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after global consciousness true messiah's Super-Economy of planetwide healing ...

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aye, David,


'we' are [the] happening ...










-- On Sun, 2/1/09, David <dfbear> wrote:


Actually I find it quite interesting. Both the light and the dark

sides are talking about globalization, world government, and

universality. One for control, the other for unity. Some of the light

side falls a little gray by engaging the wrong agenda but in a way,

they are each using each other to move it forward. It couldn't be any

other way.


In a larger sense though, personal and corporate agendas play only to

the illusion of control. They may be moving their pieces around the

chess board but really it all has little to do with what is actually

going on. Most of them are lost in their stories and agendas,

oblivious to the deeper fact that they are all pawns themselves.


The movement and awakening of consciousness is inexorable and

unstoppable. The precise forms and difficulties this may draw may

depend on how we're responding to this deeper play, but these are

simply transitional effects of not seeing it yet.


While the old falls apart it can seem to be disturbing and bad. But

without that, where is there a place for wholeness? The fractured and

shattered forms must be washed away. When we are empty, then fullness

will rush in and fill us to overflowing. Sorrow will end. And the ones

who did not see will be awestruck, wondering what happened.


But that's OK. Because it's happening. Now.



-- On Sun, 2/1/09, millennium <yonibluestar@ .co. uk> wrote:


not sure who wrote this propaganda piece at 'WiserEarth' , about 'Global

Governance' by the global banksters... the world corporate state secret





politically- correct news-speaking helps no one! news-speak is written to

dumb-down the public into further consumer violence. it only furthers the status

quo of violence against women and children, the genocide against the indigenous

peoples, the disempowered slavery of all the people of the world, our continued

murder of our Mother Earth.


only in empowering [protecting! ] every individual, only by ending the violence

of the corporate state and nations states, and all guilds, law, churches and

organizations -- against individuals -- against cultures -- against life -- only

then can be have global decisionmaking and a global economy which grows (because

the violence is ended).

only then -- when we speak the truth, end secret government, empower every

individual -- only then can we heal our Mother Earth ... our Mother Earth, the

divine Gaia of living rainforests and living ocean, who is 95-98 percent

eradicated at this time.

we know the numbers, we know the (world-cultural- war) reasons!

we can admit the truth of our hypocrisy, our immorality, our dishonoring of

people and planet ... and forgive ourselves and every-one ... and thus further

this dialog every-day in which we can evolve, refine, enlighten, grow and shine

.... together.

we are the returned Divine Feminine, the Maitreyah, true Messiah -- Adi Shakti,

Maahdi, Maschiak -- Global heart, mind, body of all knowing and all power.


WE have arrived, awakened!

I am furthering the daily dialog on this subject, of Global Consciousness,

Global Decision Making, the Super-Economy of Planetwide Healing, RePlaneting Our

Mother Earth, at: ElectroParliamentSoverAnia

with and for all our sacred relations,


Millennium Twain

father of the US/International Space Station (fraud)

publisher of the Structure of the Atomic Nucleus





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