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Strenghen Laudable efforts of Wing Commander Oak Ji

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Dear Wing Commander Oak ji


Thanks for your insight we are with you in this

effort and would like to provide any assistance which

is required. All the group members should try to

strenghthen your efforts by carrying out Naadi reading

documentation and compile the predictions alongwith

photo graphs of naadi leaves . Also it will be better

if the data on thumb impressions alongwith methodology

to find out names of a person, parents .predictions

etc from it could be compiled and analysed .


All those who have obtained predictions need to

provide this data to you so that this can be done .

Some selfless Naadi Experts shopuld also come for ward

in establishing the this great science.



With Regards


SS Chandel


SHASHIKANT OAK <shashikantoak wrote:

> Dr. S. S. Chandelji,

> Dear Sir,

> Thanks for the comments you have made. The

> following para - inspired me to get more and more

> strength to forge ahead in spite of many hurdles.

> " I can join you in this effort being a physicist

> with some knowledge of astrology who is interested

to> prove > the scientific nature of astrology and

Naadi > Astrology.

> You may also consider organising a Naadi Conference

> at> Shimla in which I can also help " .

> I have some caustic observations. Some of this

> group may not like it but over the period my views

> are getting more and more confirmed. We non Tamils

> have great disadvantage that we are not able to

> directly converse with the Naadi experts. Tamilians

> are some how not very enthusiast about the whole

> affair. Some of them are critical of it and some

> neglect it. Tamil scholars are mainly from Ayers and

> iyengars families generally look down on the Naadi

> Predictions as lower cast profession.

> Unless they come forward to undertake the research

> (I should not use the word 'RESEARCH', " as we all -

> including Maharishis-, are incompetent to

> 'dis-cover' divine work of PARAM SHIVA- " said by

> one Maharishis in their powerful readings. I,

> therefore, use the word " study " in place of

> research) the efforts of ours will fall short of

> expectations.

> Regarding Conference in Shimla, it is a nice

> gesture but the next place should be logically be in

> Tamil Nadu.




> Wing Commander Shashikant Oak. Pune, India.


> 5, 50, 500, 5000 - Store N number of mails in your

> inbox.




> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them

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Do the Naadi readers allow a customer to take photographs of the Naadi leaves?Shyam Chandel <chandel_shyam wrote: Dear Wing Commander Oak ji Thanks for your insight we are with you in this effort and would like to provide any assistance whichis required. All the group members should try tostrenghthen your efforts by carrying out Naadi readingdocumentation and compile the predictions alongwithphoto graphs of naadi leaves . Also it will be betterif the data on thumb

impressions alongwith methodologyto find out names of a person, parents .predictionsetc from it could be compiled and analysed .All those who have obtained predictions need to provide this data to you so that this can be done .Some selfless Naadi Experts shopuld also come for wardin establishing the this great science.With RegardsSS ChandelSHASHIKANT OAK <shashikantoak (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:> Dr. S. S. Chandelji,> Dear Sir,> Thanks for the comments you have made. The> following para - inspired me to get more and more> strength to forge ahead in spite of many hurdles.> "I can join you in this effort being a physicist> with some knowledge of astrology who is interestedto> prove > the scientific nature of astrology andNaadi > Astrology.> You may also consider organising a Naadi

Conference> at> Shimla in which I can also help ".> I have some caustic observations. Some of this> group may not like it but over the period my views> are getting more and more confirmed. We non Tamils> have great disadvantage that we are not able to> directly converse with the Naadi experts. Tamilians> are some how not very enthusiast about the whole> affair. Some of them are critical of it and some> neglect it. Tamil scholars are mainly from Ayers and> iyengars families generally look down on the Naadi> Predictions as lower cast profession.> Unless they come forward to undertake the research> (I should not use the word 'RESEARCH', "as we all -> including Maharishis-, are incompetent to> 'dis-cover' divine work of PARAM SHIVA- " said by> one Maharishis in their powerful readings. I,> therefore, use the word "study" in place of> research) the

efforts of ours will fall short of> expectations.> Regarding Conference in Shimla, it is a nice> gesture but the next place should be logically be in> Tamil Nadu.> IS ANY ONE LISTENING?> > > Wing Commander Shashikant Oak. Pune, India. > > 5, 50, 500, 5000 - Store N number of mails in your> inbox. > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them> fast with Search.Save all your chat conversations. Find them online at http://in.messenger./webmessengerpromo.php

