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Why do Naadis predictions go wrong at times

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That was an interesting and very important topic

indeed!If nadi predictions go wrong,what shall we

do?where s the mistake?is it with the nadi itself or

with the nadi reader?

One nadi reader told me that there can never be a bad

nadi reader as he says they are well trained for about

11-15 yrs and they need not predict wrong at any


So this discussion of why nadi predictions go wrong

should be continued and guys do share your views and

experiences on this as THIS IS THE ONLY DRAW BACK OF

NADI ASTROLOGY that some predictions go wrong!!!!

--- harinomore <harinomore wrote:


> Hi


> I am sure many famous personalities like Dr B.V

> Raman and Sir

> Shashikant OaK have try to and might have find an

> answer to this

> problem but because i have not been fortunate enough

> to read their

> wonderful books. Can someone here highlight me with

> the reasons why

> Naadis predictions go wrong at times?



> I would like to bring up the fact that many

> mysteries surrounding the

> Naadis can actually be solved by the Naadis

> themselves. So when some

> of your own predictions go wrong isn't it wise for

> you to go back to

> your naadi reader and question the naadi again why

> has that particular

> prediction has not taken place? That is of course if

> you are confident

> that your naadi reader is an authentic person. I am

> sure the sage

> would be able to give you a proper explanation for

> it.


> Thanks

> Hari






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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Venu Ji


Can I have your contact number to discuss on my issue

I am in need of it. As I read your topic below. This

is about something major wrong prediction in naadi



I would appreciate if I get chance to talk to you. I

am not getting words to write in email to discuss with





Kamal Kishore


--- venugopal komakula <komakula_v wrote:


> That was an interesting and very important topic

> indeed!If nadi predictions go wrong,what shall we

> do?where s the mistake?is it with the nadi itself or

> with the nadi reader?

> One nadi reader told me that there can never be a

> bad

> nadi reader as he says they are well trained for

> about

> 11-15 yrs and they need not predict wrong at any

> means!!

> So this discussion of why nadi predictions go wrong

> should be continued and guys do share your views and

> experiences on this as THIS IS THE ONLY DRAW BACK OF

> NADI ASTROLOGY that some predictions go wrong!!!!

> --- harinomore <harinomore wrote:


> > Hi

> >

> > I am sure many famous personalities like Dr B.V

> > Raman and Sir

> > Shashikant OaK have try to and might have find an

> > answer to this

> > problem but because i have not been fortunate

> enough

> > to read their

> > wonderful books. Can someone here highlight me

> with

> > the reasons why

> > Naadis predictions go wrong at times?

> >

> >

> > I would like to bring up the fact that many

> > mysteries surrounding the

> > Naadis can actually be solved by the Naadis

> > themselves. So when some

> > of your own predictions go wrong isn't it wise for

> > you to go back to

> > your naadi reader and question the naadi again why

> > has that particular

> > prediction has not taken place? That is of course

> if

> > you are confident

> > that your naadi reader is an authentic person. I

> am

> > sure the sage

> > would be able to give you a proper explanation for

> > it.

> >

> > Thanks

> > Hari

> >

> >




> Now you can chat without downloading

> messenger. Go to

> http://in.messenger./webmessengerpromo.php







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I believe in Nadi Astrology very much One more Important thing All Nadi Astrologers are not Genuine.Most of the Nadi Astrologers try to take Information from us and repeat the same by mixing some false predictions.I went to a Nadi Center years ago and the predictions were true .I went to the same center for getting some other remedy chapter He told me wrong Predictions and ripped off me big time.Genuine Nadi Centers are giving Wrong predictions They Became too greedy.Thanks,Kirannitin jain <ecstacymaster wrote:

please tell me also what prediction went wrong . i am anxious to know that . it will be helpful to me as i also go for nadi predictions. Nitin

