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Group You Will Get Mohanraam Again !!

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This pandit will remain as pakhandii as it has been,


He begated Abhishek once more ... mother , The one who gave

him bit information about IP.


Tomorrow, he will give birth to MohanRaam ..


Then he will fuck you all ...


So, To Hell with you and Your Guru.


I was waiting for him something like this to happen...


Njoy Him, I cant ... I m leaving your AUGUST group of such

conspirer astrologers.


Only 3 or 4 here are good , except them , all birds are same



Thanx to all of you and best wishes , He will reduce ur karma

and will take you to God, He will unlock some mantra .. purchase a 50

rs. book on mantra, everything is written.


He has problems even in why i could learn astrology's basics so

clearly in some 1 month ? He and His chamche shishya mention in 3

mails, why i learn so quickly ... It's not that difficult but he

wants to show it is very difficult to exploit ur's faith ...... stand

with him.


They gave me a DEAD MAN's horoscope to me, I guessed even

that ..., and i give such a horoscope, He cant say any thing.


You can check it whenever u wish ... tell him to FIX if a

horoscope is of a Girl's or Boy's... don't give hint. His truth will

come out.



I m moving away !!

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litsol <litsol

vedic astrology

Friday, August 10, 2007 10:34:58 AM

[vedic astrology] Group You Will Get Mohanraam Again !!





This pandit will remain as pakhandii as it has been,


He begated Abhishek once more ... mother , The one who gave

him bit information about IP.


Tomorrow, he will give birth to MohanRaam ..


Then he will fuck you all ...


So, To Hell with you and Your Guru.


I was waiting for him something like this to happen...


Njoy Him, I cant ... I m leaving your AUGUST group of such

conspirer astrologers.


Only 3 or 4 here are good , except them , all birds are same



Thanx to all of you and best wishes , He will reduce ur karma

and will take you to God, He will unlock some mantra .. purchase a 50

rs. book on mantra, everything is written.


He has problems even in why i could learn astrology's basics so

clearly in some 1 month ? He and His chamche shishya mention in 3

mails, why i learn so quickly ... It's not that difficult but he

wants to show it is very difficult to exploit ur's faith ...... stand

with him.


They gave me a DEAD MAN's horoscope to me, I guessed even

that ..., and i give such a horoscope, He cant say any thing.


You can check it whenever u wish ... tell him to FIX if a

horoscope is of a Girl's or Boy's... don't give hint. His truth will

come out.



I m moving away !!









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Idiot Lalith:


nobody can tell from a horoscope whether it is a boy or girl exactly

because time of birth may not be accurate. Astrology is not for such



It is for gaining insight and not for giving oracles. Some people use

bananas for eating, some people like you will use it for shoving it

up their arses.


It does not mean banana is for shoving it up your arse! Banana is

meant of eating. Astrology is for giving insight.


What about the prediction on ghosts? Dig deep into the archives of

this group; once a member had asked whether he can reach his father

before he dies (his father was in death bed), and whether he can

postpone the journey slightly; Panditji asked him to start

immediately. I am not sure which month he gave the prediction.


He had also refrained from predictions when people faced imminent

death; his style is to say that at this juncture we will better pray.


You are saying you will leave; but when you will leave?


By the way who are all the " good " people who cleared your

certificate. you have had problems with every good astrologer here.

Panditji, Rafalji, even Sunilji has advised you but you left him

because you have to prove your credibility, Bhagavatiji, Mohanraaamji

Prashantkumarji, whom have you left?


vedic astrology , " litsol " <litsol wrote:



> Group,


> This pandit will remain as pakhandii as it has been,


> He begated Abhishek once more ... mother , The one who gave

> him bit information about IP.


> Tomorrow, he will give birth to MohanRaam ..


> Then he will fuck you all ...


> So, To Hell with you and Your Guru.


> I was waiting for him something like this to happen...


> Njoy Him, I cant ... I m leaving your AUGUST group of such

> conspirer astrologers.


> Only 3 or 4 here are good , except them , all birds are same

> feather.


