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To Exorcize The Ghost Of The GRIMES CHART: March 1, 1781

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Hi Jorge,


Herein follows what 3 months ago I neglected to forward to you for

you files, the transcript from the Journals of the Continental

Congress for February 24, 1781 outlining the calendar of events

planned for the afternoon following the 12:00 noon ratification

signing of the Articles of Confederation on March 1, 1781, the event

which marked the birth moment of the national government of the

United States. (And to clarify for the benefit of the uninitiated,

this birth event of the American government should not be confused

with the years earlier birth of America's body-politic, on July 2,

1776 (here, body politic as commonly understood, as " the nation " ).


If nothing else I hope the ghost of the Grimes Chart for 3:19 pm on

March 1, 1781 can be considered finally exorcized: A Chart

wrongheaded for two crucial reasons: FIRST, March 1, 1781 is an event

arising from the birth of government under America's first

constitution, the Articles of Confederation, a constitution devised

by representatives of the already existing nation, the United States.

Therefore Grimes contention that this day is the birthday of the

nation itself is just absurd, given the obvious implication that the

already existing nation, the United States, fostered the birth of its

own government on this same day; and SECOND, Grimes' rectification

for the 3:19 pm time moment could only have been determined in a

manner not unlike that of a consummate magician, as if a rabbit

produced from a hat in a magic trick. How else to characterize a time

moment choice where there is no historical record supporting this mid-

afternoon time moment choice? So to the contrary, the record is

unambiguously clear: IT HAPPENED AT 12:00 NOON when the two State of

Maryland delegates to Congress signed the



I invite everyone to read the following excerpt from the Journals of

Congress for the Saturday before the day in question:





Congress took into consideration the report of the committee

appointed to report the mode of announcing the final ratification of

the Articles of Confederation; Whereupon,

That [on Thursday next at 12 o'Clock the final ratification of] the

Confederation of the United States of America becompleted, by the

execution thereof on the part of Maryland, at twelve o'clock on

Thursday next, and that this important event be immediately announced

to the publick,by the firing of thirteen cannon, and by the ringing

of the bells in this city, (and that the Board of War and Board of

Admiralty take order accordingly.)

That thissame (Important Event) be also communicated to the

Executives of the several States,and to the Commander-in-Chief they

be requested to proclaim it in their respective states.

That the several Ministers of these states in Europe beforthwith

informed of the complete and final ratification of the said

Confederation; and they beinstructed (ordered) tocommunicate (notify)

the same to the respective courts at which they reside.

That copies of the foregoing resolutions, with authentick information

of the completion of the said Confederation, be transmitted to the

Commander in Chief; and that he be directed topublish (announce) the

same to the Army under hisimmediate command,and to the fleet and army

of our most illustrious ally, in America.

That the like information be transmitted to the commanding officer in

the southern department, and that he be directed to announce the same

to the Army under his command.

That the Minister of France be also informed, that it is intended to

complete and ratify the said Confederation on Thursday next; and that

he be requested to make the earliest communication of the same to his


[Note : * This report, in the writing of George Walton, except the

portions in brackets, which are in Charles Thomson's hand, and those

in parentheses, which are in Samuel Huntington's hand, is in

thePapers of the Continental Congress, No. 23, folio 29. It is also

entered in No. 9, (History of the Confederation.) A part of the

report, but separately presented, is the following:


That the Congress adjourn after completing the Confederation; and the

President shall invite the Minister of France, the Speaker and

members of the General Assembly, the Vice-President and members of

the Supreme Executive Council, and the officers of the Army and Navy,

to drink a glass of wine [to] " The United States of America. " A keg

of biscuit, in the room of cake.*

[Note *: * Does it mean the Cake room.]

To be in the Hall where Congress sit.

The last six words are in James Madison's hand.

Another resolution, undated, in the writing of John Mathews, is in

No. 36, IV, folio 423, as follows:

Resolved that -- next be appointed for the Delegates of Maryland to

sign the Confederation.

