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Another chart to consider for the USA

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Hello list, For the sake of scientific inquiry, I have recently considered some possible alternative dates for an authorative chart for the USA. I consulted off list with our resident expert on USA history, John TWB. John graciously provided me with some additional dates and documentation, which I have now explored. One day has emerged as an interesting alternative, namely 9 July 1778. On this day, the US Congress convened to ratify the Articles of Confederation and representatives of nine of the thirteen states (who joined to declare the USA independence) attached their signatures. However, representatives of the remaining states declared they were not authorised by their state assemblies to ratify the articles. Congress after signing the document, began to press for the other states to do so. The ratification process took more than two years to complete and the additional signatures were affixed to the document at noon time on 1 March 1781. However, what has emerged from the inquiry is that the

government began to operate in line with the Articles on the following day, 10 July 1778. Samuel Holten wrote in his diary on JULY 9th, 1778: "Attended in Congress, the Articles of confederation was signed by all the States that had receivd instructions for that purpose, being 9 States. The afternoon Session began at approximately 15:00 LAT and proceeded to attach nine signatures to the Articles of Confederation. "Congress, intent upon the present and future security of these United States, has never ceased to consider a confederacy as the great principle of union, which can alone establish the liberty of America and exclude for ever, the hopes of its enemies.” Moreover, the day after the ratification process had been completed 1 March 1781, it was written by one of the delegates: "That nine or more states represented by two or mere delegates respectively are sufficient, AS HERETOFORE, to constitute a Congress for the dispatch of business." This act thus indicates that the de facto USA was born on 9 July 1778 - well

BEFORE the remaining signatures were added on 1 March 1781. The hypothesis is now that the time for the birth of the entity we know as the USA was the initial signing of the Articles of Confederation. Finally, the time of the signing has been identified. After the lunch, which took place between 13:30-15:00 LAT on 1 July 1778, Congress convened in an afternoon session explicitly to sign the document. Based on preliminary investigations, the time 15:35 is presented as a plausible time for this initial signing event to have been completed. The initital Articles of Ratification

chart gives 6° 24' Scorpio rising. On YourNetAstrologer.com the following description is given for Scorpio: “Scorpio is a watery sign ruled by Mars, the significator of energy. Ketu, the planet of secrecy and intuition, is exalted in this sign and the Moon, the significator of change and tenderness, is debilitated. Scorpios are intuitive. If Scorpio rises as the ascendant, the Ishta Devata would be Lord Shiva. This sign rules outer sexual organs, scrotum, rectum, anus, nasal organs and pelvic bones. If Mars, as lord of the sixth house, is strong the Scorpios are highly active, tend to

be of short stature and well built, and enjoy good health. Otherwise, they have a sickly constitution and suffer from piles, fissure, urinary infections, boils, and operations, etc., in the parts ruled by Scorpio. Scorpio is a fixed, negative, rajasic, kapha, female, mute, violent, fruitful and multiped sign and signifies severe sentiments. Depending on the influences on the ascendant, the sign Scorpio usually renders their natives determined, disciplined, self-restrained, fearless, persevering, energetic, intense, dynamic, decisive, self-centered, straightforward and tough or very sensitive, introverted, secretive, stubborn and ready to defend themselves. They generally maintain silence, rarely

smile and observe things keenly. Their reaction is sudden and forceful, and they lack patience. Because of their silence, they can be misunderstood, even though they may be innocent and straightforward. Apart from Rahu and Ketu, Venus and Mars also become functional malefic planets for this ascendant. Jupiter, Saturn, the Moon, the Sun and Mercury are functional benefic planets for Scorpios. The transit afflictions of Mars and Venus, being fast moving planets, are short-lived. The slow moving planets, Jupiter and Saturn, being functional benefic planets for Scorpios, give them many long-lived spells of pleasant events in life, in addition to recurrent

auspicious events generated by the fast moving benefic planets, the Sun, the Moon and Mercury. Saturn's transit is not inauspicious in any of the houses as Saturn is the most benefic planet for the Scorpio ascendant. Rather, whenever transit/natal Saturn forms close conjunction/aspect with any strong natal/transit functional benefic planet or most effective point of a house, it triggers a happy incident/event signified by the house of such a conjunction/aspect, the functional benefic planet involved and its respective mooltrikona house. The strong position of Jupiter in Scorpio nativities blesses the natives with high status/authoritative position and with

good professional and academic education. Saturn rules their interest in the possession of real estate. They are possessive in nature and always keep on adding to their immovable properties. A strong Mars gives good health, suitable to their natural characteristics. They are fond of physical exercises for fitness of their physical health. The strength of the Moon governs the status of the father and gives potential for rise in life. The Sun rules the house of profession, and Scorpios derive benefits from the state even if the Sun is weak in the nativity. They are very courageous and earn a good amount of money. Mercury, whose mooltrikona sign falls in the eleventh house, gives fluctuating income of comparatively handsome order. Mercury's lordship of the eleventh house shows lack of happiness and support from friends, elder brothers and lack of fulfillment of desires. They lack

