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MASSACHUSETTS rectified chart

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Dear List Members,


This is the rectified chart

of the State of:



Feb 6, 1788  9:44:18 PM

+00:00 GMT

Boston, MA:USA  Longitude:

71W04 Latitude: 42N22

Lahiri Ayanamsha: 20:53

Current Period: VE/SA/ME


Planet Deg   Sign  Speed    

SA   Nakshatra



Asc    23:54

Can                  Aslesha    Me

Sun    26:58 Cap  +01:00:45 

WK   Dhanishtha Ma

Moon   22:36 Cap  +12:05:18 

CM   Shravana   Mo

MarsR  17:47 Gem  -00:06:40 

WK   Ardra      Ra

Merc   22:54 Cap  +01:43:47 

CM   Shravana   Mo

JuptR  25:36 Tau  -00:00:41 

FM   Mrigsira   Ma

Ven    23:33 Aqu  +01:14:14 

WK   P.Bhadra   Ju

Sat    08:50 Aqu  +00:07:11 

FM   Shatbisha  Ra

Rahu   04:02 Sag  -00:08:57 

FM   Mula       Ke

Ketu   04:02 Gem  -00:08:57 

FM   Mrigsira   Ma


True Node  365.25 Day Year -

Internet Time: 947 beats

Day: Wednesday  Sunrise:

11:54 AM

Tithi: Amavasya

Yoga Pt: 22:54 Aq  Yogi:Ju 

AviYogi:Su  Dup Yogi: Sa

Dagha Rashis: None


Rashi Chart



** 5                     *  

* 3                     **   

*6 *                   *      

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*    *              

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*      *          

*               * KE 04:02  *      *   

*        *      

*                   MAR17:47*        *   

*          *  

*                       *   *          *   

*            * 4       AS

23:54          * 2  JUR25:36*   

*          *  

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*                   *       *        *   

*          *   *       MO

22:36        *   *          *   

*            * 10      ME

22:54          * 12         *   

*          *   *       SU

26:58        *   *          *   

*        *      

*                   SA 08:50*        *   

*      * RA 04:02 

*               * VE 23:33  *      *   

*    *              

*           *               *    *   

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*       *                   *  *   

** 9                     *  

* 11                    **   







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AS                * 9  SA      *   

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*2       RA                *

8       KE               *   

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*            * 5      

JUR               * 7          *   

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*        MO     

*                   *       *        *   

*      * ME       

*               * SU        *      *   

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*           *               *    *   

*  *                  

*       *                   *  *   

** 4                     *  

* 6                     **   




Some of the events/facts

used in the rectification:




February 6, 1788

6th of the 13 original

States     The name of the Indian tribe that lived near Milton, Massachusetts,

meaning " large hill place. " First European Permanent Settlement:

1620; Capitol: Boston; Administrative Divisions: 14 Counties; National

Representatives: 11 seats; Electoral Votes: 13



Boston, Massachusetts,

Massachusetts Bay Colony capital, current state capital (1630—)



Convention Journal, 6

February, P.M.

During the morning session

of 6 February, the Convention assigned 4:00

p.m. for a vote on whether

or not to accept the report of the committee of

twenty-five, a vote that

would determine ratification of the Constitution. The

Convention adjourned at 1:00

p.m., and according to Henry Jackson, ‘‘the

Gallerys remain’d full the

whole time of the Adjournment of the Convention

from 1. to 3. OC—such was

the anxciety of the minds of the people on this

important question’’ (to

Henry Knox, 6 February, RCS:Mass., 1580. On this

anxiety, see also Dummer

Sewall Journal, 6 February, and Ephraim Ward to

Enos Hitchcock, 2 March, RCS:Mass.,

1520, 1592.).


At 4:00 p.m., amid ‘‘profund

Silance, all attention’’—‘‘you might have heard

a Copper fall on the Gallery

floor’’—the Convention delegates began to vote

on the committee’s report.

When the voting ended at 5:00 p.m., they had

accepted the report by a

vote of 187 to 168, thereby ratifying the Constitution

( Jeremy Belknap: Notes of

Convention Debates, 6 February, RCS:Mass., 1490;

Dummer Sewall Journal, 6

February, RCS:Mass., 1520; and William Widgery to

George Thatcher, 9 February,

RCS:Mass., 1690).