> Thanx to all of you and best wishes , He will reduce ur karma

> and will take you to God, He will unlock some mantra .. purchase a


> rs. book on mantra, everything is written.


> He has problems even in why i could learn astrology's basics


> clearly in some 1 month ? He and His chamche shishya mention in 3

> mails, why i learn so quickly ... It's not that difficult but he

> wants to show it is very difficult to exploit ur's faith ......


> with him.


> They gave me a DEAD MAN's horoscope to me, I guessed even

> that ..., and i give such a horoscope, He cant say any thing.


> You can check it whenever u wish ... tell him to FIX if a

> horoscope is of a Girl's or Boy's... don't give hint. His truth


> come out.



> I m moving away !!


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Mad dog Lalith:


Who gave u certficate that u know the basics in 1 month? By the way

don't think you have achieved something great. learning basics in 1

month is not an achievement. I learnt my basics in astrology in 1

week and I knew far better than what you seem to know in this 1 month.


U are always certifying yourself. Does anybody else acknowledge it.

The group wants you out.


We cannot trust a criminal like you. You will come in some other id.

That is why Guruji left the group. You are a scourge to our group

(come on take me to court if you dare for having said this. You are

a fraud; you tried to threaten people; you said you will take

Mohanraaamji to court once; now you say he does not exist. Did you

plan to take a non-existing man to court. How wise of you?)--- In

vedic astrology , " litsol " <litsol wrote:



> Group,


> This pandit will remain as pakhandii as it has been,


> He begated Abhishek once more ... mother , The one who gave

> him bit information about IP.


> Tomorrow, he will give birth to MohanRaam ..


> Then he will fuck you all ...


> So, To Hell with you and Your Guru.


> I was waiting for him something like this to happen...


> Njoy Him, I cant ... I m leaving your AUGUST group of such

> conspirer astrologers.


> Only 3 or 4 here are good , except them , all birds are same

> feather.


> Thanx to all of you and best wishes , He will reduce ur karma

> and will take you to God, He will unlock some mantra .. purchase a


> rs. book on mantra, everything is written.


> He has problems even in why i could learn astrology's basics


> clearly in some 1 month ? He and His chamche shishya mention in 3

> mails, why i learn so quickly ... It's not that difficult but he

> wants to show it is very difficult to exploit ur's faith ......


> with him.


> They gave me a DEAD MAN's horoscope to me, I guessed even

> that ..., and i give such a horoscope, He cant say any thing.


> You can check it whenever u wish ... tell him to FIX if a

> horoscope is of a Girl's or Boy's... don't give hint. His truth


> come out.



> I m moving away !!


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U wrote:


>>I m moving away !!<<



Please don't change your mind and don't ever come back!





vedic astrology , " litsol " <litsol wrote:



> Group,


> This pandit will remain as pakhandii as it has been,


> He begated Abhishek once more ... mother , The one who gave

> him bit information about IP.


> Tomorrow, he will give birth to MohanRaam ..


> Then he will fuck you all ...


> So, To Hell with you and Your Guru.


> I was waiting for him something like this to happen...


> Njoy Him, I cant ... I m leaving your AUGUST group of such

> conspirer astrologers.


> Only 3 or 4 here are good , except them , all birds are same

> feather.


> Thanx to all of you and best wishes , He will reduce ur karma

> and will take you to God, He will unlock some mantra .. purchase a 50

> rs. book on mantra, everything is written.


> He has problems even in why i could learn astrology's basics so

> clearly in some 1 month ? He and His chamche shishya mention in 3

> mails, why i learn so quickly ... It's not that difficult but he

> wants to show it is very difficult to exploit ur's faith ...... stand

> with him.


> They gave me a DEAD MAN's horoscope to me, I guessed even

> that ..., and i give such a horoscope, He cant say any thing.


> You can check it whenever u wish ... tell him to FIX if a

> horoscope is of a Girl's or Boy's... don't give hint. His truth will

> come out.



> I m moving away !!


