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The Truth about Nadi

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fwded message from shri Narendra Nayak:

Nadi jyotidam


Nadi jyotidam is the name of an 'exact

science' by which all details about a person can be told by consulting palm

leaves supposedly made by Agastya Muni, a very famous ancient sage of the south.

There is supposed to be one for every human being on this earth, past present

and future! Taking into account the population explosion the whole place should

have been chock full of palm leaves but miraculously it is not so. That shows

us two things- one is that the ancients had the foresight to know as to who

would visit the place and hence only their bio data would be there or the

leaves are preserved in some other format where in terabytes of data would be

compressed and stored. The prints would be taken after the candidate arrives on

the spot! Either way it goes to show the remarkable wisdom of our ancients! Any

way, after one arrives there, the thumb impression is taken along with date of

birth. Then the palm leaf pertaining to the individual is searched for. That is

the source of the name Nadi- search. There are a number of write ups praising its

accuracy and there are blogs testifying to the same. There have been numerous

accounts stating that the practitioners of Nadi have an accurate method of telling all

about the past, present and future of any individual. All they need for

identifying the right leaf is the thumb print of the person and the date of


Since we were

passing through the area where the 'original' Nadi leaves are supposed to exist,

that is the Vaithishwara temple near Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu, we decided to

check on the same. Three of us, Rajendran, Murugan from Tamil Nadu science

forum and I decided to visit the most famous of them all. Rajendra had some

contacts who told him that Shiva Swamy of station road was the best one and

would charge only Rs.500 per consultation.

When we reached

the place at the entrance of the village there were numerous signs inviting us

to the 'original' nadi jyotidam, the one and only Nadi consultant, beware of

touds (touts!) etc. After enquiries we came to know that the place was full of

Shiva Swamis as it seemed to be the most popular name around. So, after coming

to the conclusion that a rose would smell as sweet whatever name be it called,

we went to the nearest Shiva Swami. This too was probably already entered in my

leaf! However, when we made enquiries around, it was a toud, who took us to

this place. On entry, we were told that

we had come to the right place as it was the place where Agastya Muni had

deposited his original collection of palm leaves. We were also told that it was

holy place, madam- a hermitage-(not

to be confused with madam!) and not a commercial enterprise. On enquiry as to

how much was to be paid, we were informed that it all depended on what we

wanted. If the interpretations were to be made in Tamil then it would be

Rs.200, if translations were to be made it would be more. If recording on an

audio tape was needed fifty rupees had to be paid extra. Since we decided on a

plain vanilla type of reading, two hundred was agreed upon. However, I put a

condition that the payment would be made only if what was said was correct and

that too was agreed upon.

I was told to

write my date of birth on a paper and two thumb impressions of my right hand

were taken. That was all that was needed to look for my palm leaf. However,

that was subject to availability and I was told to sit down in a fixed place

when the search was going on for it. We declined this invitation and told them

that we would go around the place and come later. When we came back after ten

minutes we were told that I was lucky, my leaf had been found and that it would

be read. When I asked the permission of the person reading it for it to be

photographed he declined. When I asked whether he would pose for a picture he

was vehement in his refusal. But, before that I had managed to take a few

pictures of the place and its fixtures. The standard declaimer was put forth

before the reading started. I was told that though all efforts had been made to

get the script of may life there may be some errors. So, I had to answer yes or

no to statements made about my life.

First I was

asked the place where I came from. When I replied Udupi, he said that had been

accurately mentioned in his leaf. The next question was whether I was a Brahmin

or not. When I asked what the leaf said, I was told non-brahmin. When I said

yes, he made the very earth shaking declaration that I was a non vegetarian. I

asked him to ahead and he said that both my parents were alive. Though, both of

them are no more, this inference had been probably arrived at, by the presence

of their souls on earth! I had made no attempts to send them to heaven by

performing the required rituals. I was also informed that my father had been a

government servant and had retired. That would have been news to him if had

been alive. He had never worked for any one in his life time. Then I was told

that I too had been in government service and retired (not a very difficult

conclusion going by my age!) The Pais of Manipal who had been my employers at Manipal University would be glad to hear of this

