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Retrograde planets

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Dear Members,


i reproduce below a letter from Mr. Venkatachalapati from an

another for perusual and give their views.




Dear sirs


I read a translated article recently which appeared in an old Italian

Journal, '..Astronomers......

informatory peripherals......' by Mr. L Scarsi released in 1987. I

append below, which could be of interest:



" The Sun travels in a line or in spiral pattern to create its own

orbit. The planets (save, Moon) including Earth moves in fixed

distance from the Sun. The Sun revolves with a set speed in its own

axis. Similarly, all other planets are also move in their axis.

However, they are always at set distance from the Sun. While they

gain momentum with a velocity it is subjected to stray while on the

set path and the Sun pulls such Planets back to their respective

orbits - Or the Planets come back from that extra distance traveled

to the fixed distance path of orbit towards this Sun.

For this to happen the extra dist ance Earth itself travels is about

126 hours, whereas, we account the Sun's movement in relation to

earth as 1 Degree per day. This extra day is also to be accounted in

the movement of Planets in relation to Earth, while they are in

content distance and time from the Sun. The, the Planets also stray

due to their inbuilt velocity and they are brought back to its orbit.

This time of this parabola path taken by the Planets, while

accounting from Earth, to be accommodated within the fixed time of

regular orbit. From Earth, this extra 'travel' of the plat in terms

of time related to earth days are counted to be termed as the planet

in retrogation.

The period of travel (in Earth days every 780 days) it is seen from

Earth that Mars and The Sun come on a same line. It also takes 15

months make a earthly year for Mars to complete a Solar year. The

measure of Mars travel around the Sun in Earthly days will be 11,699

Days approximately.

The Sun and Mercury seen in same line from earth every116 e'days.

Mercury year is of 116 e'days.Approximately 22 e'months makes a

Mercury Year for Mercury go around the Sun. The period of the year is

measured as 2549 days 6 hrs of e'days.

399 e'days are calculated to be Jupiter's month. It is also found

that whenever the Sun when passes 148 Deg,from Jupiter the

Retrogation of Jupiter occurs.Also, when the Sun passes 268 Degrees

this Retrogation is revoked and Jupiter is its path around the Sun.

An e'year of Jupiter to go around the Sun is 4387 and 3/4th days.

In calculating speed of the Sun, one finds that Mercury moves in

greater speed while Venus moves faster than Mercury. In ever e'days

Venus could be sighted in the east, while 10 days as period of

retraction it could be seen from Earth. From Earth we find that Venus

is always ahead of the Sun in its movement. In 5 e' months Venus will

again be seen in its original starting point.Venus goes round the Sun

in 2919 e'd ays to complete its circle around the Sun.

378 e'days make a month for Saturn and 39 such months will complete

the circle for Saturn around the Sun. The Saturn is ear is found to

have 10964 e' days. In all Saturn has 378 e'days of retrogation under

different conditions to be individually accounted "



I do not know the source and the method in which these were arrived

at by the author. I will be pleased if the greats in our forum, let

me know its correctness.







care Dr. Sreenivasan,

5, Heath Road,



Ln2 2ZX U.K.

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