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Thomas ritter German writing on naadi Experence and C 14 test and reading of translation of Tamil Script

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The future formula - the secret of the Palmblattbibliothek of Bali The future formula - The mystery OF palm leaf LIBRARY OF Bali

Differently than in the west Bali science and religion are not pronounced contrasts in hinduistischen cultures such as India or on the Indonesian island. Unlike into the west of acres in Hindu of cultures look for as India or on the Indonesian Iceland OF Bali science and religion emergency great opposites. They are regarded rather as two different, each other supplementing ways on the search for truth and realization. They of acres lakes as two separate, complementary paths on the search for truth and knowledge. In the hinduistischen science the understanding of the outside reality depends inseparably on the understanding of the Göttlichen. Into the Hindu science is the understanding OF more outer reality inseparable from the understanding OF the divine.

Here the saying completely particularly applies to systems, which are dismissed in the west as „Pseudowissenschaft “ or still more sharply formulated „superstition “. In particular, the of system said here into the west as “pseudoscience†or even crowd by formulated “superstition†dismissed. This Verachtung by the school science are beside numerous alternative welfare procedures - when most disputed example is only the spirit healing mentioned - also the various possibilities more or less accurate interpretation of the individual or collective future please. This contempt by the school acres numerous alternative medicine - as most disputed example is only the mirror-image-guessed/advised OF healing mentioned - including the many ways A more or less accurate interpretation OF individually or collective future falls prey. The Astrologie about is in the evening country despite numerous applicable forecasts still a often bespöttelte outsider discipline. The Astrology is about into the west of the pits numerous accurate predictions at outsiders in many bespöttelte quietly discipline. In India or on Bali against it the future interpretation is operated according to scientifically seeming criteria. In India or in Bali, more however, the future for scientifically looking interpretation criteria. A Horoskop indicates in the opinion the Jyotir Astrologen with appropriate computation with accurate accuracy the distribution of the reality components, of which the life of each humans consists in detail. A horoscope shows, according ton the Jyotir astrologers being calculated with precision, the exact distribution OF reality modules that make UP the would run OF every person in detail more together. The Horoskop leaves becomes thus visible, which this is also brought „components “for instance in the form of talents, inclinations and assessments into the life, and which it applies to still acquire still by appropriate experiences. The horoscope is thus visible, which OF thesis building block into the form OF of talent, inclinations and with investments into the would run market, and what it is through experience yet ton acquire. It indicates even the way of acting or happening, which makes the still which are pending experiences possible only. It shows even the way the act or event, the outstanding experience possible. In such Horoskop starting point and Finalität of a life are united. In look for A horoscope acres the starting POINT and finality OF A would run more together. The Horoskop, which is provided for the time of the birth of humans, contains „the life formula “ of the person concerned from the view of the Jyotir Veda thus. The horoscope, which for the time OF the birth OF A human being is created, includes from the Jyotir Veda is the “would run formula " OF the person concerned.

However the Horoskop does not form the only variant future-looks. However, the horoscope is emergency the only option for the future review. There are still different possibilities, whose probably most perfect and also most spectacular exclusively by Hindus in India and Bali one practices - into the geheimnisumwobenen Palmblattbibliotheken. There of acres OTHER ways tons perfect their most spectacular and exclusively by Hindus in India and Bali practiced - into the palm leaf LIBRARies geheimnisumwobenen. The originals of the Palmblätter kept there became of a group of mythologischer natures, which Rishis writes , those about 5000 v. Chr. to have lived are. The of original OF their palm fronds were kept by A group OF mythological beings, the rishis, written, around 5000 UC have lived. According to the excessive quantity the Rishis used its unusual mirror-image-ritual abilities in addition, from which also „world memory “called Akasha chronicle, one, cosmic information field, the personal records of several millions humans to read, and it in writing on the dried sheets of the Stech or Lontarpalme to fix. The tradition that used the rishis their exceptional mirror-image ritual of abilities, from the Akasha Chronicle, thus known as the “World MEMORY†called cosmic information field, the CVs OF several million people ton READ, and writing on the dried leaves OF the Stech or Lontarpalme ton fixed. The entire life of these humans, from the birth to the exact time of their death, was scratched on the Palmblättern in Devanageri - a language, which control nowadays only few inaugurating - in closely written indications. The entire would run OF thesis people, from birth until the exact time OF ago death, has left the Palm of leaves in Devanageri - A LANGUAGE that today only A few dominate the initiated - in closely written character scratched. Such Palmblatt outlasts under normal conditions about 800 years. Look for A palm leaf survived normally around 800 years. If it became old and fragile, a copy of the text on a new Palmblatt is made. If it is old and has become brittle, A CoPy OF the text on A new palm leaf prepared. From the former original twelve copies are to exist, which are retained in just as many libraries. From the molders ton twelve original copies exist, in as many LIBRARies wants preserved. Information about the fate of not Hindus is to contain about 10 per cent of the Palmblätter. About 10 by cent OF palm fronds ton provide information about the fate OF non Hindus. Everyone, which would like to experience, what ready the fate holds for it, must however on a journey to the Palmblattbibliotheken go. Anyone who wants tons know what the fate in net curtain for him, but must even on A trip ton the palm leaf LIBRARies go.

