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VATICAN CITY rectified chart

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This is the rectified chart of:



Feb 11, 1929  12:03 PM -01:00 CET

Rome, Italy Longitude: 12E29 Latitude: 41N54

Lahiri Ayanamsha: 22:52 Current Period:



Planet Deg   Sign  Speed     SA   Nakshatra Lord


Asc    19:26 Tau                  Rohini     Mo

Sun    29:23 Cap  +01:00:42  WK   Dhanishtha Ma

Moon   19:44 Aqu  +13:03:52  WK   Shatbisha  Ra

Mars   29:26 Tau  +00:10:08  FM   Mrigsira   Ma

MercR  20:07 Cap  -00:59:49  CM   Shravana   Mo

Jupt   11:12 Ari  +00:08:36  FM   Aswini     Ke

Ven    16:07 Pis  +00:59:01  FM   U.Bhadra   Sa

Sat    05:04 Sag  +00:05:04  WK   Mula       Ke

Rahu   03:11 Tau  -00:12:30  FM   Krittika   Su

Ketu   03:11 Sco  -00:12:30  FM   Vishakha   Ju


True Node  365.25 Day Year - Internet Time: 502


Day: Monday  Sunrise: 7:14 AM

Tithi:  Shukla Dvitiya

Yoga Pt: 22:27 Pi  Yogi:Me  AviYogi:Ma 

Dup Yogi: Ju

Dagha Rashis: Sag Pisces


Rashi Chart



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*                   JU 11:12*       


*          *   *       RA 03:11        *   *         


*            * 2       AS

19:26          * 12 VE 16:07*   


*          *   *       MA 29:26        *   *         


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11      MO 19:44        


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*                       *   *  MER20:07*   


*            * 8       KE 03:11          * 10 SU 29:23*   

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*               * SA 05:04  *      *   

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** 8                     *   * 10                   





Some of the events/facts used in the rectification:


11 February 1929 (from Italy); note - the three

treaties signed with Italy on 11 February 1929 acknowledged, among other

things, the full sovereignty of the Vatican and established its territorial

extent; however, the origin of the Papal States, which over the years have

varied considerably in extent, may be traced back to the 8th century.



In 1929, however, Mussolini needed the support of

Catholics if he was consolidate his power base. He sought an agreement with the

church. Under it Italy recognized the Sovereign status of the Vatican. On this day, February 11, 1929, with 109 acres, Vatican City became the smallest

nation in the world. It was placed completely under the jurisdiction of the

pope. The Italian authorities agreed to no longer interfere in the Vatican's internal affairs.




c.60                       Church of Rome founded by the

Apostle Peter.

754                        Donation of the Frankish

ruler Pepin creates

                             a temporal Papal State for the Popes of


                             Roman Catholic Church

(also called the Papal

                             State or the States of

the Church)

                             (see Papal State under Italian


 9 Mar 1309 - 13 Jan 1377  Popes rule from Avignon in France,

                             referred to as the

" Babylonian Captivity

                             of the Church " by


15 Feb 1798 - 23 Nov 1798  In rebellion: Roman Republic.


10 Jun 1809 - 24 Mar 1814  Papal State annexed to France.

26 Feb 1831 - 26 Mar 1831  In rebellion:

United Italian Provinces.

 9 Feb 1849 -  4 Jul 1849  In rebellion: Roman Republic.

17 Oct 1870                Papal State annexed by Italy.

19 Oct 1870 -  7 Jun 1929  Pope's rule in seclusion

in the Vatican Palace

                             as " Prisoners in

the Vatican. "  

 7 Jun 1929               

State of Vatican


established; independence

                             from Italy.



 7 Jun 1929 - 10 Feb 1939  Pius XI (Pope

since 6 Feb 1922)    (b. 1857 - d. 1939)

10 Feb 1939 -  2 Mar 1939  Eugenio

Maria Giuseppe Giovanni   

(b. 1876 - d. 1958)



Pacelli -Chamberlain

 2 Mar 1939 -  9 Oct 1958  Pius

XII                           (s.a.)

                            (Cardinal Pacelli)

 9 Oct 1958 - 28 Oct 1958  Benedetto Cardinal

Aloisi          (b. 1879 - d. 1970)

                             Masella -Chamberlain

(1st time)

28 Oct 1958 -  3 Jun 1963  John

XXIII                         (b. 1881 - d. 1963)

 3 Jun 1963 - 21 Jun 1963  Benedetto Cardinal

Aloisi          (s.a.)

                             Masella -Chamberlain

(2nd time)

21 Jun 1963 -  6 Aug 1978  Paul

VI                            (b. 1897 - d. 1978)

 6 Aug 1978 - 26 Aug 1978  Jean-Marie

Cardinal                (b. 1905 - d. 1979)

                             Villot -Chamberlain

(1st time) 

26 Aug 1978 - 28 Sep 1978  John Paul

I                        (b. 1912 - d. 1978)

28 Sep 1978 - 16 Oct 1978  Jean-Marie

Cardinal                (s.a.) 