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Wg Cdr Oak Saheb,

If Tamilian scholars,Iyengars and Iyers are critical

and look down on Naadi vidya as low cast avocation,

dont you think that there may be some reason to hold

that view ? No matter how much I would like to differ

with them, they are especially in a democratic country

are entitled to their opinion and I cannot grudge/wish

away their right to their opinion.But nobody can stop

us from finding out what the reasons could be as they

may yield some usefull lead/perspective in our

study,who knows ?.

Let us begin our search with our most ancient and

sacred scriptures like Vedas,Puranas,epics like

Ramayana, Mahabharata etc. Now,if Maharshis like

Agatsya, Bhrigu among other Saptarshis mentioned in

Naadi granthas had drafted the predictions for the

wellbeing of the humanity then there would have been

certainly some reference about them in the scriptures

whose very objective is " SARVEJANAH SUKHINAH BHAVANTU

" My Kashmiri Pandit friend Shri AK KAUL who has

studied all our scriptures in depth as also the

astrology works of all the purvacharyas very

categorically states that there is not even a hint

about Naadi Vidya in any of them .

WHY? Because no system of predictions has any sanction

either from the Vedas or even Puranas least of all

our dharmashastras etc. since all our shastras

admonish us from consulting “nakshatra jeevis” so much

so that the Manusmriti calls these nakshatrasoochis as

outcastes and not fit to sit in any sabha of learned

people !! Then again those TRIKAALDARSHI who can see

our past, present and future also do not reveal it to

us beforehand because it may amount to interference in

the Divine Drama/Plan/script and the Divine

Producer/Director may not approve meddling with his

storyboard.Viewed in this context all the Ramayanas-

Valmiki, Adhyatma or Ramacharitamanasa say that

before deciding on the coronation of Rama, Dashratha

wanted his Guru Vasishtha to confirm suitable muhurta

for that ceremony.It was on the advice of

Vasishthamuni that Dasharatha decided to anoint Shri

Rama as Yuvraja the very next day, as it was “Tishya”

i.e. Pushya nakshata then. From this anecdote, it is

indeed very clear that either VasishthaMuni did not

know as to what was going to happen to Dasharatha by

declaring Shri Rama as a crown-prince or he

deliberately kept mum as he did not wish to interfere

in the divine dispensation ! Although the son of

Brahma and a highly exalted Yogi,a Dnyani as also

Trikaldarshi Vasishthamuni simply chose to reveal

nothing !.The Gita is considered the gist of all our

shastras. So, when Arjuna expressed that he did not

know what was good for him nor did he know whether he

or the Kauravas would win the war Lord Krishna did not

recommend any remedial measures or parihara for his

victory but advised him that he must fight the war for

if he got killed he would go to Heaven or if he won he

would be the Lord of the whole world.Thus it boils

down to the fact that those who know the

future(including Lord Krishna Himself!)do not divulge

such “secrets” before hand .They only tell us to do

our DUTY/DHARMA regardless as stated in Geeta by which

we Hindus swear.

The antiquity of Naadi is still shrouded in mystery.Is

it Prevedic-Vedic or post vedic phenomenon ? Since

Naadi predictions make reference to Rashis, it rules

out the Prevedic and Vedic eras because there are no

Rashis in Vedic literature as it refers to only the

Sun, Moon and the 27+1 constellations/Nakshatras also

known as Lunar mansions. No, not even planets like

Saturn or Jupiter are mentioned ! Interestingly,

Jyotish which is called the Eyes of the Vedas refers

to pure Astronomy and not predictive astrology! There

is no predictive astrology in Vedas as made out by

some unscrupolous/ so called Vedic Astrologers.Even in

Vedang Jyotish ( about 1200-1300 BC ) Rashis are

absent ! Not that the constellations like Aries/Mesha

etc did not exist but they were taken into

consideration for chart casting much later.It is yet

another long story. The Naadis therefore are not so

ancient as made out by their practioners.