In August 1993 I visited therefore for the first time the Indian Subkontinent. In August 1993 I visited therefore for the roofridge time the Indian subcontinent. Since me at that time well-known Palmblattbibliotheken is in south India, had I WAD-race, the today's Chennai in federalsow Tamil Nadu, as output place of my excursion ions selected. Sink then known tons of ME palm leaf LIBRARies in southern India, I had WAD-race, now Chennai in Tamil Nadu federalsown as the starting POINT OF my excursions. I hoped to be able to penetrate quite soon into the Palmblattbibliothek of the Nadi reader Sri Rami Gurup. I hoped soon ton the palm leaf LIBRARY OF the Nadi reader Sri Rami Gurup ton penetrate. In the Palmblattbibliothek it turned out then first of all that Sri Rami Gurup did not stay to no more under the living person. Into the LIBRARY palm leaf, then roofridge emerged Sri Rami Gurup NO that more longer living more under the stayed. But its successor check valve Ramani controlled the art of the Nadi Readings just as perfectly, as this by its predecessor had been reported to me. But his successor check valve Ramani mast-talk the kind OF Nadi Readings perfectly wave how ME by his predecessor had been reported. The Nadi Reading, which he held for me, took about 50 minutes. The Nadi Reading, which he held for ME, lasted about 50 minutes. The basis of the Nadi Readings is the science of the Shuka Nadi. The cousin OF the Nadi Readings is the doctrine OF Shuka Nadi. “Shuka†stands for göttliche wisdom and “Nadi†for a certain instant of the time. Where “Shuka†for divine pointing cathedral and “Nadi†for A certain moment OF time. This teachings are based on the perception of past and future beyond our conventional space-time term. This doctrine is based on the perception OF the past and the future beyond our traditional space time concept. Whereupon constructing, the Shuka Nadi is to fill out an life-advisory function. On this basis, should the Shuka Nadi life-advisory A function below. In the Palmblattbibliothek of Mr. Ramani, which was to decrease/go back in its origin on the Rishi Kakabujanda, ran off the Nadi Reading after a certain ritual. Into the palm leaf LIBRARY OF Mr. Ramani, in their originating into the Rishi Kakabujanda bake, ran the Nadi Reading after A certain ritual. As advice-looking for one indicates first its complete names and its date of birth. As PUT A of advice-looking for his fill name and DATE OF birth. The Orakelhafte of the ceremony begins, if the visitor must throw nine polished shells over a Mandala that into a small carpet is gestickt. The Orakelhafte the ceremony begins when the visitors nine polished shells on A mandala must throw that into A small embroidered carpet. Afterwards picks those shells, which lie in the center of the Mandalas for the nadir vein out and whose opening upward shows.After seeking the Nadi reader who shells out into the centre OF the mandala, and its opening UP. Their number, connected with the data specified already, forms the information for finding the personal Palmblattes under thousands of Palmblattmanuskripten. Their numbers, combined with the already mentioned DATA, provides information for finding the personal Palm leaf among thousands OF palm leaf manuscripts. Sri Ramani succeeded it in relatively short time (approx. 5 - to pick 7 minutes out) , “my†personal Palmblatt. Sri Ramani succeeded in A relatively short time (5 tons of 7 minutes about), “my†personal palm leaf identified. Afterwards it translated the text of the Palmblattmanuskriptes in writing into English. Then he translated the text OF the palm leaf manuscript written in English.