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To, All Naadi Lovers, Why the predictions go wrong from the date of seeing them? Please read the following:- More on the same topic was presented in the conference. by way of a paper.The same is also put up on our group files. Princ. Adwayanand Galatge

has written a Marathi book titled “Vidgyan ani Andhashraddha –Nirmulan (The Science and Blind Faith Eradication)”, from which relevant portions are culled and reproduced in this chapter. The 10th Chapter of the above mentioned book titled, ‘Naadi Grantha Bhavishya : The Nemesis of Rationalists’, throws the light on the reasons why the Naadi predictions about the future events of the individual after he consults it are found to go wrong. The cases mentioned in that Chapter are culled from Naadi Granth: A Study - By Late Shri. Shantaram Athavle (He was famous for his contribution to Marathi Film Industry in Sixties, as a Director, Lyricist and Script writer and admirer of Naadi astrology) Both of these books deserve a close study by the Students of Naadi astrology. The critics of Naadi Predictions say that statements made by the Naadi about the individual’s past are found to be correct but those about his future are found to be wrong. This criticism is misleading. In as much as the terms ‘past’ and ‘future’ are relative and the ‘past’ about which the critics speak, was in fact ‘future’ when the sages (Maharshees ) wrote the Naadi Books. So if the past of the individual is correct, it means that the ‘future’ predictions made by the sages about him, when they wrote them are correct. Now, if future events predicted in the Naadi are found to go wrong after the individual consults it, then there must certainly be some reason for it. Apart from what the reason is, it must be emphasized that the ‘Future’ as predicted by Naadi does not invariably go wrong as alleged by the critics. At any

rate, no body has proved this by undertaking an extensive survey of Naadi Predictions. {One Investigator, nicknamed, ‘Giriraj’ undertook the study of Naadi Predictions and found that the predictions about 21 persons were found to be completely wrong, those of 3 persons were 80% correct and those of 2 persons were 100% correct.}[1] There are many cases where all the predictions about the future events are found to be 100% correct. In this context it is relevant to ask: How can the sages, who make 100% correct predictions about the individual’s ‘past’, including his name, his birth date, day, month, year etc and planetary positions at the time of his birth and many other small details - like the date when he is consulting Naadi, the names of the persons present at the time, of his consulting etc, make wrong predictions about the future events

of the individual only after he consults his Naadi? One can not but concludes that it is not the sage should be held responsible the ostensible wrong predictions, but the individual who has failed to interpret them. One is at least justified in maintaining that no judgment on these so called wrong predictions should be passed by any one before through investigation of them is undertaken. Such an investigation has been conducted by a retired Judge late Shri. R.S. Vaze of Pune, in late sixties. Even before Shri Shantaram Athavle, the celebrated author of above mentioned book, after a laborious and through study of many Naadis. It pays to survey his conclusions…. The sages do not see future wrong but predict it incorrect. (From page 134) … As stated previously, in one case of a person, who took birth along with millions in some part of India, Maharshi Bhrugu in his Samhita could pin-point a petty error being committed while repeating daily mantra-jap as a part of religious ritual. Is it not utter surprise that for an insignificant individual, the sages by their omniscience could envision such a minutest details in distant future, can not visualize an event in a life of an individual after he/she consults his/her Naadi Samhita correctly? Yet it is true that the events predicted by the sages after he/ she consult his/ her Naadi Samhita are often found not to be corroborated. They

are found to be completely wrong. The obvious inference is that the sages whose ability to see past, present and future - omniscience- is beyond doubt do see the future events correctly even after he/ she consults his/her Naadi but they predict it wrongly. Therefore, one has to conclude that there has to be some definite purpose behind these wrong predictions. Many instances have been cited to strengthen these assumptions. From those incorrect predictions, the sages reveal the intrinsic intention – objective - of writing of those predictions comes to light. The sages want each individual to depend upon his own efforts and not be a fatalist. In other words, the dictates of the individual past Karma which in effect means that the individual is left to free to reap fruits of his past Karmas remain unhindered, by keeping him in ignorance about the future events, while at the same time leaving enough room for his own efforts and initiative for his future

progress. This means that the sages do not expect any individual to consult the Naadi Books unless individual finds in dire situation where all avenues of future course of actions appear to be very bleak. It may sound paradoxical to suggest that the sages who have purportedly written the Naadi Books to predict an individual’s future do not want that individual to know his /her future unless constrained to do so. But this, in fact, is true. It can be substantiated by concrete examples. Case of Shri.Talekar:- It was found in the Naadi of Shri. Vasantrao Talekar, the friend of Shri. Ajgaonkar, that all the details predicted about his life were correct, but the latter part proved wrong. Shri. Ajgaonkar described his friend’s life predictions by the Mahashi in the following words :- “Shri. Talekar found his bronchi anal problem intractable; it resisted all kinds of current medications. So he consulted Kaushik Naadi by paying a special fee of Rs.75. The Kaushik Naadi’s (Aushadh) Health Kandam correctly mentioned the names of