friends because of their introvert nature and selfish inclinations. The strong position of Venus gives them comfortable foreign stay. Exalted Sun with strong Mars blesses Scorpios with sound financial position, position with state and capacity to face challenges in life. Exalted Moon blesses them with good fortune, affluent parents and happiness in marriage if Saturn and Jupiter are unafflicted and well placed in the nativity. Exalted and unafflicting Mars blesses them with good financial position, good health, business enterprises and executive authority. Exalted Mercury blesses them with good financial income, good financial gains, business acumen and help through friends. Exalted Jupiter with

strong Moon blesses them with good status, advisory roles, good fortune, success in foreign lands, etc. Exalted and unafflicting Venus blesses them with comforts and happy marital relationship if Jupiter and Saturn are well placed and unafflicted in the chart. Exalted Saturn with strong Venus blesses them with affluent parents, good assets, servants and good education. Similarly, are to be read the results of the planets when they are in their signs of debilitation causing deterioration in the aspects signified by the weak planets. However, the significations likely to be promoted when the planets are exalted get a setback when the concerned planets are weak. The close conjunction of Venus to the weak Sun in the natal chart causes professional setbacks and joint pains. The close conjunction/aspect of Venus to the weak Moon in the natal chart causes many setbacks in life in all aspects and causes sufferings to the father. The close conjunction/aspect of Venus to the weak Mars in the natal chart causes serious health problems and makes one vulnerable to losses through conflicts, cheating and theft. The close conjunction/aspect of Venus to the weak Jupiter in the natal chart causes unhappiness through male child, professional setbacks and loss of wealth. The close conjunction of Venus in the natal chart with Mercury causes no income or long spells of unemployment besides troubling the friends and elder siblings. The close conjunction/aspect of Venus to the Saturn in the natal chart spoils the mental and domestic peace of the native besides causing loss of assets. The close conjunction/aspect of Venus to Rahu in the natal

chart makes one vulnerable to vices and addictions, causes sleeplessness and disturbed marital relationship besides delaying the marriage. Similarly, the close conjunction/aspect of Mars to other weak planets in the natal chart causes health problems and conflicts pertaining to the general and particular problems ruled by the afflicted planets.” In the chart, L2 Jupiter is at 5° 54' on H10 MEP. Jupiter thus placed gives good status. It is also aspecting its own H2, H4 and H6. The aspect to H4 would explain the large territory the USA has enjoyed since its inception and its expansion ever since. The ability of the USA to attract the savings from the rest of the world would be explained by this placement. Jupiter also explains the exalted place of the idea of "freedom" in American thought. During Jupiter major period, 1939-1955, US supremacy in the world was established through a righteous victory in WWII. L4 Saturn is exalted at 17° 41' in Libra and is in H12, suggesting loss of social equilibrium due to foreign relations or efforts. It also suggests dependence on foreigners for work that is characterized as “more work and less pay”. During Saturn major

period, 1955-1974, the Cold War reigned. Ketu is at 8° 51' Sagittarius and is thus on H2 MEP from where it aspects H6, H8 and H10 and Jupiter in H10. The mutual aspect between Jupiter and Ketu would give American religious thought its fair share of unusual expression. The Ketu major period, 1991-1998, began with economic turbulence and ended in President Clinton´s sex scandal. Rahu is at 8° 51’ Gemini and is thus on H8 MEP from where it aspects H12, H2 and H4. Rahu additionally closely afflicts L11

Mercury. During Rahu major period, 1921-1939, the US saw the Roaring 1920s (Great Gatsby era) followed by the disastrous Great Depression of the 1930s. L11 Mercury at 10° 41' Gemini on H8 MEP. L11 in H8 gives some unearned gains, but makes the indications weak and vulnerable to transit affliction. The aspect of Mercury to H2 would give wealth from income. As Mercury and the even numbered houses are closely afflicted by the nodal axis (in the H8 of obstacles), the USA would be liable to severe flucutations in income and wealth. The aspirations are also likely to be frustrated. During Mercury