The Palmblatt contained information and exact data over my past, partly even from earlier Inkarnationen (!), just as a detailed description of my future Lebesn, up to the exact day of death as well as statements about very personal, intimate affairs, which, as far as they concerned the past, were also examinable and the truth corresponded. The palm leaf contained information and accurate DATA about my past, sometimes even from previous incarnations (!), As wave as A detailed description OF my future Lebesn, ton the exact day OF death and statement about very personal, even intimate affairs, which, as they relate ton the past concerned, verifiable, and corresponded ton the truth. After the ceremony in WAD-race was I of the authenticity of the Nadi Readings at least in this case convinced. After the ceremony in WAD-race to I which fascinated by the authenticity OF the Nadi Readings RK leases into this case convinced. I had documented the stay in these Palmblattbibliothek with numerous photos, had made and was tape memo cuts in the possession of the English translations of my Palmblattes. I had tons stay in this palm leaf LIBRARY with numerous photographer documented tape memo cuts had larva and which in pos session OF the English translation OF my palm leaf. But was sufficient as proof? But as sufficient proof? I believed the Nadi Reading of the Sri Ramani. I thought the Nadi Reading OF Sri Ramani. Who would believe me? Who would believe ME? There was only one proof - the Palmblatt. And in such a way I dared the impossible. There which only one proof - the palm leaf itself and so I dared the impossible. I asked the nadir vein for my Palmblatt; asked it to carry forward to be allowed to Europe. I asked the Nadi reader ton my palm leaf; asked ton it able tons go tons of Europe. Such a request was still was as far as I know never allowed. Look for A request which tons my knowledge have more never been upheld. But the unbelievable happened. But the unbelievable happened. Sri Ramani again opened the Palmblattmanuskripte together-tied to bundles, took from them that Palmblatt, which contained my fate and this manuscript inestimably valuable for me handed itself over. Sri Ramani opened again tons of bundles together-tied palm leaf manuscripts, took them that palm leaf, which contained my fate and gave ME this for ME invaluable manuscript. The photocopies of this text were analyzed in the meantime by prominent specialists of Europe for alttamilische philology. The photo of copies OF this text have been from leading specialists in Europe for alttamilische Philology analysed. Their translation became however with far lengthier and more complicated than I had assumed. Their translation, more however, designed by far longer and more complicated than I had. It took more than two years up. She took more than two years tons complete. In the result it was communicated to me nevertheless that with the manuscript actually over mean themselves it personal record and not around any religious text acts. Nevertheless, I which the result indicated that the manuscript is indeed my CV and emergency ton any religious text. Furthermore the nuclear research center Rossendorf in Saxonia made an age determination of the Palmblattes independently of the results of the translation by means of the C-14-Methode. In addition, the Nuclear Research center Rossendorf in Saxony, regardless OF the results OF the translation OF A retirement commission OF the Palm leaf through the C-14 method. This analysis resulted in that the examined Palmblatt is older than 350 years. This analysis revealed that the palm leaf examined more than 350 years. With all required caution I would like to rate this as a proof for the fact that at least before 350 years mean someone personal record knew anyhow to that extent, when he copied him from an older manuscript. With all due caution, I would like this as A proof evaluate that RK leases 350 years before someone my CV so far RK any guesses knew him from when he which to more older manuscript copied.

Despite my success in WAD-race remained at that time however sceptical I. The pits my success in WAD-race I which, more however, remained sceptical. In order to examine the truth content of the Nadi Readings , I visited in the years 1995 to 2001 altogether 6 further Palmblattbibliotheken in India. Ton the truthfulness OF the Nadi Readings ton of checks I visited into the years 1995 tons of 2001 A totally OF 6 more palm leaf LIBRARies in India. Among them the collections of Gunjur Sachidananda Murthy in Bangalore, Sri Balasubramaniam in Kanchipuram and of guru Poosamuthu in Vaithisvarankoil were. Among them were the collections OF Gunjur Sachidananda Murthy in Bangalore, Sri Balasubramaniam in Kanchipuram and guru Poosamuthu in Vaithisvarankoil. I experienced further details over origin and history of the fate libraries, which I published 2001 and 2006 in two books. Here, I learned more details about the origin and history OF the fate OF LIBRARies, which I 2001 and 2006 in two books published.

