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Archive: CC Newsletter From: March 25th - Finally Some Relief! - During Week Of - March 16th - 29th

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Her's an interesting one of the Transits Reports that got generated during the 2-week Waxing cycle of March 16th - 29th.This one was for the 'Good Transit' highlighted on March 25th as the Moon traveled through Cancer.enjoyMark KincaidNature's Astrology <kincaidmarkkincaidmarkSent: Thu, March 25, 2010 11:39:54 AMMarch 25th - Finally Some Relief! - During Week Of - March 16th - 29th






















Thursday, March 25thFinally, Some Relief!During the Waxing Moon Cycle March 16th - 29th








The Stars Speak to Us Every day - - -Our Personal Planets - InterpretThose 'Words'!



March, 2010










In This Issue




"March 21st - Day of Intense Extremes" Within Week of March 16-29th


"3 Transits Types - Which are you!"


Nature's Astrology News


Questions - Comments - Answers Column





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Dear Mark,


Today, the Moon moves into Cancer, one of its Happiest Signs so today and the next few days, should be better.The Moon, now, too, is very good size, so this bodes well for a stronger, emotional presence and strength of mind, as well!So, these will be of the Benefic or positive producing Transits. We make such a big deal, sometimes, about the negative or malefic ones, that I think we forget, when to celebrate the really good ones!I almost always hear from people during their Malefic

times. But, learning how to Utilize the 'good' the benefices, both in the Transits, and also, within, our own selves is very important.In fact, its from our strengths, that we get the presence of mind, to improve the negatives ones!I remember when I first started to really understand my own chart. Of all the 9 different planetary configurations I realized I only had 2 benefices. After the depression about this wore off, I realized that if I first reminded myself of my, at least, 2 strengths, I could more easily work on the rest!See below for more details about the present Moon/Cancer transit.Sincerely,Mark KincaidPS: If you're especially interested in more lively and timely discussions on either the Transits or Astrology, in general, be sure to check out my,Face book Page!Other things going on right now:See, article on Nature's Astrology News for the latest happenings.And, see the Column on Questions, Comments and Answers for some juicy conversations about the most recent Star goings on."May the blessings of the Stars....Each day, guide and enlighten us!"To communicate with me, personally for all your questions:kincaidmark or markkincaid Nature's Astrology website, Click Here









"2 - Weeks of Transits: At A Glance:From

Tuesday, March 16th -Full Moon on March 29th(Today, Moon Moves into CancerThursday, March 25thFinally, Some Relief!..(See, BLUE, below), ....Today, (March 16th), the Moon began moving ahead, waxing, getting bigger and brighter.Can you feel it!There are about 4 times of each month where the Moon's suddenly different. When the Moon is full, of course is very important. Of Course, when the Moon is 'nil' or completely empty, is always important.When the Moon's 1/2 full and waxing and when the Moon's 1/2 empty and waxing, these are very important stages.But, the exact moment when the Moon suddenly, starts getting bigger after 2-long winter weeks of Waning, decreasing brightness, FORCED INNER SILENCE, now has come to an end, and things will start expanding again.If you rested deeply enough during especially these last few days, you'll now, be

able to take that renewed spirit and dynamism to all the important activities, projects and goals of your life!Look ahead now over the entire next 2 weeks of the Moon's waxing for an up-to-date, clear and precise picture of the most....."Auspicious & Inauspicious"Days of the entire next Waxing Moon cycle....Most special Trends Include:1) An Exalted Venus continuing during this entire time. 2) Mercury too, has entered into Pisces, but Mercury is debilitated or in its worst sign of the zodiac so take special care to think and make decisions more carefully.3) And, finally, almighty Jupiter finishes with Aquarius and gets close to plunging into Pisces, too, which is one its absolutely FAVORITE signs of all. Therefore, start thinking about the House or area of the Life, where your Pisces is and that will

tell you the primary area that Jupiter will be blessing!March 16th - Tuesday "Delightful & Hopeful"You can really feel the Moon beginning to Wax or Get bigger!Even though the Moon's extremely tiny, still you can definitely feel that shift! You should notice having more energy, more outward 'flow' and especially others will be more receptive, now and progressive. NOW, is the time to plan your next 2-weeks of dynamic accomplishments!These days will never come around, again! What is that old

expression? "Make Hay While the Sun Shines!"


