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ZIMBABWE rectified chart

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This is the rectified chart of:



Apr 18, 1980  12:00 AM -02:00 EET

Harare, Zimbabwe Longitude: 31E03

Latitude: 17S50

Lahiri Ayanamsha: 23:34 Current Period:



Planet Deg   Sign  Speed     SA   Nakshatra Lord


Asc    08:03 Cap                  U.Shadya   Su

Sun    04:26 Ari  +00:58:39  FM   Aswini     Ke

Moon   12:35 Tau  +14:18:03  WK   Rohini     Mo

Mars   03:04 Leo  +00:07:52  WK   Magha      Ke

Merc   11:13 Pis  +01:31:28 

WK   U.Bhadra   Sa

JuptR  06:46 Leo  -00:01:34  FM   Magha      Ke

Ven    19:36 Tau  +00:52:10  ST   Rohini     Mo

Sat R  27:36 Leo  -00:03:16 

WK   U.Phalguni Su

Rahu   03:40 Leo  -00:08:06 

FM   Magha      Ke

Ketu   03:40 Aqu  -00:08:06 

FM   Dhanishtha Ma


True Node  365.25 Day Year - Internet Time: 958


Day: Friday  Sunrise: 6:08 AM

Tithi:  Shukla Chaturthi

Yoga Pt: 20:21 Le  Yogi:Ve  AviYogi:Ju 

Dup Yogi: Su

Dagha Rashis: Tau Aqu


Rashi Chart



** 11                    *  

* 9                     **   

*12*                   *      

*                   *  *   

*    *              

*           *               *    *   

*      *          

*               *           *      *   

*        KE 03:40*                   *       *       


*          *  

*                       *   *          *   

*ME 11:13    * 10      AS 08:03          * 8          *   

*          *  

*                       *   *          *   

*        *      

*                   *       *        *   

*      *          

*               *           *      *   

*    *              

*           *               *    *   

*  *                  

*       *                   *  *   

**                       *  

*                       **   

*1       SU 04:26          * 7                       


**                       *  

*                       **   

*2 *                   *      

*                   *  *   

*    *              

*           *               *    *   

*      *           *              

*           *      *   

*        *      

*                   *       *        *   

*MO 12:35  *   *                       *  

*          *   

*VE 19:36    * 4                         *

6          *   

*          *  

*                     MA

03:04         *   

*        *      

*                   RA 03:40*       


*      *          

*               * JUR06:46 

*      *   

*    *              

*           *   SAR27:36    *    *   

*  *                  

*       *                   *  *   

** 3                     *  

* 5                     **   







** 1                     *   * 11                   


*2 *                   *       *                   * 


*    *               *           *              

*    *   

*      * MO        *               *          

*      *   

*        MA     

*                   *       *        *   

*SU        *   *                       *  

*          *   

*RA          * 12      AS                *

10         *   

*          *  

*                       *   *          *   

*        *      

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*      *           *               *          

*      *   

*    *              

*           *               *    *   

*  *                  

*       *                   *  *   

**       JUR             *  

*                       **   

*3       VE               

* 9       SAR              *   

**                       *   *                      


*4 *                   *       *                   * 


*    *               *           *              

*    *   

*      *           *               *          

*      *   

*        *       *                   *      

*        *   

*          *   *                       *  

*          *   

*            * 6                         * 8  KE      *   

*          *   *                       *  

*          *   

*        *       *                   *      

*        *   

*      *           *               * ME       

*      *   

*    *               *           *              

*    *   

*  *                   *       *                   * 


** 5                     *   * 7                    







Formerly the British Crown colony of Southern Rhodesia, the earliest

inhabitants of this land are traced back to the 5th century.


 In the 1900s it evolved into a " white man's country "

orchestrated by the British, with almost 300,000 resident Europeans within its



 This takeover of sorts prompted national pride and

local guerrilla wars that soon became a major civil war, one that eventually

began the change to a black-majority rule and its independence from the United Kingdom in 1980. Once it

gained its freedom, it called itself Zimbabwe, a name meaning

" house of the chief. "


 Since Independence Day, Robert Mugabe, the nation's first prime

minister, has been the country's only ruler (as president since 1987) and

has dominated the country's political system.


 The country is of course world famous for Victoria Falls, and as one of Africa's largest and most

impressive concentrations of wildlife, national parks and stupendous scenery.




Some of the events used in the rectification:


