time and place of birth. Also, describe if you've ever had your

'exact' time verifi2d, astrologically?


Name: _____________________________

How to Contact,

Email Address: __________________________





Jyotish Rising Sign, (If you

know it): ___________






From The Earliest Age


In this

section, please describe your earliest thoughts or memories of 'God',

spirituality, wonder about the nature and purpose of life. Again, be as detailed as you'd like. Take even more space if you need be.

A this stage

I'd prefer that you 'not' put your descriptions in astrological terms. Later, you can talk about how discovering

your chart, has given you insight into your spiritual life or journey.















When I Learned Astrology


Everyone can

be described as either a Beginner, Medium or Advanced astrological

student. What this means is 'How well do

you know your Astrology?" In other

words, how well do you feel that your chart 'fits you'?


Would you say:


A: _____ My chart fits me extremely well, somewhere

between 80-100%. Or,

B: _____ I only seem to know about 50% of my

chart. Or,

C: _____ I only know a very small about of my chart.



Now, since

learning your chart, (whether a beginner, medium or advanced student), now, how

do you perceive your self, spirituality or God?














When I First Learned Astrology


Everyone can

be described as either a Beginner, Medium or Advanced astrological

student. What this means is 'How well do

you know your Astrology?" In other

words, how well do you feel that your chart 'fits you' so far?


Would you say:


A: _____ My chart fits me extremely well, somewhere

between 80-100%. Or,

B: _____ I only seem to know about 50% of my

chart. Or,

C: _____ I only know a very small about of my chart.




learning your chart, (whether a beginner, medium or advanced student), now,

describe how do you perceive your self, spirituality or God?














Blessings & Obstacles

Along The Spiritual Path


What would you

describe ar your greatest 'blessings' in your spiritual life so far?












And, what

would you say your greatest challenges, obstacles or frustrations have been

along your spiritual path?














This now will serve as a beginning 'template' for your

spiritual situation. In this 'course'

we're going to focus on learning more about our Astrology and especially how

our personal Astrology chart can give us some greater insight, knowledge and

wisdom about our spiritual paths.


Any other comments you'd like to make, at this point?














Thanks again,

for participating in this study.







Mark Kincaid










Nature's Astrology News

March 2010

There's a number of activities going on this next month that you may want to know about.#1 This month, too, we're going to be continuing with some of the research we've been doing over this last year. Check out especially this one on "The Map of God." It'll be usd for the new book that'll b out this year called: "Map of God - Astrology is For Enlightenmnt." Click on below to go there.

Map of God - Research

#2 And, if you are not yet a member of our largest and most active Nature's Astrlogy participatory group you can find this at:Nature's Astrology: Best of West and East#3 If you're not yet signed up for this NEW Constant Contact Newsletter, sign up at:New Nature's Astrology NewsetterYou can receive the Daily Word Newsletter every day. Or if you'd rather receive only the Weekly Transit Report, please mention that. Or, if you'd only like to receive the 2-4 other Astrology articles or newslettrs, than specify that as well.Otherwise, you'll receive all 3!


#4 Don't forget the 2010 Season's of the Stars E-book is still Available. Not only are the Daily, Weekly & Monthly Transits clearly described, but what are the most Favorable and Unfavorable Days of the entire year, are available. I, especially love seeing the Transits of the whole year because that then, structures within the various positive and negative flows of the year.


To order, email me through here, at our website at: Nature's Astrology. #5 Also, if you order this e-book or have already, you can participate in daily discussions about the Stars at our : Season's of the Stars.


Sincerely,Mark KincaidJAI GURU!www..comPersonal Email:



Face book:















Free15 MinuteSpecial Reading For ...


Don't forget, if you ordered the 2010 Season's of the Stars, book, you 'll get again this year, another free 15 minute reading. Call or email me to schedule: kincaidmarkAlso, if you want to expand these readings, a fairly inexpensive $ 1.00/minute rate will suffice.



















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