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Is it possible to visit another Naadi centre with these readings of General Kanto & request that centre to directly see my readings of 13th Kanto? Or will that centre insist on me going for General Kanto readings all over again?

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Wish I had received your forward before I went for the

Naadi reading.



Ahmedabad. It is a branch of the centre at Kumbhkonam.

I had read a lot about the Naadi astrology centres in

India on the net and had thought that ambiance at such

centres would be such that one would feel peaceful

vibes. Perhaps I am wrong in thinking so, because my

experience has just been otherwise.


A young man at the centre was the reader and a young

girl who knew Hindi & Gujarati, was the interpreter.

On inquiry, I learnt from her that she is an employee

there. The man did not know that I understood spoken

Tamil, though I did tell the girl that I know a bit of

Tamil. Right from the beginning the man seemed to be

angry with the girl for some reason & he said a lot of

harsh words to her right in front of me. The girl

tried to keep a straight face but I could feel the


n being caused & somehow it killed whatever little

sanctity that place could have had.


The room where the session was held, was full of dust

& one could easily make out that no one was bothered

with keeping the place clean. This was confirmed

during my second visit to the place. It was dustier

than my previous visit!


As soon as I was seated, the girl asked me my name. I

gave her my full name. Which, I now know, should not

have been given. She left me & went to the adjoining

room. After nearly 10 minutes the girl & the man came

back to attend to me. The man started reading from the

wooden page holders(?). The man kept going to the

adjoining room often; perhaps to get different sets of

leaves? The girl translated the readings.


He asked questions like: Do you have 2 or three

brothers? Are you the youngest? Do you have sisters?

Are your parents alive? Do you have a son? Do you stay

with your husband? Are your children married? Do they

have kids? Are they graduates/post graduates? Does the

name of your mother start & end with any of these

----- words? Does your father's name start & end with

---word? Does your husbands' name start & end with any

of these ---words? Are they made up of three letters

or four letters? They were leading questions & in the

end I ended up giving them all the names & other

information my self!


Which it seems I should not have done. I would not

have done so; if only you could have sent me earlier

what Mr. Shyam Sunder has written.


In short, the man got all the information about my

family members' names/education qualification/marital

status from ME ! However, he never asked about the

names of my daughters & that is why, in the cassette

of readings that they gave me, their names are not

mentioned at all!!

I was also asked to choose the exact date & year of my

birth from the months & year given by him. Also if the

birth time was in the morning or in the night. In

short, all the relevant information was acquired from



I was not shown any leaves nor I asked him to show me



I was asked to come a fortnight later for collecting

the cassette; which I did yesterday. Half of the

readings in the cassette contains the above

information about my family & me that I had provided

myself. However, the mention of my late brother is not

there in the reading. I had not disclosed about him

during the questionnaire because it was not asked.


Rest of the reading contains predictions for

future and is of very routine kind, which any

Horoscope reader can make. Some kind of Puja & Taavij

is also suggested at the cost of Rs. 8,000/-. It was

also conveyed that the amount can be paid in

installments if I wished to do so.


At the end of listening the cassette, I insisted on

meeting the head of the centre. I told him that the

readings in the cassette was all based on the

information provided by me & I was not impressed by it

at all. In response to that he just gave me a wan



I also asked why there wasn't any mention of my past

karmik relationship with my near ones, he said, I can

have the information if I went for the readings of

13th kanto, at the cost of Rs. 500/-


When I asked him about the missing reference in the

readings about my late brother, he said that the Naadi

readings will show only the living people around me!!!

I think this is NOT right. What do you say?


They charged me Rs. 500/- for this - which is called

1st Kanto. The experience discourages me from going

for the 13th Kanto readings.


They have given me a notebook with readings written in

Tamil. Is it possible to visit another Naadi centre

with these readings of General Kanto & request that

centre to directly see my readings of 13th Kanto? Or

will that centre insist on me going for General Kanto

readings all over again?



Shridevi Shukla & Anil Mehta








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Dear Anil, I am glad that you are bringing this matter to the attention of Naadi lovers. I suggest you spend 95rupees and purchase the book by Shri Shashikant Oak- Naadi Predictions -A Mind Boggling Miracle. Its a pity that you experienced an old money miracle with this new player in Gujrat. Keep your chin up and remember that you are yet to visit a proper reader. I had some experiences of similar nature from a very reputable center that I will share in the months ahead. I just hate typing so pls bear. Keep an eye for my Youtube links which will be forthcoming soon on this forum. Pls note that I rarely read my mails on this id. Regards, Sandeep.Anil Mehta <anilpmehta wrote: Dear SHASHIKANT OAK,Wish I had received your forward before I went for theNaadi reading.I visited AGASTHIYAR SHRI SIVA NAADI CENTRE atAhmedabad. It is a branch of the centre at Kumbhkonam.I had read a lot about the Naadi astrology centres inIndia on the net and had thought that ambiance at suchcentres would be such that one would feel peacefulvibes. Perhaps I am wrong in thinking so, because myexperience has just been otherwise. A young man at the centre was the reader and a younggirl who knew Hindi & Gujarati, was the interpreter.On inquiry, I learnt from her that she is an employeethere. The man did

