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Astrological Considerations of Condoleeza Rice: Power Broker, or Black Token?

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Hi All,


By now, I'm sure that everyone has either seen or

heard, or at least has

heard about, National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice

give her

testimony before the Sep 11 Comission in Washington,

DC yesterday. It's

all the rage, in the news everywhere; as I type these

words, my TV plays

a repeat of the proceedings.


Every President has an NSA, a person whose job it is

to keep him abreast

of the all the troubles in the world and potential

threats to American

security. Rice's presence in all of this, calls a bit

of special

attention, for many of the obvious reasons that I'm

sure many of you

will know.


First, of course, she is a Black woman, the first of

her kind to ascend

to such a high honor and office, with presumed power

and influence over

the the supposedly most powerful man in the world, the

President of the

United States. And second, her tenure as NSA came at a

time when the

single largest terrorist attack in the history of

mankind occured, the

Sep 11 Terror Attacks, of course.


As an African American, I have to say, that I find it

fascinating the

nature and level of dialogue that Rice gets in various

quarters. For

example, I know of NO Black person who thinks highly

of Rice; at best,

some consider her to be a high-post token of the Bush

camp and larger

GOP. In any event, Black folk in general, in the main,

simply don't

discuss Rice, or for that matter, Clarence Thomas or

Colin Powell.


On the other hand, in White America, it seems that

they cannot say

enough about her; raining praise on her for her


academically and politically; constantly referring to

her as " Dr. Rice " ,

which, I must say, reminds me of when many White folks

refer to MLK as

" Dr. King " ...there's something that just feels " off "

to me there, like

something's fake or phony about it. Patronizing in

some respects I would

say, although I must say, that I don't have any strong

feelings about

Rice one way or the other. I guess like most Black

folks, when someone

asks me what I think of Condoleeza Rice, my reply is

" I don't " .


I think this state of affairs, the divide racially on

Rice, is enough to

merit a very rich and full discussion in and ot

itself. But then there's

the dreaming on the part of those in the GOP camp -

which is almost

entirely White, by the way - about Rice as VP

candidate (of course,

forgetting the fact that Cheney is already " in " as the

VP running mate

in the upcoming race). The thinking on the part of

those who want to put

her up is that it would mean great things racially in

this country, to

have a Black woman (forgetting the fact that she is a

member of a party

that the overwhemling majority of Black folks find

anathema) as Vice

President in the White House. Again, something phony

and fake is there

in those sentiments, almost impossible to put into

coherent words and

phrases. Needless to say, those who are African

American out there in

PAF more than likely know what it is that I'm talking



Condoleeza Rice was born on Nov 14, 1954, at 11.30AM,

according to Star

IQ.com, in Birmingham, Alabama. By the way, if you go

there, and put her

name into the search engine, you'll see an article on

Colin Powell

written by Kim Rogers-Gallagher, someone who I like,

but I have to say,

her article was " blaaaah " ...it just totally misses the

mark, plus the

chart's not timed. I think I'll write about both these

figures for my

site, and give the real deal.


Anyway, going to Rice's chart, Western style...she was

born in '54, so

she would have the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction (usually

indicative of

genius or higher than average intelligence) and square

Neptune, which

suggests a degree of " ism " being brought into the life

somehow. In this

case, it would be with regard to political ideology,

especially since

she is basically one of the few Black folks the GOP

can count on one of

their hands (Jupiter-Uranus, " breaking away " , etc.).

Here, in her chart,

we see the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction (in Cancer) is

in the 6th

(cooperation, service to others, etc.) and is in the

same sign as the

Moon, all in Cancer. There's your " homeland security "

vibe. Put that

along with a Sun in Scorpio, and you could really get

a security " I

always feel like, somebody's watchin' me " nut.


Pluto is in the 7th house...reminds me alot of someone

else who has a

chart very close to this...so the themes of " other

people's perspectives

becoming one's own " is very strong here, especially as

it relates to the

whole racial issue, the GOP, Bush and so on. Pluto

squares the Sun and

Venus...with the latter two in the 10th house, both in


themes come into play. Hmm.


