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Jyotish-Astrology is a Path of Enlightenment,...... Mark Kincaid 5/15

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Jyotish-Astrology is a Path of Enlightenment




" Combining the Vedic Philosophy of Brahman,

With the Down to Earth,

Practical Science of Jyotish/Astrology. "







The Vedic Philosophy of Brahman states that the nature of human Intelligence is Brahman.


Brahman is the totality of life, and the individual is 'That'.


One of the most classic of Vedic expressions goes:





" I am That,

Thou art That...


All....this is That! "





Vedic Philosophy says that the nature of individual consciousness, is ...... Infinite.


Infinite, field of unlimited resources, intelligent, and immortal, is the true, nature of every Human being.


All Vedic Sciences, then, have the goal to unfold this Knowledge & Wisdom of the Individual's Nature, as Brahman.


I've known about this 'Philosophy' for a while. However, only recently it occurred to me: " How does this Philosophy, relate to or integrate with Jyotish? "


Yoga, agrees with this Philosophy of Ved. Yoga, both in theory and practice, strives to unfold the reality of 'man's' full potential, as Brahman, or the Self, of the Universe.


There are even 7-States of Consciousness, described, as ladders in the development of the Full Potential.


Yoga practice, is done, with the hope in mind, that the full potential of Individual life, can be experienced, and even, unfolded.


Ayurveda, describes the state of Full Human potential, as being Immortality.


All practices of Ayurveda, from Panchakarma, to Shiradara, all, seek to bring balance into the Nature of Human Philosophy, and create Immortality, or Perfection in 'life-span'.


It's described in the Vedic texts, as being 'there', in the body, now. Contained in every cell, is the infinite Wisdom of the Intelligence of Nature.


Ghandharva Ved, the system of Vedic Music, seeks to re-create through the sounds & hymns of the Ved, perfect harmony, and vibration.


Well, what about Jyotish?


Very rarely do we hear about Jyotish's strivings for perfection.


Instead you hear about how Jyotish understand's the 'fate' or pre-determinism of the individual.


Jyotish is about the life that everyone is born, to live.


The Jyotish Chart, is a description of the Interests, tendencies, and characteristics of the Individual.


In addition, Jyotish believe's that the details of one's future can be known, and predicted.


Much of practical application of Jyotish is about ....


o Getting along better in school

o Finding the compatible 'mate' that fits one, for marriage

o And, understanding the 'lot' that one was born to live.


Somehow, the Philosophy of developing Human Potential, has become lost, in this Vedic Science.



Maybe it got forgot, about the same time, that the sense and practical ability of easy, or rapid, natural unfoldment of Evolution, and Development of Consciousness, became hard, and difficult.


Today, it's generally been thought that it would be very difficult to become Enlightened.


Certainly it was not possible for most.


Like that, Jyotish has become very limited, and especially, fatalistic, in it's function and beliefs.


The same view's have developed in the field of Yoga.


It's thought to be very difficult, and practically impossible for most to achieve enlightenment.


With that occurrence, the slant on all the Vedic Sciences, also, became lost, and hidden.



But, what if?


What if, the knowledge of easy and effortless, evolution could be re-discovered?


What if, it could be re-discovered how to easily get on to the stage of Enlightenment?


Would that affect our Jyotish?


Is that possibility there in our charts?


How could that ability, of finding the Self, of the Universe, be contained, in the relative dimension's of our Charts?


My sense is that this latest development in the field of Consciousness, is not only going to drastically change the Philosophy of Ved...


but, in time, it will also completely transform the entire field of Jyotish.


In the past it was thought only very difficult to improve oneself, and grow out of one's malefic influences; now, perhaps, this limited aspect of personal transformation, may be changeing.


Having learned to meditate in the early 1970's, and experienced first hand, the life, transforming benefits of transcendental, consciousness, I now, believe in the power of growth, and personal change.


Looking at my own, Jyotish chart, I can 'see', the picture of the full potential of that state of Enlightenment.


It's ..... there.


Perhaps in the 5th house of Mantras.


Or, maybe in the 9th house, of God.


Maybe that potential is there, somewhere, in the transcendentalness of the 12th house.


However, none of the descriptions I've read, in any Jyotish books, even begin's to be able to categorize, or even theorize, about the huge potential of Consciousness that I've already experienced.


" But, your meditators, are not following their charts! " , some of the Jyotishees said, in India, regarding those 'meditators' of the Transcendental Meditation technique.


