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The Moon`Waning Cycles'Part 1"The Waning Moon" This is a wonderful time to `reflect' on the Moon. In the `Jyotish' philosophy, the Moon is the most important astrological planet. Though Western Astrology believes the Sun is the most important, both systems do at least acknowledge that the Moon is important. This is because the Moon represents the mind itself. In other words, exactly `where' the Moon was in your birth chart represents a very deep, fundamental part of your every day conscious mind and emotional nature awareness. So, if you were born with the Moon, say, in the 10th house than the deepest reflection of your Moon, emotional nature, will be wrapped up around career. If, however, your Moon was in say, the 6th House, than personal health would be the greatest need of your Moon, emotional life. After you `locate' what `House' your Moon is in, now, figure out `How Big' is your Moon. Locate the Sun in your chart. Now, compare the Sun to your Moon. If the Moon is in a sign that's later than your Sun, than your Moon is waxing. For example, today, the Sun's in Libra, the #7 or 7th sign of Astrology. So, if your Moon was in Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces of Aries, these `later' signs means the Moon's getting bigger, or waxing. If, on the other hand, your Moon's in the Signs, before the sign your Sun's in, (ie. Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo or Libra for Sun in Libra individuals) than, these all represent the Moon is `waning' in your chart. Now, you know whether your Moon was waxing or waning, now, determine the actual `size' of your Moon. The closer the Moon is to the sign that your Sun was at, the smaller will your Moon be. If your Moon's in Scorpio, or Virgo, the two signs around Libra, than your Moon would be extremely tiny. If, on the other hand, your Sun's in Libra, but your Moon's in the very far away signs of Pisces, Aries or Taurus, these all, represent a very `big' Moon, in your chart. Today, is an example of the very deeply waning Moon. The Sun's at the 27th degree of Libra, while the Moon's at the 17th degree of the preceding sign of Virgo. In other words, the Moon is just 2 1/2 days before the New Moon. Watch how you're feeling today! There are 3 types of people in the world. #1 there are those people who are VERY much affected by the stars' or Moon's movements each day. We can call `them' the type "A" persons. Then, there are those who are only every so often, affected by the stars or Moon. These we can call the type "B" person. And, finally, there is the rare person who is rarely affected by the stars, either way. This is the type "C" person. All those being born at this time, will have a very tiny Moon in their birth charts. These `people' will have a number of emotional issues, or Moon sensitivities, which will make improving their Moon emotional nature, extremely important. Have you figured out yet, which Moon type you are? If you're a type "A" you'll probably find your Moon is more small and certainly negatively affected by any number of negative configurations from your chart. On the other hand, if you're a type "B" person and you only ever so often get negatively affected by the Moon, you're likely to have been born with somewhere around a 1/2 Moon size Moon. And, finally, if you're that rare, type "C" person, most of these people were born with an extremely, `bigger' size of Moon, in your original birth chart. Today, is an example of the deeply inward Waning Moon. On the surface, this size of Moon is indicative of a kind of trying and certainly inward state of Moon, `mind'. The vibration of now, the inwardness that you are likely feeling is indicative of the real purpose of this time. Not only, are we supposed to be resting now, but those born with this `size' of birth Moon, are supposed to be developing themselves, emotionally, more, during this life. On the other hand, those with very big Moon's in their charts, are not so desperate to `have to' develop their Moons. In fact, `theirs' are already well developed. The Moon not only teaches us a lot about our own, interior emotional selves, BUT, the Moon also teaches us about literally, everything else. Today, the Moon is not only teaching us about the decreasing emotional strength, of the waning Moon time, but the Moon's also teaching us about the sign of Virgo. The Moon's not only deeply waning, but also, being in Virgo, means the literal, `NATURE' of Virgo is coming to us, via. Our Moons! As the Moon continues moving around the sky each day of the month, the Moon will literally, collide with and then, teach us about every planet and sign in Astrology. Therefore, watching the Moon each day will also, go a long way at helping us understand everything in the field of Astrology. This is why I keep encouraging people to "feel" their stars or "feel" their Moons. The more we pay attention to how we're feeling, the more we'll awaken to all the important aspects of our charts. Over the next few days, for example, watch even more carefully how you're `feeling'. In the next few days, the Moon will be getting closer and closer to the Sun. This represents the `height' of the New Moon. Pay special attention to `that' day, and write in your Astrology journal, how `YOU' experience this time. Those born with their Moon's during the New Moon time, often exhibit the least powerful part of the Moon. `These' people, generally, have a lot of emotional problems and frustrations, worries, disappointments, anxieties, phobias, including, even, depression. This Moon, time, like now, for example, has to reflect those individuals that are being born with these karmas or difficulties in their charts. For the rest of us, for are not being born now, if we're feeling especially tender hearted or emotionally vulnerable during this time, this means `we're' one of those people who will also benefit from learning how to strength or improve our own birth Moons. This up-coming New Moon, by the way, will be very interesting because the Sun's finishing with it's debilitation sign of Libra. But, when the Moon and Sun, actually, collide, (during the height of the New Moon, on November 16th around 1:15pm, here, where I live) both the Sun and Moon will have slid into Scorpio! This is the only time of the year when the Moon is both, in its sign of debilitation, and also, the smallest size, of the month. This will represent one of the more challenging days of the year, so pay special attention to how you're feeling on the 16th! But, if you allow yourself to `take off' this day, or at least be easy and undemanding, then, you may be able to pass through this day without strife or grief. I've often wondered what the inherent `meaning' these type of days are. Now, I believe, they #1, represent those karmic situations of especially those New souls being born on this day. For the `rest' of us, they represent our momentary karma of both the New Moon and the Moon, in Scorpio. These two malefic flavors of the Moon, (both in size and in sign), will show us how strong our Moon's are! If, however, we feel any of the typical `grief' of the deeply waning Moon, or irritableness, anger or judgmental flavors of the Moon/Scorpio, than these are qualities that we could benefit from examining within ourselves. If we feel `rough' emotionally, during this time, that's #1 Nature showing us we could be more Moon stronger, emotionally. On the other hand, if we get pulled into the more difficult sign flavor of Scorpio, this is the Moon, showing us we #1 could benefit from understanding and growing within the Scorpio framework. Watch and see on this day, and that'll be Nature's way of showing YOU, how well you're doing with your Moon `size' and `strength'! Jai Chandra! Mark Kincaid

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