not know that I understood spokenTamil, though I did tell the girl that I know a bit ofTamil. Right from the beginning the man seemed to beangry with the girl for some reason & he said a lot ofharsh words to her right in front of me. The girltried to keep a straight face but I could feel thehumiliation being caused & somehow it killed whatever littlesanctity that place could have had.The room where the session was held, was full of dust & one could easily make out that no one was botheredwith keeping the place clean. This was confirmedduring my second visit to the place. It was dustierthan my previous visit!As soon as I was seated, the girl asked me my name. Igave her my full name. Which, I now know, should nothave been given. She left me & went to the adjoiningroom. After nearly 10 minutes the girl & the man cameback to attend to me. The man started reading from

thewooden page holders(?). The man kept going to theadjoining room often; perhaps to get different sets ofleaves? The girl translated the readings.He asked questions like: Do you have 2 or threebrothers? Are you the youngest? Do you have sisters?Are your parents alive? Do you have a son? Do you staywith your husband? Are your children married? Do theyhave kids? Are they graduates/post graduates? Does thename of your mother start & end with any of these----- words? Does your father's name start & end with---word? Does your husbands' name start & end with anyof these ---words? Are they made up of three lettersor four letters? They were leading questions & in theend I ended up giving them all the names & otherinformation my self!Which it seems I should not have done. I would nothave done so; if only you could have sent me earlierwhat Mr. Shyam Sunder has written.In

short, the man got all the information about myfamily members' names/education qualification/maritalstatus from ME ! However, he never asked about thenames of my daughters & that is why, in the cassetteof readings that they gave me, their names are notmentioned at all!!I was also asked to choose the exact date & year of mybirth from the months & year given by him. Also if thebirth time was in the morning or in the night. Inshort, all the relevant information was acquired fromme.I was not shown any leaves nor I asked him to show meany.I was asked to come a fortnight later for collectingthe cassette; which I did yesterday. Half of thereadings in the cassette contains the aboveinformation about my family & me that I had providedmyself. However, the mention of my late brother is notthere in the reading. I had not disclosed about himduring the questionnaire because it was

not asked.Rest of the reading contains predictions forfuture and is of very routine kind, which anyHoroscope reader can make. Some kind of Puja & Taavijis also suggested at the cost of Rs. 8,000/-. It wasalso conveyed that the amount can be paid ininstallments if I wished to do so.At the end of listening the cassette, I insisted onmeeting the head of the centre. I told him that thereadings in the cassette was all based on theinformation provided by me & I was not impressed by itat all. In response to that he just gave me a wansmile.I also asked why there wasn't any mention of my pastkarmik relationship with my near ones, he said, I canhave the information if I went for the readings of13th kanto, at the cost of Rs. 500/- When I asked him about the missing reference in thereadings about my late brother, he said that the Naadireadings will show only the living people around

me!!!I think this is NOT right. What do you say?They charged me Rs. 500/- for this - which is called1st Kanto. The experience discourages me from goingfor the 13th Kanto readings.They have given me a notebook with readings written inTamil. Is it possible to visit another Naadi centrewith these readings of General Kanto & request thatcentre to directly see my readings of 13th Kanto? Orwill that centre insist on me going for General Kantoreadings all over again?Regards,Shridevi Shukla & Anil MehtaNow you can chat without downloading messenger. Go to http://in.messenger./webmessengerpromo.php


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btw i did a google search and saw that much of its

contents can be read online

http://books.google.com/books?id=r0GTvPgBaYkC & pg=PA150 & lpg=PA150 & dq=shri+shashik\

ant+oak & source=web & ots=uKpUmDSY-z & sig=w1duXT87SzA9HWFKApf2NSM5srM#PPA16,M1


--- Sunny Sunny <sunnyxshani wrote:


> Dear Anil,

> I am glad that you are bringing this matter to the

> attention of Naadi lovers. I suggest you spend

> 95rupees and purchase the book by Shri Shashikant

> Oak- Naadi Predictions -A Mind Boggling Miracle.


> Its a pity that you experienced an old money

> miracle with this new player in Gujrat. Keep your

> chin up and remember that you are yet to visit a

> proper reader. I had some experiences of similar

> nature from a very reputable center that I will

> share in the months ahead. I just hate typing so pls

> bear.


