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July 02, 1776: Further Tentative Proof of the Accuracy of SAMVA Technique

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The U.S.A.: Conceived in Autonomous UNION, Oct 22, 1774; Born in Sovereign LIBERTY, July 02, 1776; Perfected in Federal UNION, Sept 17, 1787

Abraham Lincoln:

"The Union is much older than the Constitution. It was formed, in fact, by the Articles of Association ["The Association"] in 1774. It was matured and continued by the Declaration of Independence in 1776. It was further matured, and the faith of all the then thirteen States expressly plighted and engaged that it should be perpetuated , by the Articles of Confederation in 1781. And finally in 1787 one of the declared objects for ordaining and establishing the Constitution was 'to form a more perfect Union'." [source: Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, Volume VI, pp.174-175]


As one may recognize from the implications of Edmund C. Burnett's THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS 1774-1789 (Refer to Appendix below) that the completion of the establishment of the The Association on October 22, 1774 was the advent of American Union, but by no means yet, sovereign independence, the crucial test of the identity of a political nation, as defined in mundane astrology. It is further maintained by this analysis that the advent of Union (autonomous but not sovereign) was the mundane event of conception for the sovereign birth advent of the American State, the United States, less than two years later, on July 02, 1776: This same birth advent was at the same time the mundane conception event for the birth advent of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787.


The mundane data summary in the next section defines the zodiacal coordinates, nos. (1) and (2), for the three events under review. The data is indicated for: (1) the birth advent of July 02, 1776 conceived by the event of October 22, 1774 and (2) the birth advent of Sept 17, 1787 conceived by the event of July 02, 1776 . There appears to be a fairly precise cosmic connexity originating with the birth advent of the USA on July 02, 1776, backwards to October 22, 1774 and forwards to September 17,


Now consider the convergence of (1) and (2) in the range of time moments on the late afternoon of July 02, 1776: this convergence is delimited by the Ascendant time moments, (1) 15.Scorpio.28 and (2) 16.Scorpio.00, which two moments amount to a divergence of just 32 minutes of arc in Scorpio; and further delimited by the Moon's time moments, (1) 07.Capricorn.23 and (2) 07.Capricorn.24, which two moments amount to a divergence of just 1 minute of arc in Capricorn. The convergence of (1) and (2) gives us for July 02, 1776 a range-of-possibility of clock time moments in the limit of 16:47:55 and 16:50:30, which is 2 minutes and 35 seconds of possibility.

The Angelino U.S.A. Chart by the Lagna: 15.Scorpio.31 @ 16:48:07 has been rectified independently, yet falls within the stipulated limits of the range of what I have termed here: the historical Hermetic convergence. This represents a tentative historical Hermetic proof of SAMVA rectification technique.

DATA SUMMARY (Lahiri; Philadelphia, LMT +5:00:39):

Number (1)

Union declared by Resolve, October 22, 1774: 13:09:11 ... Moon: 15.Taurus.28, 4 H; Asc: 07.Capricorn.23

Independence declared by Resolve, July 02, 1776 (A): 16:47:55. Desc: 15.Taurus.28 (Asc: 15.Scorpio.28); Moon: 07.Cap.23, 2 H


Number (2)

Independence declared by Resolve, July 02, 1776 (B): 16:50:30. Asc: 16.Scorpio.00 (16.Taurus.00); Moon: 07.Cap.24, 2 H

U.S. Constitution Passed by signature, Sept 17, 1787: 15:28:06. Asc: 07.Capricorn.24; Moon: 16.Scorpio.00, 10 H



In accordance with the Hermetic-astrological rule, which specifies that it is the Moon's position at birth that determines the Ascendant-Descendant axis at conception; and it is the position of the Ascendant-Decscendant axis at birth that is determined by the Moon's position at conception. Furthermore, as the same sidereal sign of either Asc-or-Desc/Moon position or Moon/Asc-or-Desc position; and in the same degree (ie in the limit of the 60 arc minutes of that degree).



[1941] Edmund C. Burnett, Historical Research Dept., Carnegie Institute, Washington, D.C.

THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS 1774-1789. (New York: THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, 1941; reprinted: W.W. NORTON & COMPANY, 1964. 757 pp):

October 22, 1774: "The Association completed, there remained little to detain Congress except to put the finishing touches to several memorials and addresses, including one to their own constituents, giving an account of their stewardship. Anticipating that all its labors in behalf of a restoration of rights might prove to have been in vain, Congress resolved on October 22 that, unless the desired redress of grievances had been before the 10th of May, 1775, another congress of all the colonies should be convened in Philadelphia at that time." (p.57)

October 22, 1774: "That evening "all the Congress and several gentlemen of the town" gathered at the City Tavern for a last friendly communion and farewells...Without doubt this mingling of the minds from the separated colonies was fraught with consequences...If it was the beginning of separation from the mother country, it was also the beginning of union among themselves." (p.58)

July 02, 1776: "Thus at last did Congress, on the 2nd July, 1776 after long hesitation and not a little squirming, resolve that henceforth that the United Colonies are and should be free and independent States. To all intents and purposes this resolution was the conclusion of the whole matter." (p.184)

July 04, 1776: "The colonies through their Congress had indeed declared for independence [already by legally enacted "Resolve" on July 02--JohnTWB] , but the bare assertion of independence was not sufficient. The reasons therefore must be set forth explicitly, must be marshaled in a form and a manner that would not only convince Americans, but would inspire them to go to the hazard of its maintenance. Moreover, the facts must be submitted to a candid world, for the good opinion of the candid world might prove to be essential to the success of their cause. (p.185).

An Informal Contemporary Report of the Schedule of the First Continental Congress of 1774

Solomon Drown, a medical student from Providence Rhode Island, in a letter home gives us an outsider's snapshot views of the proceedings of the First Continental Congress, September 05-October 26, 1774, in Philadelphia: "They assembled at 9:00 or 10:00 a.m. and break-up about 3:00 p.m. not meeting but once a day [the Second Congress met twice a day-JTWB] ... Governor Hopkins [of Rhode Island] went with us into the Capertenters' Hall, which is a very convenient and somewhat retired Place. He told us there were 52 Delegates in the Whole, whom I have been since retiring together from Council. My blood thrilled through my Veins at the agreeable, Pleasant View of so many noble and sage Patriots, met in the great Cause of Liberty." [source: HISTORIC PHILADELPHIA, edited by Luther P. Eisenhart for the American Philosophical Society, 1953, p.102]

Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1774

The Congress met.

The association being copied, was read and signed at the table, and is as follows:--

Here insert The Association.


Resolved, That the seizing, or attempting to seize, any person in America, in order to transport such person beyond the sea, for trial of offences, committed within the body of a county in America, being against law, will justify, and ought to meet with resistance and reprisal.1


The honble. Peyton Randolph, Esqr. being unable to attend, on account of indisposition, the honble. Henry Middleton, Esqr. was chosen to supply his place, as president.

An address from Christopher Tully was read, and ordered to lie on the table.

Ordered, That the Journal of the proceedings of the Congress, as now corrected, be sent to the press, and printed under the direction of Mr. [Edward] Biddle, Mr. [John] Dickinson, and the secretary.2

Resolved, as the Opinion of this Congress, that it will be necessary, that another Congress should be held on the tenth day of May next, unless the redress of grievances, which we have desired, be obtained before that time. And we recommend, that the same be held at the city of Philadelphia, and that all the Colonies, in North-America, chuse deputies, as soon as possible, to attend such Congress.

The committee appointed to Prepare a letter to the colonies of St. John's, & c. reported a draught, which was read, and being amended, the same was approved, and is as follows:

Philadelphia, October 22, 1774.


"The present critical and truly alarming state of American affairs, having been considered in a general Congress of deputies, from the colonies of New-hampshire, Massachusetts-bay, Rhode-island, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, the lower counties on Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, and South-Carolina, with that attention and mature deliberation, which the important nature of the case demands, they have determined, for themselves and the the colonies they represent, on the measures contained in the enclosed papers; which measures they recommend to your colony to be adopted with all the earnestness, that a well directed zeal for American liberty can prompt. So rapidly violent and unjust has been the late conduct of the British Administration against the colonies, that either a base and slavish submission, under the loss of their ancient, just, and constitutional liberty, must quickly take place, or an adequate Opposition be formed.

"We pray God to take you under his protection,and to preserve the freedom and happiness of the whole British empire. We are as

["By order of the Congress,"Henry Middleton, President."]




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