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NEW JERSEY rectified chart

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Dear List Members,


This is the rectified chart

of the State of:



Dec 18, 1787  8:30:37 PM

+00:00 GMT

Trenton, NJ:USA  Longitude:

74W45 Latitude: 40N13

Lahiri Ayanamsha: 20:53

Current Period: JU/RA/VE


Planet Deg   Sign  Speed    

SA   Nakshatra Lord


Asc    21:06

Tau                  Rohini     Mo

Sun    06:03 Sag  +01:01:07 

WK   Mula       Ke

Moon   18:20 Pis  +13:15:45 

ST   Revati     Me

MarsR  03:35 Can  -00:16:25 

FM   Pushya     Sa

Merc   16:57 Sco  +00:07:40 

ST   Jyeshtha   Me

JuptR  29:51 Tau  -00:08:03 

FM   Mrigsira   Ma

Ven    21:07 Sag  +01:15:13 

FM   P.Shadya   Ve

Sat    03:34 Aqu  +00:04:57 

WK   Dhanishtha Ma

Rahu   05:13 Sag  +00:00:02 

FM   Mula       Ke

Ketu   05:13 Gem  +00:00:02 

FM   Mrigsira   Ma


True Node  365.25 Day Year -

Internet Time: 896 beats

Day: Tuesday  Sunrise: 12:18


Tithi:  Shukla Navami

Yoga Pt: 27:43 Aq  Yogi:Ju 

AviYogi:Su  Dup Yogi: Sa

Dagha Rashis: Leo Sco


Rashi Chart



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*        KE 05:13*                  

*       *        *   

*          *   *       AS

21:06        *   *          *   

*MAR03:35    * 2      

JUR29:51          * 12 MO 18:20*   

*          *  

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*5                         *

11      SA 03:34         *   

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*            * 8       ME

16:57          * 10         *   

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*          *   

*        *      

*                   RA 05:13*        *   

*      *          

*               * SU 06:03  *      *   

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*           *   VE 21:07    *    *   

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** 7                     *  

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AS                * 2  RA      *   

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*SA        *  

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*KE          *

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* 11                    **   




Some of the events/facts

used in the rectification:


Trenton: longitude 74º 44’

36’’ W Æ rT=04hrs

58min 58,40sec


Rectified TOB = 20hrs 30min

37sec UTC = 15hrs 31min 37,60sec LMT




December 18, 1787

3rd of original 13 states

Named after the Isle of Jersey in England by John Berkley and Sir George

Carteret. First European Permanent Settlement: 1664; Capitol: Trenton;

Administrative Divisions: 21 Counties; National Representatives: 14 seats;

Electoral Votes: 16 



Trenton, New Jersey, U.S.

national capital (1784), current state capital



New Jersey officially became

a state on December 18, 1787 (Trenton, NJ; " in the afternoon " )



on the eleventh day of

December, 1787, thirty-nine delegates, three chosen from each County in the

State, assembled at the Blazing Star, formerly the French Arms, tavern in

Trenton, for the purpose of ratifying the Constitution.

Meeting at ten o’clock and

again at three, the delegates discussed the Constitution, section by section,

for six days. After a fourth reading of the famous document, the work was

considered complete and on Tuesday, December 19, 1787, the convention

“unanimously for and on behalf of the people of the said State of New Jerseyâ€

agreed “to ratify, and confirm the same, and every Part thereof.†The following

day, duplicate parchment copies of the Constitution, together with the Form of

the Ratification, “one for the Congress of the United States and the other to

be deposited among the Archives of the State,†were signed by the delegates.

After the signature of the president, John Stevens, each of the thirteen County

delegations signed in the order of the age of the Counties, from Bergen the

oldest, to Sussex the youngest. At one o’clock the same afternoon, the members

of the convention went in procession to the Court House where “in the Hearing

of the People,†the secretary, Samuel Witham Stockton, read the ratification of

the new Constitution by the Convention of New Jersey.



