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MONGOLIA rectified chart

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This is the rectified chart




Jul 11, 1921  12:00 PM

-07:00 LMT

Urga > Ulaanbaatar

Longitude: 106E53 Latitude: 47N55

Lahiri Ayanamsha: 22:45

Current Period: KE/KE/VE


Planet Deg   Sign  Speed    

SA   Nakshatra



Asc    22:16

Vir                  Hasta      Mo

Sun    25:34 Gem  +00:57:13 

FM   Punarvasu  Ju

Moon   13:19 Vir  +13:47:29 

WK   Hasta      Mo

Mars   22:04 Gem  +00:39:28 

FM   Punarvasu  Ju

MercR  20:55 Gem  -00:33:40 

CM   Punarvasu  Ju

Jupt   22:01 Leo  +00:09:35 

WK   P.Phalguni Ve

Ven    10:12 Tau  +01:00:36 

ST   Rohini     Mo

Sat    27:20 Leo  +00:04:44 

FM   U.Phalguni Su

Rahu   00:18 Lib  -00:00:44 

FM   Chitra     Ma

Ketu   00:18 Ari  -00:00:44 

FM   Aswini     Ke


True Node  365.25 Day Year -

Internet Time: 250 beats

Day: Monday  Sunrise: 4:04


Tithi:  Shukla Saptami

Yoga Pt: 12:13 Pi  Yogi:Sa 

AviYogi:Mo  Dup Yogi: Ju

Dagha Rashis: Can Sag


Rashi Chart



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*               * JU 22:01  *      *   

*        RA 00:18*                   SA 27:20*        *   

*          *   *       MO 13:19       

*   *          *   

*            * 6       AS 22:16          * 4          *   

*          *  

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*       MER20:55       


*9                         *

3       MA 22:04        


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*10*                   *      

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12                        * 2  VE 10:12*   

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Some of the events/facts

used in the rectification:


On December 1, 1911, Outer

Mongolia in effect proclaimed its independence on the basis that its allegiance

had been to the Manchus, not to China.





The entire country is prone

to seismic movements, with some earthquakes reaching extreme limits of

severity; their effects, however, are diminished by the low population density.




1911: Name of country's capital

changed from Urga to Niislel Khureheh (meaning " capital of

Mongolia " ).

1921-07-11: Outer Mongolia

became independent from China. The Mongolian provinces of Ala-Shan, Ordos,

Silin Gol, and Chearim remained part of China. Tannu Tuva split from Kobdo and

became an independent country, called the Urjanchai Republic.

1924-11-26: Mongolian People's Republic

proclaimed. Name of country's capital

changed from Niislel Khureheh to Ulaanbaatar (then usually transliterated Ulan




Disaster Date Killed

Earthquake 4-Dec-1957 30

Flood 11-Jul-1966 57

Flood 9-Aug-1996 41

Wind Storm 21-Apr-1990 36

Wind Storm 7-Apr-2001 16

Flood 21-Jul-2003 15

Wind Storm 14-Mar-1993 7


Disaster Date Affected

Flood 17-Dec-2001 4,000


Disaster Date Killed

Industrial Accident

17-Dec-1990 21


date type registration

operator fat. location pic cat

14 January, 2001, 0430 GMT, Mongolian

helicopter crash 10

26-MAY-1998, 09:30, Y-12

JU-1017 MIAT 28 Mongolia   A1

10-JUN-1997 Y-12 JU-1019

MIAT 7 Mongolia   A1

21-SEP-1995, 12:30 LT,

Antonov 24 BNMAU-10103 MIAT 42 Mongolia   A1

23-APR-1993 Antonov 26 BNMAU-

MIAT 32 Mongolia   A1

01-MAR-1990 Antonov 26 BNMAU-

MIAT 30 Mongolia   A1

06-AUG-1987 Antonov 2 ? MIAT 

Mongolia   U1

13-SEP-1971 HS-121 Trident

256 Chinese AF 9 Mongolia   C1


December 1, 1911 Outer

Mongolia proclaims independence from China


December 28, 1911  Mongolia

establishes autonomous theocratic government


November 3, 1912  Russia

affirms Mongolia's separation from China


November 5, 1913 

Sino-Russian agreement acknowledges Chinese suzerainty over Mongolia


May 25, 1915 Treaty of

Kyakhta formalizes Mongolian autonomy


September 1918  Chinese

troops occupy Outer Mongolia


On February 3, 1921 , Baron

Ungern again attacked Ikh Khuree, expelled the Chinese Kuomintang troops and

restored Bogd Zavzundamba to the throne.