" It's because they've learned to change their Stars. "



I've thought about that expression for so many years now. Since 1988, I was inclined to look at Jyotish in a completely different way, then, most.


Another expression I heard was: " Don't take your chart's seriously, they're just the state of your Physiology, at birth. "


That was another that helped me look differently at Jyotish.


Because of my own, inner-personal growth, I didn't see the 'static' depictions of my Chart's configurations, as written in stone.


Instead, I saw 'them' as being descriptive of my beginnings, and believe me they really did fit me, way back,...'when'.


But, each step I took in terms of the development of my Consciousness, all the qualities and particulars of my chart; started to be transformed.


Take Mars in Cancer, in my 10th house?


It was definitely indicative of certain challenges I'd experienced, in my early life.


However, with the development of my inner Self, and the increase in self-power, that came from that, the literal 'weakness' of that configuration, dramatically improved.


Take my Moon & Saturn in the 12th house.


Though they were also, extremely representative of great personal weakness, and lack of development, ......


As, my Consciousness developed, however, it seemed that the 'best' of those negative situations, started to unfold.


After awhile, I began to realize, that the 'best' of each of those 'Houses', started to be more, my experience.


Instead of experiencing tremendous grief, and loss, and debts, due to the malefic situations in my 12th,.... I began to experience, what now, I realize, is the real, Full Potential, of that House.


The 12th house is not only about 'expenditures', and 'losses', the 12th House is about the Transcendental, Infinite Reality.


As I began experiencing that, then, I started noticing that the inherent benefits of this house, began to be my experience, as well.


Now, I'm beginning to see, that Jyotish is not only about our very limited, and predictable, fates, and karmas; but Jyotish is also about our future's, our opportunities, and our unlimited, literally infinite, potentials.


Jyotish has still, a sense about this.


Hidden in the scattered descriptions and Philosophy of Exalted Planets, is contained the hint, as to the Development of the Full Potential of Human Life.


Though not much is written about how those Exalted 'Realities' ever got developed.


Maybe someone's Exalted Moon, developed over many life-times of personal development.


Maybe someone's Exalted Venus, or Mercury, also developed after many life-times of striving for self-improvement.


Maybe someone's Exalted Saturn, too, developed after tremendous self-empowerment.


Whatever the reason, there are examples of these scattered, visions of the Perfection of Individual Planets.


Maybe, there's supposed to be the Vision, or sense, of the Possibility, of the Development of the Full Potential of Human Life.


You do get a sense of this, in the stories of individuals, Saints, and Seers, who talk about having become Enlightened.


In that 'state' of Enlightenment, they gained amazing skills and personal abilities.


Some were reputed to be able to ....


o Know anything at a time... Others... were reported, to:

o Be able to fly through the air, at will. Others, were supposed,

o To be able to move through solid objects, walls, etc. Others...

o Were supposed to be able to do almost anything!


So, where is that potential, of Human Evolution, contained within the possibilities of Jyotish?


They're there, though not commonly believed in or conceived of.



Perhaps, the fault lies in the lack of appreciation of the 'Transformative' Power of Jyotish.


Sure, the ability to predict the future, is there.


The ability to know what someone will be like, is there, too.


However, the ability to know how, and where we're meant to evolve into,....is not.


At times you get a sense of this.


Certain Houses, and Planet's are described as, Upachaya, Houses, and some situations are described as being possible to improve over time.


However, having spent my whole adult life, in the pursuit of self-development, I am very happy to report, that the range of the Full Potential of Jyotish, is now at hand.


Now, as we have discovered the power and potential, of complete unfoldment of Consciousness; now, we can begin to apply this to the field of Jyotish, as well.


My Guru, inspired this, in me, and then, I discovered, how we could apply all the great benefits of all the latently asleep, Vedic Sciences, to the problems and challenges of Jyotish.


Take the Problems of the Sun, in our Charts.


Problems of Self-esteem, and self-confidence, are obviously due to the malefic situations, surrounding primarily the Sun, and sometimes, Moon & Rising Sign's, in our Charts.


However, what would happen, if the practice of Yoga, or Meditation, could lead one to the goal of Brahman, in the field of Consciousness.


If one could discover that one is the Self, of the Universe, how might that affect, one's Sun, in one's Chart?


I believe, that, 'that' Sun, would then, be catapulted into it's Highest Value, maybe even Exalted!