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First let me tell you that a lot of people in this group & outside LOVE you.

So there is no intention of getting you banned my friend. Dont get excited so

soon, BhagwatiJi is a good person & maybe might have some undisclosed good

intentions which we dont know.

However, please keep one thing in mind....DO NOT TRY To ANALYZE A DEAD MANS

Horoscope.....even if someone requests you to do that....... & later says that

hes a CA.......

Friend, you are still learning this Game, so give it more time & dont loose

your interest in astrology.....because you are one day going to be a very good

astrologer......however without patience you might not be able to help

people......Tell me is it not your sole intention...to help people???....Go to

Gurujis website srath.com & get the basics sorted out & then attend a few

classes which guruji Or gurumata Sarbaniji conducts....you are lucky that you

are in delhi....with so many resourceful people & gurus in the vicinity:)....I

wish I was there too....I would have attended all the clases...again &

again....till Guru Pt. Sanjay Rathji told me to get lost......:)........Hes the

greatest teacher of this Vedang Lalit....listen to his mp3 lectures...u'll feel



Second, I had requested you to leave Pt. DakshinaMoorthiji alone. Why dont you

take my advise my friend. OK, I understand that maybe he has done some

mistakes....everyone does....so are you going to chase him till the end of this

land??....Please Lalit, move on. Hes not a fraud....I know all his

problems......We've checked him out...so dont dig too deep into this

person....hes a nice guy......atleast as far as i know he will not harm/dupe

anyone intentionally!....comeon friend lets moveon..... & I know that you maybe

aware that Pt. DakshinaMoorthiji & GBP are not selling things & dont have a

website......Pandat was a different ball game all together.......but my

consiounce as well as yours will not permit us to harrass inconcent people.....


Ok friend, Shud I expect a much more composed Lalit now on....Please

With Lots & Lots of love & affection....




abhishekpotti <abhishekpotti wrote:

Idiot Lalith:


nobody can tell from a horoscope whether it is a boy or girl exactly

because time of birth may not be accurate. Astrology is not for such



It is for gaining insight and not for giving oracles. Some people use

bananas for eating, some people like you will use it for shoving it

up their arses.


It does not mean banana is for shoving it up your arse! Banana is

meant of eating. Astrology is for giving insight.


What about the prediction on ghosts? Dig deep into the archives of

this group; once a member had asked whether he can reach his father

before he dies (his father was in death bed), and whether he can

postpone the journey slightly; Panditji asked him to start

immediately. I am not sure which month he gave the prediction.


He had also refrained from predictions when people faced imminent

death; his style is to say that at this juncture we will better pray.


You are saying you will leave; but when you will leave?


By the way who are all the " good " people who cleared your

certificate. you have had problems with every good astrologer here.

Panditji, Rafalji, even Sunilji has advised you but you left him

because you have to prove your credibility, Bhagavatiji, Mohanraaamji

Prashantkumarji, whom have you left?


vedic astrology , " litsol " <litsol wrote:



> Group,


> This pandit will remain as pakhandii as it has been,


> He begated Abhishek once more ... mother , The one who gave

> him bit information about IP.


> Tomorrow, he will give birth to MohanRaam ..


> Then he will fuck you all ...


> So, To Hell with you and Your Guru.


> I was waiting for him something like this to happen...


> Njoy Him, I cant ... I m leaving your AUGUST group of such

> conspirer astrologers.


> Only 3 or 4 here are good , except them , all birds are same

> feather.


> Thanx to all of you and best wishes , He will reduce ur karma

> and will take you to God, He will unlock some mantra .. purchase a


> rs. book on mantra, everything is written.


> He has problems even in why i could learn astrology's basics


> clearly in some 1 month ? He and His chamche shishya mention in 3

> mails, why i learn so quickly ... It's not that difficult but he

> wants to show it is very difficult to exploit ur's faith ......


> with him.


> They gave me a DEAD MAN's horoscope to me, I guessed even

> that ..., and i give such a horoscope, He cant say any thing.