March 17th - Wednesday "Kicking into High Gear"Yesterday the day was still kind of tiny and if you're still recuperating from the 'intensity' of the last week or so of Transits, you may not feel really 'good' until today! Now, however, the Moon starts off in the later degrees of Pisces, which 1) brings it very close to a wonderful Exalted Venus and 2) away from Saturn's influence which is hanging around at the 6th degree of Virgo. This means, 'anything' that moves across Saturn's exact 'degree' influence will come under Saturn's unique perspective

and energy!March 18th - Thursday "Wow, and yet..."Today, the Moon plunges into Aries, so the Moon will really feel like its moving ahead, now, and all that goes along with that will begin to manifest. More energy, more dynamism, less need to sleep, and more receptivity with others.HOWEVER, notice that Mercury and the Sun are both getting very close to Saturn's exact degrees in the opposite sign of Virgo. (Mercury, in fact, is at the EXACT same degree as Saturn, 7th degree, so don't be surprised if thinking is momentarily, 'stuck', difficult and confusing.) Also, the Sun's up to the 4th degree already, so it too is getting dangerously close to Saturn, as well. Therefore, don't strain, don't push, work BETTER with Saturn, let 'it' take the lead and this can be fine!Recived 3 Distressing Emails This

morning before 6am of an intense Virgo critial ness, and fault findingnature!I thought I should pass this one to you, because Mercury is exactly opposite to Saturn today, and over the next 2 days, th Sun too, will be traveling exactly across Saturn's most intense Virgo Glance!(( Received 3 emails this morning before 6am from people going through a number of distressing, and intense Saturn situations. As it is my habit to look at the Stars, (hehe) I saw today, Mercury and the Sun, are dangerously close to Saturn's aspect from opposite sign of Virgo...And, so I thought I'd remind people and create this Saturn Virgo alert! It's all described here, above,in the Weekly Transit Report.... but it's good to be reminded....So, walk on egg shells today and next few....Then, later we can revisit the "things" that we were upset about, but without all this planetary


March 19th - Friday "Dynamic Aries and yet..."Today,

the Moon begins the day at the 18th degree of Aries so another wonderful, dynamic and active day. However, the caution now, is that the both Mercury and Sun are still very close to Saturn's exact 'degree' influence. So, pay special attention to this as well.It's interesting how always there are many, simultaneous qualities one needs to take into account.This ability to see and adjust to all these multi-faceted aspects will enliven in you a great subtly and flexibility of attention that is really remarkable.Lots of planets and issues of Pisces going on this month, so put special attention on what you can do to bring more deep, especially Spiritual freedom into your life!March 20th - Saturday "Ever Waxing & Now Exalted"The Moon plunges into its

Exalted Taurus sign today. Expect an even more special and even rare Moonish, emotional quality. You Moon-mind will function more profoundly and experience subtle functioning and interactions that are very unique to these days, each month. SUN AND SATURN now are only 1 degree apart, so pay special attention to your Saturn 'feedback'. I always just keep in mind the positive and negative 'signs' of Saturn and if I see ANY negative Saturn signs, I slow down, I take more time to drive, to move, to think, or whatever. And, then, notice that Saturn 'flavor' immediately changes!

March 21st - Sunday "Sweet - Sludge"Today,

the Moon continues in its Exalted Taurus status, so another wonderful Moon, emotional day! But, notice today, the Sun and Saturn are both at the exact same degree. Even though they're in different signs, but today, Saturn's influence upon the Sun will be MAXIMUM....SATURN FULLY ASPECTS SUN, TODAY!You won't 'feel' Saturn's influence so much because Saturn's not influencing the Moon. Instead, your very self, I, ego, 'core', Soul, Sun, will be. Expect this to have the deepest effect, so watch especially your Sun, self-confidence now. If you feel a tad 'strange', or piqued, this is why.Even though the effect of Saturn will be on that most abstract Sun level, still, the solution is to balance and pay more special attention to Saturn, himself, which is easily and effortless.Silence is the Way! for many Saturn, difficulties....You have, no doubt been feeling this on-going Planetary War, (its called) between Saturn, first with Venus, then, Mercury and now the Sun! Every year the Sun and other planets travel directly across from wherever Saturn is also, transiting. This year, because Saturn's, now, in Virgo, means this Transit will occur while the Sun and planets travel through Pisces...Last year this Planetary War happened when Saturn was still in Leo, and the Sun was moving through Aquarius!This is why an ever 'new' look at the Transits is so vital!TODAY, the Sun and Saturn are both at the same 7th degree!And, though they're in opposite signs, still, Saturn's influence is extremely real and powerful.(See below, in the Questions and Answers Column, for some other people's experiences of this time and what they've been able to do with this.)