The rituals for finding the Palmblätter, practiced in the individual libraries, to also always be so different like - contentwise the personal records are extremely precise. To As difference into the various LIBRARies practiced ritual ton find the palm fronds thus May content of acres the CVs extremely precise. Since my first attendance in an Indian Palmblattbibliothek in the meantime 15 years passed. Sink my roofridge visit tons at Indian palm leaf LIBRARY of acres now 15 years have passed. As far as this period was affected by the forecasts, I could determine, who all what me my Palmblattmanuskript arrived had forecast, also precisely. If this by iodine OF the predictions which affected, I could find that everything that my palm leaf manuscript had predicted, including precise arrived. It was of an important change in my life the speech, a turn to mental values, and the possibility of making my passions - the letter and „ magic journeys “- my occupation. It which A significant CHANGEs in my would run the speech, A turning ton mirror-image ritual VALUEs, and the possibility OF my passion - writing and the “magical travel " - tons my profession. All this was predicted to me, and I was probably most surprised nevertheless, when it happened simply. All this which yet predicted tons of ME, I which most most surprised than just happened. Forecasts to hear and them believe, that are evenly two very different things. Predictions for them ton hear and believe thesis of acres two very difference things. But this is probably straight sense and purpose of the Palmblattbibliotheken to point certain humans to certain times the tasks which they are to fulfill in their life. But this is probably just scythe and PUR-float OF palm leaf LIBRARies, certain people RK certain times OF the tasks tons show that they meet in their live. This contains however also the preparation on events, which are felt of the concerning as painful. This of includes the preparation but thus on events OF those affected as painfully felt. Thus me for example the death of my grandfather was accurately forecast in the October of the yearly 1996, just as the failure of my marriage in the year 1999. It which ME, for example, the death OF my more grandfather in October OF 1996 accurately predicted, as wave as the failure OF my marriage in 1999.

Due to my experiences in India I believed that the phenomenon of the Palmblattlesungen was limited on the Subkontinent exclusively. Due ton my experience in India I believed that the phenomenon OF palm leaf readings exclusively limited ton the subcontinent. In November 2006 I received the information to the publisher Peter Rump, from a good acquaintance, that at least a fate library was to be also on the Indonesian island Bali. In November 2006 I received from A good friend, the publisher Peter Rump, the information that RK leases A fate LIBRARY thus on the Indonesian Iceland OF Bali should located. This aroused my interest, since it concerned after my searches with the sagenumwobenen Rishis most likely the survivors of the priest caste of the mythischen continent sunk due to a cosmically caused natural catastrophe „Mu “. This aroused my interest, as it is for my research RK the fabled rishis most likely ton transfer the praised caste survivors as A result OF cosmic related natural these aster mythical draws continent to “Muâ€. This continent is to have been after the searches of the researchers James Churchward and Robert Niven the Urheimat and all first advanced culture of the human race. This continent, according tons of searches OF researchers James Church Ward and Robert Niven the original and very high culture OF the human race have been. The two scientists located „the lost Kontoinent “in the area today's Pacific. The two scientists located the “draws to Kontoinent†into the AREA OF today's Pacific. If the Rishis survived thus the fall of its homeland, and it them succeeded to reach India then the possibility existed the fact that it on its way also Bali visited and there had left their knowledge. If the rishis thus the sinking survived their homeland, and they succeeded in India ton achieve, then there which the possibility that they acres on their way thus visited Bali and leave their knowledge.