That the President of the State of Pennsylvania the Minister of

France, The Vice-President Council and assembly of Pennsylvania, the

officers of the French and American Armies in this City, and all

other public officers, be particularly invited to attend the ceremony

and that the doors of the Congress chamber be opened at twelve oClock.

That the Board of War be directed to give proper orders, for

announcing the final ratification of theAmerican Confederacy of the

United States by the discharge of thirteen cannon.

That one of the Chaplains of Congressbe directed to prepare a

suitable sermon for the occasion.]

Resolved, That on Thursday next, at twelve o'clock, the final

ratification of the Confederation of the United States

of America, be announced to the public; and that the Board of War and

Board of Admiralty take order accordingly:

That this important event be communicated to the executives of the

several states:

That the several ministers of these states in Europe be informed of

the complete and final ratification of the said Confederation; and

that they be ordered to notify the same to the respective courts at

which they reside:

That it be also notified to the honorable the Minister

Plenipotentiary of France:

That information of the completion of the said Confederation be

transmitted to the Commander in Chief, and that he be directed to

announce the same to the army under his command.




These thirteen UNITED STATES later devised the Articles of

Confederation (resulting from deliberations carried on between July

12, 1776 and November 15, 1777) which Articles were finally duly

ratified by the thirteen states with the signatures of the delegates

from Maryland, the last of the thirteen states to do so, on March 1,

1781 @ 12:00 noon in Philadelphia (N.B.: 12:00 noon being the time

moment in the officially established record, an astrologically un-

rectified time moment based on an official Continental Congressional

document dated February 22, 1781, in which document the precise time

of signing on March 1 was so stipulated and later complied with.

Please refer to the Journals of the Continental Congress for

Saturday, February 24, 1781 for the exact time and related plans for

that day. The contents of the document and the Journal's minutes for

February 24th demonstrate that the much referred to Grimes Chart for

that date's signing at the rectified time of 3:19 pm is based on an

unsubstantiated time moment, and so is proven to be fallacious by the

facts contained in the official documentary record, in the Papers of

the Continental Congress, Folio No.9.













Apropos an earlier message exchange in this Group during December

2004 on the matter of possible American national unity before 1776,

here as a follow-up contribution is presented a brief look at the

later historic results of efforts started with the FIRST CONTINENTAL

CONGRESS convened in Philadelphia on September 05, 1774 and its

initiation of the chain of events leading up to the birth of the USA

on July 2, 1776, which birth of the American nation's sovereign

states and their " limited " union prepared the way for the later

constitutionally mandated birth of the U.S. Government on March 1,

1781, with the completion of the signing of the Articles of

Confederation by the original 13 states, and so putting into effect

the American nation-states' first constitution.


For mundane astrology this writer bears in mind that there are two

major birth charts for any nation: first and foremost is the one for

the State, then that for the Government created constitutionally by

that State. In the case of the American nation there are: (1) the

chart for the birth of the sovereign body-politic; the generic STATE

(in the form of a " limited " union of States, the USA): dated July 2,

1776, which during its first week of life comprised a pre-

constitutional " limited " union of 12 newly sovereign states of the

newly stiled UNITED STATES (then after July 9th 13 states) and (2)

the chart for the birth of the UNITED STATES' national GOVERNMENT

under the constitutional terms of the Articles of Confederation,

finally ratified on March 1,



(Indispensable Scholarship: For a classic work on the meanings and

significance of the concepts: NATION, STATE and GOVERNMENT, one

should refer to John W. Burgess, Professor of Political Science and

Constitutional Law at Columbia University, his THE FOUNDATIONS OF

POLITICAL SCIENCE (1933, reprinted 1992) presents exhaustive

explanations by way of a scientific treatment, in terms of political

science and constitutional law, of the substantive differentiation of

a nation's state(s) and a nation's government.)