Massachusetts Disaster



Major Disaster Declarations

Year Date Disaster Types

Active Disaster Number

2005 11/10 Severe Storms and

Flooding  1614

2004 04/21 Flooding  1512

2001 04/10 Severe Storms

& Flooding  1364

1998 06/23 Heavy Rain And Flooding 


1996 10/25 Severe Storms/Flooding 


1996 01/24 Blizzard  1090

1992 12/21 Winter Coastal Storm 


1991 11/04 Severe Coastal Storm 


1991 08/26 Hurricane Bob 






1981 12/03 Urban Fire  650

1978 02/10 Coastal Storms,

Flood, Ice, Snow  546

1973 10/16 Fire (City of Chelsea) 


1972 09/28 TOXIC ALGAE IN






1954 09/02 HURRICANES  22

1953 06/11 TORNADO  7


Emergency Declarations

Year Date Disaster Types

Active Disaster Number

2005 10/19 Severe Storms and

Flooding  3264

2005 09/13 Hurricane Katrina

Evacuation  3252

2005 02/17 Snow  3201

2004 01/15 Snow  3191

2003 03/11 Snowstorm  3175

2001 03/28 Snowstorm  3165

1999 12/06 Fire  3153

1996 10/20 Extreme Weather/Flooding 


1993 03/16 Blizzards, High

Winds and Record Snowfall  3103

1978 02/07 Blizzards

& amp; Snowstorms  3059


Fire Management Assistance Declarations

Year Date Incident Disaster


1995 09/12 Russell Fire 2116




Earthquake History of



Little information is known

about an earthquake that occurred on October 5, 1817. Walls were reported

thrown down at Woburn (VII - VIII), but additional details are lacking.


Moderate earthquakes in 1847

(August 8), 1852 (November 27), 1854 (December 10), 1876 (September 21), 1880

(May 12), 1903 (January 21 and April 24), 1907 (October 15), 1925 (January 7

and April 24), 1940 (January 28), and 1963 (October 16 and 30), were felt over

limited areas of eastern Massachusetts. The epicenter of the January 7, 1925,

shock was off Cape Ann. The October 16, 1963, shock caused some plaster to fall

at Sommerville.


The residents of Nantucket

Island were jolted by a moderate earthquake on October 24, 1965.



1826        Jul 4, John

Adams died at age 90 in Braintree [Quincy], Mass, just a few hours after



1865        Feb 20, MIT was

formed as the 1st US collegiate architectural school.


1871        Aug 26, The

Boston Revere Railroad Depot collision left 32 people dead on a single track

railroad with no telegraph communications.


1872        Nov 9, Fire

destroyed nearly a thousand buildings in Boston.


1894        May 14, Fire in

Boston bleachers spread to 170 adjoining buildings.


1898        Nov 27, The SS

Portland, under Capt. Hollis H. Blanchard, sank in the Portland Gale and all

157 [192] people aboard were killed. About 3000 vessels lost during the same

storm between New Jersey and Nova Scotia. It's clear the

ship sank on Sunday, Nov. 27, either at around 9:15am or 9:15pm, because

watches recovered with the bodies stopped between 9 and 10 o'clock.


1908        Apr 12, Fire

left 17,000 homeless in Chelsea, Massachusetts. On Sunday April 12 1908, at

about 11 in the morning, an alarm was rung for a fire in the works of the

Boston Blacking Company on West 3rd Street, near the Everett line.


1919        Jan 15, 2

million gallons of molasses flooded Boston, Ma., drowning 21. Up at fire

headquarters, the first alarm came in at 12:40 p.m.


1919        Sep 9, Most of

Boston's 1,500-member police force went on strike.


1924        Sep 24, Boston,

Massachusetts, opened its airport.


1925        Jul 4, 44 died

when Dreyfus Hotel in Boston collapsed.


1942        Nov 28, 491

people died in a fire that destroyed the Cocoanut Grove nightclub in Boston.

Official reports state the fire began downstairs in the club's intimate,

dark Melody Lounge around 10:15 p.m.


1950        Jan 17, 11 men

robbed the Brink's office in Boston of $1.2M cash

& $1.5M securities.


1953        Jun 9, About 100

people died when a tornado struck Worcester, Mass.


1956        Feb 28, train

crash in Swampscott, Massachusetts. 13 died.


1963        Jun 18, 3,000

blacks boycotted Boston public school.


1977        Dec 27, copter



May 8, 1986, A train packed

with commuters slammed into the rear of an idle freight train in the fog this

morning, injuring 200 people, nine seriously.


