Guest guest Posted March 23, 2006 Report Share Posted March 23, 2006 Dear members, It is unfortunate that Nadi predictions have not worked out for some seekers. There are many precautions to be taken in the case of Nadi Astrology, much more than other forms of astrology. The characteristic of metaphysical sciences is that they cannot be comprehended using the gross forms of physical and biological tools. Only through faith and concentration of mind, such sciences should be approached. In the case of Nadi Astrology, the following points may be borne in mind before trying it. 1. Faith in the System. A rationalist approach will only satisfy rationalism. The person is sure to find the system fake. If you are suspicious, it is better not to waste time and money on it. You can never be satisfied. 2. As per available historical information, to ensure checks and balances and also a harmonious transition in the Kaliyug, Rishis have documented Nadi data for a section of the population only. Persons who live an ordinary good life, birth after birth, may not find his record in Nadi at all. Since Nadis have been blessed by their Rishis with the truth that the person concerned would come seeking his Nadi at a particular time in a particular birth, there is a better likelihood of suffering persons seeking their Nadi rather than persons who are endowed with all happiness. My view is that ordinarily happy persons should not seek Nadi for the heck of it. For example, when a person finds himself suffering too much for too long for no apparent reason, he can seek to find his Nadi. Once he understands the cause of his sorrows, he is more likely to conduct the Parihaarams and pray positively for a peaceful life, now and for the next birth too. In the absence of Nadi data, there are chances of suffering persons committing more crime to tide over crises which will only speed up the maturing of Kaliyug. As found earlier, just to provide checks and balances and also to uplift the seeker spiritually and consciously, Rishis have documented Nadi. 3. Approach the right Reader. Although a difficult exercise, make thorough enquiries before identifying the right reader. He should not be a fake in that he will somehow manage to identify the wrong Nadi as the right one and read out fake predictions and make money. So it is necessary that you are approaching the right reader who has come in the proper guru paramparaa and who himself is conscious that he is carrying out the dictates of great rishis in the service of humanity. 4. Once the right reader is identified, a great deal of vigilance and co-operation is needed on the part of the seeker in identifying the relevant Nadi. Names of relatives, birth year, profession, educatoin and many other particulars may be the same for any number of persons. It is very much in the hands of the seeker to listen to the reader with total concentration to identify his Nadi. I am cautioning because, it is a human tendency to compromise and zero in on averages. Till the last point, the references and informations must point by point (100.00%) tally with your personality. Even if there is an iota of difference, be assured that the Nadi is not yours. If you falter and confirm a wrong Nadi in your anxiety, the reader cannot do much about it. He will read out all relevant Kaandams and proceed with his duty. But, having identified the wrong nadi, the seeker will only suffer with loss of time, money and other disturbances. 5. Genuine readers do not pressurise the seeker or hastens the process unduly. It is advisable for the seeker to sit with the reader alone. Avoid taking relatives and friends for the sittings howsoever close they are. They can only provide nuisance value and act as pressure points. In my case, I went for a few sittings and could not locate my Nadi. Then for about four years I could not go for a sitting at all even though I had wanted to. Suddenly, things fell in place and the sittings resumed. The sittings lasted for six more months and finally I could identify my Nadi. I think both myself and my reader were very patient to zero in on the correct Nadi. A fake or impatient reader would have dismissed me long back saying that my Nadi could not be found. Or he would have pressurised me into accepting a wrong one. I understood it in such a way that only at the appointed time, Nadi will unfold to the seeker regardless of his efforts. 6. Even after the Nadi is identified, it is not easy like pulling out a book from the shelf and just reading it. At the very start of the reading, it may contain conditions imposed on the seeker to do certain rituals before further reading could cointinue. Likewise, Parihaarams are also written in the Nadi. The reader by himself has no choice to offer alternatives. The only option available to the seeker is to carry out the impositions of rituals and parihaarams. A faithful seeker is encouraged to follow the impositions and carry them out meticulously. Incomplete observance will only add to the misery. In such unfaithful times, it is better for the seeker to abort his mission and move away. 7. As far as parihaarams are concerned, again the reader does not decide them. They are written in the Nadi itself on a case by case basis. They are evenly related to the seeker's past sins and not to his present financial status. I have seen rich men being asked to do parihaarams involving a meagre spend. Certain parihaarams do not involve big money, but do efforts and leg work. No purpose is served by interpreting the parihaarams or asking the reader to suggest alternatives. Either you are doing as imposed or not doing at all. There are no midways. That is why, generally no time limit is set for the parihaarams. It depends on the seeker's interest in getting an early solution. 