March 1-3, 1921  First

National Party Congress of the Mongolian People's Party held

in Kyakhta, Soviet Union


March 13, 1921  Mongolian

People's Provisional Government formed


July 11, 1921  Mongolian

People's Government, a limited monarchy, proclaimed


September 14, 1921 

Mongolian independence proclaimed


November 5, 1921  Soviets

recognize Mongolian People's Government


February 22, 1923 

Revolutionary hero Damdiny Sukhe Batar dies


On May 20, 1924 Bogd Zavzundamba

Khutagt died.


May 31, 1924  Sino-Soviet

treaty recognizes Chinese sovereignty over Mongolia


August 1924  Mongolian

People's Party becomes Mongolian People's

Revolutionary Party


November 6, 1924  First

National Great Hural convenes


November 25, 1924  Mongolian

People's Republic proclaimed; Soviet style state

constitution adopted; Niyslel Huree renamed Ulaanbaata


1925 Mar 7, The Soviet Red

Army occupied Outer Mongolia.


10 august 1931, (RSSF,

Mw=8), Fu Yun earthquake


November 27, 1934 

Mongolian-Soviet " gentlemen's

agreement " allows Soviet troops into Mongolia


March 12, 1936 Treaty and

mutual defense protocol signed with Soviet Union


1936 Nov 22, 1,200 were

killed in a battle between Japanese and Mongolians in China.


The worst terror occurred

between September 1937 and April 1939. In a year-and-a-half, more than 25,000

people were arrested, of whom 20,000 were killed.


January 24, 1935, first

border conflict with Japan


May 11, 1939, the Khalkh Gol

War was initiated by Japan. Their military was repelled by Mongolian-Soviet

forces until September 16 of that same year.


1939 Aug 31, Japanese

invasion army was driven out of Mongolia.


August 10, 1945  Mongolia

declares war on Japan


January 5, 1946  China

recognizes Mongolia's independence


February 27, 1946  Treaty of

Friendship and Mutual Assistance and Agreement on Economic and Cultural

Cooperation signed with Soviet Union


February 1949  Ninth

National Great Hural, first since 1940, convenes


January 26, 1952 Choybalsan



The Gobi-Altay earthquake of

December 4, 1957, 3:37 UTC (Mw = 8.1).  30 dead.


July 6, 1960  New state

Constitution adopted


October 27, 1961 Mongolia

admitted to United Nations


June 7, 1962  Mongolia joins

Council for Mutual Economic Assistance      


During July 11-12, 1966, the

water level of the river of Tuul increased by 3.12m and 130 people lost their



Mogod earthquake (Mw = 7.0)

of January 5, 1967, and a large (Mw = 6.4) aftershock on January 20, 1967


July 31, 1972 hail fall


On the night of June 24-25,

1974 a heavy rain with strong winds killed 60 thousand head of sheep.


July 21, 1974 strong tornado

speed 100 m/s.


April 15-21, 1980  heavy

blizzard killed 43 persons and 0.9 million head of cattle.


March 22, 1981: the first

Mongolian cosmonaut blasted into outer space.


On August 4, 1984 hailstones

being the size of an egg fell


August 23, 1984 Tsedenbal retires;

Batmonh becomes party general secretary


December 12, 1984  Batmonh

elected chairman of Presidium of People's Great



April 11, 1986 a violent

wind, a fierce steppe fire covering 711 thousand hectares of Dornod aimag’s 7

soums killed 33,700 head of cattle, and 14 people died.


