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Thoughts on the Scorpio rising chart for USA - typo

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Last sentence should read:


Accurate predictions would REMOVE any remaining doubt.



SAMVA , Dayamaya Ji <cosmologer> wrote:

> Hello list,


> In consulting the American Peoples Encyclopdia (Grolier, 1966),

the following is there:


> " INDEPENDENCE DAY, or Fourth of July, the day Americans celebrate

their country´s birth. Independence day commemorates the adoption of

the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress on July

4, 1776. The Fourth of July has ever since held a hallowed place in

American life.

> Although the Fourth of July was set aside as a day of celebration,

the actual " resolution of independence " was ratified by the Congress

two days earlier. John Adams jubilantly wrote to his wife on July 3,

after the adoption of the initial resolution: " The 2nd day of July,

1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I

am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding

generations as the great anniverary festival. " Independence day was

celebrated on July 2 for several years, but thereafter on the 4th

when the declaration, with its detailed reasons for seperation from

Great Britain, had been formally adopted and its principles

announced to the world. "


> This is consistent with Jorge Angelino´s decision to focus on this

day in his initial rectification work. The time suggested by John

TWB and the further rectification work by Jorge resulted in the

selection of a Scorpio lagna.


> First, it it interesting to me how overlooked the event of this

day has been, given the significance attached to it by the foundings



> Second, another historical fact of interest on July 2nd, 1776,

when Congress declared independence, is that the British fleet and

army arrived at New York on that very day. Clearly strong historical

forces were at work on that day.


> Second, the Scorpio lagna - a warlike sign - is an interesting

choice for the USA.


> As points out this lagna " renders their natives

determined, disciplined, self-restrained, fearless, persevering,

energetic, intense, dynamic, decisive, self-centered,

straightforward and tough or very sensitive, introverted, secretive,

stubborn and ready to defend themselves. They generally maintain

silence, rarely smile and observe things keenly. Their reaction is

sudden and forceful, and they lack patience. "



> In the chart, many interesting insights emerge:


> The second lord Jupiter in the chart is placed in the most

effective point of the eight house. It is widely conjunct the

twelfth lord Venus, suggesting problems and losses involving the

wealth and status. However, as Jupiter closely aspects its own

second house, this gives expansive wealth as well as status based on

ideals. The Hora chart suggests good wealth with five planets in Leo.


> The aspect of a weak Jupiter on the fouth house, as Jorge has

earlier pointed out, gives an expansive terrority and some positive

and religious influence on the peace of mind of the citizenry.

Jupiter´s aspect on the twelfth house gives some wealth abroad. Its

influence on the eight house gives trouble to wealth but also

unearned gains and legacies through the status and wealth.


> Interestingly, the USA is probably the closest thing we have to a

global empire since the fall of the Roman Empire in the fifth

century. The national emblem of the USA, the bald Eagle, evokes the

Roman emblem. Given that second lord of status in the 8th house of

legacies, it could be said the US has inherited this powerful aspect

of the western civilisational legacy. Nazi Germany also made a claim

to this legacy but failed.


> The weak sixth lord Mars, ruling over the military, in the seventh

house suggests frequent trips of troops abroad, but where they are

highly vulnerable. Needless to say, not many countries in modern

times have sent so many troops abroad and suffered consistently so

many casualties as has the USA.


> The close affliction of the Moon´s nodes to the ninth (Rahu) and

third (Ketu) houses by placement, and by aspect to the first and

fifth houses (Rahu) and seventh and elevent houses (Ketu), suggests

a lot of turmoil in the life of the country

> - participation in World War Two, beginning with the Japanese

bombing of Pearl Harbour in Hawaii and ending in the US Enonal Gay

bomber dropping of two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki,

killing hundreds of thousands of civilians, immediately convincing

the Japanese government to surrender.

> - participation in the Korean and Vietnamese wars, with the latter

war, due to the unlimited bloodshed, resulting in massive civilian

protest at home.

> - the Cuban Missile crisis and then the murder of John F Kennedy

in the early nineteen sixtees. The former event caused the

population strain and fear, while the latter caused great grief.

> - compared to other predominatly white countries, like France and

Britain, the integration of people of other races has been fraught

with difficulty.The civil rights movement, to improve the rights of

Americans of African descent has been a bloody and costly process in

the nations history, leading to the murder of world famous civil

rights leaders.

> - the settlement of America was smeared with the blood, relentless

persecution and near extinction of the indigenous American Indian



> As the fourth lord Saturn is well placed and fairly strong in the

eleventh house, the inclinations of the population are to earn an

income and pursue their dreams - the American dream. Americans are

by and large industrious and ambitious for material gain.