There's a good bit of stress on the 9th house, not

what one would expect

(that is, if you're going by the Tyl rule) for someone

who has acheived

so much academically. Mercury, Saturn and Neptune are

all in the 9th,

with the latter two planets strongly in square aspect

- Saturn squares

Mars, rising in the Asc, and Neptune squares the


conjunction, as mentioned earlier. Moreover, the 9th

ruler is Venus,

which is Rx!!! Sounds like this could be a job for the

Vedic chart here,



Going back to the Venus Rx for a minute...it's known

that Rice has

neither children nor is married. She's nearing 50

years of age...it

doesn't seem that children, naturally anyway, is

likely. But the man

thing can't be ruled out. But note that the Venus Rx

in Scorpio - a

strong signal of lots of " issues " in the

romantic/sexual area - is

highly elevated, conjunct the Sun, tightly square

Pluto in the 7th and

widely square Mars in the Asc.

Hmm...interesting...Mercury rules the 5th

and 8th. And finally, Mars squares Saturn,

traditionally a signal, in a

woman's chart, of " man problems " . I have personally

seen this play

itself out again and again in many a woman's charts.



Keep in mind again, that Pluto is in the 7th, square

Venus which is Rx,

ruling the 4th...and Uranus, the Asc ruler, is Rx, in

the 6th house.

Again, keep in mind the fact that Rice virtually gets

" no love " in the

Black community while the White community can't sing

her praises enough.

Although Rice may put up a good front, this has to be

a point of

soreness and pain for her. Hmm.


Comparing her chart to that of the Gemini rising chart

for the USA, her

Mars conjuncts the USA MC and Moon; her Moon is

conjunct the USA Sun;

her Jupiter-Uranus conjuncts the USA Mercury and

opposes the USA Pluto

and more. Comparing her chart to the Slavery/African

American chart

yields some very striking results - her Saturn

conjunts the AA Mars and

opposes the AA Moon-Pluto conjunction (you can really

stop right there,

THAT'S the " aversion " vibe Black folk feel towards

Rice!) while her Mars

squares the same (again, Black folk feeling being

under " attack " by

Rice, and her tacit support and approval of the GOP).

There's really no

need to go further. Those two contacts involving

Rice's Mars and Saturn,

really says it all, in astrological terms, when it's

compared to the

Slavery/African American chart.


It's been said that she and GWB are very close, cut

buddies. In light of

the fact that she is essentially ill-suited for the

job, because of her

background as a Russian/Soviet expert, and in light of

the fact that

someone like Richard Clarke, a life long

counter-terrorist expert, was

not chosen for the post, it is reasonable to assume

that her selection

had a great deal to do with politics - racial politics

- as it did with

" qualifications " . Hmm.


Just eyeballing the chart, her Vedic variant would

reveal three very

important placements - Saturn, ruling the Capricorn

Asc, would be

exalted in the 10th house; Mars, rising in the Cap

Asc, would be

exalted; and Jupiter, sitting now in the 7th house

instead of the 7th in

her Western chart, would be exalted as well. It's what

we would expect

of one that would rise so high in life.


But a future President of the USA? Not if Black folk

have anything to

say about it.










Mu'Min M. Bey

Western and Vedic Astrologer

Check out my site:


" The Future of Astrology, is Here... "

AOL IM Screen Name: JediMu

Join the Pan Astrological Forum, Where Freedom in Astrological Thought Lives!

Just send a blank email to panastroforum-







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Dear Mu and Whoever Else Can Answer these Question ...



I have a question. Some Vedic astrologers use the "sign as house" method while others use the method of a house being 15 degs on either side of the cusp, and any planet in that 30 deg area is considered to be in that house, even if it's in a different sign from the one on the cusp.