elevation in their status. The next statement was about the day of my birth and

was told that I had been born on a Monday and under Makara rashi. When I

replied I did not know whether either of them to be true or false, I was told

that I am a Muslim! Then I was told the following: 1. I owned the house in

which I am staying (true) and so did my father (false). 2. I had two wives (where

is the second one?) 3. I had two children from my deceased first wife and for

their sake married for the second time. My reply was that my first wife was not

deceased, but I had divorced because she had no issues. The children were of my

second one and the interpreter of Nadi fell into the trap and said yes. He also

agreed that there was a small error in his reading. 4. I had two brothers and

one sister (true) but when I said it was wrong he said one brother and one

sister. 5. My fathers name was starting with one of the dozen alphabets listed.

When I said no, he followed with a dozen other alphabets when I replied in the

negative for that too, he was flabbergasted.

About thirty

minutes had passed and getting tired of this, I told the Nadi reader that most

of what he said was nonsense. At this got angry and told me that I should have

told him that. I replied that it was his duty to know that because his own Nadi

leaf would have

contained the information that his powers would be tested on

that day. When I asked him whether I had pay for all the rubbish that he had

told, he flounced out of his own establishment with the Nadi leaves pertaining

to my life under his arm and left us there. After waiting for a few minutes for

him to come back we came out and by that time I had gathered how the so called

Nadi fortune tellers manage to make 'accurate' predictions of the past and


The leaves are

just a prop for them. They are covered with some scribbles which only the Nadi

reader is supposed can interpret. The information about the client is gathered

by the following methods:

1. The

client and those accompanying them are asked to wait until the proper leaves

are found. During this time they are asked to wait in a room which is wired and

the conversation is spied upon.

2. The

interpreter is a clever 'cold' reader. He notes the reactions of the client and

those who accompany them to check the accuracy of the predictions.

3. The

pointed questions are asked to 'predict' the back ground of the clients- like caste,

religion etc.

4. Names and other specific details are rooted

out by trying to get the first alphabet of the word followed by the second one

and so on by a process of elimination.

5. Most of information is provided by the client

by reactions to yes or no questions or by unconscious body signals. In my case

since I am very experienced in providing wrong body signals and those

accompanying me had no knowledge about my personal matters, the reader was not

in a position to acquire any knowledge about me by this method and played into

a trap.

However, once he realized that

he was being mislead, I was a hard nut to crack he backed out. So much for the

accurate science of Nadi Jyotidam and the numerous testimonials on internet and

at a more personal level!

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I don't know what is the use of this mail. Someone is forwarding someone's mail without any comment. So, whom we should answer, to the one who forwarded or one who originally written. If we answer to the one who sent, he or she will tell, I just forwarded, I don't have anything to do with. If we answer to the one who wrote, then the person is not available to give a reply.


I can answer for each and every word of this mail. But, since the person who has written is not going to receive my reply, I am not replying.


But, in general, if you believe in something, believe it. When you board a bus or airplane, you believe and board them, you don't check the credentials of the pilot or whether each and every nut of the bus is tightened etc., Why? Because, we believe them. Similarly, if you believe Naadi, you go to them. No one is asking you to go there. AND if you are criticising them, you must be competent enough to criticise them. You cannot just through mud on them just like that. So, this person is neither a believer nor a competent person to criticise








dipika blr <blr.aspirant ; hinducalendar <HinduCalendar >; Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 9:30:14 AM The Truth about Nadi



fwded message from shri Narendra Nayak:

Nadi jyotidam


Nadi jyotidam is the name of an 'exact science' by which all details about a person can be told by consulting palm leaves supposedly made by Agastya Muni, a very famous ancient sage of the south. There is supposed to be one for every human being on this earth, past present and future! Taking into account the population explosion the whole place should have been chock full of palm leaves but miraculously it is not so. That shows us two things- one is that the ancients had the foresight to know as to who would visit the place and hence only their bio data would be there or the leaves are preserved in some other format where in terabytes of data would be compressed and stored. The prints would be taken after the candidate arrives on the spot! Either way it goes to show the remarkable wisdom of our ancients! Any way, after one arrives there, the thumb impression is taken along with date of

birth. Then the palm leaf pertaining to the individual is searched for. That is the source of the name Nadi- search. There are a number of write ups praising its accuracy and there are blogs testifying to the same. There have been numerous accounts stating that the practitioners of Nadi have an accurate method of telling all about the past, present and future of any individual. All they need for identifying the right leaf is the thumb print of the person and the date of birth.