William Livingston, 1st

Governor: Died: July 25, 1790 

William Paterson, 2nd

Governor: Died: September 9, 1806


December 18 On this date in

1786, the Grand Lodge of New Jersey was organized 


New Jersey Disaster History


Major Disaster Declarations

Year Date Disaster Types

Active Disaster Number

2005 04/19 Severe Storms and

Flooding  1588

2004 10/01 Tropical

Depression Ivan  1563

2004 07/16 Severe Storms and

Flooding  1530

2000 08/17 Severe Storms,

Flooding And Mudslides  1337

1999 09/18 Hurricane Floyd 


1998 03/03 Coastal Storm 


1997 09/23 Flooding  1189

1996 11/19 Severe Storms/Flooding 


1996 01/13 Blizzard  1088

1992 12/18 Coastal Storm,

High Tides, Heavy Rain, Flooding  973

1992 03/03 Severe Coastal Storm 






1977 02/08 Ice Conditions 


1976 08/21 Severe Storms,

High Winds, Flooding  519

1975 07/23 Heavy Rains, High

Winds, Hail, Tornadoes  477



1971 09/04 Heavy Rains, Flooding 


1968 06/18 Heavy Rains, Flooding 


1965 08/18 Water Shortage 


1962 03/09 SEVERE STORM,





Emergency Declarations

Year Date Disaster Types

Active Disaster Number

2005 09/19 Hurricane Katrina

Evacuation  3257

2003 09/23 Power Outage 


2003 03/20 Snowstorm  3181

2001 09/19 Terrorist Attack

Emergency Declaration  3169

2000 11/01 Virus Threat 


1999 09/17 Hurricane Floyd 


1999 09/17 Hurricane Floyd 


1993 03/17 Severe Blizzard 


1980 10/19 Water Shortage 


1974 12/24 Severe Storms,

High Winds & High Tides  3005





Earthquake History of New



New Jersey - Delaware border


1871 10 09 14:40 UTC

Intensity VII


Magnitude 3.8 NEW JERSEY

2003 August 26 18:24:18 UTC


On December 18, 1737, a

damaging earthquake near New York City was felt throughout most of New Jersey.

The strong earthquakes off Cape Ann, Massachusetts, in 1755, the New Madrid,

Missouri, area in 1811 - 1812, at Riviere-Ouelle, Canada, in 1860, Wilmington,

Delaware, in 1871, New York City, New York, in 1884, and Charleston, South

Carolina, in 1886, all affected New Jersey.


A moderately strong

earthquake on September 1, 1895, centered near High Bridge, was felt over a

considerable area to the northeast and southwest. 


Moorestown and Riverton were

shaken moderately (intensity V) on January 26, 1921. A rumbling noise was

reported heard with this earthquake.


The highest intensity

earthquake ever observed in New Jersey occurred on June 1, 1927, in the Asbury

Park area.


On January 24, 1933, a sharp

jolt was felt over central New Jersey from Lakehurst to Trenton.


Central New Jersey was

disturbed again on August 22, 1938, by a shock somewhat stronger than the 1933

event. Four smaller shocks occurred on August 23rd and one on August 27th.


Residents of Salem County

were startled by earthquake tremors on November 14, 1939, which caused more

excitement than damage.


Northeastern New Jersey

experienced minor effects from an earthquake on September 3, 1951 that was

apparently centered in Rockland County, New York. On March 23, 1957, a shock

affected west-central New Jersey, near the site of the 1895 earthquake. 


In northeastern Philadelphia

and adjoining portions of New Jersey and Pennsylvania residents were alarmed by

loud rumbling sounds on December 27, 1961. A similar disturbance affected much

of the same area about seven years later when on December 10, 1968 an

earthquake measured at magnitude 2.5 occurred in Burlington County.


a moderately strong

earthquake on February 28, 1973. The magnitude 3.8 tremor was centered in

northwestern Salem County,




April 20, 2006, around 4:30

p.m., copter crash kills 2

February 3, 2006, 8:45 p.m.,

Plane Crash Kills NJ Family Of 5 And Baby Sitter. It crashed in Myrtle Beach,


June 19, 2005, 8:30 a.m.,

copter crash kills 2

February 2, 2005, 04:34 AM,

A jet plane has crashed into a commercial building.

2002 Jan 10, An F-16 crashed

near the Garden State Parkway in New Jersey. The pilot ejected safely.

July 10, 2001 - 14:00   ET -

Small Plane Crash in New Jersey, 1 killed.

2000 Aug 9, 8:00 a.m. ET, In

New Jersey 2 small planes collided in midair and the bulk of one plane crashed

through the roof a house. All 11 passengers were killed.

1999 Nov 26, A small plane

crashed in Newark, N.J. Pilot Itzhak Jacoby (56), his wife Gail and daughter

Atira (13) were killed. 22 people were injured on the ground.

August 31, 1993, 9:00 AM,

Co-Pilot Is Killed In Helicopter Crash

January 1, 1989, crashed at

noon, 4 Hurt in Jersey Plane Crash 

October 22, 1986, Jane

Dornacker died in a helicopter crash in 1986 while reporting a story on the

Hudson River.

August 12, 1984, 1:10 P.M.,

1 Killed and 1 Injured In Jersey Copter Crash


26-JUL-1988, 07:40, Learjet

35 N442NE Northeast Jet 1 Morristown, NJ   A1

10-NOV-1985, 17:22 EST,

Falcon 50 N784B Nabisco Brands 2 Fairview, NJ   A1

09-JAN-1971, 16:20 EST,

Boeing 707 N7595A American Airlines 0 Edison, NJ   A2 mid-air collision at 910m

07-MAY-1969, 12:47, Curtiss

C-46 N1243N Flying W Airways 2 Medford, NJ   A1

29-SEP-1968 Douglas DC-3

N64423 Ford Motor Co.  Teterboro, NJ   A1 Crashed after cargo shift.