8. Temple visits. There is a general complaint in the why only TN Temples find place in the Nadi paraihaaram list. These temples or theerthams were in existence even when the learned Rishis created the Nadi. Idols and certain kinds of stones are capable of attracting and retaining the sakthi of Mantras. It is a belief that such spiritual power is disseminated to the seeker to wash away the evil effects of his past sins, at the time of doing the parihaarams. Although God is one, He is manifesting Himself in different forms (saguna brahmam, nirguna brahmam). The list of temples often found in the Nadi Parihaarams have been especially consecrated by holy saints and rishis for these purposes. Hence, they are not comparable to deities located in other parts of our country. Puranaa stories say that Sage Agasthya was sent to the southern tip specifically during the marriage of Sri Parvati and Sri Parameswara to balance the earth. When the whole sea of humanity assembled on the himalayas to witness the marriage, the lone Sage Agasthya was weighty enough (Sakthi figuritively) to balance the earth. 9. Future. There is also a grouse that Nadi gives the past happenings correctly but predictions of future do not occur so exactly. The first reason could be, I say, that the right Nadi has not been found by the seeker. Second, the reader might not be competent enough to interpret the predictions and translate them to current usage. Third, Parihaarams might not have been understood and observed. Fourth, from the day Nadi was identified and read and every day thereafter, new Karmaa is added for the seeker. A suspicious seeker might criticise the parihaarams or the deities. He might have done something in direct contrast to what he did as parihaaram. For example, the seeker might have provided food to ten persons as a parihaaram. After a few days he might have denied food to 100 persons by his other actions. Say, the person is employed in a checkpost. He might have unduly detained a truckload of food or relief materials meant for certain victims. Such actions offset the parihaarams done earlier. The moral is that those who believe in Nadi, etc. have no choice but to be believers of God, morality, duty, etc. 10. Research. I am afraid Nadi is not open to research. Since they involve and operate at a spiritual level, and dwell on previous births, etc. they cannot be interpreted in physical parameters. Proof, Certifications (ISO [!]), etc. do not cut ice with them. Rishis do not need certification. Neither do the readers coming in Guru Paramparaa. As some group members had written, Devathaas, Yakshinis, et al. may get invocation. These matters cannot be explained in scientific terms. 11. Commerce. It is very easy to commercially exploit spirituality today. I for one cannot comprehend how the right Nadi can be identified by sending the thumb impression over post or email to the reader. Even after extensive reading and detailing, one may not find one's nadi at all since Nadi has not been made for every living being. In such a scenario, how can everyone find a Nadi through post, email, etc. I would suspect the bonafides of a reader if he says that he can locate the right Nadi by simply getting a thumb impression through post, email, etc. If he insists on getting more information on birth chart, etc. I will safely conclude that he will only use other forms of astrology and pass them off as Nadi. 12. Precaution. Please, be firm that you do not provide anything other than your thumb impression to the reader. Patiently go for any number of sittings. Never divulge any of your personal details. A genuine reader will not shun you but work along with you patiently. It may actually take months or years to locate the right script. Be patient and insistent. Be calm that the time has not arrived for you. There is no use thinking that like other forms of astrology, Nadi Josyam is for all. Regards. Atharvan. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 24, 2006 Report Share Posted March 24, 2006 Very Useful. Thanks for the painstaking explanation. SeshadriATHARVAN <finafield wrote: Dear members,It is unfortunate that Nadi predictions have not worked out for some seekers.There are many precautions to be taken in the case of Nadi Astrology, much more than other forms of astrology. The characteristic of metaphysical sciences is that they cannot be comprehended using the gross forms of physical and biological tools. Only through faith and concentration of mind, such sciences should be approached.In the case of Nadi Astrology, the following points may be borne in mind before trying it.1. Faith in the System. A rationalist approach will only satisfy rationalism. The person is sure to find the system fake. If you are suspicious, it is better not to waste time and money on it. You can never be satisfied.2. As