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your query about naadi, destiny and freewill

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Hi Manik, All,


I was really impressed by ur detail knowledge in this field.

What u have suggested is pretty logical


few more questions.

1) Can you tell me the source of this information. Is it from some scriptures?

2) What is the purpose of our existence? (Though this question sounds a lit absurd).

3) I have been asked to do some pooja through some saint in south india. I have already paid 5000 for this as I believed in nadi astrology.

Do u belive in this recommended pooja?

As u have suggested that through spritual saint or sadguru sanchit & aagami karma can be smoothened but in the nadi reading it was suggested for marriage and health of current life.??


On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 1:45 PM, manik avasthi <manikpassionate wrote:

hi bapna i will try to briefly explain your answer:There are 3 types of karma1. sanchit2. prarabdh

3. aagami or kriyaman*sanchit meas sum total of karamas of all lives that you have lived so far.*out of sanchit what is destined for you in this current life is called prarabdh (it's a bag of good and bad things) and what planetry positions you are currently experiencing is called prarabdh.

let me also tell you that your education , parents , career ,wealth ,way you have to die , spouse and children are predestined.scope of freewill is very limited hereplease also understand your upper and lower limit in life is predestined ie free will is range bound for example if someone is destined to become a doctor and he needs minimum of 40 marks to qualify , he will score 40 irrespective of his circumstances , he will be forced to study for those 40 marks as it is fed in his subconcious but scoring any mark above 40 is his free will , i hope this clears your doubt.

*aagami or kriyaman karm are those karam which you are doing currently and karmas which will fructify in the future .what you do in this life a small portion of that you have to bear in current life and rest say 90% is added back to your sanchit to be borne in future life.

depending upon on your spritual evolution and grace of a spritual saint or sadguru sanchit and aagami karma can be smoothened or even destroyed but even god will not touch your prarabdh.At maximum there impact can be slightly reduced.

so there is freewill but you cannot go beyond a point that is destiny, if you look carefully what is destined for you in this life , you have only created in your previous lives.bye take care Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Grab now http://in.promos./address

-- -- Harshit Bapna

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1. Yes it is from sciptures u read the writings of saintKabir, Guru Nanak,Guru Gobind Singh, Baba Farid,Buleh shah,Paltu sahib,Hazarat sultan bahu,Bhagat Namdev etc


2. To demolish all karmas and enlightenment


3.Paying for puja to other person is just like if u r hungury and u r giving money to other person to buy eatables to eat and eats and u hope that ur hungury will satisfied.Is it possible? Just have ur reading and forget the upayas


Shubdev Singh--- On Mon, 11/17/08, Harshit Bapna <hrbapna wrote:

Harshit Bapna <hrbapna Re: your query about naadi, destiny and freewillmanikpassionate, Date: Monday, November 17, 2008, 2:34 PM




Hi Manik, All,


I was really impressed by ur detail knowledge in this field.

What u have suggested is pretty logical


few more questions.

1) Can you tell me the source of this information. Is it from some scriptures?

2) What is the purpose of our existence? (Though this question sounds a lit absurd).

3) I have been asked to do some pooja through some saint in south india. I have already paid 5000 for this as I believed in nadi astrology.

Do u belive in this recommended pooja?

As u have suggested that through spritual saint or sadguru sanchit & aagami karma can be smoothened but in the nadi reading it was suggested for marriage and health of current life.??


On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 1:45 PM, manik avasthi <manikpassionate@ .co. in> wrote:

hi bapna i will try to briefly explain your answer:There are 3 types of karma1. sanchit2. prarabdh3. aagami or kriyaman*sanchit meas sum total of karamas of all lives that you have lived so far.*out of sanchit what is destined for you in this current life is called prarabdh (it's a bag of good and bad things) and what planetry positions you are currently experiencing is called prarabdh.let me also tell you that your education , parents , career ,wealth ,way you have to die , spouse and children are predestined.scope of freewill is very limited hereplease also understand your upper and lower limit in life is predestined ie free will is range bound for example if someone is destined to become a doctor and he needs minimum of 40 marks to qualify , he will score 40 irrespective of his circumstances , he will be forced to study

for those 40 marks as it is fed in his subconcious but scoring any mark above 40 is his free will , i hope this clears your doubt.*aagami or kriyaman karm are those karam which you are doing currently and karmas which will fructify in the future .what you do in this life a small portion of that you have to bear in current life and rest say 90% is added back to your sanchit to be borne in future life.depending upon on your spritual evolution and grace of a spritual saint or sadguru sanchit and aagami karma can be smoothened or even destroyed but even god will not touch your prarabdh.At maximum there impact can be slightly reduced.so there is freewill but you cannot go beyond a point that is destiny, if you look carefully what is destined for you in this life , you have only created in your previous lives.bye take care Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Grab now http://in.promos. / address-- -- Harshit Bapna

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