> Keep an eye for my Youtube links which will be

> forthcoming soon on this forum. Pls note that I

> rarely read my mails on this id.


> Regards,

> Sandeep.


> Anil Mehta <anilpmehta wrote:



> Wish I had received your forward before I went for

> the

> Naadi reading.



> Ahmedabad. It is a branch of the centre at

> Kumbhkonam.

> I had read a lot about the Naadi astrology centres

> in

> India on the net and had thought that ambiance at

> such

> centres would be such that one would feel peaceful

> vibes. Perhaps I am wrong in thinking so, because my

> experience has just been otherwise.


> A young man at the centre was the reader and a young

> girl who knew Hindi & Gujarati, was the interpreter.

> On inquiry, I learnt from her that she is an

> employee

> there. The man did not know that I understood spoken

> Tamil, though I did tell the girl that I know a bit

> of

> Tamil. Right from the beginning the man seemed to be

> angry with the girl for some reason & he said a lot

> of

> harsh words to her right in front of me. The girl

> tried to keep a straight face but I could feel the

> humiliatio

> n being caused & somehow it killed whatever little

> sanctity that place could have had.


> The room where the session was held, was full of

> dust

> & one could easily make out that no one was bothered

> with keeping the place clean. This was confirmed

> during my second visit to the place. It was dustier

> than my previous visit!


> As soon as I was seated, the girl asked me my name.

> I

> gave her my full name. Which, I now know, should not

> have been given. She left me & went to the adjoining

> room. After nearly 10 minutes the girl & the man

> came

> back to attend to me. The man started reading from

> the

> wooden page holders(?). The man kept going to the

> adjoining room often; perhaps to get different sets

> of

> leaves? The girl translated the readings.


> He asked questions like: Do you have 2 or three

> brothers? Are you the youngest? Do you have sisters?

> Are your parents alive? Do you have a son? Do you

> stay

> with your husband? Are your children married? Do

> they

> have kids? Are they graduates/post graduates? Does

> the

> name of your mother start & end with any of these

> ----- words? Does your father's name start & end

> with

> ---word? Does your husbands' name start & end with

> any

> of these ---words? Are they made up of three letters

> or four letters? They were leading questions & in

> the

> end I ended up giving them all the names & other

> information my self!


> Which it seems I should not have done. I would not

> have done so; if only you could have sent me earlier

> what Mr. Shyam Sunder has written.


> In short, the man got all the information about my

> family members' names/education

> qualification/marital

> status from ME ! However, he never asked about the

> names of my daughters & that is why, in the cassette

> of readings that they gave me, their names are not

> mentioned at all!!

> I was also asked to choose the exact date & year of

> my

> birth from the months & year given by him. Also if

> the

> birth time was in the morning or in the night. In

> short, all the relevant information was acquired

> from

> me.


> I was not shown any leaves nor I asked him to show

> me

> any.


> I was asked to come a fortnight later for collecting

> the cassette; which I did yesterday. Half of the

> readings in the cassette contains the above

> information about my family & me that I had provided

> myself. However, the mention of my late brother is

> not

> there in the reading. I had not disclosed about him

> during the questionnaire because it was not asked.


> Rest of the reading contains predictions for

> future and is of very routine kind, which any

> Horoscope reader can make. Some kind of Puja &

> Taavij

> is also suggested at the cost of Rs. 8,000/-. It was

> also conveyed that the amount can be paid in

> installments if I wished to do so.


> At the end of listening the cassette, I insisted on

> meeting the head of the centre. I told him that the

> readings in the cassette was all based on the

> information provided by me & I was not impressed by

> it

> at all. In response to that he just gave me a wan

> smile.


> I also asked why there wasn't any mention of my past

> karmik relationship with my near ones, he said, I

> can

> have the information if I went for the readings of

> 13th kanto, at the cost of Rs. 500/-


> When I asked him about the missing reference in the

> readings about my late brother, he said that the

> Naadi

> readings will show only the living people around

> me!!!

> I think this is NOT right. What do you say?


> They charged me Rs. 500/- for this - which is called

> 1st Kanto. The experience discourages me from going

> for the 13th Kanto readings.


> They have given me a notebook with readings written

> in

> Tamil. Is it possible to visit another Naadi centre

> with these readings of General Kanto & request that

> centre to directly see my readings of 13th Kanto? Or

> will that centre insist on me going for General

> Kanto

> readings all over again?


> Regards,

> Shridevi Shukla & Anil Mehta


> Now you can chat without downloading messenger. Go

> to

> http://in.messenger./webmessengerpromo.php


> Make the switch to the world's best email. Get the

> new 7 Mail now.





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