                             Villot -Chamberlain

(2nd time) 

16 Oct 1978 -  2 Apr 2005  John Paul

II                       (b. 1920 - d. 2005

 2 Apr 2005 - 19 Apr 2005  Eduardo

Cardinal Martínez          (b. 1927)




19 Apr 2005 -              Benedict

XVI                       (b. 1927)




Lateran Pacts of 1929




The Lateran Pacts of 1929 contained three

sections—the Treaty of Conciliation (27 articles) which established Vatican

City as an independent state, restoring the civil sovereignty of the Pope as a

monarch, the Financial Convention annexed to the treaty (3 articles) which

compensated the Holy See for loss of the papal states, and the Concordat (45

articles), which dealt with the Roman Catholic Church's ecclesiastical

relations with the Italian State.


An Agreement Between the Italian Republic and the

Holy See amended the Lateran Pacts in 1985.





Article 27


    Within four months after the signature thereof,

the present Treaty shall be submitted for ratification by the Supreme Pontiff

and the King of Italy, and shall enter into force as soon as ratifications are



    Dated in Rome this 11th day of February, 1929.









 Art. 45. The present Concordat shall come into

force by exchange of the ratifications at the same time as the Treaty between

the two High Parties for the elimination of ' the Roman Question.



   With the entry into force of the present

Concordat, the Concordat with the former Italian States shall cease to be

operative. The Austrian law, the laws and decrees of the Italian State actually in force,

in so far as they are opposed to the depositions of the present Concordat,

shall be abrogated by the entry into force of the same.


   To prepare for the execution of the present

Concordat, a commission shall be nominated immediately after the signing

thereof, comprised of persons to be designated by the two High Parties.


Rome, eleventh February, one thousand nine

hundred and twenty-nine.






At the conclusion of the signing, the following

official communiqué was released:


    The Holy See considers that with the Agreements

signed today it possesses the guarantees necessary to provide due liberty and independence to the spiritual government of

the dioceses of Rome and of the Catholic Church in Italy and the whole

world. It declares the Roman question definitely and irrevocably settled, and

therefore eliminated, and recognizes the Kingdom of Italy under the dynasty

of the House of Savoy, with Rome as the capital of the Italian State. Italy, on its side, recognizes

the State of the Vatican City under the sovereignty of the Supreme



    The Law of Guarantees and any other Law or Act

contrary to the present Treaty is abrogated.





1929        Feb 11, The Lateran Treaty was signed,

with Italy recognizing the

independence and sovereignty of Vatican City. The Italian

government paid the Vatican $91.7 million for the papal lands it seized

in 1870. The Italian state agreed to supply water but the disposal of waste was

not specified. This became a big issue in 1999.


1929        Jun 7, the sovereign state of Vatican City came into existence

as copies of the Lateran Treaty were exchanged in Rome.


1939        Feb 10, Pius XI died.


1958        Oct 9, In the early Thursday morning

hours of October 9, 1958 the world went into mourning when it was announced

that the eighty-two year old Pontiff had passed on to his Heavenly reward.


1962        Oct 11, Pope John XXIII convened the

first session of the Roman Catholic Church's 21st Ecumenical Council, also known as

Vatican II, with a call for Christian unity. This was the largest gathering of

the Roman Catholic hierarchy in history.


1963        June 3, Pope John XXIII died at the age

of 81, ending a papacy marked by innovative reforms in the Roman Catholic

Church. Pope John XXIII died on the evening of 3 June 1963.


1978        Aug 6, Pope Paul VI died at Castel Gandolfo at age 80. Pope

Paul VI died at 9:40pm at 81 years old (19:40 TMG).


1978        Sep 28, John Paul I, [Albino Luciano],

Pope (1978), died after 33 days as pope.


1981        May 13, 15:15 TMG, John Paul II was shot

and seriously wounded in St. Peter's Square by Turkish assailant Mehmet Ali Agca.

At about 1715 local time, the Pope was being driven in his Popemobile through a

crowd of about 20,000 worshippers when he was hit by four bullets fired from a

9mm pistol some 15 feet away.


1982        May 12, In Fatima, Portugal, security guards

overpowered a Spanish priest armed with a bayonet who was trying to reach Pope

John Paul II.


VATICAN BANK SCANDAL - Roberto Calvi, head of the

elite Banco Ambrosiano, on the morning of June 17, 1982 found killed.


December 29, 2003, Gunmen killed the

pope's ambassador in Burundi, firing on his car

as he was returning from a funeral. Monsignor Courtney, who was shot three

times, died during emergency surgery in the capital's Prince Louis Rwagasaore

hospital at around 1800 local time (1400 GMT).


2005        Apr 2, Pope John Paul II, born in Poland in 1920 as Karol Wojtyla,

died in Rome at age 84. The Holy

Father died this evening at 2137 (1937 GMT) in his private apartment.


Best wishes,
































Jorge Angelino



Rua da Sociedade Filarmónica

Perpétua Azeitonense, 29

2925-598 Azeitão













































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