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The next global recession - and other insights

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Hello list(s),


Following closer inspection of the data in the file "Transit strength of planets 1986-2021 at

SAMVA I decided to updated the text.


First, I explain what the data is:


Daily data over the period 1986-2021 showing the strength of planets in transit calculated according to the rules of the Systems Approach (SA) propounded by Professor V.K. Choudhry of Guargon, India.



• The SA rules involve the passage of planets through infancy (first five degrees of a sign), old age (last five degrees), combustion (conjunction with Sun), the sign of debilitation and the strength of the dispositor planet - the planet owning the Moolatrikona sign through which a given planet is passing (Aries/Mars, Cancer/Moon, Leo/Sun, Virgo/Mercury, Libra/Venus, Sagittarius/Jupiter and Aquarius/Saturn). The three conditions weaken a planet.


• A planet at 100% is in full strength and at 0% it has no strength. A planet that is strong in transit protects its functional and general indications. However, a planets weakeness makes the planet vulnerable to transit affliction or affliction in a natal chart. A planet requires about 60% strength to withstand the harmful aspects of malefic planets.


• A 365 day centered moving average is used to smooth the lines and make the evolution visible. Highs and lows are annotated. All the planets manifest a cycle, some more irregular than others. The cycles represent the continous ups and downs of life.


Then I discuss some insights:



• A major cycle is visible for Sun, Venus and Mars, influencing e.g. government and banking (Sun), airline travel and luxury goods (Venus) and industry, military, police and sports (Mars). The fact that the Sun remains broadly strong until 2014 suggests confidence will remain broadly ok until then, especially when Jupiter is also strong. Venus and Mars remain broadly strong until 2009, which suggests relatively good development concerning their significations in the coming few years.



•Saturn was weakening in the late 1980s and reached a trough in August 1990, consistent with the difficult time for the economy and working people. It showed variable strength until 1996, when it again began to weaken, reaching a trough in October 1998.


• Many planets were weak in that year as the Asian crisis (which began in mid 1997) sparked a crisis in Russia in 1998. A panic then gripped investors and governments globally, leading to a new term “financial contagion” - meaning panic without a real cause. Bond yields spiked and stocks initially sagged, but no significant damage resulted. The affliction of a debilitated Saturn by Rahu that year helped to make the situation especially dicey. The price of oil (ruled by Saturn) collapsed. The weakness of Sun, ruling the government and confidence, was also notable that year, explaining why the confidence of governments and investors evaporated after years of "irrational exuberance."



• Saturn´s strength has been quite variable in recent years. It will remain strong for the next year, suggesting the economy will remain strong. It will then have middling strength for some years. A notable period of weakness is from 2010 to 2015, especially in 2012, suggesting recessionary tendencies globally. The severity in a given country could be judged from the natal chart.


• The strength of Sun and Jupiter in 2012 would help retain the confidence and financial stability until 2014. A relapse of the economy in the winter of 2017/2018, due to weakening of Saturn and Jupiter, could unnerve financial markets. It doesn´t help that the Sun also becomes quite weak in the Spring 2018.



• Rahu, ruling salesmen, intoxicants, etc. is strong until 2009, but will weaken in 2010-2012 period, when cheating by salesmen and abuse of intoxicants could increase, especially when Rahu is afflicting another planet.


• Ketu, ruling spiritual organisations and seekers, will be weak in 2006, when strange or unexpected events could increase. Jupiter, ruling religious institutions, higher knowledge, insurance companies and the judiciary, will become weak in 2009, but return to full strength by 2012.



This analysis omits aspects and hence is general in nature. However, it is based on a comprehensive calculation of the strength of planets as per SA and thus shows when the planets are strong and when they are weak and their indications liable to setback.


Best regards,




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