So, in view of the above observations,can we really

find fault with the views of Iyers , Iyengars and

others who disapprove Naadi practice which runs

against the letter and the spirit of their (as also

our ) Dharmashastras?

However, the beauty and the strength of Hindu Dharma

is in its openness to take on diverse views in its

stride for ultimate realisation. Its inbuilt spirit of

enquiry makes it the most scientific and dynamic

Dharma of the world. So, let us not worry too much

about Iyers and Iyengars and lets go ahead with our

" study " according to Vedic dictum - Let knowledge come

from all directions.

With very warm regards,

VB Deshmukh



As I was signing off this post, I suddenly remembered

what Raphael a European astrologer who is also known

for his Raphael”s Ephemeris had said in the preface

of his book “ Guide To Astrology “ He wrote “ The part

of astrology which relates to the determination of

future events is the most difficult , the least

understood and perhaps the most unsatisfactory part..

I may be allowed to say that the unsatisfactory

condition of this part is a wise intervention of God,

for, if one knew for certainty what was going to

happen at a particulat time, most of the world would

either be lunatics or commit suicides " It is indeed

ironical that what this Firangi is trying to tell us

was already known to our wise Maharshis, sages and

seers who in our holy scriptures had therefore very

rightly warned us against going after


Can we then attribute the wrong Naadi or any other

predictions to Divine Intervention ?

Dear Dr.Chandel Ji, are you listening ? What's your

experience ?

Before signing off finally, I can't help quoting the

legendary poet who says:

" Yoo to hamko jannatki hakikat maloom lekin dilke

behalaneko Ghalib yeh khyal acchha hai "




--- Shyam Chandel <chandel_shyam wrote:


> Dear Wing Commander Oak ji


> Thanks for your insight we are with you in this

> effort and would like to provide any assistance

> which

> is required. All the group members should try to

> strenghthen your efforts by carrying out Naadi

> reading

> documentation and compile the predictions alongwith

> photo graphs of naadi leaves . Also it will be

> better

> if the data on thumb impressions alongwith

> methodology

> to find out names of a person, parents .predictions

> etc from it could be compiled and analysed .


> All those who have obtained predictions need to

> provide this data to you so that this can be done .

> Some selfless Naadi Experts shopuld also come for

> ward

> in establishing the this great science.



> With Regards


> SS Chandel


> SHASHIKANT OAK <shashikantoak wrote:

> > Dr. S. S. Chandelji,

> > Dear Sir,

> > Thanks for the comments you have made. The

> > following para - inspired me to get more and more

> > strength to forge ahead in spite of many hurdles.

> > " I can join you in this effort being a

> physicist

> > with some knowledge of astrology who is

> interested

> to> prove > the scientific nature of astrology and

> Naadi > Astrology.

> > You may also consider organising a Naadi

> Conference

> > at> Shimla in which I can also help " .

> > I have some caustic observations. Some of this

> > group may not like it but over the period my views

> > are getting more and more confirmed. We non Tamils

> > have great disadvantage that we are not able to

> > directly converse with the Naadi experts.

> Tamilians

> > are some how not very enthusiast about the whole

> > affair. Some of them are critical of it and some

> > neglect it. Tamil scholars are mainly from Ayers

> and

> > iyengars families generally look down on the Naadi

> > Predictions as lower cast profession.

> > Unless they come forward to undertake the

> research

> > (I should not use the word 'RESEARCH', " as we all

> -

> > including Maharishis-, are incompetent to

> > 'dis-cover' divine work of PARAM SHIVA- " said

> by

> > one Maharishis in their powerful readings. I,

> > therefore, use the word " study " in place of

> > research) the efforts of ours will fall short of

> > expectations.

> > Regarding Conference in Shimla, it is a nice

> > gesture but the next place should be logically be

> in

> > Tamil Nadu.


> >

> >

> > Wing Commander Shashikant Oak. Pune, India.

> >

> > 5, 50, 500, 5000 - Store N number of mails in

> your

> > inbox.

> >

> >

> >

> > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them

> > fast with Search.




> Save all your chat conversations. Find them

> online at

> http://in.messenger./webmessengerpromo.php











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