per available historical information, to ensure checks and balances and also a harmonious transition in the Kaliyug, Rishis have documented Nadi data for a section of the population only. Persons who live an ordinary good life, birth after birth, may not find his record in Nadi at all. Since Nadis have been blessed by their Rishis with the truth that the person concerned would come seeking his Nadi at a particular time in a particular birth, there is a better likelihood of suffering persons seeking their Nadi rather than persons who are endowed with all happiness. My view is that ordinarily happy persons should not seek Nadi for the heck of it. For example, when a person finds himself suffering too much for too long for no apparent reason, he can seek to find his Nadi. Once he understands the cause of his sorrows, he is more likely to conduct the Parihaarams and pray positively for a peaceful life, now and for the next birth too. In the absence of Nadi data, there are chances of suffering persons committing more crime to tide over crises which will only speed up the maturing of Kaliyug. As found earlier, just to provide checks and balances and also to uplift the seeker spiritually and consciously, Rishis have documented Nadi.3. Approach the right Reader. Although a difficult exercise, make thorough enquiries before identifying the right reader. He should not be a fake in that he will somehow manage to identify the wrong Nadi as the right one and read out fake predictions and make money. So it is necessary that you are approaching the right reader who has come in the proper guru paramparaa and who himself is conscious that he is carrying out the dictates of great rishis in the service of humanity.4. Once the right reader is identified, a great deal of vigilance and co-operation is needed on the part of the seeker in identifying the relevant Nadi. Names of relatives, birth year, profession, educatoin and many other particulars may be the same for any number of persons. It is very much in the hands of the seeker to listen to the reader with total concentration to identify his Nadi. I am cautioning because, it is a human tendency to compromise and zero in on averages. Till the last point, the references and informations must point by point (100.00%) tally with your personality. Even if there is an iota of difference, be assured that the Nadi is not yours. If you falter and confirm a wrong Nadi in your anxiety, the reader cannot do much about it. He will read out all relevant Kaandams and proceed with his duty. But, having identified the wrong nadi, the seeker will only suffer with loss of time, money and other disturbances.5. Genuine readers do not pressurise the seeker or hastens the process unduly. It is advisable for the seeker to sit with the reader alone. Avoid taking relatives and friends for the sittings howsoever close they are. They can only provide nuisance value and act as pressure points. In my case, I went for a few sittings and could not locate my Nadi. Then for about four years I could not go for a sitting at all even though I had wanted to. Suddenly, things fell in place and the sittings resumed. The sittings lasted for six more months and finally I could identify my Nadi. I think both myself and my reader were very patient to zero in on the correct Nadi. A fake or impatient reader would have dismissed me long back saying that my Nadi could not be found. Or he would have pressurised me into accepting a wrong one. I understood it in such a way that only at the appointed time, Nadi will unfold to the seeker regardless of his efforts.6. Even after the Nadi is identified, it is not easy like pulling out a book from the shelf and just reading it. At the very start of the reading, it may contain conditions imposed on the seeker to do certain rituals before further reading could cointinue. Likewise, Parihaarams are also written in the Nadi. The reader by himself has no choice to offer alternatives. The only option available to the seeker is to carry out the impositions of rituals and parihaarams. A faithful seeker is encouraged to follow the impositions and carry them out meticulously. Incomplete observance will only add to the misery. In such unfaithful times, it is better for the seeker to abort his mission and move away.7. As far as parihaarams are concerned, again the reader does not decide them. They are written in the Nadi itself on a case by case basis. They are evenly related to the seeker's past sins and not to his present financial status. I have seen rich men being asked to do parihaarams involving a meagre spend. Certain parihaarams do not involve big money, but do efforts and leg work. No purpose is served by interpreting the parihaarams or asking the reader to suggest alternatives. Either you are doing as imposed or not doing at all. There are no midways. That is why, generally no time limit is set for the parihaarams. It depends on the seeker's interest in getting an early solution.8. Temple visits. There is a general complaint in the why only TN Temples find place in the Nadi paraihaaram list. These temples or theerthams were in existence even when the learned Rishis created the Nadi. Idols and certain kinds of stones are capable of attracting and retaining the sakthi of Mantras. It is a belief that such