Since we were passing through the area where the 'original' Nadi leaves are supposed to exist, that is the Vaithishwara temple near Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu, we decided to check on the same. Three of us, Rajendran, Murugan from Tamil Nadu science forum and I decided to visit the most famous of them all. Rajendra had some contacts who told him that Shiva Swamy of station road was the best one and would charge only Rs.500 per consultation.

When we reached the place at the entrance of the village there were numerous signs inviting us to the 'original' nadi jyotidam, the one and only Nadi consultant, beware of touds (touts!) etc. After enquiries we came to know that the place was full of Shiva Swamis as it seemed to be the most popular name around. So, after coming to the conclusion that a rose would smell as sweet whatever name be it called, we went to the nearest Shiva Swami. This too was probably already entered in my leaf! However, when we made enquiries around, it was a toud, who took us to this place. On entry, we were told that we had come to the right place as it was the place where Agastya Muni had deposited his original collection of palm leaves. We were also told that it was holy place, madam- a hermitage-(not to be confused with madam!) and not a commercial enterprise. On enquiry as to how much was to be

paid, we were informed that it all depended on what we wanted. If the interpretations were to be made in Tamil then it would be Rs.200, if translations were to be made it would be more. If recording on an audio tape was needed fifty rupees had to be paid extra. Since we decided on a plain vanilla type of reading, two hundred was agreed upon. However, I put a condition that the payment would be made only if what was said was correct and that too was agreed upon.

I was told to write my date of birth on a paper and two thumb impressions of my right hand were taken. That was all that was needed to look for my palm leaf. However, that was subject to availability and I was told to sit down in a fixed place when the search was going on for it. We declined this invitation and told them that we would go around the place and come later. When we came back after ten minutes we were told that I was lucky, my leaf had been found and that it would be read. When I asked the permission of the person reading it for it to be photographed he declined. When I asked whether he would pose for a picture he was vehement in his refusal. But, before that I had managed to take a few pictures of the place and its fixtures. The standard declaimer was put forth before the reading started. I was told that though all efforts had been made to get the script of may life there may be some

errors. So, I had to answer yes or no to statements made about my life.

First I was asked the place where I came from. When I replied Udupi, he said that had been accurately mentioned in his leaf. The next question was whether I was a Brahmin or not. When I asked what the leaf said, I was told non-brahmin. When I said yes, he made the very earth shaking declaration that I was a non vegetarian. I asked him to ahead and he said that both my parents were alive. Though, both of them are no more, this inference had been probably arrived at, by the presence of their souls on earth! I had made no attempts to send them to heaven by performing the required rituals. I was also informed that my father had been a government servant and had retired. That would have been news to him if had been alive. He had never worked for any one in his life time. Then I was told that I too had been in government service and retired (not a very difficult conclusion going by my age!) The Pais of Manipal who

had been my employers at Manipal University would be glad to hear of this elevation in their status. The next statement was about the day of my birth and was told that I had been born on a Monday and under Makara rashi. When I replied I did not know whether either of them to be true or false, I was told that I am a Muslim! Then I was told the following: 1. I owned the house in which I am staying (true) and so did my father (false). 2. I had two wives (where is the second one?) 3. I had two children from my deceased first wife and for their sake married for the second time. My reply was that my first wife was not deceased, but I had divorced because she had no issues. The children were of my second one and the interpreter of Nadi fell into the trap and said yes. He also agreed that there was a small error in his reading. 4. I had two brothers and one sister (true) but when I said it was wrong he said one brother and one sister. 5. My fathers name was

starting with one of the dozen alphabets listed. When I said no, he followed with a dozen other alphabets when I replied in the negative for that too, he was flabbergasted.