> You can check it whenever u wish ... tell him to FIX if a

> horoscope is of a Girl's or Boy's... don't give hint. His truth


> come out.



> I m moving away !!









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dear group members


this message is the height of lalit's uncivilised mudslinging becuase

he is using four letter words which is unparliamentary.


all civilised members of this group shall ostracise this uncivilised

person who uses four letter words in a spiritual astrology group.


it is high time this person is shown the door before he uses other

slangs and hijack this august divine group into his own personal blog

using choicst slangs.


with best wishes and blessings

pandit arjun




vedic astrology , " litsol " <litsol wrote:



> Group,


> This pandit will remain as pakhandii as it has been,


> He begated Abhishek once more ... mother , The one who gave

> him bit information about IP.


> Tomorrow, he will give birth to MohanRaam ..


> Then he will fuck you all ...


> So, To Hell with you and Your Guru.


> I was waiting for him something like this to happen...


> Njoy Him, I cant ... I m leaving your AUGUST group of such

> conspirer astrologers.


> Only 3 or 4 here are good , except them , all birds are same

> feather.


> Thanx to all of you and best wishes , He will reduce ur karma

> and will take you to God, He will unlock some mantra .. purchase a


> rs. book on mantra, everything is written.


> He has problems even in why i could learn astrology's basics


> clearly in some 1 month ? He and His chamche shishya mention in 3

> mails, why i learn so quickly ... It's not that difficult but he

> wants to show it is very difficult to exploit ur's faith ......


> with him.


> They gave me a DEAD MAN's horoscope to me, I guessed even

> that ..., and i give such a horoscope, He cant say any thing.


> You can check it whenever u wish ... tell him to FIX if a

> horoscope is of a Girl's or Boy's... don't give hint. His truth


> come out.



> I m moving away !!


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Absolutely right, Arjunji. Why can't the group be moderated, so that these

undesirable persons after a warning or two, are banned from the site???


panditarjun2004 <panditarjun2004 wrote: dear group members


this message is the height of lalit's uncivilised mudslinging becuase

he is using four letter words which is unparliamentary.


all civilised members of this group shall ostracise this uncivilised

person who uses four letter words in a spiritual astrology group.


it is high time this person is shown the door before he uses other

slangs and hijack this august divine group into his own personal blog

using choicst slangs.


with best wishes and blessings

pandit arjun



vedic astrology , " litsol " <litsol wrote:



> Group,


> This pandit will remain as pakhandii as it has been,


> He begated Abhishek once more ... mother , The one who gave

> him bit information about IP.


> Tomorrow, he will give birth to MohanRaam ..


> Then he will fuck you all ...


> So, To Hell with you and Your Guru.


> I was waiting for him something like this to happen...


> Njoy Him, I cant ... I m leaving your AUGUST group of such

> conspirer astrologers.


> Only 3 or 4 here are good , except them , all birds are same

> feather.


> Thanx to all of you and best wishes , He will reduce ur karma

> and will take you to God, He will unlock some mantra .. purchase a


> rs. book on mantra, everything is written.


> He has problems even in why i could learn astrology's basics


> clearly in some 1 month ? He and His chamche shishya mention in 3

> mails, why i learn so quickly ... It's not that difficult but he

> wants to show it is very difficult to exploit ur's faith ......


> with him.


> They gave me a DEAD MAN's horoscope to me, I guessed even

> that ..., and i give such a horoscope, He cant say any thing.


> You can check it whenever u wish ... tell him to FIX if a

> horoscope is of a Girl's or Boy's... don't give hint. His truth


> come out.



> I m moving away !!









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did you forget to mention me in the email?

The person needs love NOT hatred....you improve...so that the world will

improve....its MAYA.....