Disaster Date Killed

Epidemic 23-May-1996 1,311

Epidemic 25-Nov-1992 258

Epidemic Jan-2000 93

Flood Feb-2000 70

Epidemic 9-Oct-2003 40

Flood 10-Jan-1998 36

Epidemic Jan-1999 32

Epidemic Nov-1999 20

Flood Feb-2001 13

Wind Storm 24-Dec-1975 11


Disaster Date Affected

Drought Mar-2002 6,000,000

Drought 1993 5,000,000

Drought 1994 5,000,000

Drought 1995 5,000,000

Drought 2-Apr-1992 4,600,000

Drought 1982 700,000

Drought Feb-2001 700,000

Epidemic 23-May-1996 500,000

Flood Feb-2000 266,000

Drought 21-Aug-1998 55,000


Disaster Date Killed

Transport Accident 4-Aug-1991 87

Transport Accident 23-Nov-1989 79

Transport Accident 10-Jun-1982 60

Transport Accident 1-Feb-2003 50

Transport Accident 5-Jan-1998 40

Transport Accident 10-Jun-2002 37

Transport Accident 30-Aug-1995 35

Transport Accident 16-Aug-1989 32

Transport Accident 24-Dec-1983 31

Transport Accident 30-Sep-2003 21


Disaster Date Affected

Transport Accident 10-Jun-1982 600

Transport Accident 24-Dec-1983 215

Misc Accident Jul-2000 100

Transport Accident 21-Jun-2002 100

Transport Accident 4-Jan-2003 95

Transport Accident 10-Jun-2002 70

Transport Accident 16-Aug-1989 66

Transport Accident 1-Feb-2003 64

Transport Accident 5-Jan-1998 63

Transport Accident 30-Aug-1995 56


date type registration operator fat. location pic


28-FEB-1982 Canadair CL-44

TR-LVO Affretair 0 Zimbabwe  O1

20-SEP-1988 Douglas DC-3 Z-WRJ Crest Breeders 0 Zimbabwe  A1

28-JAN-1996 DC-8 Z-WSB Affretair 0 Zimbabwe  A1


1965  Nov 11, Rhodesia proclaimed its

independence from Britain.


1965  Dec 28, U.S. barred oil sales to Rhodesia (later Zimbabwe).


1979  May 31, Zimbabwe proclaimed its

independence following a British brokered cease-fire.


1979  In the first democratic parliamentary

elections the Zimbabwe African People's Union, led by Joshua Nkomo, won 20 seats. The

Zimbabwe African National Union, led by Robert Mugabe, won 57 seats.


1980  Apr 18, Zimbabwe's formal

independence from Britain was proclaimed.


1983-1984 The Matabeleland atrocities occurred

when the government of Robert Mugabe sent in its North Korean trained Fifth

Brigade to terrorize the Ndebele-speaking region that supported opponent Joshua

Nkomo. Thousands of civilians died. The terror ended in 1987 when Nkomo

reconciled with Mugabe.


1987  Dec 31, Robert Mugabe was sworn in as Zimbabwe's first executive



1996  May 17, This week huge swarms of locusts swept

through the Zimbabwe capital, Harare (formerly called Salisbury). The insects had

come up from Mozambique.


1996  Oct 21, Some 11,000 nurses went on strike for

higher wages, allowances and better working conditions.


1996  Oct 30, The government fired some 11,000

nurses who defied an order to end a strike.


1998  Aug 21, Zimbabwe sent 600 troops to

support Pres. Kabila in the Congo.


1998  Oct 19, In Congo 16 Zimbabwean soldiers were

captured by the rebels.


1998  Dec 15, Congo rebels claimed to have killed 47 Zimbabwean

troops fighting for Kabila at Kabala.


2000  Feb 26, Heavy rains continued to ravage South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. 33 people were

reported dead in the northern province of South Africa and 29 dead in Zimbabwe.


2000  Feb 29, In Zimbabwe former guerrillas

invaded white-owned farms and occupied at least 36 with no official



2000  Mar 2, Zimbabwe ordered black war

veterans to quit white-owned farms.


2000  Apr 6, Ruling party lawmakers approved a bill

empowering the government to seize white-owned land without compensation. The

squatter occupation reached to 940 farms. 6 Western donors suspended $10

million in land reform aid.


2000  Apr 13, In Zimbabwe acting Pres. Joseph

Msika called for an end to squatter invasions of white-owned farms after the

high court ruled that police must comply with an order to remove liberation war

veterans and other government supporters occupying the farms. Pres. Mugabe was

visiting Cuba for a summit of

developing nations. Mugabe repudiated Msika's order on his



2000  Apr 15, In Zimbabwe David Stevens, a white

farmer, was abducted and killed by squatters near Macheke. 4 neighbors who went

to help him were missing.


2000  Apr 18, In Zimbabwe Martin Olds, a white

cattle rancher, was fatally shot by squatters.


2000  Apr 21, Pres. Mugabe met with Presidents Thabo

Mbeki of South


Joaquim Chissano of Mozambique and Sam Nujoma of Namibia at Victoria Falls concerning the

crises in Zimbabwe.


2000  May 1, In Zimbabwe thousands opposed

to the rule of Pres. Mugabe rallied in Harare.


2000  May 18, The UN called for a new land reform

program in Zimbabwe as 2 more people were killed in clashes.


2000  Jun 1, Pres. Mugabe announced that the state

would begin seizing 804 mostly white-owned farms and resettle them with

landless blacks.


2000  Jun 17, Pres. Mugabe said that whites may live

in Zimbabwe, but they will

never have a voice equal to that of blacks.


2000  Jun 25, In Zimbabwe EU observers said the

voting in parliamentary elections was " not free or fair. "


2000  Jul 9, A soccer-arena stampede killed at least

12 people after police fired tear gas at unruly fans during a World Cup

qualifying match.


2000  Jul 24, A 6th white farmer was found beaten to

death south of Harare in an apparent robbery attempt.


2000  Jul 25, In Zimbabwe at least 230 white

farmers quit working along with some businessmen in Karoi to protest the

breakdown in law and order.


2000  Jul 31, In Zimbabwe Vice President Joseph Msika

announced that 3,000 white-owned farms would be resettled by landless black



2000  Nov 7, White farmers appealed to the highest

court on the constitutionality of the emergency powers used by Pres. Mugabe for

farm seizures.


2000  Nov 10, The Supreme Court ruled that the

government's land reform plan

and occupations of white-owned farms were illegal.


Best wishes,
































Jorge Angelino



Rua da Sociedade Filarmónica

Perpétua Azeitonense, 29

2925-598 Azeitão













































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