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setting conditions..

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hi all ,


would the nadi astrologers accept if we set them a condition

that we wouldnt answer our birth time related questions( d o b)

while eliminating the leaves ( by answerin yes r no) whch

arenot ours. if the birthdate related questions comeup, the

astrologers can skip it and ask someother question from the same

leaf. this way it will be nearly impossible to guess the

birthtime . we must answer birthtime related questions only when

all other details match. what do you think about this idea..?

will they accept this method ,if not why..? expecting your

views. also, have anyone here had any really interesting ,unique

expereinces to share..?

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Why don't you ask a nadireader whether he is willing to give your readings including your date of birth, time, birth star etc when you don't know or whether you do not want to tell your birth details?One nadi reader told me that he will give the birth details ,if not known ,from nadi, unfortunately I could not afford to go to him due to the money involved. Better you try yourselves and report your personal experience for the benefit of all.. Blessings Rayudu beach_n_bonfire <beach_n_bonfire wrote: hi all , would the nadi astrologers accept if we set them a condition that we wouldnt answer our birth time related questions( d o b)while eliminating the leaves ( by answerin yes r no) whch arenot ours. if the birthdate related questions comeup, the

astrologers can skip it and ask someother question from the same leaf. this way it will be nearly impossible to guess the birthtime . we must answer birthtime related questions only when all other details match. what do you think about this idea..? will they accept this method ,if not why..? expecting your views. also, have anyone here had any really interesting ,unique expereinces to share..?

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TO, All Naadi lovers, This point was discussed in the Naadi conference in Pune held on 14 Oct 2007. The points for better service have been given in the attachment for the benefit of this Naadi lovers Group. This point No. stated that instead of asking the alphabets of the name or details of date of birth etc. The Naadi reader should read only the name of the father or mother completely, i.e. without asking Ka, sa, ta, pa,ra, etc from the leaf. If that tallies, them go to other names revealing the name of the seeker the last. So the allegation that the Naadi centrewalas extract the names and other information from you and tell the same as if read from the leaf is dispensed with once in for all. The list of suggestions is attached as Appendix ‘C’. Wing Commander Shashikant Oak - A – 4/ 404 Ganga Hamlet Society, Viman Nagar, Pune. 411014. Mob: 098819 01049 (Oak) Suggestions to improve the Standards of Naadi Palm Leaf Astrology Centres. Wing Commander Shashikant Oak, while addressing in the Conference made some suggestions to improve the standards of Naadi reading profession. After some deliberations with some Chief Naadi Astrologers, they have agreed to implement most of them as far as possible in near future. Let us hope this conference puts them in right frame of mind for the rest of the suggestions. {IT IS REQUESTED THAT ANY ONE WISHES TO IMPROVE THESE SUGGESTIONS FURTHER AND / OR TRANSLATE IN TAMIL OR LOCAL LANGUAGE OF HIS/HER AREA, YOU ARE WELCOME. PLEASE PUT UP ON THE WEBGROUP AND HAND OVER TO THE CENTRES FOR IMPLEMENTATION UNDER INTIMATION TO THE UNDERSIGNED} There are many challenges before present Naadi Centres. The younger generation Naadi readers will have to cope up with the requirements of the present day customers. While respecting the old traditions fully, they will have to give way to present day conditions and new paths will have to be build up for the betterment of the divine profession of the ancient past. Gone are the days when no one was bothered about proper running of any business. Now Consumer Courts, Rationalist pressure groups, Non-believers and Government regulations are out to watch wrong doings at any time and at any place. Persons without proper ethics and high morale standards are spoiling the reputation of Great Maharishis and their gigantic work of Naadi Palm leaf Astrology. Children of

present Chief Naadi readers are not at all keen to learn the cryptic Tamil language. They see pathetic condition of the fellow readers. Disregard to the rituals they are expected to undertake before stating the days proceedings of Divine reading. Not so good activities in the non-working hours. Some code of conduct will have to be observed by all Naadi astrologers. Few suggestions in this direction are listed bellow for the benefit of all Naadi lovers to observe them minutely while they visit the centres of their areas. The purpose here is not to criticise any person or any Naadi centre in particular but to understand the reality of profession and suggest ways for the betterment of it. 1. Regularity of opening of centres: - Open centres by 8:30 sharp (depending upon climatic conditions and transport facility). The centre should remain open to accommodate the last customer. If needed work in shift basis. 2. Cleanliness: - Chief Astrologer’s Office, Puja room and other business rooms including toilets and kitchens should be cleaned every day. No cobwebs, black walls due to Aarti and oil lamps. If required get them white washed every few months. 3. Chappals and News Papers Stand:- Provide proper place to keep footwear outside canters. News paper and periodicals be placed in as proper stand. (Naadi lover Shri Babuji Bhagwat of Pune had provided free stands to some centres in Mumbai and Pune) 4. TV viewing:- Avoid seeing Tamil