About thirty minutes had passed and getting tired of this, I told the Nadi reader that most of what he said was nonsense. At this got angry and told me that I should have told him that. I replied that it was his duty to know that because his own Nadi leaf would have

contained the information that his powers would be tested on that day. When I asked him whether I had pay for all the rubbish that he had told, he flounced out of his own establishment with the Nadi leaves pertaining to my life under his arm and left us there. After waiting for a few minutes for him to come back we came out and by that time I had gathered how the so called Nadi fortune tellers manage to make 'accurate' predictions of the past and future.

The leaves are just a prop for them. They are covered with some scribbles which only the Nadi reader is supposed can interpret. The information about the client is gathered by the following methods:

1. The client and those accompanying them are asked to wait until the proper leaves are found. During this time they are asked to wait in a room which is wired and the conversation is spied upon.

2. The interpreter is a clever 'cold' reader. He notes the reactions of the client and those who accompany them to check the accuracy of the predictions.

3. The pointed questions are asked to 'predict' the back ground of the clients- like caste, religion etc.

4. Names and other specific details are rooted out by trying to get the first alphabet of the word followed by the second one and so on by a process of elimination.

5. Most of information is provided by the client by reactions to yes or no questions or by unconscious body signals. In my case since I am very experienced in providing wrong body signals and those accompanying me had no knowledge about my personal matters, the reader was not in a position to acquire any knowledge about me by this method and played into a trap.

However, once he realized that he was being mislead, I was a hard nut to crack he backed out. So much for the accurate science of Nadi Jyotidam and the numerous testimonials on internet and at a more personal level!

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Well , I didnt read ur whole mail except that naadi readings are fake .....but in my case he told me am going to face problems before marriage nd that happened nd he told me when will I get mariied , told me when will I have job nd even the name of person m getting married to nd his profession too .....thats hard to predict by hit nd trial method ....its hard to predict somethings by hit nd trial method .......


--- On Wed, 10/29/08, dipika blr <blr.aspirant wrote:

dipika blr <blr.aspirant The Truth about Nadi , "hinducalendar" <HinduCalendar >, Date: Wednesday, October 29, 2008, 12:00 PM




fwded message from shri Narendra Nayak:

Nadi jyotidam


Nadi jyotidam is the name of an 'exact science' by which all details about a person can be told by consulting palm leaves supposedly made by Agastya Muni, a very famous ancient sage of the south. There is supposed to be one for every human being on this earth, past present and future! Taking into account the population explosion the whole place should have been chock full of palm leaves but miraculously it is not so. That shows us two things- one is that the ancients had the foresight to know as to who would visit the place and hence only their bio data would be there or the leaves are preserved in some other format where in terabytes of data would be compressed and stored. The prints would be taken after the candidate arrives on the spot! Either way it goes to show the remarkable wisdom of our ancients! Any way, after one arrives there, the thumb impression is taken along with date of

birth. Then the palm leaf pertaining to the individual is searched for. That is the source of the name Nadi- search. There are a number of write ups praising its accuracy and there are blogs testifying to the same. There have been numerous accounts stating that the practitioners of Nadi have an accurate method of telling all about the past, present and future of any individual. All they need for identifying the right leaf is the thumb print of the person and the date of birth.

Since we were passing through the area where the 'original' Nadi leaves are supposed to exist, that is the Vaithishwara temple near Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu, we decided to check on the same. Three of us, Rajendran, Murugan from Tamil Nadu science forum and I decided to visit the most famous of them all. Rajendra had some contacts who told him that Shiva Swamy of station road was the best one and would charge only Rs.500 per consultation.