spiritual power is disseminated to the seeker to wash away the evil effects of his past sins, at the time of doing the parihaarams. Although God is one, He is manifesting Himself in different forms (saguna brahmam, nirguna brahmam). The list of temples often found in the Nadi Parihaarams have been especially consecrated by holy saints and rishis for these purposes. Hence, they are not comparable to deities located in other parts of our country. Puranaa stories say that Sage Agasthya was sent to the southern tip specifically during the marriage of Sri Parvati and Sri Parameswara to balance the earth. When the whole sea of humanity assembled on the himalayas to witness the marriage, the lone Sage Agasthya was weighty enough (Sakthi figuritively) to balance the earth.9. Future. There is also a grouse that Nadi gives the past happenings correctly but predictions of future do not occur so exactly. The first reason could be, I say, that the right Nadi has not been found by the seeker. Second, the reader might not be competent enough to interpret the predictions and translate them to current usage. Third, Parihaarams might not have been understood and observed. Fourth, from the day Nadi was identified and read and every day thereafter, new Karmaa is added for the seeker. A suspicious seeker might criticise the parihaarams or the deities. He might have done something in direct contrast to what he did as parihaaram. For example, the seeker might have provided food to ten persons as a parihaaram. After a few days he might have denied food to 100 persons by his other actions. Say, the person is employed in a checkpost. He might have unduly detained a truckload of food or relief materials meant for certain victims. Such actions offset the parihaarams done earlier. The moral is that those who believe in Nadi, etc. have no choice but to be believers of God, morality, duty, etc.10. Research. I am afraid Nadi is not open to research. Since they involve and operate at a spiritual level, and dwell on previous births, etc. they cannot be interpreted in physical parameters. Proof, Certifications (ISO [!]), etc. do not cut ice with them. Rishis do not need certification. Neither do the readers coming in Guru Paramparaa. As some group members had written, Devathaas, Yakshinis, et al. may get invocation. These matters cannot be explained in scientific terms.11. Commerce. It is very easy to commercially exploit spirituality today. I for one cannot comprehend how the right Nadi can be identified by sending the thumb impression over post or email to the reader. Even after extensive reading and detailing, one may not find one's nadi at all since Nadi has not been made for every living being. In such a scenario, how can everyone find a Nadi through post, email, etc. I would suspect the bonafides of a reader if he says that he can locate the right Nadi by simply getting a thumb impression through post, email, etc. If he insists on getting more information on birth chart, etc. I will safely conclude that he will only use other forms of astrology and pass them off as Nadi.12. Precaution. Please, be firm that you do not provide anything other than your thumb impression to the reader. Patiently go for any number of sittings. Never divulge any of your personal details. A genuine reader will not shun you but work along with you patiently. It may actually take months or years to locate the right script. Be patient and insistent. Be calm that the time has not arrived for you. There is no use thinking that like other forms of astrology, Nadi Josyam is for all.Regards.Atharvan. New Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 24, 2006 Report Share Posted March 24, 2006 why is it that none of the naadi readers today are willing to give our naadi to us, or even allowing us to photograph it. if it is our naadi , then its not meant for anyoen why the refusal ? In my grandfatehrs time, they gave it. he has his leaf stored till today. but now, none of them are prepared to give. where did u see ur naadi, is he willing to give ur leaf to you ? , " ATHARVAN " <finafield wrote: > > Dear members, > > It is unfortunate that Nadi predictions have not worked out for some > seekers. > > There are many precautions to be taken in the case of Nadi > Astrology, much more than other forms of astrology. The > characteristic of metaphysical sciences is that they cannot be > comprehended using the gross forms of physical and biological tools. > Only through faith and concentration of mind, such sciences should > be approached. > > In the case of Nadi Astrology, the following points may be borne in > mind before trying it. > > 1. Faith in the System. A rationalist approach will only satisfy > rationalism. The person is sure to find the system fake. If you are > suspicious, it is better not to waste time and money on it. You can > never be satisfied. > > 2. As per available historical information, to ensure checks and > balances and also a harmonious transition in the Kaliyug, Rishis > have documented Nadi data for a section of the population only. > Persons who live an ordinary good life, birth after birth, may not > find his record in Nadi at all. Since Nadis have been blessed by > their Rishis with the truth that the person concerned would come > seeking his Nadi at a particular time in a