In order to find the fate library from Bali to, I traveled in April 2007 together with Peter Rump and unite further companions after Bali. Ton the fate LIBRARY OF Bali, I travelled in April 2007 more together with Peter Rump and some OTHER companions after Bali. From our domicile in the village Penestan with Ubud out we undertook investigation routes over the island. From our home incoming goods when into the much situation of OF Ubud Penestan undertook route on the Iceland. By Peter's balinesischem friend I Wayan Kasta it actually succeeded to us after some days to receive a date for the fate readings in the library from Gyanjar in Ostbali. With the help OF of Peter balinesischem friend I Wayan Kasta incoming goods succeeded after A few days actually, A DATE for the fate readings into the LIBRARY OF Gyanjar in Ostbali ton obtain. There we determined to our surprise that the Pedanda* does not read no more from antique Palmblaettern. There incoming goods found tons our surprise that the Pedanda * emergency more OF ancient Palmblaettern READ. It uses handgeschiebene Folianten, which contain the respective information for its readings. He of uses for his readings handgeschiebene Folianten which the respective information. Complicated manufacturing of Palmblattmanuskripten is on Bali in the meantime also a becoming extinct art, in particular since the fatal conquest of the island by the dutchmen end 19. The complex production OF palm leaf manuscripts in Bali is now A dying kind, particularly sinks the fatal conquest OF the Iceland by the ends to OF the 19th dutchman Century. Century. The massacres of the conquerers above all the balinesischen elite fell to the victim. The measurement acre were the conquerors especially the Balinese of elites ton the victims. With them also large parts of the old knowledge died. With them died thus large parts OF the old knowledge. Only in the village Tenganan inhabited by Bali Aga ** the art of the preparation of Palmblattmanuskripten up to the today's day outlasted. Only into the Bali Aga much situation of OF Tenganan ** inhabited, the kind OF the production OF palm leaf manuscripts tons this day outlasts. In the meantime controls however the mass production of calendars as tourist souvenirs the cash transaction of the native craftsmen. Meanwhile, more however, dominated the measured production OF tourist souvenir calendars as the DAILY business OF local craftsmen. For these reasons already the grandfather of the today's Pedanda, the copies of the old manuscripts decided handwritten in durable to lay down leather-bound Folianten. On those grounds already decided the of grandfather OF today's Pedanda, the copies OF ancient manuscripts leather-bound Folianten handwritten down in rugged. Its grandchild is today still concerned with the copying of the existence of the library. His grandson is quietly with the copying OF the stick OF the LIBRARY deal. This a modest conception of the range of the collection IDA of the Pedanda Gd obtains. Pt. This of gives A modest idea OF the scope OF the collection OF IDA Pedanda Gd Pt. Ngenjung. Ngenjung.

For finding here the indication of names and date of birth meet the information. For the discovery OF information sufficient indication OF the name and DATE OF birth. The information is read out thereafter to the visitor. The information wants then presented tons visitors out. Pedanda Ngenjung speaks thereby the text first on Balinesisch. Pedanda Ngenjung of contributes ton the text first in Balinese. Before it must the information from the alto Javani, that is related Balinesisch today's in its origin the alto Tamil south India, into which translates. Before the information he needs from the old Java niche, which in its origin tons the old Tamil south India used, in today's Balinese for. Our interpreter Wayan Kasta writes the translation on Balinesisch. Our interpreter Wayan Kasta, the translation in Balinese. Afterwards it transfers text verbally into English. Then transfers he verbally text into English. It is released to the client to note the points themselves important for it or to note the Lontar Reading on cartridge or by means of video camera. It is the client free ton the important POINTs for him even tons of note the Lontar Reading on tape or via video camera recorded. The reading subdivided itself into several points. The reading is divided into several POINTs. After an introduction, in which the astrological data of the client are stated using the balinesischen „Wuku “- calendar ***, Pedanda Gd reports. Pt. After introduction into which the astrological DATA OF the clients using the Balinese “Wuku†*** calendar set out on Pedanda reported Gd Pt. Ngenjung on the basis the text first of the past of its client in this life. Ngenjung initially based on text from the past OF his clients in this would run. The communicated facts can be examined by further inquiries. The facts reported by enquiries CAN reviewed. Afterwards the description of charakterlicher characteristics follows just like from talents and abilities of the client. This is followed by the depiction more charakterlicher properties as wave as talent and abilities OF the client. From this appropriate tasks are derived, which are important for the organization of the future of the advice-looking for. That is where its task, which for shaping the future OF the advice is important. The future life of the client is described and described in sections by in each case 6 years up to the exact day of death. The future would run OF clients in both sections OF 6 years tons the exact day OF death outlined and explained. Numbers symbolize the influence, to which the life of the client in the periods concerned is subject. Thesis of figures represent the impact the live OF clients into the periods subject. The numbers 0 and 1 stand for continuity on a low level, while the number 7 promises the fulfilment of the task of life as the highest used number just like luck, health and prosperity. The numbers 0 and 1 for continuity of acres RK A low level, while the NUMBERs of 7 as the highest NUMBERs used tons fulfil the task OF would run, like happiness, health and prosperity promises. It stands for „the gifts of the Gods “. This section of the Lontar Readings serves above all for it, still unconscious, fallow-lying abilities, which were already acquired in earlier lives, to make usable for the tasks in these Inkarnation. It of conditions for the of “poison OF the Godsâ€. This section OF the Lontar Readings above all ton serve, nor unconscious, untapped capabilities that acres already in previous live have been acquired for the tasks into this incarnation utilize them. A further chapter of the Nadi Readings is to the health condition of the client both in more psychological and in physical regard dedicated. Another of chapter OF the Nadi Readings is the health condition OF clients both in psychological as wave as in physical term. Here also the remedies, approximately in form of certain Meditationstechniken or classical balinesischer herb medicine for recovery more existing or in the future arising health problems are called. It is thus the antidotes, into the form OF meditation techniques and traditional Balinese herb medicine ton remedy existing or emerging health problem into the future. Afterwards again separated the topic partnership and family is discussed with all positive and also less favorable aspects. Then again the issue separately partnership and family with all the positive and less positive aspects discussed. For the conclusion of the Nadi Readings each client receives completely personal suggestions for victim ceremonies or other actions, to neutralize which are intended to dissolve existing problems and in the future possible negative influences. RK the end to OF the Nadi Readings each client per pos as for personal sacrifice ceremonies or OTHER acts to dissolve which acres intended tons existing problem and in the future possible ton neutralize negative influences. The Lontar Reading of Gyanjar is quite extensive and takes per person one hour at least. The Lontar Reading OF Gyanjar is quite extensive and of takes RK leases one person by hour.