When we reached the place at the entrance of the village there were numerous signs inviting us to the 'original' nadi jyotidam, the one and only Nadi consultant, beware of touds (touts!) etc. After enquiries we came to know that the place was full of Shiva Swamis as it seemed to be the most popular name around. So, after coming to the conclusion that a rose would smell as sweet whatever name be it called, we went to the nearest Shiva Swami. This too was probably already entered in my leaf! However, when we made enquiries around, it was a toud, who took us to this place. On entry, we were told that we had come to the right place as it was the place where Agastya Muni had deposited his original collection of palm leaves. We were also told that it was holy place, madam- a hermitage-(not to be confused with madam!) and not a commercial enterprise. On enquiry as to how much was to be

paid, we were informed that it all depended on what we wanted. If the interpretations were to be made in Tamil then it would be Rs.200, if translations were to be made it would be more. If recording on an audio tape was needed fifty rupees had to be paid extra. Since we decided on a plain vanilla type of reading, two hundred was agreed upon. However, I put a condition that the payment would be made only if what was said was correct and that too was agreed upon.

I was told to write my date of birth on a paper and two thumb impressions of my right hand were taken. That was all that was needed to look for my palm leaf. However, that was subject to availability and I was told to sit down in a fixed place when the search was going on for it. We declined this invitation and told them that we would go around the place and come later. When we came back after ten minutes we were told that I was lucky, my leaf had been found and that it would be read. When I asked the permission of the person reading it for it to be photographed he declined. When I asked whether he would pose for a picture he was vehement in his refusal. But, before that I had managed to take a few pictures of the place and its fixtures. The standard declaimer was put forth before the reading started. I was told that though all efforts had been made to get the script of may life there may be some

errors. So, I had to answer yes or no to statements made about my life.

First I was asked the place where I came from. When I replied Udupi, he said that had been accurately mentioned in his leaf. The next question was whether I was a Brahmin or not. When I asked what the leaf said, I was told non-brahmin. When I said yes, he made the very earth shaking declaration that I was a non vegetarian. I asked him to ahead and he said that both my parents were alive. Though, both of them are no more, this inference had been probably arrived at, by the presence of their souls on earth! I had made no attempts to send them to heaven by performing the required rituals. I was also informed that my father had been a government servant and had retired. That would have been news to him if had been alive. He had never worked for any one in his life time. Then I was told that I too had been in government service and retired (not a very difficult conclusion going by my age!) The Pais of Manipal

who had been my employers at Manipal University would be glad to hear of this elevation in their status. The next statement was about the day of my birth and was told that I had been born on a Monday and under Makara rashi. When I replied I did not know whether either of them to be true or false, I was told that I am a Muslim! Then I was told the following: 1. I owned the house in which I am staying (true) and so did my father (false). 2. I had two wives (where is the second one?) 3. I had two children from my deceased first wife and for their sake married for the second time. My reply was that my first wife was not deceased, but I had divorced because she had no issues. The children were of my second one and the interpreter of Nadi fell into the trap and said yes. He also agreed that there was a small error in his reading. 4. I had two brothers and one sister (true) but when I said it was wrong he said one brother and one sister. 5. My fathers name was

starting with one of the dozen alphabets listed. When I said no, he followed with a dozen other alphabets when I replied in the negative for that too, he was flabbergasted.

About thirty minutes had passed and getting tired of this, I told the Nadi reader that most of what he said was nonsense. At this got angry and told me that I should have told him that. I replied that it was his duty to know that because his own Nadi leaf would have

contained the information that his powers would be tested on that day. When I asked him whether I had pay for all the rubbish that he had told, he flounced out of his own establishment with the Nadi leaves pertaining to my life under his arm and left us there. After waiting for a few minutes for him to come back we came out and by that time I had gathered how the so called Nadi fortune tellers manage to make 'accurate' predictions of the past and future.

The leaves are just a prop for them. They are covered with some scribbles which only the Nadi reader is supposed can interpret. The information about the client is gathered by the following methods:

1. The client and those accompanying them are asked to wait until the proper leaves are found. During this time they are asked to wait in a room which is wired and the conversation is spied upon.

2. The interpreter is a clever 'cold' reader. He notes the reactions of the client and those who accompany them to check the accuracy of the predictions.

3. The pointed questions are asked to 'predict' the back ground of the clients- like caste, religion etc.

4. Names and other specific details are rooted out by trying to get the first alphabet of the word followed by the second one and so on by a process of elimination.