If one could discover that One, is the Self, of the Universe, how do you think that would affect one's self-esteem, or Sun?


How about the Moon?


Many people have lot's of emotional problems, in life. Certainly this is often, a product of small size Moon's or one's that are strongly aggravated by Malefic situations.


What would happen, then, to one's Heart, and Mind, when one discover's that One, is the Self of the Universe?


How do you think one would, 'feel', if one discover's one's Oneness, with... Brahman?


I'm guessing, one might, feel, pretty good about oneSelf....!

even on a Moonish, feeling level....



How about Mercury?


If Mercury represent's Intellect, and one discover's not only is one, the Self, of the Universe, but one discover's that everyone, else, is That, same Self...


I bet, one's Discriminative abilities would be quite profoundly affected.


And, one's Venus?


If one could discover one's Eternal, Oneness with God, and the Eternal, bliss, or Ananda, of one's Self, I'd bet, one's ability to 'love' would be greatly enhanced...


What about our Saturn's?


Saturn is, for most, the most malefically, functioning part of our charts.


What might happen if one could discover, one's infinite, connectedness, between this little body that we thought we were, and the Infinite, 'body' of the Universe?


I'd bet, that one would develop an infinite, patience, and settledness, especially if one knows that not only is one, this body, like a leaf on a tree, in a vast forest, in a huge continent, on a very large World, but .....


Imagine if one could know that not only is one that tree, forest, continent, World, and Solar system. What if one could realize that One, is the Self, of the Universe.


I'd bet, even a difficult Saturn, would get transformed.


And, finally what about our Jupiter's?


What if we could discover our inherent Oneness with the Lord of the Universe.


He, or She, after all, is the first Guru.


What would happen if we became completely One, with that Infinite Intelligence?


What do you think would happen, to one's Jupiter, sense, and power, inside, if that level of Guru hood, could be known?


I'd bet, the complete potential of Jupiter, could be unfolded.


What Jyotish need's to experience, is the healing, transformative, and evolutionary development of Consciousness.


With each technique of Ved, from Yoga, to Ayurved, to Ghandharva, from each one, will unfold more and more and more....of the inherent transformations of the inner nervous system, until the Full Potential of Consciousness, is known.


Let's utilize, and prescribe all the different methodologies of Ved, to improve our Jyotish Chart's and lives.




Jyotish is A Path of Enlightenment...




See, contained, in our Chart's are not only the depictions, and characterizations of our...


o Nature

o Characteristics....

o Tendencies.... and

o Our Karmas....


Our Chart's are also about our Opportunities!


Normally, Jyotish has this concept of Benefics & Malefics.


The Benefics in our chart's are supposed to correspond with our 'strong', or positive attributes.


Whereas, the Malefic's are supposed to correspond with the problems or weaknesses, within us.


This itself, is a major 'benefit' of Jyotish, because Self-Improvement often times, depends upon knowing what Personality, 'body-group', to develop!


Think of all the various Astrological components of our chart's as 'body-groups'.


Some of our body groups are already strong!


(These are our Benefics.)


Some of our body groups are weaker, and needing of attention.


(These are our Malefics.)



If we literally, were interested in being a gymnast or wrestler, or even in improving ourselves, we'd go into the gym, and our 'trainer' would work with us, identifying those areas, or muscle groups that are strong, and which one's we need work on.


If only Jyotish was like this!


Instead, Jyotish has looked at this scenario of Benefics & Malefics, and just assumed that this was more indicative of our 'fate', then our opportunities for personal growth.


Though the very human tendency for growth, is there.


It's so powerful in fact, that you see it 'ringing' in the corridors of all of Jyotish.


Individual people pursuing Jyotish, don't know that Jyotish doesn't consider self-improvement, and change, really possible.


As a result, individuals, want to improve their health....


They want to improve, their:


o Inter-personal relations.....or... their

o Financial situations.

o Or, Discover what their life purpose is....


All the interests, desires, goals, hopes & dreams... which are there, within us,....


are the Signs of the possibility of Self-Improvement.


If we couldn't improve ourselves,.....


If we couldn't really change our fates,.... then why would we try.....?


The reason why people keep trying, is because personal growth, is also written into our genes!


Not as a rigid 'fate', that has to happen, and that would make us mere puppets, in this scheme called life!


No! The potentials, for growth, for change, for self-transformation, are there, too, in the nature of life.