The information of my readings in the Indian libraries and the Lontarbibliothek from Bali does not agree in their stating , but corresponds with one another, so that the statements of the readings in India supplement those from Bali and in reverse. The information OF my readings into the Indian LIBRARies and the Lontarbibliothek OF Bali vote in their statements emergency only agreed, but correspond with each OTHER, then the testimony OF that readings in India complement those OF Bali and vice versa. The Lontarbibliothek from Gyanjar is already some time in the possession of the family Ngenjung. The Lontarbibliothek OF Gyanjar is already some time in pos session OF the family Ngenjung. In its origin it is to decrease/go back however on the Rishi Agasthya. In its origin should appear on the Rishi Agasthya DEK LINE it.

The precision of the statements of Palmblatt and Lontar readers is able some to the obvious conclusion tempts, its future is to a large extent predetermined. The accuracy OF the statements OF palm leaf and Lontar capable OF some of reader ton declare the obvious conclusion, its future which largely predetermined. However the Akasha chronicle, which supplies the actual reason for any future interpretation in its characteristic as world memory, has not excluding a descriptive character. However, the Akasha Chronicle, in its capacity as A world MEMORY the actual reason for any future interpretation of provides emergency only descriptive characters. It resembles rather a kind of virtual memory, which constantly takes up things and events, which are initialized or changed. It resembles A child OF virtual MEMORY that is constantly things and events, with the initialized or changed. The Akasha chronicle does not prescribe thus the expiration of the events inevitably. The Akasha Chronicle thus writes the sequence OF events is emergency inevitable. It is rather possible to work with it and the forecasts actively. Advice ago, is possible ton use it and the it predictions actively working. The future interpretations are just like the Akasha chronicle aids to clarifying of causes, which lie in the past and in the present to affect itself or only in the future will still possibly affect themselves. The future interpretation as wave as the Akasha Chronicle itself AIDS ton clarify causes, which into the past and present into the impact or May yet impact into the future.

The own future by means of a Palmblattlesung or a Lontar Readings to know, means however at the same time also to be able to affect this future. The own future through A palm leaf reading or Lontar Readings ton know but thus means that future influence. If there is such a thing like a secret of the fate libraries, then it is this: The information from the Palmblattmanuskripten and the Lontar texts is descriptions of our life. If there is NO look for thing as A mystery OF the fate OF LIBRARies, then it is this: The information from the palm leaf manuscripts and the Lontar of text of acres descriptions OF our live. Lives must we our life however each day on the new. Incoming goods need tons would run but even our live every day. Thus we finally write the book of our fate. Thus incoming goods finally write the book OF our destiny.