Talekar’s father and mother The names of his wife and of his four children were also correctly mentioned. One daughter formerly known named as Jayashree but name was changed to Sandhya after three years. This small detail was also correctly noted by the Naadi. The native was suffering from asthma and the reason for his was traced to a former life. The Naadi Samhita had suggested an Aurvedic remedy for it; a list of medicines was given. The Samhita had also given the address of an Aurvedic doctor residing in the south. That doctor gave the medicines and Talekar was completely cured. “ thereafter Shri. Talekar went to Washington (America) to occupy a high salary post as predicted by the Kaushik Naadi. His life there was very prosperous for 5-6 years. The Naadi also predicted that h would have two houses, that he would retire at the age of 58 and that he would live a life of 67 years” “Shri. Talekar came to his office and sat in his chair on 10-3-1954. He died there suddenly as a result of heart attack. Some of the events predicted by he Naadi proved correct in every details but he passed away from the world before he event predicted by the Naadi. For the latter part of his life could take place.” (Page 158) Now the question is : can it be believed that the sage who knew the nature of Talekar’s disease, even the address of the doctor where the remedial medicine could be found, could not or did not know the time of his death? Suppose that the sage had written that Talekar was going to die in America during the period of his active service; would Talekar have gone to America? Would anybody take the trouble in order that the prediction of Naadi may prove correct? It is but human nature to avoid death – that too premature death, by any means. It therefore, seems, logical to conclude that the sage Kaushik made wrong prediction of Talekar’s death. (And correct prediction of his foreign service)just to mislead him. This conclusion is supported by other

Samhitas too. Take example of Bhrugu Samhita. “Once a millionaire came to Dixit[2] (Bhrugu

Shastri) to consult about his future. After verification of his birth chart, the relevant page was opened. It was said in that his future should not be read. The Shastri could not help disappointing the millionaire. It was later learnt that the millionaire had died soon afterwards.” (Page 89) This example clearly shows Bhrugu’s intention of not allowing the millionaire to know that he was going to die soon. Otherwise, millionaire would not have committed the acts which he actually committed or would have committed other acts which the sage Bhrugu did not want . Where the Naadi reading is of future cannot be helped, the death itself is wrongly predicted. This applied to other predictions too. Which ordinary people are not expected to understand and which the omniscient sages alone know through their super sensuous power. Ordinary persons can

only see that predictions are wrong, but not why they are wrong. The sage’s intention in making Naadi predictions is to give free play to the actions of the person and not to keep him hamstrung by them. They want him no to always depend on Naadi Predictions (or astrology) but to make use of them when absolutely necessary and where the predictions are useful they always prove correct. For example, Talekar’s disease was cured only by the Naadi predictions. Where it is not useful, the sages intentionally make wrong predictions. They expect the person to take initiative there. By making wrong prediction about Talekar’s death, he was induced to take initiative in a foreign country to achieve success and lead a life of prosperity for 5-6 years. It was his within his power to do so. And part of his efforts. However, his asthma problem had proved intractable to current medicine and so the sages gave him proper direction for its cure. There Talekar’s efforts had come to a dead end

and hence he had turned to Naadi as a last resort and Naadi did not fail him. The fact that the sages expect man not to know his future and that even if he knows it, he should know it wrong and that he should know his past correctly, suggests that they want man not to be an astrology dependent but be dependent upon his efforts and do his duty (Practice Karma Yoga Of Geeta) and also that he should understand the truth that the nature (or God for those who believe in Him) has so planned the things of the universe that the future should always remain unknown to him. This conclusion is bourn out by the study of the Naadi predictions of 25 persons by ‘Giriraj’ himself referred to above. (See footnote 1) Even though the sample is meager for statistical treatment, the fact that he found the predictions of more than 80% of the persons wrong, is

