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The Deception of the Double 13...Illustrated

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The following is a message dated today from the Moderator at another astrology group. In my estimation, the upshot of this piece is how the DECEPTION is playing out.QUOTE

Dear List Members, Since the media doesn't seem to be reporting relevant recount news, I'llpost news items here now and then that come to my attention. It'simpossible to track and interpret the current astrology of the electionwhen 'happening' news isn't carried by the mainstream media. No, I don'texpect the election to be overturned, but why isn't the media reporting thenews that's all over the internet? There are demonstrations all around thecountry today (as well as this just passed Saturday and Sunday). Has anyoneseen even one small news item about the demonstratons in a printednewspaper or on media news? UNQUOTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ North County News1520 Front StreetYorktown Heightshttp://www.northcountynews.com/view.asp?s=11-24-04/news5.htmNY 10598 Kerry clutches to hopes of recount victory White House calls on nation to 'come together' Some supporters of Massachusetts Senator John Kerry and running mate JohnEdwards cling to the hope that an Ohio recount can swing the election by Adam Stone A White House spokeswoman told North County News last Friday that citizensshould embrace the Election Day results and dismiss recount efforts in Ohiothat could hand Democratic Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts thepresidency. "The election has ended, and now is the time for the country to cometogether to address the challenges our nation faces," the spokeswoman, SuzyDeFrancis, remarked.

Bush won Ohio by a vote of 2,796,147 to John Kerry's 2,659,664, accordingto the official tally. In a series of e-mail interviews with North County News two weeks ago,Kerry spokesman David Wade spoke about recount efforts led by a team of17,000 lawyers that could trigger the removal of President George W. Bushfrom office. Since then, under mounting pressure from alternative media outlets as wellas progressive voices outside the Democratic Party, Kerry issued astatement to his supporters that left open the possibility that he couldobtain--through a recount--the requisite electoral votes to seize the WhiteHouse. "Regardless of the outcome of this election, once all the votes arecounted--and they will be counted--we will continue to challenge thisadministration,"

Kerry said through a web-exclusive statement and videoFriday, which, curiously, was not distributed to the press. The usage of the word 'regardless' in the carefully parsed statement wasthe first indication Kerry has offered that, in his mind, the officialelection results might be inaccurate enough to tilt the election in his favor.Wade was e-mailed the remarks from the White House spokeswoman."Any president of the United States should make it a priority to countevery vote in our country because every citizen's full faith in thedemocratic process is critical," Wade responded yesterday (Tuesday)."That's why John Kerry and John Edwards built a voter protection team oflawyers around the country, lawyers who are today monitoring recounts andthe counting of provisional ballots including Ohio and New Mexico. Everyvote will be counted, and we Democrats aren't afraid to

fight to protectvoters' rights."A Kerry victory in Ohio would give the senator enough electoral votes toseize the White House...(snip) "How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares?" -----



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