March 22nd - Monday "Robust & yet....."


The Moon's got only about 6 more hours of Exalted Taurus starting today, so get ready for a quick plunge into versatile, and flexible, doing many things at once, Gemini 'flavor'.Always, of course, you don't want to do too many things, so watch that, especially since Ketu is also in Gemini, and Rahu's fully aspecting Gemini from it's 'place' in Sagittarius.Today, the Sun's still very dangerously close, but if you had been feeling that unmistakable Saturn, 'grip', today, that feeling may begin to subside....Always listen to your planets.Practice the 60-Second Star Test!Listen for a moment to each of YOUR planets and they will light the

way, of your more easy and successful future.March 23rd - Tuesday "Wonderful with Hope"


Today, the Sun's now just far enough away from Saturn's direct influence that you may begin to feel 'Sani' let up and let go. But, if you surrendered and accepted, then, even those days could have been great. Now, however, a more easy, smooth expansive flow will be continuing. Moon, too is very big and continuing in versatile Gemini flavor.

March 24th - Wednesday "Ugh..."


Today, the Moon and Ketu, (along with Rahu's influence) will all be colliding. The Moon and Ketu both start off the day at about the 23rd degree of Gemini. So, expect Ketu and Rahu's major influence upon the Moon to be today. I often feel an intensity, a wild and almost unpredictable 'energy' or intense desire that dominates.The 'key' is not to buy into it and certainly resist ALL obsessive, compulsive or addictive tendencies. I'll be taking off this day!

March 25th - Thursday "Sweetness Returns & yet....."


The Moon plunges into Cancer today. Cancer is one of two of the Moon's favorite signs or energies to be in, so expect a couple really nice Moon days. This will feel so different than the last 2 days when the Moon was colliding with Ketu and Rahu. Now, the feeling level is more intact, more natural and much more positive! Definitely take advantage of these days. The 'only' thing to watch is the Moon colliding with Mars, today. Mars is running at the 7th degree, so early today, if you any unusual and sudden internal fire, the suggestion is to NOT let it out. This is like a sudden really hot summer day and we all know if we take that added 'fire' and let it consume or control us we can misuse or abuse ourselves or others....

The Sun's already up to the 11th degree or 4 degrees away from Saturn's worst, influence. See, if you don't notice this as well and if you 'feel' this than other people will be more receptive and open to what you have to say, or sell...Wow, what a shift this morning! Actually, it began last night. There was a growing tranquility in the air. We all turned off the TV's and curled in bed by 10 o'clock and had the most wonderful sleep!This morning, woke up to such a sense of calmness and smoothness on an inner, feeling level. If there's any experience to convince on that these Transits are real, it in the 'gaps' between Signs and between Transitions....Watch and see if you don't feel real smooth today and especially tomorrow and Saturday...These are good Favorable and Auspicious Days!March 26th - Friday "Full & Uncomplicated...."


Today, the Moon starts out, on the 'other' side of Mars so if you felt any extra irritable fiery ness, this will begin passing.The Moon is more than 1/2 full now, so take maximum advantage of these powerful, full Moonish days!

Mercury's continued in its worst sign, so hopefully you didn't feel too complicated on a Mercury, intellect, level.March 27th - Saturday "Bright, Full & ...Powerful."


The Moon explodes into Leo now. Starting off at the 5th degree means almost a full 2 1/2 days of powerful Moon, Leo energy. These will be good days to lead, to take a direction and take on some special role or responsibilities.Alas, Venus has dropped out of Exalted Pisces, but all things 'change' so see if you can feel this shift as well. The Moon is, however, being fully aspected by a very powerful and healthy Jupiter in the opposite sign of Aquarius. You may in fact, feel more Aquarian, creative and seeing in new and slightly unusual ways.Expect good luck, the breaks, divine intervention and powerful relief.

March 28th - Sunday "Continuing Self-Strength, Brightness and yet...."