significant, since it confirms the above conclusion. This conclusion gets another confirmation by the example of an extra-ordinary case cited by ‘Giriraj’ himself of his own Naadi experience. This extra ordinary case of his own Naadi experience is given in his own words. “One of my friends had committed a serous crime about which I, of course, had not any knowledge. It was not known to any body else either, other than my friend himself. Under this circumstance, I took his birth-chart to Babubhai[3] (Bhrugu Shastri) on the request of the friend and came to know the full details of my friend’s crime. Of course his Naadi book did not contain the information (Prediction) of his crime before it was committed. We had approached Babubhai with the friend’s birth-chart in the month of January. There was no mention at that time in his book about the crime he was going to commit in future (In the month of November). But I came across the information of my

friend’s crime he had committed about two months previously (In the month of November).When I had approached, Babubhai about one year later (In the month of January). This wonderful example, in my opinion, gives a hint that the CID and the police department can make use of this science for investigation crimes in the society”. (Page 146) … Now the question arises: how did Giriraj came to know of his friend’s crime after it was committed (In January, about a year later), which he had not come across in his friend’s Naadi book before it was committed (In November)? No matter how he came to know of it. (Giriraj had not elaborated this point) It is abundantly clear that the plan (of the sages) seems to be that man should know the past but should not know the future. If his friend had come to know of the crime he was going to commit in

future, (From his Naadi) he would not have committed it at all. But it was his destiny (and the desire of the sages) that he should commit the crime. Now suppose that the sages had written about his future crime in such a way that he knew it before hand. Then he would have avoided it. And the prediction of the Naadi would have thus been proved wrong! Thus it would have proved the sages’ intention that the man should know his past correctly but should know the future wrongly. In other words the above conclusion that the future should remain unknown to the man, which is nature’s or (God’s) plan, would be again vindicated! But of course it was in the destiny of his friend that he should not know of his future crime from the Naadi and should commit it in accordance with the famous adage that ‘Mans past Karma determines his present will or the man will to obey the dictates of his past Karma (बुद्धि कर्मानुसारिणी) that he should know of his crime from Naadi only after he commits it. That was his destiny and the sages also wanted that his destiny should prevail. Giriraj says that police department can use Naadi for investigating crimes. It means that that the Naadi reading should be undertaken only when it serves the purpose and should not form a habit of man; and this is exactly is the purpose of the sages in writing Naadi

books[4]. In this way many eternal truths are revealed to man by the Naadi. That is why Giriraj finally says that Naadi phenomena of India should serve to throw light on thousands of ill-understood phenomena… 1. Comments by Wg Cdr Shashikant Oak: ‘Giriraj’ does not mention where and when were his observations conducted, in which Naadi Centres, of which Naadi Maharshi etc, Therefore these figures should be taken as mere presumptions. [2] Shri. Shiv Kumar Dixit of Meerat. Presently his grandson Shri. Vinit Kumar Dixit divines the Samhita. From House No. 418, Budhana Gate, Meerat (69 Kms from New Delhi, UP, India) [3] Well-known as Chhayashstri, who use to measure the shade of the person to take out exact leaf for the person. His children are running the centre in Mumbai. For the latest

addressee see List of Naadi centres at the last section. [4] Naadi is useful to man during a crisis only and hence it should be consulted during a crisis only. Wing Commander Shashikant Oak. Pune, India.

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what's ur number to talk... i can't explain that big

thing on email...


--- nitin jain <ecstacymaster wrote:


> > please tell me also what prediction went wrong . i

> am anxious to know that

> > .

> >

> it will be helpful to me as i also go for nadi

> predictions.

> Nitin




> >

> >







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Excellent explanation given Sir. This is basically the same answer i

got from a another naadi researcher. Who said that at times the sages

intentionally make wrong predictions to help each individuals' destiny

move according to the will of the divine. But he also adds that a

wrong reading is also like a remedy for our sins such that the next

time we go for a reading it will be a better one






<shashikantoak wrote:


> To,

> All Naadi Lovers,

> Why the predictions go wrong from the date of seeing them? Please

read the following:-

> More on the same topic was presented in the conference. by way of

a paper.The same is also put up on our group files.