1990        Dec 28, 33

people were injured in a trolley collision in Boston.


1992        Aug 7, The

luxury liner Queen Elizabeth 2 ran aground off Massachusetts.


1994        Dec 30, John

Salvi opened fire at two abortion clinics in suburban Boston and killed 2

clinic receptionists, Lee Ann Nichols and Shannon Lowney.


February 22, 1995, 9:33

a.m., state police helicopter that crashed into the Harvard Yacht Club.


1997        Dec 28, In

Medford a fire in a 3-story building left 6 people dead including 4 children.


1999        Dec 3, In

Worcester, Mass., 6 firefighters died after 4 tried to rescue 2 who were in

trouble in a burning warehouse.


2003       Mar 2, 6:50 p.m.,

Massachusetts Plane Crash


2004       Oct 26, 3Pm,

Charles Schwartz, PSFC engineer, dies in plane crash


26-AUG-2003, 15:40, Beech

1900 N240CJ US Airways Express / Colgan Air 2 near Hyannis, MA A1

16-FEB-1980, 14:16 EST,

Bristol 175 G-BRAC Redcoat Air Cargo  7 Billerica, MA A1

17-JUN-1979, 22:48 EDT,

DHC-6 Twin Otter N383EX Air New England 1 Hyannis, MA A1

09-APR-1977, 13:15, Convair

CV-240    N10AV American Velodur Metal 0 Hyannis, MA A1

03-NOV-1973, 09:39 EST,

Boeing 707 N458PA Pan Am 3 Boston, MA A1

10-MAR-1964, 07:45,  Douglas

DC-4 N384 Slick Airways 3 near Boston, MA A1

04-OCT-1960, 17:40 EDT,

Lockheed L-188 N5533 Eastern Air Lines 62 Boston, MA A1

15-AUG-1958 Convair CV-240

N90670 Northeast Airlines 24 near Nantucket, MA A1

15-SEP-1957, 20:46, Douglas

DC-3 N34417 Northeast Airlines 12 New Bedford, MA A1

10-JUL-1946 Curtiss C-46

39585 USMC 0 near Palmer, MA A1


Best wishes,
































Jorge Angelino



Rua da Sociedade Filarmónica

Perpétua Azeitonense, 29

2925-598 Azeitão













































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Feb 6, 1788 9:44:18 PM +00:00 GMT

Boston, MA:USA Longitude: 71W04 Latitude: 42N22

Lahiri Ayanamsha: 20:53 Current Period: VE/SA/ME


Planet Deg Sign Speed SA Nakshatra Lord


Asc 23:54 Can Aslesha Me

Sun 26:58 Cap +01:00:45 WK Dhanishtha Ma

Moon 22:36 Cap +12:05:18 CM Shravana Mo

MarsR 17:47 Gem -00:06:40 WK Ardra Ra

Merc 22:54 Cap +01:43:47 CM Shravana Mo

JuptR 25:36 Tau -00:00:41 FM Mrigsira Ma

Ven 23:33 Aqu +01:14:14 WK P.Bhadra Ju

Sat 08:50 Aqu +00:07:11 FM Shatbisha Ra

Rahu 04:02 Sag -00:08:57 FM Mula Ke

Ketu 04:02 Gem -00:08:57 FM Mrigsira Ma


True Node 365.25 Day Year - Internet Time: 947 beats

Day: Wednesday Sunrise: 11:54 AM

Tithi: Amavasya

Yoga Pt: 22:54 Aq Yogi:Ju AviYogi:Su Dup Yogi: Sa

Dagha Rashis: None


Rashi Chart


** 5 * * 3 **

*6 * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * KE 04:02 * *

* * * MAR17:47* *

* * * * * *

* * 4 AS 23:54 * 2 JUR25:36*

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*7 * 1 *

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*8 * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * MO 22:36 * * *

* * 10 ME 22:54 * 12 *

* * * SU 26:58 * * *

* * * SA 08:50* *

* * RA 04:02 * * VE 23:33 * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** 9 * * 11 **





** 12 * * 10 **

*1 * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* MAR * * * *

* * * * * *

* * 11 AS * 9 SA *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** VE * * **

*2 RA * 8 KE *

** * * **

*3 * * * * *

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* * 5 JUR * 7 *

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* MO * * * *

* * ME * * SU * *

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** 4 * * 6 **


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