The Moon continues big, bright and in Leo today. NOTE, however, Moon starts off at the exact degrees in Leo, (23rd) that Rahu is running in its sign of Sagittarius. Therefore, Rahu is Fully Aspecting this exact degree of Leo, today, so if you notice any sudden, almost 'depression' this is likely, why.Rahu, they say, acts like Saturn, so Rahu-Moon aspects and collisions can have that Saturn like, depressive effect. Look for this. I'm going to 'plan' NOT to have anything important I have to do, today.

March 29th - Monday "Strange, Complicated Full Moon"


Today, the Final day of this Waxing Moon cycle, the Moon cascades into fullness in the Sign of Virgo. Because the Sun's still in the opposite sign of Pisces, Full Moon's happen when the Moon moves into the opposite sign of Virgo.So, enjoy this day. Its one of the most gratifying and 'heady' days of the entire month.BUT, Moon collides with Saturn which is also in Virgo and running the earlier degrees of Virgo, as well.So, this is why I said, expect the "strange and complicated". You'll feel both huge and expanded due to that Fullness of Moon, but...also, small, held back, and rough, depressive again, suddenly and without knowing 'why' some people will really feel a little lost, today.But, this day is all about nature showing us, fullness of heart, fullness of life NEEDS to be lived with fullness of silence and fullness of balance!Today, that is the only way to get through this

Cosmic moment, unscathed!


I hope this has been as much fun, thought provoking and mind exploding for you as it will be for me!I can't wait.Let these subtle guides of meaning and suggestion allow you to take maximum advantage of your life rushing ahead and THROUGH these unique transits....Sincerely,Mark KincaidPS: Don't forget if you're ordered the 2010 Season's of the Stars Calendar, you automatically can join the special Transits participatory group at:Season's of the Stars



"The 3 Transit Types -Which are you!"Have you figured out which type you are, yet?



There are 3 Transit Types of People in the World.#1 There's the Type "A" person who is very strongly affected by the Stars during each month. Pay close attention to these Transits for 2-3 months in a row and if you feel out of sorts, pulled off your center, or dramatically affected by the 'outer' these are all signs of you being a Type A person!#2 Then, there are those people who are only so-often negatively affected by the Transits. Again, after

paying close attention, if you notice that certain Transits really bug you, about 5-10 days of the month then you may be the Type "B" transit person.#3 Then, there are those rare individuals who are only affected 1 or 2 days in any given month. These, lucky souls are the Type "C" variety and are there to show us all that it can be done!If you think you may be the Type "A" person check out the Moon and Saturn in your original birth chart. Generally, people with very small Moon's, either waxing or waning inhabit this type. Though even if you are, don't feel too bad, I, myself, was this Type A person when I first started studying Astrology.Probably, this is one of the reasons why I got so fascinated with these Transits!But, I'm a good example of how anyone, really, can evolve into a B or C type!Rarely, do I today, get negatively affected! Sure, I still experience 'them', but now, after all this time, I'm very happy to report, you can truly "CHANGE YOUR STARS!"Type B: If you're the type B person, look at your chart and see if your Moon isn't more of the 1/2 Full type! I've noticed that those with slightly bigger Moon's are NOT so negatively pulled off themselves.Type C: And, finally if you're the type C person, see if you don't notice that your Moon is quite big, in your original birth chart!Obviously, if you're the Type A or B person, you're going to want to pay close attention to the Transits each day. Even, I spend about

15 seconds each day, looking at what the day ahead will be like!On those days which are particularly Benefic or Auspicious I love taking maximum advantage of the smooth sailing, ahead.But, even if you're that lucky C type you'll still benefit from looking at the Transits, because I can guarantee you're going to run into some others, who are definitely the A or B types! I, especially love still knowing what the flavor of the day will be like, because on those particularly rougher days, I still benefit, like walking on eggshells, knowing how others are going to be acting!The number one goal of the Transits, regardless of what type you are, is to have a better picture of the 'road ahead', the smooth stretch of highways, or the pot holes

or construction that's going on.What is that old expression: "Avoid, the danger on the horizon!"The Transits are that wonderful knowledge that allows us to see into the nature of God's future!I'm still tickled pink that the Transit descriptions I made over a year ago, still are so accurate a year ahead!The Second goal of the Transits is that they serve as a clear 'litmus' test of how we're each doing in life.Any time that you feel out of sorts, rough or off your center, during ANY of the Transits, this is not only a sign of the road ahead, but these are also, clear signs of how we're doing inside!Because if we were more awake,