period, 1974-1991, there were two oil price shocks, inflation and war on inflation, boom in stock market and drop in 1987 and recovery. There was an attempted assassination of President Reagan during the Me/Su period (assassination of President Lincoln took place in prior Me/Ra period). L10 Sun is in H8 in exact mutual aspect with L9 Moon in H2, giving status, despite the planets being slightly weak in old age - and Sun further being weaked being placed in dusthana. The Sun major period ran from 1898-1903, at which time the US engaged in Spanish-American war, US Army (as part of a western nations effort) suppressed the Boxer Rebellion in China, the US waged war in Philippines and elsewhere. The automobile was born. President McKinley assassinated on 6. Sept 1901. L6 Mars is badly placed at 16° 43’ Gemini in H8. The lord of enemity in the house of obstacles and endings brings problems from enemies. The financial stability could enjoy some unearned gains, but is liable to transit affliction. During Mars major period, US engaged in WWI and participated with France in establishing disastrous German reparations demands through the League of Nations. L12 Venus is fairly strong in H9, giving comforts and some luck in foreign relations. During Venus major period, 1878-1898, the Robber barrons reigned supreme in the US. The US participated in the first period of market “globalization” in the late 19th century. Periods & transits in some major events: 1. "9/11" - Ve/Su/Ra period was running. Sub-period lord Sun, natally weak in H8, is benefically aspected by L9 Moon in H2. - Tr L6 Mars was conjunct tr Ketu on H2 MEP and conjunct natal nodal axis! - Tr L12 Venus was exactly conjunct natal Venus in H9. - Tr L2 Jupiter was conjunct

natal L6 Mars in H8. - These are some very powerful malefic aspects at that time. - But there were also powerful benign aspects: - Tr L4 Saturn strong in H7, - Tr L10 Sun strong in H10 (own sign) and - Tr L11 Mercury strong in H11 (own sign). 2. Eve of Great Depression, Oct. 24, 1929 ("Black Thursday"). -

Ra/Me/Ve period was running with income lord Mercury weak and afflicted in H8. - Tr Ketu and Mars exactly conjunct in H12 conjunct L4 Saturn - Tr Ketu aspecting natal Mars in H8. - Nasty Ra//Ke period ran from August 1931 until August 1932, when a great drought took place in the Midwest and the South and turned much of the country into a dust bowl. Income was devastated in Ra/Ke period, due to nodal axis afflicting L11 Mercury, lord of income. - In Ra/Ve period (Aug. 1932-Aug.1935) Roosevelt is elected President and sets about to rebuild the national spirit and economy. Country had passed the worst of the crisis when Ra/Su period began. 3. JFK assassination on November 22, 1963 - Sa/Ve/Ju period was running. - Tr nodal axis closely afflicting natal L6 Mars in H8 – remaining there in stationary placement until February 1964 (violence and crisis). - Tr Rahu closely afflicting L4 Saturn in H12 (loss disturbs psyche of nation) - Tr L6 Mars exactly conjunct L12 Venus in H1 (loss through enemity). This aspects stays on for many days, with both planets moving in step into Sagittarius. 4. Start of Civil War (Confederate soldiers attack Fort Sumter in Charleston, SC) at 4:30 am on 12 April 1861. - Me/Ra/Ju period is running, with sub-period lord Rahu natally afflicting H8, H12, H2 and H4 and L11 Mercury. - Tr Rahu in H12 afflicting L10 Sun in H8. - Tr L12 Venus conjunct H5 MEP aspecting H11 MEP - Tr L6 Mars is conjunct H4 and aspecting H7, H10 and H11. - Tr L2 Jupiter is favourably conjunct H1 MEP and casting aspect to transit Venus and H5, H7 and H9. Based on this chart, we can predict the stock market in the USA would likely experience a downdraft in

the Ve/Ra period, due to the natal affliction of Rahu to L11 Mercury. However, some transits afflictions are needed to produce it. Late October of this year could be one such spell, when L12 and L6 unite in H12 with L10 Sun under natal aspect of Rahu in H8. Summer of 2007, when transit nodes become stationary over the L12 Venus in H9, would also be difficult. November 2007 would also be a spell of difficulty when tr Rahu aspects natal Rahu and Mercury. Best regards, C _____________________ Source: Samuel Holten's Diary on JULY 9th,

1778: "Attended in Congress, the Articles of confederation was signed by all the States that had receivd instructions for that purpose, being 9 States. The afternoon Session began at approximately 15:00 LAT and proceeded to attach nine signatures to the Articles of Confederation. "Congress, intent upon the present and future security of these United States, has never ceased to consider a confederacy as the great principle of union, which can alone establish the liberty of America and exclude for ever, the hopes of its enemies. Influenced by considerations so powerful, and duly weighing the difficulties, which oppose the expectation of any plan being formed, that can exactly meet the wishes and obtain the approbation of so many states, differing essentially in various points; Congress have, after mature deliberation, agreed to adopt, without

amendments, the confederation transmitted to the several states for their approbation. The states of New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, have ratified the same, and it remains only for your State with those of and to conclude the glorious compact, which, by uniting the wealth, strength, and councils, of the whole, may bid defiance to external violence and internal dissentions, whilst it secures the public credit both at home and abroad..."

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