> Princ. Adwayanand Galatge has written a Marathi book titled

" Vidgyan ani Andhashraddha –Nirmulan (The Science and Blind Faith

Eradication) " , from which relevant portions are culled and reproduced

in this chapter. The 10th Chapter of the above mentioned book titled,

`Naadi Grantha Bhavishya : The Nemesis of Rationalists', throws the

light on the reasons why the Naadi predictions about the future events

of the individual after he consults it are found to go wrong. The

cases mentioned in that Chapter are culled from Naadi Granth: A Study

- By Late Shri. Shantaram Athavle (He was famous for his contribution

to Marathi Film Industry in Sixties, as a Director, Lyricist and

Script writer and admirer of Naadi astrology) Both of these books

deserve a close study by the Students of Naadi astrology.

> The critics of Naadi Predictions say that statements made by the

Naadi about the individual's past are found to be correct but those

about his future are found to be wrong. This criticism is misleading.

In as much as the terms `past' and `future' are relative and the

`past' about which the critics speak, was in fact `future' when the

sages (Maharshees )

> wrote the Naadi Books. So if the past of the individual is

correct, it means that the `future' predictions made by the sages

about him, when they wrote them are correct. Now, if future events

predicted in the Naadi are found to go wrong after the individual

consults it, then there must certainly be some reason for it. Apart

from what the reason is, it must be emphasized that the `Future' as

predicted by Naadi does not invariably go wrong as alleged by the

critics. At any rate, no body has proved this by undertaking an

extensive survey of Naadi Predictions. {One Investigator, nicknamed,

`Giriraj' undertook the study of Naadi Predictions and found that the

predictions about 21 persons were found to be completely wrong, those

of 3 persons were 80% correct and those of 2 persons were 100%


> There are many cases where all the predictions about

the future events are found to be 100% correct. In this context it is

relevant to ask: How can the sages, who make 100% correct predictions

about the individual's `past', including his name, his birth date,

day, month, year etc and planetary positions at the time of his birth

and many other small details - like the date when he is consulting

Naadi, the names of the persons present at the time, of his consulting

etc, make wrong predictions about the future events of the individual

only after he consults his Naadi? One can not but concludes that it is

not the sage should be held responsible the ostensible wrong

predictions, but the individual who has failed to interpret them. One

is at least justified in maintaining that no judgment on these so

called wrong predictions should be passed by any one before through

investigation of them is undertaken. Such an investigation has been

conducted by a retired Judge

> late Shri. R.S. Vaze of Pune, in late sixties. Even before Shri

Shantaram Athavle, the celebrated author of above mentioned book,

after a laborious and through study of many Naadis. It pays to survey

his conclusions….

> The sages do not see future wrong but predict it incorrect.

> (From page 134) …

> As stated previously, in one case of a person, who took birth

along with millions in some part of India, Maharshi Bhrugu in his

Samhita could pin-point a petty error being committed while repeating

daily mantra-jap as a part of religious ritual. Is it not utter

surprise that for an insignificant individual, the sages by their

omniscience could envision such a minutest details in distant future,

can not visualize an event in a life of an individual after he/she

consults his/her Naadi Samhita correctly? Yet it is true that the

events predicted by the sages after he/ she consult his/ her Naadi

Samhita are often found not to be corroborated. They are found to be

completely wrong. The obvious inference is that the sages whose

ability to see past, present and future - omniscience- is beyond doubt

do see the future events correctly even after he/ she consults his/her

Naadi but they predict it wrongly. Therefore, one has to conclude that

there has to be some definite purpose

> behind these wrong predictions. Many instances have been cited to

strengthen these assumptions. From those incorrect predictions, the

sages reveal the intrinsic intention – objective - of writing of those

predictions comes to light. The sages want each individual to depend

upon his own efforts and not be a fatalist. In other words, the

dictates of the individual past Karma which in effect means that the

individual is left to free to reap fruits of his past Karmas remain

unhindered, by keeping him in ignorance about the future events, while

at the same time leaving enough room for his own efforts and

initiative for his future progress.

> This means that the sages do not expect any individual to consult

the Naadi Books unless individual finds in dire situation where all

avenues of future course of actions appear to be very bleak. It may

sound paradoxical to suggest that the sages who have purportedly

written the Naadi Books to predict an individual's future do not want

that individual to know his /her future unless constrained to do so.