> The opposition aspect between the ninth lord Moon in the third

house and the elevent lord Mercury in the ninth house is consistent

with the high income level of the Americans. However, the wide

conjunction of the twelfth lord Venus and second lord Jupiter in the

eight house suggests losses and obstacles surrounding their wealth.

The Great Depression in the nineteen thirties is consistent with



> At that time, in October 1929, the nodes were stationary in the

most effective point of the twelfth and sixth houses, with sixth

lord Mars exactly conjunct Ketu in the twelfth house, while twelfth

lord Venus was conjunct the eleventh house most effective point. The

stock market suffered a huge drop and the confidence of investors

was lost. Financial stability was then also lost. This is so because

Mars, as sixth lord, is weak natally. It makes the financial

stability vulnerable to transit affliction.


> When tr twelfth lord Venus at the last degree of Libra opposes

transit sixth Mars at the last degree of Aries in the sixth house in

late September and early October 2005, there could be difficulty in

the US financial markets, especially as the stationary nodes will

again be afflicting their natal placement and odd numbered houses.

Wealth lord Jupiter will also be at zero degrees in Libra and

twelfth house, unable to protect its significations. Meanwhile,

natal tenth lord Sun and natal fourth lord Saturn will be closely

afflicted by the natal nodes.


> The tenth lord Sun in the eight house, suggests trouble in the

public life, especially during Sun periods. The next such major-

and sub-period begins in September 2011.


> The twelfth lord Venus is badly placed in the eight house,

suggesting problems in foreign relations. The USA entered the first

world war in the Rahu-Rahu period. It was drawn into the second

world war in the period of Jupiter-Venus. By comparison, the Vietnam

war escalated in the periods of Sun-Mars and Sun-Rahu (March 1961 to

February 1965).


> In late 2010, in the Venus-Ketu period, the nodes will be

stationary conjunct natal Venus and also afflict tr Venus in 12th

house. The conditions could be difficult then.


> It looks like Jorge Angelino and John TWB have got this chart spot

on. Accurate predictions would remain any remaining doubt.


> Best regards,


> C


> PS Those interested may perform a Google search on " Independence

Hall " , with the setting on " photos " , to see the location where the

Declaration of Independence (1776), Articles of Confederation (1778)

and the US Constitution (1787) were all signed. Independence Hall

was built from 1732 to 1748. It is a very impressive building on

Chestnut street in Philadelphia.



> http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/declara/declara2.html

> Chronology Of Events:

> June 7, 1776 to January 18, 1777

> 1776

> June 7 -- Congress, meeting in Philadelphia, receives Richard

Henry Lee's resolution urging Congress to declare independence.

> June 11 -- Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger

Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston appointed to a committee to draft

a declaration of independence. American army retreats to Lake

Champlain from Canada.

> June 12 - 27 -- Jefferson, at the request of the committee, drafts

a declaration, of which only a fragment exists. Jefferson's clean,

or " fair " copy, the " original Rough draught, " is reviewed by the

committee. Both documents are in the manuscript collections of the

Library of Congress.

> June 28 -- A fair copy of the committee draft of the Declaration

of Independence is read in Congress.

> July 1 - 4 -- Congress debates and revises the Declaration of


> July 2 -- Congress declares independence as the British fleet and

army arrive at New York.

> July 4 -- Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence in the

morning of a bright, sunny, but cool Philadelphia day. John Dunlap

prints the Declaration of Independence. These prints are now

called " Dunlap Broadsides. " Twenty-four copies are known to exist,

two of which are in the Library of Congress. One of these was

Washington's personal copy.

> July 5 -- John Hancock, president of the Continental Congress,

dispatches the first of Dunlap's broadsides of the Declaration of

Independence to the legislatures of New Jersey and Delaware.

> July 6 -- Pennsylvania Evening Post of July 6 prints the first

newspaper rendition of the Declaration of Independence.

> July 8 -- The first public reading of the Declaration is in


> July 9 -- Washington orders that the Declaration of Independence

be read before the American army in New York -- from his personal

copy of the " Dunlap Broadside. "

> July 19 -- Congress orders the Declaration of Independence

engrossed (officially inscribed) and signed by members.

> August 2 -- Delegates begin to sign engrossed copy of the

Declaration of Independence. A large British reinforcement arrives

at New York after being repelled at Charleston, S.C.

> 1777

> January 18 -- Congress, now sitting in Baltimore, Maryland, orders

that signed copies of the Declaration of Independence printed by

Mary Katherine Goddard of Baltimore be sent to the states.




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