Anyways I told you to run....dint I?



panditarjun2004 <panditarjun2004 wrote:

dear group members


this message is the height of lalit's uncivilised mudslinging becuase

he is using four letter words which is unparliamentary.


all civilised members of this group shall ostracise this uncivilised

person who uses four letter words in a spiritual astrology group.


it is high time this person is shown the door before he uses other

slangs and hijack this august divine group into his own personal blog

using choicst slangs.


with best wishes and blessings

pandit arjun



vedic astrology , " litsol " <litsol wrote:



> Group,


> This pandit will remain as pakhandii as it has been,


> He begated Abhishek once more ... mother , The one who gave

> him bit information about IP.


> Tomorrow, he will give birth to MohanRaam ..


> Then he will fuck you all ...


> So, To Hell with you and Your Guru.


> I was waiting for him something like this to happen...


> Njoy Him, I cant ... I m leaving your AUGUST group of such

> conspirer astrologers.


> Only 3 or 4 here are good , except them , all birds are same

> feather.


> Thanx to all of you and best wishes , He will reduce ur karma

> and will take you to God, He will unlock some mantra .. purchase a


> rs. book on mantra, everything is written.


> He has problems even in why i could learn astrology's basics


> clearly in some 1 month ? He and His chamche shishya mention in 3

> mails, why i learn so quickly ... It's not that difficult but he

> wants to show it is very difficult to exploit ur's faith ......


> with him.


> They gave me a DEAD MAN's horoscope to me, I guessed even

> that ..., and i give such a horoscope, He cant say any thing.


> You can check it whenever u wish ... tell him to FIX if a

> horoscope is of a Girl's or Boy's... don't give hint. His truth


> come out.



> I m moving away !!









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dear jaigurudev


you haved proved yourself to the group that you love that person who

hurls four letter slangs in public spiritual groups. no sane member

of this group show love towards a person who hurls four letter slangs

in this august forum. already dozens of people have complained to

ban lalit and knowing the inevitable ban, lalit is acting as if he is

quitting on his own for the past two days but is not quitting till he

is necked out by a ban.


with best wishes and blessings

pandit arjun





vedic astrology , Jai Gurudev <jgurudev



> Pandat,

> did you forget to mention me in the email?

> The person needs love NOT hatred....you improve...so that the

world will improve....its MAYA.....

> Anyways I told you to run....dint I?



> panditarjun2004 <panditarjun2004 wrote:

> dear group members


> this message is the height of lalit's uncivilised mudslinging


> he is using four letter words which is unparliamentary.


> all civilised members of this group shall ostracise this


> person who uses four letter words in a spiritual astrology group.


> it is high time this person is shown the door before he uses other

> slangs and hijack this august divine group into his own personal


> using choicst slangs.


> with best wishes and blessings

> pandit arjun

> www.rudraksharemedy.com


> vedic astrology , " litsol " <litsol@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Group,

> >

> > This pandit will remain as pakhandii as it has been,

> >

> > He begated Abhishek once more ... mother , The one who gave

> > him bit information about IP.

> >

> > Tomorrow, he will give birth to MohanRaam ..

> >

> > Then he will fuck you all ...

> >

> > So, To Hell with you and Your Guru.

> >

> > I was waiting for him something like this to happen...

> >

> > Njoy Him, I cant ... I m leaving your AUGUST group of such

> > conspirer astrologers.

> >

> > Only 3 or 4 here are good , except them , all birds are same

> > feather.

> >

> > Thanx to all of you and best wishes , He will reduce ur karma

> > and will take you to God, He will unlock some mantra .. purchase


> 50

> > rs. book on mantra, everything is written.

> >

> > He has problems even in why i could learn astrology's basics

> so

> > clearly in some 1 month ? He and His chamche shishya mention in 3

> > mails, why i learn so quickly ... It's not that difficult but he

> > wants to show it is very difficult to exploit ur's faith ......

> stand

> > with him.

> >

> > They gave me a DEAD MAN's horoscope to me, I guessed even

> > that ..., and i give such a horoscope, He cant say any thing.

> >

> > You can check it whenever u wish ... tell him to FIX if a

> > horoscope is of a Girl's or Boy's... don't give hint. His truth

> will

> > come out.

> >

> >

> > I m moving away !!

> >


> Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on




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