Therefore, Jyotish must be as much about, 'that', as it is about fate.


Perhaps the problem resides because Philosophically, it's very difficult to understand how Life could be both fated and free!


Over the last year, I've seen many discussions which have tried to make sense of this deep, issue and perplexing, consideration.


Basically, the arguement goes like this:


If change was possible, then, how could 'life' be predictable.


And, if the future is predictable, then, where is the room, for freedom of choice?


Very good arguement.


The truth, however, is that both realities exist.


On the surface, we seem enumerable examples of pre-determinism, or causality.


If we planet a banana seed, we're going to get a banana tree!


It's inevitable! Even predictable.


However, we do, still have the possibility, of grafting that 'seed', so that a new hybrid, banana, and say a Guava, tree develop.


However, then, once we've planted that new seed, it's then, also predictable, that 'that', seed will develop into that seed!


But, at every stage of life, and evolution, the ability to choose, to deviate from the given, the fated, or the 'planted' exists.


Let's say we've planted our banana tree, but 1/2 down the time of it's growth, we decide, to apply fertilizer, to the plant.


This, though it may not have been in the original 'design', is there, in the field of all possibilities.


So, we do it, and boom!, a huge growth and development occurs, that was not in the initial design.


The potential of that was there, but we ended up, doing something that totally increased the value and potential of that initial seedling.


Like that, we're born in this world, with initial 'seed-plantings'.


If we don't do 'much', our live's will flow, and develop and grow to a certain extent.


But, if we then, add, human fertilizer, and inject, new strategies, techniques, and methods of self-improvement, then,.... we too, can grow way beyond our initial, karma design.


This is what is now, possible, in the field of Jyotish.


Jyotish is no longer only about our predictable fates or karmas.


Jyotish is also about our opportunities, and our hopes and dreams.


The key is self-transformation.


Maybe this is why you hear sometime's that Jyotish is the natural ruler of the 8th house.


The 8th House, commonly is called the House of death, so length of life span is normally looked at in this house.


But, the 8th House is also called a Moksha, or Liberation House.


The 8th House, is also described as a House of " secret & occult knowledge. "


Perhaps this is why the whole ability to 'transform', to grow, is contained in this house.


Jyotish is a Path of Enlightenment....



Normally, one's Jyotish chart is looked at in terms of the qualities, and flow of one's life.


In fact, the nature, and personality of the person, along with their life-choices, all these things are supposed to be understandable according to our chart's.


Life-purpose, or life's meanings, are also supposed to be understandable, according to our chart's.


So, already Jyotish is understood, in terms of being about, our life 'paths'.


But, these paths, are really path's of growth, and achievement, and self-realization as well.


Normally it's thought that 'those' Benefics and Malefics, were mostly just about our 'fates'.


However, if Jyotish as in life, is also about growth, and self-improvement, then, maybe the 'Maleifics' are not just about our 'fated karmas', but maybe they're also about our Opportunities!


In Ayurved, for example, there's not this sense of rigidity about one's life situations.


If you go to an Ayurvedic doctor and he feels your pulse. He doesn't then, say: " I'm sorry, you're suffering this pitta, vata, dis-ease, and it will be this way, for 3 more months! "


No, instead he feels your pulse, and experiences, through the knowledge of pulse diagnosis, what are the imbalances that are there in your Psychology & Physiology.



He then goes about, making specific, concrete, very practical suggestions to balance the energies, of the body/mind with the hope of establishing better balance, and hence, Health!


If only Jyotishees, would do the same thing.


Jyotish has the potential. Where Ayurved, more often, deals with the body, Jyotish, truely, deals with the mind.


In the future we may consider that Jyotish is really, Vedic Psychology, and because the mind is the most powerful, organ we have; then, it shouldn't be surprised, that all possibilities, exist, there within the mind.


There are countless examples of people, who 'decided' to get well, or become a success in life, and suddenly, there live's improve!


How is this possible?


Because the mind, is infinitely more powerful, then normally understood.


Jyotish, then, essential value is wrapped up, in this possibility of self-transformation.


#1 We need to understand that this is possible.


#2 We need to learn that we, generally, are the one's that are sabotaging our lives.


#3 We need to learn how to transform ourselves, from the malefic situations, and weaknesses, within ourselves.



The Malefics, in our chart's are not just indicative of our problems, and our sufferings.


They're also symbolic of the very areas, that we have come to change, and improve.