5. Most of information is provided by the client by reactions to yes or no questions or by unconscious body signals. In my case since I am very experienced in providing wrong body signals and those accompanying me had no knowledge about my personal matters, the reader was not in a position to acquire any knowledge about me by this method and played into a trap.

However, once he realized that he was being mislead, I was a hard nut to crack he backed out. So much for the accurate science of Nadi Jyotidam and the numerous testimonials on internet and at a more personal level!

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For me and my sister, till now whatever told is 100% right and so also

for my late father till his death 100% correct. One thing: if there

said a khandham (threat to life at a particular age)take it as you'll

surely live till that age 100% and after that indicated age only the

almighty will know: from personal experience (my father was predicted

by naadi to have two threats in his life at the ages of 56 & 58, he

died at the second threat where as he survived the first. I can give

proof for those if any can ask so. But only will give if they really

want to know and not with a malicious intention.




, vimmy arora <aroravimmy wrote:



> Well , I didnt read ur whole mail except that naadi readings are

fake .....but in my case he told me am going to face problems before

marriage nd that happened nd he told me when will I get mariied , told

me when will I have job nd even the name of person m getting married

to nd his profession too .....thats hard to predict by hit nd trial

method ....its hard to predict somethings by hit nd trial method .......

> ?>

> --- On Wed, 10/29/08, dipika blr <blr.aspirant wrote:


> dipika blr <blr.aspirant

> The Truth about Nadi

> , " hinducalendar "

<HinduCalendar >,

> Wednesday, October 29, 2008, 12:00 PM



fwded message from shri Narendra Nayak:




>                                          Nadi jyotidam

> ?>

>     ? Nadi jyotidam is the name of an 'exact science' by which all

details about a person can be told by consulting palm leaves

supposedly made by Agastya Muni, a very famous ancient sage of the

south. There is supposed to be one for every human being on this

earth, past present and future! Taking into account the population

explosion the whole place should have been chock full of palm leaves

but miraculously it is not so. That shows us two things- one is that

the ancients had the foresight to know as to who would visit the place

and hence only their bio data would be there or the leaves are

preserved in some other format where in terabytes of data would be

compressed and stored. The prints would be taken after the candidate

arrives on the spot! Either way it goes to show the remarkable wisdom

of our ancients! Any way, after one arrives there, the thumb

impression is taken along with date of birth. Then the palm leaf

pertaining to the individual

> is searched for. That is the source of the name Nadi- search. There

are a number of write ups praising its accuracy and there are blogs

testifying to the same. There have been numerous accounts stating that

the practitioners of  Nadi have an accurate method of telling all

about the past, present and future of any individual. All they need

for identifying the right leaf is the thumb print of the person and

the date of birth.

>      Since we were passing through the area where the 'original'

Nadi leaves are supposed to exist, that is the Vaithishwara temple

near Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu, we decided to check on the same. Three

of us, Rajendran, Murugan from Tamil Nadu science forum and I decided

to visit the most famous of them all. Rajendra had some contacts who

told him that Shiva Swamy of station road was the best one and would

charge only Rs.500 per consultation.

>     ?When we reached the place at the entrance of the village there

were numerous signs inviting us to the 'original' nadi jyotidam, the

one and only Nadi consultant, beware of touds (touts!) etc. After

enquiries we came to know that the place was full of Shiva Swamis as

it seemed to be the most popular name around. So, after coming to the

conclusion that a rose would smell as sweet whatever name be it

called, we went to the nearest Shiva Swami. This too was probably

already entered in my leaf! However, when we made enquiries around, it

was a toud, who took us to this place.  On entry, we were told that we

had come to the right place as it was the place where Agastya Muni had

deposited his original collection of palm leaves. We were also told

that it was holy place, madam- a hermitage-(not to be confused with

madam!) and not a commercial enterprise. On enquiry as to how much was

to be paid, we were informed that it all depended on what we wanted.

> If the interpretations were to be made in Tamil then it would be

Rs.200, if translations were to be made it would be more. If recording

on an audio tape was needed fifty rupees had to be paid extra. Since

we decided on a plain vanilla type of reading, two hundred was agreed

upon. However, I put a condition that the payment would be made only

if what was said was correct and that too was agreed upon.

