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Nilsa Gorey <kaputdraconis wrote:



Thu, 23 Dec 2004 21:01:43 -0800 (PST)Nilsa Gorey Fwd: Ukraine national chartall_astrology , angelicusmerlin , Astreia, astrology , astrologiamundana , chaos-stars , conjunction , Data_ , daily_planet , HoraryHour , i_predict , Medieval_Astrology , midpoints101 , MonthlyForcasts , PoliticalAstrology , Practical_Star_Timing , Spiritus_Mundi , therealastrology

Hi all,


Today I received the forward text below containing an e-mail letter from ISAR. The contents are very important for all of us, astrologers closely following the critical developments in the Ukraine. The article is signed by local astrologer Sergey Smeliakov, which is why it is so important, it is not everyday we can use data disclosed by a local astrologer, carefully following the situation in his own country and making notes on all important dates and times.

He starts by revealing that the Ukranian Declaration of Independence was adopted at 2:59pm

GMT and reveal his sources, an astrologer friend who was listening to the live broadcast. This is awesome, of course, but it gets better:


Note # 6 gives the exact time of the dissolving of the USSR, this is important because it was at this moment that Ukraine began to exist as an independent entity. The author suggests this is a crucial chart (for the reasons explained above) and should definitely be taken in to consideration, side by side with the Declaration of Independence chart. Yes, of course, we have to agree with this for his logic is impeccable! Notice that he gives the exact location where the meeting dissolving the USSR took place, this chart should be calculated using that location as base.


Note # 7 reveals the exact time this coming election starts, 6:00am GMT, Kiev.


As you all probably have noticed, I consider this information extremely important for all astrologers, particularly those working with Mundane and Horary Astrology, so I decided to send it to the lists that could put the information to good use.


One last thing: notice how Sergey doesn't consider the question of the time of birth for both candidates resolved, he is NOT using the time published in AstroDataBank for Yushchenko.


Take care,






Thu, 23 Dec 2004 23:16:14 -0500 (GMT-05:00)kaputdraconisSubject: Ukraine national chart

To all ISAR members:INTERNATIONAL EMAILLETTER VOLUME 315 - December 19, 2004Synonyms for psychological astrology - US Elections - Bhopal Disaster -"Trading Spouses" - Website and Replyaddress>UKRAINE INDEPENDENCE AND NEW ELECTION DATABranka StamenkovicSergey Smelyakov (Ukraine)December 18, 2004At 2:59 pm GMT (See [4]) the Ukrainian Parliament had adopted theDeclaration on Independence: at this moment the result of voting wasannounced. It was fixed by my astrologer-friend, Tatyana Mandryka, when shewas hearing the live broadcast. So, we may suppose that Jacob Schwartz hadfixed the same time for the same event. However, other problems exists withthis chart.Firstly, Koch and Placidus systems give quite different, but very importantplanet allocations in the 7th and 8th. With respect to the actual course ofevents, I am inclined to

the former system, since the "life hazardous"situation for the Sun (President and State) repeats not for the first time,but this time the situation of splitting of the state is discussed as areality and is reflected in a series of progressive aspects.Secondly, that was only a declaration, since after it was adopted, Ukrainestill remained a structural part of the USSR, and only after the dissolvingof the USSR on December 8, 1991, when the leaders of Socialist Republics ofRussia (Eltzin), Ukraine (Kravtchuk) and Byelorussia (Shushkevitch) hadsigned that agreement [6] at Borovoye forestry (a kind of closed-type villain the National Park "Belavezskaja Pusca", Belarus), about 20 km to theSouth from Svisloch, the republics of the former USSR had obtained thesovereignty. Therefore, from my point of view, both these charts (i.e. [4]and [6]) are to be taken into consideration for the present Republic ofUkraine.[1]. Viktor

Yanukovich, July 9, 1950, Enakievo (37e48, 48n00), Ukraine.[2]. Viktor Yushenko, February 23, 1954, Nedrigajlov (33e53, 50n50),Ukraine.[3]. Presidential Election, Tour 1: October 31, 2004, GMT 6:00, Kiev(30e31, 50n26).[4]. Declaration of Independence of Ukraine, August 24, 1991, GMT 2:59 PM,Kiev (30e31, 50n26).[5]. Official proclaiming of the winner (V. Yanukovich) by the CentralElection Commission: November 24, 2004, GMT 16:33, Kiev.[6]. Dissolving of the USSR, December 8, 1991, GMT 12:17 (viz. 0:17 pm),Svisloch (24e06, 53n02).[7]. Presidential Election, Tour 3, December 26, 2004, 6:00 GMT, Kiev.[8]. Ukraine Charts, Int. Emailletter vol. 313.CALM BEFORE THE STORMFor proper stating of the problem of forecasting the results ofPresidential elections in Ukraine [8], it is required to present newimportant data [7], in addition to [3] and [5], and to review the relevantbenchmark events.From an external point