But this, in fact, is true. It can be substantiated by concrete examples.


> Case of Shri.Talekar:-


> It was found in the Naadi of Shri. Vasantrao Talekar, the friend

of Shri. Ajgaonkar, that all the details predicted about his life were

correct, but the latter part proved wrong. Shri. Ajgaonkar described

his friend's life predictions by the Mahashi in the following words :-

" Shri. Talekar found his bronchi anal problem intractable; it resisted

all kinds of current medications. So he consulted Kaushik Naadi by

paying a special fee of Rs.75.

> The Kaushik Naadi's (Aushadh) Health Kandam correctly mentioned

the names of Talekar's father and mother The names of his wife and of

his four children were also correctly mentioned. One daughter formerly

known named as Jayashree but name was changed to Sandhya after three

years. This small detail was also correctly noted by the Naadi.

> The native was suffering from asthma and the reason for his was

traced to a former life. The Naadi Samhita had suggested an Aurvedic

remedy for it; a list of medicines was given. The Samhita had also

given the address of an Aurvedic doctor residing in the south. That

doctor gave the medicines and Talekar was completely cured.

> " thereafter Shri. Talekar went to Washington (America) to occupy

a high salary post as predicted by the Kaushik Naadi. His life there

was very prosperous for 5-6 years. The Naadi also predicted that h

would have two houses, that he would retire at the age of 58 and that

he would live a life of 67 years "

> " Shri. Talekar came to his office and sat in his chair on

10-3-1954. He died there suddenly as a result of heart attack. Some of

the events predicted by he Naadi proved correct in every details but

he passed away from the world before he event predicted by the Naadi.

For the latter part of his life could take place. " (Page 158)

> Now the question is : can it be believed that the sage who knew

the nature of Talekar's disease, even the address of the doctor where

the remedial medicine could be found, could not or did not know the

time of his death? Suppose that the sage had written that Talekar was

going to die in America during the period of his active service; would

Talekar have gone to America? Would anybody take the trouble in order

that the prediction of Naadi may prove correct? It is but human nature

to avoid death – that too premature death, by any means. It therefore,

seems, logical to conclude that the sage Kaushik made wrong prediction

of Talekar's death. (And correct prediction of his foreign

service)just to mislead him. This conclusion is supported by other

Samhitas too. Take example of Bhrugu Samhita.

> " Once a millionaire came to Dixit[2] (Bhrugu Shastri) to consult

about his future. After verification of his birth chart, the relevant

page was opened. It was said in that his future should not be read.

The Shastri could not help disappointing the millionaire. It was later

learnt that the millionaire had died soon afterwards. " (Page 89)

> This example clearly shows Bhrugu's intention of not allowing the

millionaire to know that he was going to die soon. Otherwise,

millionaire would not have committed the acts which he actually

committed or would have committed other acts which the sage Bhrugu did

not want . Where the Naadi reading is of future cannot be helped, the

death itself is wrongly predicted. This applied to other predictions

too. Which ordinary people are not expected to understand and which

the omniscient sages alone know through their super sensuous power.

Ordinary persons can only see that predictions are wrong, but not why

they are wrong. The sage's intention in making Naadi predictions is to

give free play to the actions of the person and not to keep him

hamstrung by them. They want him no to always depend on Naadi

Predictions (or astrology) but to make use of them when absolutely

necessary and where the predictions are useful they always prove

correct. For example, Talekar's disease was cured

> only by the Naadi predictions. Where it is not useful, the sages

intentionally make wrong predictions. They expect the person to take

initiative there. By making wrong prediction about Talekar's death, he

was induced to take initiative in a foreign country to achieve success

and lead a life of prosperity for 5-6 years. It was his within his

power to do so. And part of his efforts. However, his asthma problem

had proved intractable to current medicine and so the sages gave him

proper direction for its cure. There Talekar's efforts had come to a

dead end and hence he had turned to Naadi as a last resort and Naadi

did not fail him.

