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GUINEA-BISSAU rectified chart

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This is the rectified chart for:



Sep 24, 1973 

11:00 AM +01:00 WAT

Madina do Boé

Longitude: 14W13 Latitude: 11N45

Lahiri Ayanamsha: 23:29

Current Period: MO/JU/RA


Planet Deg   Sign  Speed    

SA   Nakshatra Lord


Asc    21:45 Sco                 

Jyeshtha   Me

Sun    07:48 Vir 

+00:58:48  ST   U.Phalguni Su

Moon   11:11 Leo 

+13:58:56  WK   Magha      Ke

MarsR  15:37 Ari 

-00:04:03  FM   Bharani    Ve

Merc   24:10 Vir  +01:32:38 

ST   Chitra     Ma

JuptR  08:49

Cap  -00:00:48 

WK   U.Shadya   Su

Ven    19:28 Lib 

+01:09:33  FM   Swati      Ra

Sat    10:47 Gem 

+00:02:28  WK   Ardra      Ra

Rahu   10:04

Sag  -00:09:41  FM   Mula       Ke

Ketu   10:04

Gem  -00:09:41  FM   Ardra      Ra


True Node  365.25 Day Year -

Internet Time: 542 beats

Day: Monday  Sunrise: 5:48


Tithi:  Krishna Trayodashi

Yoga Pt:

22:19 Ar  Yogi:Ve  AviYogi:Ju  Dup Yogi: Ma

Dagha Rashis:

Tau Leo


Rashi Chart



** 9                    

*   * 7                     **   


*       *                   *  *   

*    *              

*           *               *    *   

*      *          

*               *           *      *   

*        RA 10:04*                   VE 19:28*        *   


*   *                       *   *  SU


*JUR08:49    * 8      

AS 21:45          * 6  ME 24:10*   


*          *  

*                       *   *          *   

*        *      

*                   *       *        *   

*      *          

*               *           *      *   

*    *              

*           *               *    *   

*  *                   *      

*                   *  *   

**                       *  

*                       **   

*11                        *

5       MO 11:11        


**                       *  

*                       **   


*       *                   *  *   

*    *              

*           *               *    *   

*      *          

*               *           *      *   

*        *      

*                   *       *        *   

*          *  

*                       *   *          *   

*            *

2                         * 4          *   

*          *  

*                       *   *          *   

*        *      

*                   KE 10:04*       


*      * MAR15:37  *               * SA 10:47 

*      *   

*    *              

*           *               *    *   

*  *                  

*       *                   *  *   

** 1                     *  

* 3                     **   







** 11                    *  

* 9                     **   


*       *                   *  *   

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*      *           *               *          

*      *   

*        *      

*                   *       *        *   

*SU        *   *      

AS              *   *          *   

*JUR         * 10     

SA                * 8          *   


*   *       KE             

*   *          *   

*        *      

*                   *       *        *   

*      *          

*               *           *      *   

*    *              

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*  *           

       *       *                   *  *   


*   *                       **   


* 7                        *   


*   *                       **   

*2 *                  

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*               *           *      *   

*        *      

*                   *       *        *   


*   *       MO              *   *          *   


* 4       RA               

* 6          *   


*   *                       *   *          *   

*        *      

*                   MAR     *        *   

*      *          

*               * ME        *      *   

*    *              

*           *               *    *   

*  *                  

*       *                   *  *   

** 3                     *  

* 5                     **   




Some of the events used in the rectification:


Chart Notes: The PAIGC National Assembly met at Boe

in the southeastern region and declared the independence of Guinea-Bissau on September 24, 1973. Following Portugal's April 1974

revolution, it granted independence to Guinea-Bissau on September 10, 1974.


Após as cerimónias que

culminaram com o desfile das forças armadas comandadas por José Pereira cerca

das três da tarde, a debandada foi geral. http://humana.org/Articel.asp?NewsID=158


Top 10 Natural Disasters in Guinea Bissau

sorted by numbers of people killed and affected 


Disaster Date Killed

Epidemic Jan-1997 781

Epidemic 4-Nov-1994 195

Epidemic Jan-1999 158

Epidemic 25-Sep-1987 68

Epidemic Oct-1996 35

Wild Fires 16-Feb-1998 3

Flood 27-Sep-2004 3

Wind Storm 1-Jul-1987 1

Drought 1910 0

Drought 1911 0


Disaster Date Affected

Drought May-2002 100,000

Epidemic Jan-1997 22,299

Epidemic 4-Nov-1994 8,631

Epidemic 25-Sep-1987 6,000

Epidemic Oct-1996 3,726

Wind Storm 1-Jul-1987 3,703

Wind Storm 10-Sep-1993 1,722

Wild Fires 16-Feb-1998 1,500

Epidemic Jan-1999 1,149

Flood 27-Sep-2004 1,000


Top 10 Technological Disasters in Guinea Bissau

sorted by numbers of people killed and affected 


Disaster Date Killed

Transport Accident 14-Jun-1998 200

Industrial Accident 14-Oct-1995 14

Misc Accident 23-Mar-1989 0

Misc Accident 19-Apr-1992 0


Disaster Date Affected

Misc Accident 23-Mar-1989 2,625

Misc Accident 19-Apr-1992 2,000

Industrial Accident 14-Oct-1995 0

Transport Accident 14-Jun-1998 0


date type reg. operator fat. location kind

03-JUN-1968 Lockheed L-1049 5T-TAC North American

Aircraft Trading 0 Guinea-Bissau O1


Em 1980 devido a um golpe de

Estado a 14 de Novembro , foi inviabilizada a união com Cabo Verde, sendo

afastado o presidente Luís Cabral por oão Bernardo Vieira (Nino), oficial das

Forças Armadas.