of view (mass media, etc.) the situation in Ukraineseems to have calmed down, but it is not so internally, as people continueto fiercely discuss both the candidates and the precedent of change ofelection legislation during the elections.Thus, after the result of the second tour of elections was adopted andannounced by the Central Election Commission [5], it had to be signed bythe President. However, with the use of multitudes the failed candidate [2]has organized a violent pressure on the Government, President and hisAdministration, other state organs in Kiev, the Capital of Ukraine (aseries of eye-witnesses testify that a significant part of protesters werehired among students and other groups, both in Kiev and another cities.Now, after their return, city is filled with stories of these hiredrevolutionaries and casual visitors, in which they describe how they becamesleepless, airy or partly out of control of their mind after

tasting thosefree coffee and patties being served for the protesters). As a result, the Parliament and the Supreme Court have adopted their decisions that reject the result of the second tour of elections, whereas the current legislation does not provide the norms for such acts; besides, the Parliament adopts a set of amendments into Constitution pertaining to transfer to a parliamentary/presidential ruling, which are also considered as not legal since they were adopted at an extraordinary session and without a notification (note, that this act restrict substantially the President'spower and, thus, reflects the below specified situation with planetaryprogressions and Solar return for [4] and [6]). That is why the state officials call these decisions the political ones. On these grounds, the same two candidates were put to the vote at the third tour [7] (polling stations open at 6:00 GMT), or repeated second tour. By

putting aside a series of intriguing political aspects of the currentsituation, for the purpose of this study notice also, that apart from thedeclared absence of sufficient legislative basis both for the third tourand for changes in election regulations (being made not to the benefit of[1]), the candidate [2] had received the prosecutor's warning with respectto his statement being on the brink of an appeal to a coup d'etat withrespect to his threat to evoke more severe upheavals if the elections wouldnot give him the presidency in tour 3.Therefore, we may resume that within the scope of [3], the solution [5]supports the forecast [8] as a result being legitimate from a conventionalpoint of view, but not viable (at least to day) within the scope, orinfluence, of [4, 6]. But may the result of [7] be legitimate, and would itbe viable? In seeking the answer to this question it is important to bearthe above benchmark events in mind

when studying the current situation:- the progressive and natal Sun, Moon and Pluto of [4] and [6] make hardaspects invoking the 7th and 8th;- Sun, Moon and Uranus make hard aspects in Solar return for [4], whereas- the chart [7] invokes, horary and in synastries, a dangerous compositionof Full Moon (during the day of tour 3) along the Asc-Dsc, with thethreatening Sun-Moon line, which crosses the country along the same linesas Uranus' and Pluto's in [3, 4], Pluto in 12th and tense (horary andpositional) aspects between the rulers of 3,7,8,and 10.Together with the effective synastries of progressive and natal Sun andMoon positions of [1] and [2] with the angles and Uranus of those charts,respectively, we may almost definitely conclude that the so-called "orangerevolution" (as it is called by its leaders, who use orange marking) hasbeen originated under a significant influence of Uranus and not yetfinished, and that the

current situation does resemble a calm before thestorm.However, on predicting the winner we face with a question: whether we mustconsider the 3rd tour as the continuation of the legal first two ones, oras a separate event, due to the changes in legislation.If the former alternative is true, the situation seemingly develops as in[8], but under a pronounced control of Uranus, which may probably lead thevictory [5] of [1] away, with respect to uncertainty of [7] and legislativedeadlock.Otherwise, as far as the result of any revolution cannot be legal bydefinition, we shall neglect this deadlock; in this case the winner is tobe defined on the basis of [7]. However, the event [7], by itself, gives nodominant preferences (in synastries) neither for [1], nor for [2]. As well,use of a horary approach does not make things clear. Firstly, due to thepresence of Saturn in the 7th and Capricorn at Asc (which is not easy for

aperson being entrained in the situation). Secondly, if we consider all aspects the Moon makes during the day of voting (viz. until GMT 18:00), not till the end of the Sign, we see that it lies in the first degree (0 Can 41), goes out of aspect with Mars (ruler of 10th), makes no aspect to Saturn, the ruler of outcome (the 4th from 10th, viz. the 1st), and opposes Sun in the 1st; at this, the last aspect the Moon makes with natal andprogressive planets of [1] and [2] (except for their Moons, as birth timesare unknown) is conjunction with Uranus of [1]. All this sounds like nolegal and viable result (viz. justly elected president for a significantperiod) might be awaited for this alternative.Hence, we may conclude that candidate [2] has small chance of success(legal and viable presidency), whereas the candidate [1] retains goodchance for success which, however, may take an unexpected form. In anycase, the result of

elections [7] would seemingly cause one morelarge-scale and immediate confrontation between the highest authoritieswhose supporters in masses would be split geographically onto the"opposite" parts by the same Uranus line of [8] that crosses Ukraine fromN-E to S-W, but which is marked this time by the Full Moon projection. With respect to continuation of progressive aspects of [4] and [6], thisconfrontation would probably affect the vitality of the country (at least,until the Spring) and cause unrehearsed changes in society and politicalstructure of the state.



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