Here's an example: a young man has his Sun in 1 deg of Leo. He has 26 degs of Cancer rising. Mu (and all), would you consider that to be a first house Sun, or a 2nd house Sun? Or ... a 2nd house Sun which is nonetheless cnj. the asc? Which system works best for you folks out there?


Another question: do out of sign asps work if they're major asps and very close? I know that strict Vedic-ists say no, but I'm not convinced that they're correct. So, if Venus were in, say, 29 degs of Aries and Saturn in 1 deg Taurus, would they influence each other or no?



.... Bettina




Mu'Min Bey [mumin_bey]Wednesday, May 12, 2004 10:23 AM Subject: Astrological Considerations of Condoleeza Rice: Power Broker, or Black Token?Hi All,By now, I'm sure that everyone has either seen orheard, or at least has heard about, National Security Advisor Condoleeza Ricegive her testimony before the Sep 11 Comission in Washington,DC yesterday. It's all the rage, in the news everywhere; as I type thesewords, my TV plays a repeat of the proceedings. Every President has an NSA, a person whose job it isto keep him abreast of the all the troubles in the world and potentialthreats to American security. Rice's presence in all of this, calls a bitof special attention, for many of the obvious reasons that I'msure many of you will know. First, of course, she is a Black woman, the first ofher kind to ascend to such a high honor and office, with presumed powerand influence over the the supposedly most powerful man in the world, thePresident of the United States. And second, her tenure as NSA came at atime when the single largest terrorist attack in the history ofmankind occured, the Sep 11 Terror Attacks, of course. As an African American, I have to say, that I find itfascinating the nature and level of dialogue that Rice gets in variousquarters. For example, I know of NO Black person who thinks highlyof Rice; at best, some consider her to be a high-post token of the Bushcamp and larger GOP. In any event, Black folk in general, in the main,simply don't discuss Rice, or for that matter, Clarence Thomas orColin Powell. On the other hand, in White America, it seems thatthey cannot say enough about her; raining praise on her for heraccomplishments academically and politically; constantly referring toher as "Dr. Rice", which, I must say, reminds me of when many White folksrefer to MLK as "Dr. King"...there's something that just feels "off"to me there, like something's fake or phony about it. Patronizing insome respects I would say, although I must say, that I don't have any strongfeelings about Rice one way or the other. I guess like most Blackfolks, when someone asks me what I think of Condoleeza Rice, my reply is"I don't". I think this state of affairs, the divide racially onRice, is enough to merit a very rich and full discussion in and otitself. But then there's the dreaming on the part of those in the GOP camp -which is almost entirely White, by the way - about Rice as VPcandidate (of course, forgetting the fact that Cheney is already "in" as theVP running mate in the upcoming race). The thinking on the part ofthose who want to put her up is that it would mean great things racially inthis country, to have a Black woman (forgetting the fact that she is amember of a party that the overwhemling majority of Black folks findanathema) as Vice President in the White House. Again, something phonyand fake is there in those sentiments, almost impossible to put intocoherent words and phrases. Needless to say, those who are AfricanAmerican out there in PAF more than likely know what it is that I'm talkingabout. Condoleeza Rice was born on Nov 14, 1954, at 11.30AM,according to Star IQ.com, in Birmingham, Alabama. By the way, if you gothere, and put her name into the search engine, you'll see an article onColin Powell written by Kim Rogers-Gallagher, someone who I like,but I have to say, her article was "blaaaah"...it just totally misses themark, plus the chart's not timed. I think I'll write about both thesefigures for my site, and give the real deal. Anyway, going to Rice's chart, Western style...she wasborn in '54, so she would have the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction (usuallyindicative of genius or higher than average intelligence) and squareNeptune, which suggests a degree of "ism" being brought into the lifesomehow. In this case, it would be with regard to political ideology,especially since she is basically one of the few Black folks