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Naadi Astrology - Rajan

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Dear Readers, I have been reading almost all the letters passing through our forum. I have hesitated to contribute anything in this place, because I was having nothing new to give to you. But today, when I read Mr. Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu’s letter , I thought, may be, I should write what I feel. Please be assured I have nothing against anybody or I am going to write some thing against what Mr. Pemmaraju’s views.. First of all , my thanks and best wishes to the person/s , who are behind this good forum. Because of this place , we are getting some opportunity to express, what we feel, on a subject, which is really interesting and deserve a lot of research. From the letters, I could see many new individuals come into the discussions and paste different sorts of requests. Some with curiosity, some with a genuine desire to probe and some who are in trouble and need some help [ in their personal life ] Or some people who do not believe in naadi at all. What ever the reasons, the fact remains that we have a common place where we can exchange our views , opinions and suggestions .. all on naadi astrology. Mr. Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu ‘s opinion is that since no serious effort is being done to find out how the naadi works, or since there is nobody to satisfactorily give an authentic explanation of how the naadi works, mere publication of different person’s explanation is useless. He may have a point there. I do not dispute. But the

vital factor remaining is that , we all are expressing what we feel and I am sure , many are getting benefit out of this. First of all there is a wide awareness now about the naadi science. Also we all know that we should be careful about fraud readers. Many of us, the readers , have shared good information about genuine readers , their contact details, tel numbers etc., here. I do not say that this branch of astrology have not been researched. There are few people, who have done a lot of monitoring during the last few decades and come out with their opinions. Unfortunately I do not have their names with me, though I have read them in other places in net. Why, we have few wise gentlemen present even with us, in this forum , who are contributing when ever there is a need. The naadi is GENUINE.. There is no second opinion. 99% of the people we had a genuine reading say their past data was shockingly true. Only the predictions faultier in many cases .. But on the other side ,

many predictions [ including mine ] are proving right. I have done a small study few years back – very minute - and even a death predicted [ in confidence ] of a young boy happened in front of us. There was an explanation also , in our own forum some times back, why the predictions go wrong. It is attributed to wrong interpretations in many cases. May be that is true.. or even the Rishi’s couldn’t predict human future correctly because of our ability to do the most unexpected deeds.. because of the blessing our God has given us “ The Free Will ” – the ability and freedom to do what ever we want. Only thing , we are responsible for all our actions.. May be in the Parihaar Kandam/Chapter , when we are asked to do penance – many ways – we did not do it with a full heart.. You are to feel genuinely sorry for your sins , then only any penance will have some value.. May be you have erred

there.. Or you have not done the penance at all [ because of your difficulties or due to the greed of the reader – exorbitant amounts - ] It is said in this Kandam that if we do the penance correctly, our bad times will disappear and will enjoy good times There should be a reason for the predictions to go wrong. We do not know yet. We have to keep on probing.. Can’t we keep in mind that, all that is written in the naadi by any Rishi – at the time of writing – were only predictions !!! Our past, present and future !! From what we are doing now.. our writings, our comments, our suggestions, our doubts ,

our experiences.. etc., we are confirming that a science by name “ Naadi astrology “ exists. Let us not doubt that. Yes, there are a group of people who got cheated, who are annoyed and angry, who will say.. all these are bull shit . I will not blame them. They are right because they are sensible people. A subject like this.. knowing your past and future from total strangers, is not a child’s play. This is a serious matter. And to believe such a thing , need concrete proof. My view is that, till such people get some concrete proof , please don’t try to jump into absolute decisions.. keep a question mark, in our head and wait for a good opportunity to confirm the truth. Let us continue our quest to know the truth. Keep pushing.. keep reading.. keep discussing.. nothing is waste .. Our life is very short .. we have to know many things.. AND we know nothing .. believe me.. we know

nothing.. we are all blind.. Yes, there are some blessed few.. but they know that if they come out and say what they know, the whole world will ridicule them. Some dare.. some do not. What we must do is to sharpen our receptacle… use our intelligence.. once you get some info.. like naadi , just think.. think.. what is the meaning of all these.. don’t just sit there listening to your future [ in front of the reader ] or keep lamenting why my predictions are not coming true . Start the process of reasoning.. What is the meaning of all these !! If some Rishi could write my whole life some 4000/5000 years ago, how he could do it ? what science ? what capability ? Jesus did this 2000 years ago.. [ miracles & predictions ] how could he do that ? [ I

am a Hindu ] If they are so powerful, where are they now ? I know , you will not get answers.. but , there is no harm in starting these questions … At the same time. .just think for a moment.. Our earth is so big.. it takes more than 14 hours to reach USA by air. Then how much time we need to cover our solar system , from one end to another. Light years.. !!! There are more than a million solar systems and it is still expanding.. Can you place all these solar systems in front of you and search for our earth.. Can you see it.. OK.. then, just try locating where

you are.. you , the individual. Impossible to find .. right. Then what is the capacity of that individual’s brain to know everything about this universe. How much that tiny brain can assimilate and grasp. I think a small frog in the pond is in a much better situation. So, friends , we have our own limitation. Just be aware that we are nothing in this universe. But at the same time , we must probe.. We will reach somewhere .. We have to.. we should realize that our heaven & hell are all here only [ in relation to our actions ]. We should know that the dead are not dead.. They are much better of, in a different dimension ..We should know that there are different forces in action in this universe and we are being used. We must also know that the GOD has no shape.. He is not Hindu, Christian or Muslim or Jain .. How.. A Big How

!!! first , stop depending on faith. Do not believe everything.. Even do not believe this article. This should be your first lesson, your first base. Start reading books of value, of true experience, genuine researches , wise teachings, dig into your own religious scripts and select what you feel is right. A tough job. But there is no other way. Our God has sprinkled a lot of clues every where.. may be more now a days. Try to locate. Even if you see a UFO.. do not forget it after 6 months. Start thinking, how and from where they are coming. Only thinking can get you some where.. and forums like this, help us all to inter exchange our findings and facts , saving us years of searching or volumes of doubts. Let us continue our quest. We have to come up with nuggets of precious information. If few of you can guide the whole humanity into

a correct path , that will be God’s direct and most recent blessings to all of us. [ I do not want any one of you to believe what I have written. My purpose is only to make you think .. AND … to know the importance of forums like this .. ] Rajan A P 27th May 2006. rajanwhoRajan A.P.

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