>        I was told to write my date of birth on a paper and two thumb

impressions of my right hand were taken. That was all that was needed

to look for my palm leaf. However, that was subject to availability

and I was told to sit down in a fixed place when the search was going

on for it. We declined this invitation and told them that we would go

around the place and come later. When we came back after ten minutes

we were told that I was lucky, my leaf had been found and that it

would be read. When I asked the permission of the person reading it

for it to be photographed he declined. When I asked whether he would

pose for a picture he was vehement in his refusal. But, before that I

had managed to take a few pictures of the place and its fixtures. The

standard declaimer was put forth before the reading started. I was

told that though all efforts had been made to get the script of may

life there may be some errors. So, I had to answer yes or no to

> statements made about my life.

>     ?First I was asked the place where I came from. When I replied

Udupi, he said that had been accurately mentioned in his leaf. The

next question was whether I was a Brahmin or not. When I asked what

the leaf said, I was told non-brahmin. When I said yes, he made the

very earth shaking declaration that I was a non vegetarian. I asked

him to ahead and he said that both my parents were alive. Though, both

of them are no more, this inference had been probably arrived at, by

the presence of their souls on earth! I had made no attempts to send

them to heaven by performing the required rituals. I was also informed

that my father had been a government servant and had retired. That

would have been news to him if had been alive. He had never worked for

any one in his life time. Then I was told that I too had been in

government service and retired (not a very difficult conclusion going

by my age!) The Pais of Manipal who had been my employers at Manipal

> University would be glad to hear of this elevation in their status.

The next statement was about the day of my birth and was told that I

had been born on a Monday and under Makara rashi. When I replied I did

not know whether either of them to be true or false, I was told that I

am a Muslim! Then I was told the following: 1. I owned the house in

which I am staying (true) and so did my father (false). 2. I had two

wives (where is the second one?) 3. I had two children from my

deceased first wife and for their sake married for the second time. My

reply was that my first wife was not deceased, but I had divorced

because she had no issues. The children were of my second one and the

interpreter of Nadi fell into the trap and said yes. He also agreed

that there was a small error in his reading. 4. I had two brothers and

one sister (true) but when I said it was wrong he said one brother and

one sister. 5. My fathers name was starting with one of the dozen

> alphabets listed. When I said no, he followed with a dozen other

alphabets when I replied in the negative for that too, he was


>        About thirty minutes had passed and getting tired of this, I

told the Nadi reader that most of what he said was nonsense. At this

got angry and told me that I should have told him that. I replied that

it was his duty to know that because his own Nadi leaf would have

> contained the information that his powers would be tested on that

day. When I asked him whether I had pay for all the rubbish that he

had told, he flounced out of his own establishment with the Nadi

leaves pertaining to my life under his arm and left us there. After

waiting for a few minutes for him to come back we came out and by that

time I had gathered how the so called Nadi fortune tellers manage to

make 'accurate' predictions of the past and future.

>        The leaves are just a prop for them. They are covered with

some scribbles which only the Nadi reader is supposed can interpret.

The information about the client is gathered by the following methods:

> 1.    ?The client and those accompanying them are asked to wait

until the proper leaves are found. During this time they are asked to

wait in a room which is wired and the conversation is spied upon.

> 2.    ?The interpreter is a clever 'cold' reader. He notes the

reactions of the client and those who accompany them to check the

accuracy of the predictions.

> 3.    ?The pointed questions are asked to 'predict' the back ground

of the clients- like caste, religion etc.

> 4.    ? Names and other specific details are rooted out by trying

to get the first alphabet of the word followed by the second one and

so on by a process of elimination.

> 5.    ? Most of information is provided by the client by reactions

to yes or no questions or by unconscious body signals. In my case

since I am very experienced in providing wrong body signals and those

accompanying me had no knowledge about my personal matters, the reader

was not in a position to acquire any knowledge about me by this method

and played into a trap.

>                However, once he realized that he was being mislead,

I was a hard nut to crack he backed out. So much for the accurate

science of Nadi Jyotidam and the numerous testimonials on internet and

at a more personal level!


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