January 15, 1987  Soviet

Union announces intention to withdraw one of five Soviet divisions stationed in



January 27, 1987  Diplomatic

relations established with the United States


March 19-22, 1987 blizzard,

19 people and 37 thousand head of cattle died.


January 18-22, 1988

snowstorm, 6 people died


August 4, 1988 strong shower

rain and hail occurred, 14 people and 200 head of cattle died


November 28, 1988 Treaty on

a border control system signed with China


March 7, 1989  Soviets

announced that troop withdrawal plans had been finalized


1990 Jul 22, Voters in

Mongolia began casting ballots in their Communist-ruled nation's first

multiparty election ever.


November 27-30, 1991 strong

dust storm with gusts achieving 28-40 m/s


June 4, 1992 -5…-12oC frost

destroyed crops


March 15-21, 1993 a 57-62 mm



May 5-6, 1993 heavy

blizzard, 16 people lost their lives, about 100.0 thousand cattle perished


1996  23  February,  Wild



1996 Jul 2, Results showed

that opposition democrats won 48 of the 76 parliamentary seats.


1996 Aug 14, In Mongolia

officials sealed off parts of Ulan Bator to halt an outbreak of cholera.


1997 May 21-24, fires


from 27 March to 7 April

1998. A total of 984,000 hectares of grassland was burnt in this incident.


On October 2, 1998,

Sanjaasurengiin Zorig, a minister and prominent democracy campaigner, was

killed in his home. He was stabbed 18 times by two assailants as he returned

home from the office at around 10 o’clock on a Friday evening.


29 March, 2000, Mongolia

faces cold calamity


January 7 2001  earthquake

measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale struck at 10 pm


2001 Feb 5, severe cold and

snowstorms threatened to wipe out a 5th of the nation's livestock

and threatened tens of thousands of herders with starvation.


Cold spells in Mongolia

killed over 750,000 cattle during the winter of 2001-2002.


On July 18, 2003, heavy

rainfall and hail occurred in the most of the territory of Mongolia.


Earthquake MW 7.4 Western

Mongolia, September 27th, 2003, at 11h33 UT - DAT: 200309272248 GMT


A magnitude 5.5 earthquake

IN THE RUSSIA-MONGOLIA BORDER REGION has occurred at: 49.95N  88.21E  Depth 

10km  Thu Oct 23 00:25:45 2003 UTC


Hazardous snow and wind

storms (11.3.2003)


Four people killed in NIC

gas station explosion in Uvs Aimag (7.24.2003)


Fire occurred (10.31.2003)


Seven People Die in Drowning

Under Ice (12.22.2003)


Dust storm wreaks havoc



Storm kills five children



November 6, 2005 - The

storm, with winds as high as 36 meters per second, struck early Sunday morning


Earthquake magnitude 4.3

CENTRAL MONGOLIA. Saturday, December 03, 2005 at 00:50:06 UTC


2005, An earthquake registering

5.1 on the Richter scale occurred in Dundgovi Aimag on July 21. A heavy

thunderstorm rocked parts of Uvurhangai Aimag on July 13, killing four people

and eight hundred livestock. Heavy rain hit UB on July 12, bringing down

electric poles and leading to local flooding. Strong winds and rain occurred in

several areas during Nadaam, with winds reaching 50 kilometers per hour in one

place. The Bogd river in Zavhan Aimag broke its banks on July 16, making it

uncrossable and stranding a number of people for several days.


Earthquake M 4.4 CENTRAL

MONGOLIA. Wednesday, January 04, 2006 at 22:33:46 UTC



Some 1,500 protesters stormed the headquarters of Mongolia's biggest

political party


January 13, 2006 - following

the vote late Friday, Mongolian parliament dissolves government.


Large scale earthquakes:

Mongolian Altai 1931 8.0

Shand 1950 7.0

Gobi-Altai 1957 8.1

Bayantsagaan 1958 6.9

Buur khyar 1960 6.7

Mogod 1967 7.8

Uureg lake 1970 7.0

Takhiin shar 1974 6.9


Best wishes,
































Jorge Angelino



Rua da Sociedade Filarmónica

Perpétua Azeitonense, 29

2925-598 Azeitão













































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