particular birth, there > is a better likelihood of suffering persons seeking their Nadi > rather than persons who are endowed with all happiness. My view is > that ordinarily happy persons should not seek Nadi for the heck of > it. For example, when a person finds himself suffering too much for > too long for no apparent reason, he can seek to find his Nadi. Once > he understands the cause of his sorrows, he is more likely to > conduct the Parihaarams and pray positively for a peaceful life, now > and for the next birth too. In the absence of Nadi data, there are > chances of suffering persons committing more crime to tide over > crises which will only speed up the maturing of Kaliyug. As found > earlier, just to provide checks and balances and also to uplift the > seeker spiritually and consciously, Rishis have documented Nadi. > > 3. Approach the right Reader. Although a difficult exercise, make > thorough enquiries before identifying the right reader. He should > not be a fake in that he will somehow manage to identify the wrong > Nadi as the right one and read out fake predictions and make money. > So it is necessary that you are approaching the right reader who has > come in the proper guru paramparaa and who himself is conscious that > he is carrying out the dictates of great rishis in the service of > humanity. > > 4. Once the right reader is identified, a great deal of vigilance > and co-operation is needed on the part of the seeker in identifying > the relevant Nadi. Names of relatives, birth year, profession, > educatoin and many other particulars may be the same for any number > of persons. It is very much in the hands of the seeker to listen to > the reader with total concentration to identify his Nadi. I am > cautioning because, it is a human tendency to compromise and zero in > on averages. Till the last point, the references and informations > must point by point (100.00%) tally with your personality. Even if > there is an iota of difference, be assured that the Nadi is not > yours. If you falter and confirm a wrong Nadi in your anxiety, the > reader cannot do much about it. He will read out all relevant > Kaandams and proceed with his duty. But, having identified the wrong > nadi, the seeker will only suffer with loss of time, money and other > disturbances. > > 5. Genuine readers do not pressurise the seeker or hastens the > process unduly. It is advisable for the seeker to sit with the > reader alone. Avoid taking relatives and friends for the sittings > howsoever close they are. They can only provide nuisance value and > act as pressure points. In my case, I went for a few sittings and > could not locate my Nadi. Then for about four years I could not go > for a sitting at all even though I had wanted to. Suddenly, things > fell in place and the sittings resumed. The sittings lasted for six > more months and finally I could identify my Nadi. I think both > myself and my reader were very patient to zero in on the correct > Nadi. A fake or impatient reader would have dismissed me long back > saying that my Nadi could not be found. Or he would have pressurised > me into accepting a wrong one. I understood it in such a way that > only at the appointed time, Nadi will unfold to the seeker > regardless of his efforts. > > 6. Even after the Nadi is identified, it is not easy like pulling > out a book from the shelf and just reading it. At the very start of > the reading, it may contain conditions imposed on the seeker to do > certain rituals before further reading could cointinue. Likewise, > Parihaarams are also written in the Nadi. The reader by himself has > no choice to offer alternatives. The only option available to the > seeker is to carry out the impositions of rituals and parihaarams. A > faithful seeker is encouraged to follow the impositions and carry > them out meticulously. Incomplete observance will only add to the > misery. In such unfaithful times, it is better for the seeker to > abort his mission and move away. > > 7. As far as parihaarams are concerned, again the reader does not > decide them. They are written in the Nadi itself on a case by case > basis. They are evenly related to the seeker's past sins and not to > his present financial status. I have seen rich men being asked to do > parihaarams involving a meagre spend. Certain parihaarams do not > involve big money, but do efforts and leg work. No purpose is served > by interpreting the parihaarams or asking the reader to suggest > alternatives. Either you are doing as imposed or not doing at all. > There are no midways. That is why, generally no time limit is set > for the parihaarams. It depends on the seeker's interest in getting > an early solution. > > 8. Temple visits. There is a general complaint in the > why only TN Temples find place in the Nadi paraihaaram list. These > temples or theerthams were in existence even when the learned Rishis > created the Nadi. Idols and certain kinds of stones are capable of > attracting and retaining the sakthi of Mantras. It is a belief that > such spiritual power is disseminated to the seeker to wash away the > evil effects of his past sins, at the time of doing the parihaarams. > Although God is one, He is manifesting Himself in different forms > (saguna brahmam, nirguna brahmam). The list of temples often