24-FEB-1967, 02:25, Douglas

DC-6 N8224H Northeast Airlines 0 Holmdel, NJ   A1

16-DEC-1951, 15:09, Curtiss

C-46 N1678M Miami Airlines 56 Elizabeth, NJ   A1

27-MAY-1950, 17:29, Curtiss

C-46 N9406H Regina Cargo Airlines 1 Teterboro, NJ   A1

05-JAN-1947, 20:30, Douglas

DC-3 NC50046 Nationwide Air Transport 3 Carmel, NJ   A2

09-AUG-1946 Lockheed 18

N..... Atlantic Central Airlines 4 Lakehurst, NJ   A1 crashed and caught fire


1793        Jan 9, The first

US manned balloon flight occurred.


1804        Jul 12,

Alexander Hamilton (47), US Sec. of Treasury, died of wounds from a pistol duel

with VP Aaron Burr.


1854        Nov 13,

" New Era " sank off New Jersey coast with loss of 300.


1875        Sep 8, An

explosion destroyed the Newark, NJ, factory of the Celluloid Manufacturing Co.


1892        Jul 9, A stray

500-pound shell from the Sandy Hook, New Jersey, testing range sank the

schooner Henry R. Tilton.


1934        Sep 8, 134

people lost their lives in a fire aboard the liner Morro Castle off the New

Jersey coast.


1944        Mar 20, A bus

fell off bridge into Passaic River, NJ, killing 16.


1958        Sep 15, A

morning commuter train crashed through a drawbridge, killing 48 in Newark, NJ.


1964        Aug 2, There was

a race riot in Jersey City, NJ.


1967        Jul 12, Blacks

in Newark rioted. 26 were killed, 1500 injured and over 1000 arrested.


1970        Jul 4, Some 100

people were injured in race rioting in Asbury Park, NJ.


1971        Nov 24, A prison

rebellion took place at Rahway State Prison, NJ.


1973        Oct 24, Heavy

fog caused a 65 car collision killing 9 on the NJ Turnpike.

At 11:20 p. m. , e. d. s. t.

, October 23, 1973, on the northern section of the New Jersey Turnpike, between

Gate 15 and U.S. Route 46, the first of a series of nine collisions occurred.

Eight accidents followed between that time and 2:45 a.m., October 24, 1973.


1998        Dec 24, In New

Jersey a bus carrying New Yorkers to Atlantic City casinos skidded and flipped

on the Garden State Parkway. 8 people were killed and 15 injured.


2000        Jan 19, In New

Jersey 3 students were killed in a fire at a dormitory at Seton Hall. 62 students

were injured.


2000        Nov 24, A fire

at the Gaitway Farm in Manalapan left 20 race horses dead.


2001        Oct 15, Anthrax

in a letter to a Reno Microsoft office was reported to be from Malaysia.


2004        Jul 12, A foot

or more of rain fell in parts of the Northeast.


2004        Nov 3, A

National Guard F-16 fighter plane mistakenly fired off 25 rounds of ammunition

at the Little Egg Harbor Intermediate School in South New Jersey on this night.


Best wishes,
































Jorge Angelino



Rua da Sociedade Filarmónica

Perpétua Azeitonense, 29

2925-598 Azeitão













































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Dec 18, 1787 8:30:37 PM +00:00 GMT

Trenton, NJ:USA Longitude: 74W45 Latitude: 40N13

Lahiri Ayanamsha: 20:53 Current Period: JU/RA/VE


Planet Deg Sign Speed SA Nakshatra Lord


Asc 21:06 Tau Rohini Mo

Sun 06:03 Sag +01:01:07 WK Mula Ke

Moon 18:20 Pis +13:15:45 ST Revati Me

MarsR 03:35 Can -00:16:25 FM Pushya Sa

Merc 16:57 Sco +00:07:40 ST Jyeshtha Me

JuptR 29:51 Tau -00:08:03 FM Mrigsira Ma

Ven 21:07 Sag +01:15:13 FM P.Shadya Ve

Sat 03:34 Aqu +00:04:57 WK Dhanishtha Ma

Rahu 05:13 Sag +00:00:02 FM Mula Ke

Ketu 05:13 Gem +00:00:02 FM Mrigsira Ma


True Node 365.25 Day Year - Internet Time: 896 beats

Day: Tuesday Sunrise: 12:18 AM

Tithi: Shukla Navami

Yoga Pt: 27:43 Aq Yogi:Ju AviYogi:Su Dup Yogi: Sa

Dagha Rashis: Leo Sco


Rashi Chart


** 3 * * 1 **

*4 * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* KE 05:13* * * *

* * * AS 21:06 * * *

*MAR03:35 * 2 JUR29:51 * 12 MO 18:20*

* * * * * *

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*5 * 11 SA 03:34 *

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* * 8 ME 16:57 * 10 *

* * * * * *

* * * RA 05:13* *

* * * * SU 06:03 * *

* * * * VE 21:07 * *

* * * * * *

** 7 * * 9 **





** 5 * * 3 **

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*7 VE * 1 *

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*SA * * * * *

*KE * 10 * 12 *

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** 9 * * 11 **


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