> The fact that the sages expect man not to know his future and that

even if he knows it, he should know it wrong and that he should know

his past correctly, suggests that they want man not to be an astrology

dependent but be dependent upon his efforts and do his duty (Practice

Karma Yoga Of Geeta) and also that he should understand the truth that

the nature (or God for those who believe in Him) has so planned the

things of the universe that the future should always remain unknown to

him. This conclusion is bourn out by the study of the Naadi

predictions of 25 persons by `Giriraj' himself referred to above. (See

footnote 1) Even though the sample is meager for statistical

treatment, the fact that he found the predictions of more than 80% of

the persons wrong, is significant, since it confirms the above

conclusion. This conclusion gets another confirmation by the example

of an extra-ordinary case cited by `Giriraj' himself of his own Naadi

experience. This extra ordinary

> case of his own Naadi experience is given in his own words.

> " One of my friends had committed a serous crime about which I, of

course, had not any knowledge. It was not known to any body else

either, other than my friend himself. Under this circumstance, I took

his birth-chart to Babubhai[3] (Bhrugu Shastri)

> on the request of the friend and came to know the full details of

my friend's crime. Of course his Naadi book did not contain the

information (Prediction) of his crime before it was committed. We had

approached Babubhai with the friend's birth-chart in the month of

January. There was no mention at that time in his book about the crime

he was going to commit in future (In the month of November). But I

came across the information of my friend's crime he had committed

about two months previously (In the month of November).When I had

approached, Babubhai about one year later (In the month of January).

This wonderful example, in my opinion, gives a hint that the CID and

the police department can make use of this science for investigation

crimes in the society " . (Page 146) …

> Now the question arises: how did Giriraj came to know of his

friend's crime after it was committed (In January, about a year

later), which he had not come across in his friend's Naadi book before

it was committed (In November)? No matter how he came to know of it.

(Giriraj had not elaborated this point) It is abundantly clear that

the plan (of the sages) seems to be that man should know the past but

should not know the future. If his friend had come to know of the

crime he was going to commit in future, (From his Naadi) he would not

have committed it at all. But it was his destiny (and the desire of

the sages) that he should commit the crime. Now suppose that the sages

had written about his future crime in such a way that he knew it

before hand. Then he would have avoided it. And the prediction of the

Naadi would have thus been proved wrong! Thus it would have proved the

sages' intention that the man should know his past correctly but

should know the future wrongly. In

> other words the above conclusion that the future should remain

unknown to the man, which is nature's or (God's) plan, would be again

vindicated! But of course it was in the destiny of his friend that he

should not know of his future crime from the Naadi and should commit

it in accordance with the famous adage that `Mans past Karma

determines his present will or the man will to obey the dictates of

his past Karma ( & #2348; & #2369; & #2342; & #2381; & #2343; & #2367;

& #2325; & #2352; & #2381; & #2350; & #2366; & #2344; & #2369; & #2360; & #2366; & #2352; & #2367; & #2\

339; & #2368;)

that he should know of his crime from Naadi only after he commits it.

That was his destiny and the sages also wanted that his destiny should



> Giriraj says that police department can use Naadi for

investigating crimes. It means that that the Naadi reading should be

undertaken only when it serves the purpose and should not form a habit

of man; and this is exactly is the purpose of the sages in writing

Naadi books[4]. In this way many eternal truths are revealed to man by

the Naadi. That is why Giriraj finally says that Naadi phenomena of

India should serve to throw light on thousands of ill-understood






> 1. Comments by Wg Cdr Shashikant Oak: `Giriraj' does not

mention where and when were his observations conducted, in which Naadi

Centres, of which Naadi Maharshi etc, Therefore these figures should

be taken as mere presumptions.


> [2] Shri. Shiv Kumar Dixit of Meerat. Presently his grandson

Shri. Vinit Kumar Dixit divines the Samhita. From House No. 418,

Budhana Gate, Meerat (69 Kms from New Delhi, UP, India)


> [3] Well-known as Chhayashstri, who use to measure the shade of

the person to take out exact leaf for the person. His children are

running the centre in Mumbai. For the latest addressee see List of

Naadi centres at the last section.


> [4] Naadi is useful to man during a crisis only and hence it

should be consulted during a crisis only.





> Wing Commander Shashikant Oak. Pune, India.



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