In life, we know this.


If we find ourselves having accidents, and even after a long time, we realize that we're the type of person that is more accident prone; still, at some point we get it.


I'm supposed to learn to not be so accident prone!


And, because Mars rules actions, and also accidents, then it shouldn't be so surprising that Mars also rule's getting out of this accident prone situation.


In the chart's of those who are accident prone, or have accidents, Mars is generally malefic.


And, that's how, a Jyotishee, can look even, at the chart of a child and say, " this child will be accident prone. "


But, this insight and realization was not meant to stop there!


This was meant to give the parent's wisdom, not only of their child's condition, but also provide them, with solutions so that the child could be saved, from the debilitating affects of future accidents and dangers.


There's an expression for this called: " Jyotish has the ability to see the dangers upon the horizon. "


" But, if Jyotish is only about the 'seeing' then, it would be only cruel. If we cannot change our future's and avoid the dangers upon the horizon, then, it might be better, to not even know! "


Today, I think of the predictable aspects of our chart's like bills.


The bill is coming. Maybe it's a $ 20.00 bill, or maybe it's a $ 200.00.


It's inevitable. We bought that 'thing', and the bill is coming.


Like that, Jyotish, understands the inherent, causality of actions, and their fruits, coming back to us.


But, what has been forgotten, is that we still have freedom between now, and then!


If the bill is coming, and we even know the date when it's going to be 'due', then, we are still, free, now, to attract more money, so that that future 'bill', is no longer a threat.


If the bill is coming, and we don't think about it, we don't plan for it, and then, it hits, say, in 2 month's and though it's only a $ 200.00 bill; but we only have $ 200.00 in the bank, then, yes, this will be a very upsetting event!


However, if we know the bill is coming, and we now, decide we're going to increase, our wealth, so that when the bill arrives; we have either, $ 500, 600, or even $ 1000.00 in our account, then, that bill's coming will not be so much of a pinch!


Like that, we can save up, for any and all dangers upon the horizon.


The key, lies in our ability to 'shore' up!


Today, I understand that inner silence, and stillness, is the mind, what saving money, is to the World.


If we can save money, and change our future situations, we also, can rake up, more wealth, of Consciousness.


Then, when some grief comes, maybe a loss is a business, or the loss, even of a beloved family member, we might be ready!


The Key, to life, is the development of our inner resources.


You've heard the fact, that human beings, normally, live only a very small amount of their human potential?


Maybe as little as 10, or 15 %!


So, where is the rest of that potential?


It lies, within. The almost limitless potential of human life, is there, deep within, in the realities of our un-tapped, human awareness or Consciousness.


Consciousness is a field of literally, infinite resources.


And, that, reality can be tapped!



Vedic Wisdom has known this possibility for millennium!


There are countless examples from all the Vedic literature about this Self!, and it's potential.


The Upanishads, are full of these realities.


" The Spirit, without moving is swifter than the mind;

the senses cannot reach him.

His is ever beyond them.

Standing still, he overtakes those that run.



Who sees all beings in his own self, and his own Self in all beings, loses

all fear.


When a sage sees this great Unity and his Self has become

all beings; what delusion and what sorrow can ever be near him?


quote from Isa Upanishad, first page.




When, this great Vedic Knowledge knows the truth, and the full potential of every soul, upon this Earth, why then are there any problems?


Because, we're not getting on, to that blessed, higher plane of human potential.


The key, resides in our personal self-development.


There is great hope, too, especially from Jyotish, because each one of our chart's is an expression also of our spiritual or humanistic development.


The Benefics, obviously show us where our initial strengths are!


But, our Malefics, are also there, to show us, literally, where we're meant to improve!


So, for those who have Mars or Saturn as their primary malefics, then, obviously,

developing those Planets is the key!


Jyotish should be as much about how to unfold the complete potential of every Planet, as it is, the understanding of the relationship of those Planetary influences, and our lives.


The sense of 'this' is there in Jyotish.


You'll often hear a Jyotishee recommend this or that mantra from improving Mars, Saturn or even the Moon!


So, what's wrong?


What's missing?


What's been missing is the complete knowledge of self-improvement.


It's generally, been thought to be very difficult to improve human consciousness,

so this 'tainted' view, has dominated, Jyotish as well.


However about 50 years ago, it was re-discovered, how to easily and naturally, get on to the full potential of the Self.