more balanced, more evolved, more developed, than, literally, NO transits would negatively affect us!For many years I took these natural Transit feedbacks as a clear 'mirror' of myself, and resolved to try and figure out how I could improve myself so I wouldn't be so poorly, negatively affected.Because if we don't figure out how to develop ourselves, then, similar future Transits will continue distressing us! This Second wonderful purpose of the Stars then, is to serve as a continual mirror as to how we're doing with the personal evolution and development of our own, interior planets!Sincerely,Mark KincaidThe Vision of the Future Coming up!In the next 2, 2 1/2 months there's a lot of important Transits to discover. In May, almighty Jupiter starts its movement into 1 of its 3 happiest signs, in Pisces! You'll definitely want to take maximum advantage of these up-coming days. It won't come again for 12 more years!To look weeks and even months ahead, don't forget to get your own Year's worth of transits in our 2010 - Season's of the Stars E-book, Calendar:Order Here.....






Nature's Astrology News

March 2010

There's a number of activities going on this next month that you may want to know about.#1 This month, too, we're going to be continuing with some of the research we've been doing over this last year. Check out especially this one on "The Map of God." It'll be usd for the new book that'll b out this year called: "Map of God - Astrology is For Enlightenmnt." Click on below to go there.

Map of God - Research

#2 And, if you are not yet a member of our largest and most active Nature's Astrlogy participatory group you can find this at:Nature's Astrology: Best of

West and East#3 If you're not yet signed up for this NEW Constant Contact Newsletter, sign up at:New Nature's Astrology NewsetterYou can receive the Daily Word Newsletter every day. Or if you'd rather receive only the Weekly Transit Report, please mention that. Or, if you'd only like to receive the 2-4 other Astrology articles or newslettrs, than specify that as well.Otherwise, you'll receive all 3!


#4 Don't forget the 2010 Season's of the Stars E-book is still Available. Not only are the Daily, Weekly & Monthly Transits clearly described, but what are the most Favorable and Unfavorable Days of the entire year, are available. I, especially love seeing the Transits of the whole year because that then, structures within the various positive and negative flows of the year.


To order, email me through here, at our website at: Nature's Astrology. #5 Also, if you order this e-book or have already, you can participate in daily discussions about the Stars at our : Season's of the Stars.


Sincerely,Mark KincaidJAI GURU!www..comPersonal Email:



Face book:




Questions - Answers -




In this Section we will entertain people's Questions and Experiences. If you have a question, send it in to: "kincaidmark"Today, March 21st, we'll hear from a couple of people about how they're experiencing this present Planetary War of Saturn and the Sun!From Amy:"I paid attention (again) to the needed rest call.... I slept deeply

last night and feel rested and great today; however, those around me

are still in "crazy mode."I am going to enjoy my day and all

the positive I feel and just let everyone else be.... they can keep

being crazy all they want to be, but as long as they leave me out of

the craziness.... LOLI am truly convinced that if more people

would study, watch and learn more about their planets, what is going on

and how to "balance" they would not be nearly as crazy.... *sigh* we can only hope!From Mark:Amy, WELL DONE! You've just described this day and 'time' perfectly!

I'm so proud of how you've taken to this great knowledge, and learned

how to make your self and you life even better!Well done!As

far as other people go, some will NOT be open to hearing, at least

'now'. But, others will. I'm however, always open to being ready to

give an explanation where the person is open.... I remember one time I came across this passage in the Gita:"Until a seeker of truth gets tired of doing it his own way, knowledge never comes"Wow,

when I first came across this idea it blew me away. I was always trying

to convince people, irrespective of their receptivity.From that very moment, the first thing I do, when interacting with people, and especially doing their Astrology is to #1

look into their receptivity. I'll even ask those I'm doing their

Astrology: "What do you want to gain out of this reading? And, how open

are you to receiving new knowledge ?"Because that's why they're there, almost always they'll say: "YES".....But, in our personal lives we have to be very careful not to VIOLATE people's privacy and right to "doing IT there own way....!God, by the way, seems to have one basic, extremely importent rule!We each can do whatever we want. Even if it hurts ourselves or others, we are free to do that!But, there's a catch!We're