>From the start of the proceedings of the First Continental Congress,

opened on September 5, 1774, there soon followed the creation of the

formally adopted and documented CONTINENTAL ASSOCIATION. Agreement to

the adoption of the related resolution of this Association was

reached shortly before 4:00 pm on October 18, 1774. Two days later,

on October 20, 1774, the resulting authenticated document was signed

by 12 of the 13 British American colonies (absent the colony of

Georgia). From that date in 1774 the Continental Congress conducted

itself under the " stile " of the UNITED COLONIES. Later on, the colony

of Georgia joined the Continental Association, on September 13, 1775,

at which time the membership of the Continental Association was

then " re-stiled " THE THIRTEEN UNITED COLONIES, to become in the

following year, at first, twelve UNITED STATES on July 2, 1776, then

thirteen UNITED STATES on July 9, 1776 when New York was duly

constituted in convention a sovereign state and resolved

to join the Union with the other twelve states of the already

established UNITED STATES.


This birth of the USA was first accomplished when 12 of 13 colonies

were each constitutionally authorized to direct its delegates in the

Continental Congress to formally resolve by voting for sovereign

independence and its declaration, thereby establishing, then and

there that July 2nd day in Philadelphia, the identities of these once

British American colonies as simply yet absolutely American sovereign

states, newly independent of the state of Great Britain. Their new

collective identity as the UNITED STATES, no longer the UNITED

COLONIES, was marked at the moment of the Continental Congressional

adoption of the relevant resolution initiating U.S. sovereignty, @

4:48 pm (SAMVA rectification) on the late afternoon of July 2, 1776,

the true birthday of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. From that moment

on this historic date the on-going civil war between the governments

of the American colonies and the colonial administration of the

Government of Great Britain was then transformed to be

a revolutionary war between the American states and George III's

State of Great Britain. On July 2nd, 1776 the break with the British

State became reality; the civil war thenceforth a



(The first historic action of the then just days old " United States

in General Congress Assembled " was that of the broadside proclamation

of the Declaration of Independence, its text completed and dated on

Thursday July 4th then published on Friday July 5th. This, the

American nation's first State Document: In its practical effect, the

mundane equivalent of a birth certificate dated July 4th recording

the accomplished sovereign birth of the USA of Tuesday July 2nd, and

not as popularly misunderstood, a mystical document, " somehow " in and

of itself, occasioning a July 4th time moment of birth.)








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Excellent my dear John. Thanks!


The rectified chart for the birth of US Government is:




Mar 1, 1781  12:00 PM +05:01 LMT

Philadelphia Longitude: 75W10 Latitude: 39N57

Lahiri Ayanamsha: 20:48 Current Period: VE/MO/VE


Planet Deg   Sign  Speed     SA   Nakshatra Lord


Asc    10:20 Gem                  Ardra      Ra

Sun    20:44 Aqu  +01:00:06  WK   P.Bhadra   Ju

Moon   00:55 Tau  +12:08:13  WK   Krittika   Su

Mars   25:46 Sco  +00:34:06  WK   Jyeshtha   Me

Merc   00:09 Pis  +01:54:49  CM   P.Bhadra   Ju

Jupt   06:24 Sco  +00:02:08  WK   Anuradha   Sa

Ven    26:58 Cap  +01:14:14  WK   Dhanishtha Ma

Sat    28:28 Sco  +00:02:40  WK   Jyeshtha   Me

Rahu   15:02 Ari  +00:01:09  FM   Bharani    Ve

Ketu   15:02 Lib  +00:01:09  FM   Swati      Ra


True Node  365.25 Day Year - Internet Time: 751 beats

Day: Thursday  Sunrise: 6:34 AM

Tithi:  Shukla Shashthi

Yoga Pt: 24:59 Ge  Yogi:Ju  AviYogi:Su  Dup Yogi: Me

Dagha Rashis: Ari Leo


Rashi Chart



** 4                     *   * 2                    


*5 *                   *       *                   * 


*    *               *           *               *   


*      *           *               *           *     


*        *       *                   MO 00:55*        *   


*          *   *                       *   *          *   

*            * 3       AS 10:20          * 1  RA 15:02*   

*          *   *                       *   *         


*        *       *                   *       *       


*      *           *               *           *     


*    *               *           *               *   


*  *                   *       *                   * 


**                       *   *                      


*6                         * 12      ME 00:09         *   

**                       *   *                      


*7 *                   *       *                   * 


*    *               *           *               *   


*      *           *               *           *     


*        *       *                   *       *       


*          *   *                       *   *          *   


*KE 15:02   

* 9                         * 11

SU 20:44*   

*          *   *                       *   *         


*        JU 06:24*                   *       *        *   

*      * MA 25:46  *               * VE 26:58  *      *   

*    *   SA 28:28    *          

*               *    *   

*  *                   *       *                   *  *   

** 8                     *   * 10                    **   





** 11                    *   * 9                    


*12*                   *       *                   * 


*    *               *           *               *   


*      * MA        *               *           *     


*        KE     

*                   *       *        *   

*          *   *       AS              *   *         



* 10      MO                * 8          *   

*          *   *                       *   *         


*        *       *                   *       *       


*      *           *               *           *     


*    *               *           *               *   


*  *                   *       *                   * 


**                       *   *                      


*1       SU               

* 7                        *   

**                       *   *                      


*2 *                   *       *                   * 


*    *               *           *               *   


*      *           *               *           *     


*        *       *                   *       *       


*          *   *                       *   *         


*            * 4       ME                * 6  VE     


*          *   *                       *   *         


*        *       *                   JU      *        *   

*      *           *               * RA        *      *   

*    *               *           *               *    *   

*  *                   *       *                   *  *   

** 3                     *   * 5                     **   



Best wishes,





John T W B [jtwbjakarta]

quinta-feira, 24 de Março de 2005 23:47


To Exorcize The Ghost Of The GRIMES CHART: March 1, 1781




Hi Jorge,


Herein follows what 3 months ago I neglected to

forward to you for

you files, the transcript from the Journals of the


Congress for February 24, 1781 outlining the calendar

of events

planned for the afternoon following the 12:00 noon


signing of the Articles of Confederation on March 1,

1781, the event

which marked the birth moment of the national

government of the

United States. (And to clarify for the benefit of the


this birth event of the American government should not

be confused

with the years earlier birth of America's

body-politic, on July 2,

1776 (here, body politic as commonly understood, as

" the nation " ).


If nothing else I hope the ghost of the Grimes Chart

for 3:19 pm on

March 1, 1781 can be considered finally exorcized: A


wrongheaded for two crucial reasons: FIRST, March 1,

1781 is an event

arising from the birth of government under America's


constitution, the Articles of Confederation, a

constitution devised

by representatives of the already existing nation, the

United States.

Therefore Grimes contention that this day is the

birthday of the

nation itself is just absurd, given the obvious

implication that the

already existing nation, the United States, fostered

the birth of its

own government on this same day; and SECOND, Grimes'


for the 3:19 pm time moment could only have been

determined in a

manner not unlike that of a consummate magician, as if

a rabbit

produced from a hat in a magic trick. How else to

characterize a time

moment choice where there is no historical record supporting

this mid-

afternoon time moment choice? So to the contrary, the

record is

unambiguously clear: IT HAPPENED AT 12:00 NOON when

the two State of

Maryland delegates to Congress signed the



I invite everyone to read the following excerpt from

the Journals of

Congress for the Saturday before the day in question:





Congress took into consideration the report of the


appointed to report the mode of announcing the final

ratification of

the Articles of Confederation; Whereupon,

That [on Thursday next at 12 o'Clock the final

ratification of] the

Confederation of the United States of America

becompleted, by the

execution thereof on the part of Maryland, at twelve

o'clock on

Thursday next, and that this important event be

immediately announced

to the publick,by the firing of thirteen cannon, and

by the ringing

of the bells in this city, (and that the Board of War

and Board of

Admiralty take order accordingly.)