programmes, especially when non-Tamil knowing clients are present in the centre. 5. Morning prayers and Sadhana: - The chief Naadi astrologers should set up an example by getting ready for Morning Prayer by 07:00 every day. All other readers should perform Japams and Sadhana /Meditation. The clients present should be permitted to participate in the prayers and Prasad conducted before the day’s proceedings. 6. Table attendants:- Should be available at given timings. Avoid taking any thumb print by some other person. Unless the person

carrying is blood relation and alive. 7. The practice of reading the alphabets of the names from the leaf be modified to reading the completely the name o f the father or mother if tallied then switch to nest name. The name of the seeker should be read or revealed in the last so that the element of surprise is maintained. By asking the alphabets in tit bits, doubt is necessarily created in the minds of the first time seeker and the non believers.(Many centres have started this practice of read the names directly from leaf. They say that it had helped them to reduce the verification time to nearly half and the reducing the doubts in the minds of the visitors) 8.

Visitor’s Book: - Visitor’s Book should be kept ready with table attendants for the clients to write their experiences of Naadi readings. It will be evidence to see by the others to know what were the experiences of others clients who have seen Naadi leaves previously. The names and Addresses will help centres to locate persons if required on later date. 9. Photographic Albums:- Avoid display of Photo frames of celebrities in open. Please make post card size Photo album of the visitors. Also add the photos while giving charity to needy and poor from the gifts given to the centres like saris to women, ready made shirts or T shirts and pants; Lungi etc, School

stationary or text books to the children. Avoid giving cloth pieces it will burden them to spend money on stitching charges. 10. Centre’s Opening Celebrations:- Every year celebrate some function like Pongal, Diwali, or centre’s opening day. Invite nearby persons, society residents, celebrities and distribute sweets and flowers so that the friendly atmosphere is created. 11. Legal Advice and Police Protection:- Please arrange for advocate in advance. He may be from your clients. Meet in charge of area Police Station. Invite him and his staffs to centre so that

the police are aware what type of activities are conducted. Especially for Non-Tamil speaking area centres Police protections is a must. 12. Facilities to Staff Workers:- Following aspects may be kept in mind . Ø Proper food, stay and transport should be provided where staff workers reside in the centre premises. Ø Medical and emergency help is to be given without fail. Family members are contacted fast. Ø The staff should be encouraged to bring family members to reside with nearby areas. This will avoid frequent visits to home towns and loss of working hands and days. Ø The staff should be encouraged to celebrate Pongal, Diwali etc locally. So that the centre remains open without long break. Ø Remittance of money to the family members in home town is to be monitored by the chief Naadi Astrologers regularly. Ø Every staff should be given Name plate to be displayed on chest for easy recognition. Wearing of Name plates should be made compulsory. It is easy to remember names of the reader by clients that way. Ø Staff should not consume hard drinks and create disturbance to

co-workers. Ø The Staff should be honest to their spouses. 13. Learning of languages:- Spoken English classes may be conducted for the staff, so that translation and searching of leaf becomes easy. The staff working in outside Tamilnadu in non-Tamil speaking areas should be encourages to learn the local languages. 14. Employment Opportunities: - More and more centres are opening

in all parts of India. At present many sent out by parents as useless are joining the Naadi reading job. It is harming the reputation of Naadi readings. If job guarantee is given, many new faces with talent and intelligence will join the profession. 15. Certificate of grading:- Could be given to the young readers. It will help to know the standard of reader. 16. Naadi Astrologers from Vaideeshwaran Koil should provide some financial support and by way of regular supply of Naadi leaves to encourage centres run properly. They should get

daily feedback from the centres about number of clients served, and other activities of the day. 17. New Cemntres:-The chief Naadi astrologers should encourage the staff to open new centre. The new centre should not create competition in the same locality of big cities or near by towns. 18. CD in palce of Audia cassettes - Now the cassette recorders are

out of date even in cardecks CD players are more used. The centres should get Computers and recording should be made with the help of Computer CDs. The possibility of giving scnned leaf to the seekers be explored.(In Pune, Nagpur etc some centers have already started recording on CDs) 19. Provision of paper napkins for wiping the inked thumbs. 20. They should try to bring some Jeeva Naadies. Shashikant {Wing Commander (Retd) Oak} Wing Commander Shashikant Oak. Pune, India.

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