A 23 de Novembro de 2000 era

assassinado um dos homens fortes do novo regime, Assumane Mané.


Em Junho de  1998 eclode um

sangrento conflito armado que conduziu ao derrube de Nino Vieira e acabou por destruír

profundamente as estruturas económicas desta frágil república africana.


1998  Jun 9, Senegal and Guinea sent troops to aid

Pres. Vieira. Rebels led by Ansumane Mane had just staged a coup to end the

18-year rule of Pres. Joao Bernardo Vieira, who was accused of corruption.

 (SFC, 6/10/98, p.A9)

1998  Jun 11, Between 1,500 and 2,000 foreigners,

mostly Portuguese, were evacuated by ship from the capital of Guinea-Bissau, where civil war


 (AP, 6/11/03)

1998  Jun 12, Some 200 people drowned as they fled

the country by boat.

 (SFC, 6/15/98, p.A12)

1998  Jun 14, In Guinea-Bissau the fighting

intensified and thousands of people sought escape routes.

 (SFC, 6/15/98, p.A12)

1998  Jun 16, Senegal fired artillery

into Guinea-Bissau to support Pres.


 (WSJ, 6/17/98, p.A1)

1998  Jul 5, Heavy fighting covered the capital in

smoke. A regional intervention force was being prepared.

 (WSJ, 7/6/98, p.A1)

1998  Jul 11, In Guinea-Bissau Radio Bombolon mixed

music and junta rhetoric and featured the Iva and Ichy local hit duo.

 (SFC, 7/11/98, p.A10)

1998  Jul 26, Army rebels and the government agreed

to a cease-fire and promised to open peace talks.

 (SFC, 7/27/98, p.A10)

1998  Oct 21, In Guinnea-Bissau heavy artillery fire

rocked the capital and rebels claimed to have captured Bafata, the 2nd largest


 (SFC, 10/22/98, p.C5)

1998  Nov 2, In Guinnea-Bissau the government and

rebels signed an agreement to end the 5-month civil war.

 (SFC, 11/3/98, p.C12)

1999  Feb 1, In Guinea-Bissau thousands fled the

capital as fighting intensified between rebels and loyalists. At least 15

people were reported killed. Most of the 6,000 member army joined the rebellion

to depose Pres. Joao Bernardo Vieira.

 (SFC, 2/2/99, p.A9)

1999  Feb 2, In Guinea-Bissau a grenade destroyed

a church and killed 3 people. 35 people were reported killed since fighting

began Jan 31.

 (SFC, 2/3/99, p.A10)

1999  Feb 3, In Guinea-Bissau Pres. Joao Bernardo

Vieira agreed to a cease fire with rebel leader Ansumane Mane.

 (SFC, 2/4/99, p.A12)

1999  May 7, Renegade troops forced the surrender of

the 600-man presidential guard and ousted Pres. Joao Bernardo Vieira, who

sought refuge in the Portuguese Embassy.

 (SFC, 5/8/99, p.C14)

1999  May 14, In Guinea-Bissau Malan Bacai Sanha

(52), former head of parliament, was declared the 3rd president.

 (SFC, 5/15/99, p.A14)

2000  Jan, In Guinea-Bissau Kumba Yala won the

presidency with 72% of the vote.

 (Econ, 9/20/03, p.46)

2002  Guinea-Bissau Pres. Kumba Yala

dissolved Parliament and delayed elections 3 times.

 (AP, 10/6/03)

2003  Sep 14, In the West Africa country of Guinea-Bissau the army launched a

coup, arresting the president and ordering government ministers detained. Verissimo

Correia Seabre and fellow senior officers arrested the elected president, Kumba


 (AP, 9/14/03)

2003  Sep 16, Guinea-Bissau's army chief of staff

who overthrew the West African nation's president has won an agreement from political

leaders to have presidential powers until new elections are held.

 (AP, 9/16/03)

2003  Sep 28, In Guinea-Bissau senior army

officers, who staged a recent coup, installed  Henrique Rosa as civilian

president and Artur Sanha as prime minister to govern the West African country

until elections. Civil servants hadn't been paid in nearly a year and teachers

hadn't been paid in two. Soldiers were getting bags of rice instead of


 (AP, 9/29/03)(AP, 10/6/03)




































Jorge Angelino



Rua da Sociedade Filarmónica

Perpétua Azeitonense, 29

2925-598 Azeitão













































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