That thissame (Important Event) be also communicated

to the

Executives of the several States,and to the

Commander-in-Chief they

be requested to proclaim it in their respective


That the several Ministers of these states in Europe


informed of the complete and final ratification of the


Confederation; and they beinstructed (ordered)

tocommunicate (notify)

the same to the respective courts at which they


That copies of the foregoing resolutions, with

authentick information

of the completion of the said Confederation, be

transmitted to the

Commander in Chief; and that he be directed topublish

(announce) the

same to the Army under hisimmediate command,and to the

fleet and army

of our most illustrious ally, in America.

That the like information be transmitted to the

commanding officer in

the southern department, and that he be directed to

announce the same

to the Army under his command.

That the Minister of France be also informed, that it

is intended to

complete and ratify the said Confederation on Thursday

next; and that

he be requested to make the earliest communication of

the same to his


[Note : * This report, in the writing of George

Walton, except the

portions in brackets, which are in Charles Thomson's

hand, and those

in parentheses, which are in Samuel Huntington's hand,

is in

thePapers of the Continental Congress, No. 23, folio

29. It is also

entered in No. 9, (History of the Confederation.) A

part of the

report, but separately presented, is the following:


That the Congress adjourn after completing the

Confederation; and the

President shall invite the Minister of France, the

Speaker and

members of the General Assembly, the Vice-President

and members of

the Supreme Executive Council, and the officers of the

Army and Navy,

to drink a glass of wine [to] " The United States

of America. " A keg

of biscuit, in the room of cake.*

[Note *: * Does it mean the Cake room.]

To be in the Hall where Congress sit.

The last six words are in James Madison's hand.

Another resolution, undated, in the writing of John

Mathews, is in

No. 36, IV, folio 423, as follows:

Resolved that -- next be appointed for the Delegates

of Maryland to

sign the Confederation.

That the President of the State of Pennsylvania the

Minister of

France, The Vice-President Council and assembly of

Pennsylvania, the

officers of the French and American Armies in this

City, and all

other public officers, be particularly invited to

attend the ceremony

and that the doors of the Congress chamber be opened

at twelve oClock.

That the Board of War be directed to give proper

orders, for

announcing the final ratification of theAmerican

Confederacy of the

United States by the discharge of thirteen cannon.

That one of the Chaplains of Congressbe directed to

prepare a

suitable sermon for the occasion.]

Resolved, That on Thursday next, at twelve o'clock,

the final

ratification of the Confederation of the United States


of America, be announced to the public; and that the

Board of War and

Board of Admiralty take order accordingly:

That this important event be communicated to the

executives of the

several states:

That the several ministers of these states in Europe

be informed of

the complete and final ratification of the said

Confederation; and

that they be ordered to notify the same to the

respective courts at

which they reside:

That it be also notified to the honorable the Minister


Plenipotentiary of France:

That information of the completion of the said

Confederation be

transmitted to the Commander in Chief, and that he be

directed to

announce the same to the army under his command.




These thirteen UNITED STATES later devised the

Articles of

Confederation (resulting from deliberations carried on

between July

12, 1776 and November 15, 1777) which Articles were

finally duly

ratified by the thirteen states with the signatures of

the delegates

from Maryland, the last of the thirteen states to do

so, on March 1,

1781 @ 12:00 noon in Philadelphia (N.B.: 12:00 noon

being the time

moment in the officially established record, an

astrologically un-

rectified time moment based on an official Continental


document dated February 22, 1781, in which document

the precise time

of signing on March 1 was so stipulated and later

complied with.

Please refer to the Journals of the Continental

Congress for

Saturday, February 24, 1781 for the exact time and

related plans for

that day. The contents of the document and the

Journal's minutes for

February 24th demonstrate that the much referred to

Grimes Chart for

that date's signing at the rectified time of 3:19 pm

is based on an

unsubstantiated time moment, and so is proven to be

fallacious by the

facts contained in the official documentary record, in

the Papers of

the Continental Congress, Folio No.9.



