found > in the Nadi Parihaarams have been especially consecrated by holy > saints and rishis for these purposes. Hence, they are not comparable > to deities located in other parts of our country. Puranaa stories > say that Sage Agasthya was sent to the southern tip specifically > during the marriage of Sri Parvati and Sri Parameswara to balance > the earth. When the whole sea of humanity assembled on the himalayas > to witness the marriage, the lone Sage Agasthya was weighty enough > (Sakthi figuritively) to balance the earth. > > 9. Future. There is also a grouse that Nadi gives the past > happenings correctly but predictions of future do not occur so > exactly. The first reason could be, I say, that the right Nadi has > not been found by the seeker. Second, the reader might not be > competent enough to interpret the predictions and translate them to > current usage. Third, Parihaarams might not have been understood and > observed. Fourth, from the day Nadi was identified and read and > every day thereafter, new Karmaa is added for the seeker. A > suspicious seeker might criticise the parihaarams or the deities. He > might have done something in direct contrast to what he did as > parihaaram. For example, the seeker might have provided food to ten > persons as a parihaaram. After a few days he might have denied food > to 100 persons by his other actions. Say, the person is employed in > a checkpost. He might have unduly detained a truckload of food or > relief materials meant for certain victims. Such actions offset the > parihaarams done earlier. The moral is that those who believe in > Nadi, etc. have no choice but to be believers of God, morality, > duty, etc. > > 10. Research. I am afraid Nadi is not open to research. Since they > involve and operate at a spiritual level, and dwell on previous > births, etc. they cannot be interpreted in physical parameters. > Proof, Certifications (ISO [!]), etc. do not cut ice with them. > Rishis do not need certification. Neither do the readers coming in > Guru Paramparaa. As some group members had written, Devathaas, > Yakshinis, et al. may get invocation. These matters cannot be > explained in scientific terms. > > 11. Commerce. It is very easy to commercially exploit spirituality > today. I for one cannot comprehend how the right Nadi can be > identified by sending the thumb impression over post or email to the > reader. Even after extensive reading and detailing, one may not find > one's nadi at all since Nadi has not been made for every living > being. In such a scenario, how can everyone find a Nadi through > post, email, etc. I would suspect the bonafides of a reader if he > says that he can locate the right Nadi by simply getting a thumb > impression through post, email, etc. If he insists on getting more > information on birth chart, etc. I will safely conclude that he will > only use other forms of astrology and pass them off as Nadi. > > 12. Precaution. Please, be firm that you do not provide anything > other than your thumb impression to the reader. Patiently go for any > number of sittings. Never divulge any of your personal details. A > genuine reader will not shun you but work along with you patiently. > It may actually take months or years to locate the right script. Be > patient and insistent. Be calm that the time has not arrived for > you. There is no use thinking that like other forms of astrology, > Nadi Josyam is for all. > > Regards. > > Atharvan. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 24, 2006 Report Share Posted March 24, 2006 Dear Shri. Sanjeev, I was told that each Naadi ( a palm leaf ) contains the record of more than one person. The writing is in fact on both the sides. In cases where all the persons mentioned in one leaf have been identified, that leaf is separated and archived. The last person in that particular set has the chance of collecting the leaf from the reader for himself. 2. My Naadi was identified in Madras. I have also staked my claim for taking it for myself. But, the reader said that there were more persons yet to be identified in the same leaf. He has promised that once it is ready for archiving, I can as well take it being the first claimant. 3. Photographing. It is the discretion of the reader or his clan. A genuine reader who has come in Guru Parampara should not object to the leaf being photographed by the rightful seeker. Until the leaf is ready for archiving, the identified seeker must be allowed to take a photograph. 4. The reason for refusal does not necessarily mean that the reader is a fraudster. He should be asked to explain his decision. But, wherever photographing is allowed, we can give that reader the benefit of genuineness. He is after all open and has nothing to hide. Regards. Atharvan. , " sanjeev2475 " <sanjeev2475 wrote: > > why is it that none of the naadi readers today are willing to give > our naadi to us, or even allowing us to photograph it. > if it is our naadi , then its not meant for anyoen why the > refusal ? > > In my grandfatehrs time, they gave it. he has his leaf stored till > today. > but now, none of them are prepared to give. > > where did u see ur naadi, is he willing to give ur leaf to you ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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