also going to be held responsible for each and every thing we do! So,

sometimes, people can't hear it from "US" and they're in the process of

"doing it their own way"...But, someday, they too will wake up, just enough to even want to get out of their misery.... or as you say their "craziness!"Sometimes the best thing we can DO is just to set a great example.... Sometimes we'll find ourselves saying something!.... Just because those other people's craziness is influencing us and we too have the right to do whatever we want!And if we want to speak the truth, and get in people's faces, so to speak.... hey, then that might be right too....But, we should be ready to tumble!sometimes....But, the more each one of us, does ONE SIMPLE THING!And, that is to live our own charts well! better and with more purity, than at least that's the one 'given' and best thing we can do!On top of that, its all gravy!heheSincerely,Mark Earlier Comments: Today, we hear from

two people in regards to this recent Moon - Mars 'collision' of the last 2 days. (March 10 & 11th) First from Nikita:"Hi Mark.. It was interseting to read what you said about the moon mars

collision. I'm very interested in astrology too but never found the time

to learn.. I was very very restless since past two nites wonder its due

to the planets...What do u say..?""Nikita,.... The 'only' real way of knowing for sure is to watch these Transits closely, and next month, this very similar Mars-Moon Aspect will occur again. In other words, if you feel restless again, next month, when Mars is found fully influencing the Moon, then this will be a natural verification of your experience.My suggestion is to watch these Transits, each day for 2-3 months. In that time you will become extremely knowledgeable about them. You will especially learn which Transits are the most delicate and important for YOU to pay attention to.In truth, the Transits are only 1 of 3 most important parts of Astrology.A second, equally as important feature is what Jyotish calls our Dasas. These are the karmas that will be coming back to us, from the positive and negative configurations in our charts. We can predict which of these future

periods will be like, based on our chats.And, thirdly, there is of course, our Charts, themselves.Sometimes what we're going through is NOT so related to the Transits or Dasas but is simply one of the important areas of our charts.One time I had a very serious accident. And, upon closes examination of my chart I found both the Transits and the Dasas were not indicative of an accident situation.But, I still had an accident!Then, it occurred to me:"Oh, my God, it's in my CHART, to go too fast!"And, that was a major aha for me.So, always know that these three areas of our charts will reveal everything to us!Now, let's here from Vered:Vered: "Oooh,... I felt that way yesterday too. I thought it might just be the stars!"Hi Vered,As I said to Nikita, (read above) there are only 3 areas we need to check as

far as determining exactly why something happens to us. However, once we find the reason for our 'grief' or 'upsetness' the real purpose, however, is to learn to do something so next time, we don't experience this negativity!In other words, our emphasis should be on what Remedies can we do so next time we're better prepared, or stronger, so this same Transit, does NOT pull off us center.Generally, for ALL negative or malefic functioning Transits the #1 thing we can do is to Meditate, and develop ourselves, mentally and in terms of our innate Consciousness!Because if we're stronger, within than we will be better prepared to deal with ANYTHING!Having meditated, myself for over 17 years even before studying Jyotish, I can confirm that this singular Remedy is the most extraordinary and important of Vedic Remedies.However, I can also say, in spite of 17 years of meditating, after I began learning

Astrology and especially studying the Transits I became aware that I still had a LONG way to go!In other words, I realized that there might be other things I could try and help myself grow and be more immune to any negativity from the environment.And, that's when my real, deep, appreciation of Jyotish began.I quickly learned, for example, how to be more and more in-tune with the Moon, itself.Being more in-tune with the Moon each day, can have a powerful, positive influence on one's own, personal Moon-mind. Allow your self to rest more, during the Waning cycles, and then, naturally allow yourself to act, 'more' with the Waxing times!This one, special Moon Remedy can profoundly, change your life!"Keep those Comments, Experiences and Questions coming!Sincerely,Mark KincaidFor More participatory questions feel free to

join our largest and most active group at:Nature's Astrology















Free15 MinuteSpecial Reading For ...


Don't forget, if you ordered the 2010 Season's of the Stars, book, you 'll get again this year, another free 15 minute reading. Call or email me to schedule: kincaidmarkAlso, if you want to expand these readings, a fairly inexpensive $ 1.00/minute rate will suffice.



















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