In the field of Consciousness, it became known again, that the possibility of anyone, could easily, and effortlessly, experience and then, develop the full potential of Consciousness.


That experience has now transformed the entire field of meditation and Self-development.


Now, that experience is beginning to make an inroad, into the field of Jyotish, as well.


Jyotish is a Path of Enlightenment


Now, that the path of enlightenment has been re-discovered,

we can look at our own particular path's, that Jyotish has been able to see, so clearly;

and figure out what more we can do, to facilitate that inner personal growth.


Our Chart's are truely, indicative of our path's of self-development.


They're not, just about our fates!


They're also about our 'all' possibilities!


Jyotish & Consciousness,



Today, it's now become possible to do, both the Expansion of Consciousness and Jyotish together!


I have known many practioneers of meditation, for a very long time. (Over 35 years, now!)


However, I have to say, those who have been regular in their programs, and those who have added the keen insights and wisdoms of Jyotish, to their live's; have benefited the most.


Perhaps this is because " Knowledge is the greatest Purifier " .


When I discovered Jyotish, I had, already been meditating, for almost 18 years!


But, what I quickly discovered, was that the Malefics, in my chart, as defined by Jyotish were still there, and acting mischievously!


As I studied, them, more, it occurred to me, that these Malefics, represented those areas of life; that I was weakest in.


For Saturn, Saturn was in the 12th, lord of the 5th & 6th, in the 12th.


A terrible prognosis, indeed!


I in fact, exhibited all the examples of someone with this terrible, malefic situation.


However, one think also occurred to me. All those years of meditation, had done something, to dramatically diminish the intensity of that 'grief'.


My losses, that were more common in my pre-meditation, era, were now less.


I experienced, less 'loss', I experienced, less grief.


So, why was there still any left?


Maybe if I meditated for another 20 years, maybe all the stresses, could be unwound.


But, then, another thought occurred to me.


Maybe Jyotish can also teach me something about the intrinsic value and goodness of my malefics that I'm still not quite getting.


So, I started on a path, of self-discovery, about the hidden, full potential of each Planet.


I already had a small, quick start with my Jupiter and Sun.


However, Saturn, and Moon, & Mars, even Rahu & Ketu, were obviously, still alluding me!


Then, I found myself, running into others, my friends, and even new acquaintances; who had examples of Exalted Saturn's, or Full Moon's in their charts and I had a vision of their perfection!


I remember one time, thinking, " hey, I can be like that! "


This was in reference to one of my good friend's who had that Exalted Saturn in their chart.


I realized in one moment, why she was the way she was.


Her Exalted Saturn, was an expression of her deep, appreciation of the importance of balance, and inner steadfastness.


In other word's her life's evolution had already leaned that lesson.


And, I realized, I had not.


When I reflected upon Saturn I realized, I didn't like resting! I didn't like being quiet, or being alone!


Instead I preferred activity, I loved staying up late, and I loved, doing, and being active.


When I understood, however, that Saturn represented the 'rest' phase of life.


And also, the appreciation of the fact that life, includes cycles of rest & activity, I suddenly realized, I'm sorely lacking in the appreciation of Saturn's gifts!


But, my years of meditating, already had begun exposing me to the tremendous benefits of finding inner awareness and silence, and learning how to live a more balanced life.


Maybe I just needed to study the full knowledge of Saturn, more!


I then also realized that Saturn represented, 'timings'. So, doing something at the right time, is a good Saturn skill.


Those without this sophisticated appreciation of 'timings', or 'firings', as in the case of the body, and it's many processes; will experience a lot of dis-ease, or Saturn's negative results.


Then, I began to notice, in watching the Transits, of the Sun, Moon & all the Planets, that each day, nature is living perfect attunement with ItSelf....


Then, I realized, that out there, in Nature, were wonderful examples of all the cycles of the Planets.


The Moon had a cycle. The Sun, had a cycle.


All the Planet's flowed, from debilitation, to Exaltation, and everywhere in-between.


Maybe there were some powerful lessons there for us.


We could go on forever, however, you get the point.


So, Jyotish & Expansion of Consciousness, can, go together.


Jyotish, itself, in fact, is indicative, literally, of the very path's that we're all walking!


Getting insight into those paths, how we can learn to stop sabotaging ourselves, in the immediate areas of our malefics, is one of the greatest boons, to our evolution, possible!













Mark Kincaid








Teacher of Meditation & Ayurved


641 472-0000.

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