Apropos an earlier message exchange in this Group

during December

2004 on the matter of possible American national unity

before 1776,

here as a follow-up contribution is presented a brief

look at the

later historic results of efforts started with the


CONGRESS convened in Philadelphia on September 05,

1774 and its

initiation of the chain of events leading up to the

birth of the USA

on July 2, 1776, which birth of the American nation's


states and their " limited " union prepared

the way for the later

constitutionally mandated birth of the U.S. Government

on March 1,

1781, with the completion of the signing of the

Articles of

Confederation by the original 13 states, and so

putting into effect

the American nation-states' first constitution.


For mundane astrology this writer bears in mind that

there are two

major birth charts for any nation: first and foremost

is the one for

the State, then that for the Government created

constitutionally by

that State. In the case of the American nation there

are: (1) the

chart for the birth of the sovereign body-politic; the

generic STATE

(in the form of a " limited " union of States,

the USA): dated July 2,

1776, which during its first week of life comprised a


constitutional " limited " union of 12 newly

sovereign states of the

newly stiled UNITED STATES (then after July 9th 13

states) and (2)

the chart for the birth of the UNITED STATES' national


under the constitutional terms of the Articles of


finally ratified on March 1,



(Indispensable Scholarship: For a classic work on the

meanings and

significance of the concepts: NATION, STATE and


should refer to John W. Burgess, Professor of

Political Science and

Constitutional Law at Columbia University, his THE


POLITICAL SCIENCE (1933, reprinted 1992) presents


explanations by way of a scientific treatment, in

terms of political

science and constitutional law, of the substantive

differentiation of

a nation's state(s) and a nation's government.)


>From the start of the proceedings of the First

Continental Congress,

opened on September 5, 1774, there soon followed the

creation of the

formally adopted and documented CONTINENTAL

ASSOCIATION. Agreement to

the adoption of the related resolution of this

Association was

reached shortly before 4:00 pm on October 18, 1774.

Two days later,

on October 20, 1774, the resulting authenticated

document was signed

by 12 of the 13 British American colonies (absent the

colony of

Georgia). From that date in 1774 the Continental

Congress conducted

itself under the " stile " of the UNITED

COLONIES. Later on, the colony

of Georgia joined the Continental Association, on

September 13, 1775,

at  which time the membership of the Continental

Association was


to become in the

following year, at first, twelve UNITED STATES on July

2, 1776, then

thirteen UNITED STATES on July 9, 1776 when New York

was duly

constituted in convention a sovereign state and


to join the Union with the other twelve states of the


established UNITED STATES.                     


This birth of the USA was first accomplished when 12

of 13 colonies

were each constitutionally authorized to direct its

delegates in the

Continental Congress to formally resolve by voting for


independence and its declaration, thereby

establishing, then and

there that July 2nd day in Philadelphia, the

identities of these once

British American colonies as simply yet absolutely

American sovereign

states, newly independent of the state of Great

Britain. Their new

collective identity as the UNITED STATES, no longer


COLONIES, was marked at the moment of the Continental


adoption of the relevant resolution initiating U.S.

sovereignty, @

4:48 pm (SAMVA rectification) on the late afternoon of

July 2, 1776,

the true birthday of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

From that moment

on this historic date the on-going civil war between

the governments

of the American colonies and the colonial

administration of the

Government of Great Britain was then transformed to be

a revolutionary war between the American states and

George III's

State of Great Britain. On July 2nd, 1776 the break

with the British

State became reality; the civil war thenceforth a




(The first historic action of the then just days old

" United States

in General Congress Assembled " was that of the

broadside proclamation

of the Declaration of Independence, its text completed

and dated on

Thursday July 4th then published on Friday July 5th.

This, the

American nation's first State Document: In its

practical effect, the

mundane equivalent of a birth certificate dated July

4th recording

the accomplished sovereign birth of the USA of Tuesday

July 2nd, and

not as popularly misunderstood, a mystical document,

" somehow " in and

of itself, occasioning a July 4th time moment of











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