Sanur /Bali/Indonesia, April 2008 Sanur/ Bali/Indonesia, April 2008

Thomas's knight Thomas's knight

Term explanations Term explanations

* Pedanda: * Pedanda:

Thus on Bali the members of the priest caste are called, who alone reading of the old, holy texts is reserved. Readings of poetic texts, which are based on the old Indian Epen Mahabharatha and Ramayana, are an indispensable component of temple celebrations and dead rituals. For example members the in Bali praised caste, which alone reading the old, sacred text is reserved. Readings poetic text, ton the ancient Indian epics Ramayana and Mahabharatha of acres based, acres to indispensable part OF temp eleven prince and death ritual. Until today to these causes asschliesslich by Palmblattmanuskripten one reads. It is now UP ton of thesis causes asschliesslich OF palm leaf manuscripts READ. A reading of the holy texts of manuscripts of paper is considered as heavy Sakrileg. A reading OF the sacred text OF manuscripts from heavy PAPERs is considered sacrilege.

** Bali Aga: ** Bali Aga:

Literally for „the old Balinesen “. Literally for “the old Balinese. Thus a group of peoples is meant, itself the introduction of the Hinduismus and in particular the box system hinduistischer coinage to 12. This is ethnic group that is the introduction OF Hinduism and into particular the Hindu caste on system coinage into the 12th and 13. and 13 Opposed century. Opposed century. They maintain to today their own rituals and customs, which from those the remaining Balinesen differs. You maintain tons this day their own ritual and of customs that more differ from those OF OTHER Balinese. The Bali Aga is in different regions of the island resident, like that in the village Trunyan at the Batur lake and in Tenganan. The Bali Aga of acres available in difference region OF the Iceland is home, into the much situation OF Trunyan on Lake Batur and Tenganan. Tenganan is considered as the richest and most powerful place of the Bali Aga. Tenganan is considered smells and of most powerful place OF Bali Aga. Its inhabitants are well-known as skillful buyers. Its residence acres as skillful merchants.

*** Wuku calendar *** Wuku calendar

Traditional balinesischer calendar, which orients itself on moon year. Traditional Balinese calendar, which is based on lunar year.

Used literature Literature

Risi, Armin: God and the Gods, Govinda publishing house, Zurich, 1996 Risi, Armin: God and the gods, Govinda publishing house, Zurich, 1996 Knight, Thomas: The secret of Indian Palmblattbibliotheken, Bohmeier publishing house, Luebeck, 2002 Knight, Thomas: The secret OF Indian palm leaf LIBRARies, Bohmeier publishing house, Luebeck, 2002 Knight, Thomas: The Palmblattbibliotheken and their prophecies for the future of Europe, Kopp publishing house, gang castle, 2006 Knight, Thomas: The palm leaf LIBRARies and their predictions on the future OF Europe, Kopp publishing house, gang castle, 2006 Rump, Peter, Urban, Gunda: Bali and Lombok, travel guide, Bielefeld, 2001 Rump, Peter, Urban, Gunda: Bali and Lombok, guide books, Bielefeld, 2001 Suryanarain Rao, Professor. B.: The Astrological Self Instructor, 12th edition, The Astrological Office, Bangalore, 1959 Suryanarain Rao, Professor. B.: The Astrological Self Instructor, 12th edition, The Astrological Office, Bangalore, 1959 Waterstone, smelling pool of broadcasting corporations: Living pointing cathedral India, Duncan Baird Publishers, London, 1995 Water Stone, smelling pool of broadcasting corporations: Living pointing cathedral India, Duncan Baird Publishers, London, 1995

There is further information to the libraries of the fate in India and on Bali as well as to other interesting topics with the author: For more information about the fate OF the LIBRARies in India and in Bali and OTHER interesting topics acres the author:

Thomas's knight travel service, round part of No. 14, 01728 Possendorf, Tel. /Fax: 035206-23399 E-Mail: ritterreisen Thomas's knight Travel service, rounded part NO 14, Possendorf 01728, Tel/fax: 035206-23399 E-Mail: ritterreisen










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Original German text:

The information of my readings in the Indian libraries and the Lontarbibliothek from Bali does not agree in their stating, but corresponds with one another, so that the statements of the readings in India supplement those from Bali and in reverse.

Suggest A of better translation

Dear friends,For information and comments by the members of this group. Wing Commander Shashikant Oak. Mo No: 0991901049, Pune. India.

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