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ESTONIA rectified chart

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Dear List Members,


This is the rectified chart of:



Aug 20, 1991  11:00:25 PM

-03:00 BGT

Tallin Longitude: 24E45

Latitude: 59N25

Lahiri Ayanamsha: 23:44 Current Period:



Planet Deg   Sign  Speed     SA   Nakshatra Lord


Asc    13:23 Tau                  Rohini     Mo

Sun    03:33 Leo  +00:57:45  WK   Magha      Ke

Moon   13:20 Sag  +11:47:20  WK   P.Shadya   Ve

Mars   28:56 Leo  +00:38:09 

FM   U.Phalguni Su

MercR  05:27 Leo  -00:52:24 

CM   Magha      Ke

Jupt   01:24 Leo  +00:13:08 

FM   Magha      Ke

Ven R  06:45 Leo  -00:36:45 

FM   Magha      Ke

Sat R  08:00 Cap  -00:03:46  ST   U.Shadya   Su

Rahu   24:44 Sag  +00:01:09  FM   P.Shadya   Ve

Ketu   24:44 Gem  +00:01:09  FM   Punarvasu  Ju


True Node  365.25 Day Year - Internet Time: 875


Day: Tuesday  Sunrise: 5:49 AM

Tithi:  Shukla Ekadashi

Yoga Pt: 20:13 Cn  Yogi:Me  AviYogi:Ma 

Dup Yogi: Mo

Dagha Rashis: Sag Pis


Rashi Chart



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*        KE 24:44*                   *       *       


*          *  

*                       *   *          *   

*            * 2       AS

13:23          * 12         *   

*          *  

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*           *               *    *   

*  *     JU 01:24      *       *                   * 


**       SU 03:33        *  

*                       **   

*5       MER05:27          * 11                      


**       VER06:45        *   *                      


*6 *     MA

28:56      *       *                   *  *   

*    *               *           *              

*    *   

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*          *   

*            * 8                         * 10 SAR08:00*   

*          *   *                       *   *          *   


*        *       *                   MO 13:20*        *   


*      *           *               * RA 24:44  *      *   

*    *               *           *              

*    *   

*  *                   *       *                  

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** 7                     *   * 9                    








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*          *   *      

SU              *   *          *   

*            * 2      

MER               * 12 SAR     *   

*          *   *       KE              *   *         


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*5       MO                *

11                       *   

**                       *  

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*6 *                   *      

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*    *              

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*        *      

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*          *  

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*            * 8       RA                * 10        


*          *  

*                       *   *          *   

*        *      

*                   *       *        *   

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*               * MA       

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** 7                     *   * 9                    





Some of the events/facts used in the rectification:


Independence from Imperial Russia

 - Declared: 24 February 1918

 - Recognised: 2 February 1920

 - Occupied by USSR: 16 June 1940

Independence from Soviet Union

 - Re-declared: 20 August 1991



On the night of August 19, 1991, Estonia was caught up in

the uncertainty generated by the attempted coup in Moscow. A column of Soviet

light tanks and troop carriers had already started to move on Tallinn as the

commander of Soviet forces in the Baltics announced his support of the coup.

Fearing a total crackdown by the Soviet army, the Estonian parliament met in

emergency session on August 20. At 11:00 P.M., the Supreme

Council, as the legislature was now known, passed a final resolution declaring

full independence and requesting de facto international recognition.



Disaster Date Affected

Wind Storm 7-Jan-2005 100


Disaster Date Killed

Transport Accident 28-Sep-1994 912

Misc Accident 8-Sep-2001 22


date type registration operator fat. location pic


10-FEB-2003, 19:53, Antonov

28 ES-NOY Enimex 2 Estonia  A1

23-NOV-2001, 18:35, Antonov 28 ES-NOV

ELK Airways 2 Estonia  A1

24-NOV-1994 Tupolev 134 RA-65615 ? Aeroflot 0 Estonia   H2, Three

hijackers demanded to be taken to Europe. Hijackers surrendered.


10-AUG-2005, 0945 GMT, Estonia helicopter crashed

into sea, 14 dead


1994        Sep 28, More than 900 people died when

the ferry Estonia capsized and sank

Off the Finnish coast in the Baltic sea. 852 people of 989

onboard were killed. In 1999 evidence was reported that 3 explosive devices had

been placed on the ship's visor-like bow door. The last message from the

stricken ferry - which was carrying mainly Swedish passengers from Tallinn to Stockholm - was received by

the Finnish Coastguard at 0124 BST. Survivors reported the boat sank within

five minutes.


2001        Sep 8, Bootleg vodka kills 44 in Estonia.


2002        May 25, The Eurovision Song Contest was

set to take place in Tallinn, Estonia.


2003        Sep 14, Estonians passed a referendum to

join the European Union.


2004        Feb 28, Iraq blast kills

Estonian soldier.


Best wishes,
































Jorge Angelino



Rua da Sociedade Filarmónica

Perpétua Azeitonense, 29

2925-598 Azeitão













































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