the GOPcan count on one of their hands (Jupiter-Uranus, "breaking away", etc.).Here, in her chart, we see the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction (in Cancer) isin the 6th (cooperation, service to others, etc.) and is in thesame sign as the Moon, all in Cancer. There's your "homeland security"vibe. Put that along with a Sun in Scorpio, and you could really geta security "I always feel like, somebody's watchin' me" nut. Pluto is in the 7th house...reminds me alot of someoneelse who has a chart very close to this...so the themes of "otherpeople's perspectives becoming one's own" is very strong here, especially asit relates to the whole racial issue, the GOP, Bush and so on. Plutosquares the Sun and Venus...with the latter two in the 10th house, both inScorpio...power themes come into play. Hmm.There's a good bit of stress on the 9th house, notwhat one would expect (that is, if you're going by the Tyl rule) for someonewho has acheived so much academically. Mercury, Saturn and Neptune areall in the 9th, with the latter two planets strongly in square aspect- Saturn squares Mars, rising in the Asc, and Neptune squares theJupiter-Uranus conjunction, as mentioned earlier. Moreover, the 9thruler is Venus, which is Rx!!! Sounds like this could be a job for theVedic chart here, huh? Going back to the Venus Rx for a minute...it's knownthat Rice has neither children nor is married. She's nearing 50years of age...it doesn't seem that children, naturally anyway, islikely. But the man thing can't be ruled out. But note that the Venus Rxin Scorpio - a strong signal of lots of "issues" in theromantic/sexual area - is highly elevated, conjunct the Sun, tightly squarePluto in the 7th and widely square Mars in the Asc.Hmm...interesting...Mercury rules the 5th and 8th. And finally, Mars squares Saturn,traditionally a signal, in a woman's chart, of "man problems". I have personallyseen this play itself out again and again in many a woman's charts.Hmm...Keep in mind again, that Pluto is in the 7th, squareVenus which is Rx, ruling the 4th...and Uranus, the Asc ruler, is Rx, inthe 6th house. Again, keep in mind the fact that Rice virtually gets"no love" in the Black community while the White community can't singher praises enough. Although Rice may put up a good front, this has to bea point of soreness and pain for her. Hmm. Comparing her chart to that of the Gemini rising chartfor the USA, her Mars conjuncts the USA MC and Moon; her Moon isconjunct the USA Sun; her Jupiter-Uranus conjuncts the USA Mercury andopposes the USA Pluto and more. Comparing her chart to the Slavery/AfricanAmerican chart yields some very striking results - her Saturnconjunts the AA Mars and opposes the AA Moon-Pluto conjunction (you can reallystop right there, THAT'S the "aversion" vibe Black folk feel towardsRice!) while her Mars squares the same (again, Black folk feeling beingunder "attack" by Rice, and her tacit support and approval of the GOP).There's really no need to go further. Those two contacts involvingRice's Mars and Saturn, really says it all, in astrological terms, when it'scompared to the Slavery/African American chart. It's been said that she and GWB are very close, cutbuddies. In light of the fact that she is essentially ill-suited for thejob, because of her background as a Russian/Soviet expert, and in light ofthe fact that someone like Richard Clarke, a life longcounter-terrorist expert, was not chosen for the post, it is reasonable to assumethat her selection had a great deal to do with politics - racial politics- as it did with "qualifications". Hmm. Just eyeballing the chart, her Vedic variant wouldreveal three very important placements - Saturn, ruling the CapricornAsc, would be exalted in the 10th house; Mars, rising in the CapAsc, would be exalted; and Jupiter, sitting now in the 7th houseinstead of the 7th in her Western chart, would be exalted as well. It's whatwe would expect of one that would rise so high in life. But a future President of the USA? Not if Black folkhave anything to say about it.Hmm...Salaam,Mu =====Mu'Min M. BeyWestern and Vedic AstrologerCheck out my site:muminbey.tripod.com"The Future of Astrology, is Here..."AOL IM Screen Name: JediMuJoin the Pan Astrological Forum, Where Freedom in Astrological Thought Lives! Just send a blank email to panastroforum- Movies - Buy advance tickets for 'Shrek 2'http://movies./showtimes/movie?mid=1808405861

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