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RAHIMAHULLAAH TRANSLATED BY: Abu Mu’aawiyah bin Kenneth Ingram If it said to

you, Who is your Lord? Then reply saying: My Lord (Rabb) is Allah. If it is said

to you, What is the meaning of Lord (Rabb)? Then reply saying: The One Who is

rightfully worshipped, The Owner (Al-Maalik), The One Who all and everything is

under His disposal (Al-Mutasarrif). If it is said to you, What is the greatest

and most remarkable feat you have seen from His creation? Then reply saying: The

Heavens and the Earth. If it is said to you, How do you arrive at this knowledge

of your Lord? Then reply saying: Through His signs and His creation. If it said

to you, What is the paramount or the most noteworthy which you have seen from

His signs? Then reply saying: The Night and the Day and the proof of this is His

saying, Ta’aala: Indeed your Lord (Rabb) is Allah, who created the Heavens and

the Earth in six days, and

then He rose over (Istawa) The Throne (in a manner befitting His Majesty). He

brings the Night as a cover over the Day, seeking it rapidly, and (He created)

the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars subjected to his command. Surely His is the

creation and the Commandment. Blessed is Allah the Lord (Rabb) of all in

existence! Surah A’raf (7):54

So if it is said to you, What is the meaning of Allah? Then reply saying:

Allah means the One who has all rights of worship over the entire of His

creation. And if it is said to you, Why did Allah create you? Then reply saying:

I was created for the purpose of His worship (and His worship alone, i.e.

Tawheed, without ascribing any partners to him in any aspect of worship i.e.

Shirk). If it is said to you, What is His worship? Then reply saying: His

Tawheed and obedience to him (Taa’ah). And if it said to you, What is the proof

for that? Then reply saying: His saying, Ta’aala:. I have not created the Jinn,

nor the men, except for My worship (alone). Surah Dhariyat (51):56

If it is said to you, What is the first affair which Allah has obligated upon

you? Then reply saying: Total disbelief in Taaghut (everything that is

worshipped other than Allah) and Eemaan (faith and belief) in Allah, and the

proof of this is His saying, Ta’aala: There is no compulsion in religion.

Surely, the right path has become clear and distinct from the wrong path. So

whoever disbelieves in Taaghut (everything that is worshipped other than Allah)

and believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trust worthy handhold that

will never break. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower. Surah Baqarah (2):256

So if it is said to you, What is the most trust worthy handhold that will

never break?

Then reply saying: Laa ilaaha ill Allah (There is no Diety worshipped in the

truth except Allah). The meaning of Laa ilaaha (There is no Diety) is negation

and ill Allah (except Allah) is affirmation. And if it is said to you, What is

it that you are negating and what is that you are affirming? Then reply saying:

The negation is a negation of everything that is worshipped other than Allah and

the affirmation is an affirmation that all worship is rightfully due to Allah

alone without ascribing any partners to Him. And if it said to you, What is the

proof for that? Then reply saying: His saying, Ta’aala: And (remember) when

Ibraheem said to his father and people: “Verily, I am totally innocent and

totally free of what you worship, except Him (i.e. Allah alone) Who created me;

and surely, He will guide me”. Surah Zukhruf (43):26-27

And if it is said to you, What is the negation and affirmation here in this

Ayah (verse)? Then reply saying: The proof of negation is: And (remember) when

Ibraheem said to his father and people: “Verily, I am totally innocent and

totally free of what you worship. Surah Zukhruf (43):26

And the proof of affirmation is:

Except Him (i.e. Allah alone) who created me.” Surah Zukhruf (43):27

If it is said to you, What is the difference between Tawheed Ar-Ruboobiyyah

(Lordship) and Tawheed Al-Uloohiyyah (worship), Then reply saying, Tawheed

Ar-Ruboobiyyah is the actions of the Rabb (Lord), for example: Creating,

providing all sustenance and provision, giving life, causing death, sending down

rain, causing plants and all vegetation to grow, as well as disposing all of the

affairs. Tawheed Al-Uloohiyyah is the actions of the slave, for example:

Supplication, fear of His Punishment, hope for His Mercy, dependence and

reliance upon Him, turning to Him in repentance, fervent desire, dread, making

vows, seeking His Aid and other than this from the different types of worship.

So if it said to you, What is your Deen? Then reply saying: My Deen (Religion)

is Islam.

It’s foundation and principle comprises two affairs:

Firstly: The worship of Allah alone (i.e. Tawheed) without ascribing any

partners to Him, inciting and instigating upon this, basing alliance and

friendship upon it, and pronouncing Kufr (disbelief of Allah) upon one who

abandons Tawheed.

Secondly: Warning and admonishing against Shirk in the worship of Allah

Ta’aala and being staunch upon that, basing enmity and aversion upon it, and

pronouncing Kufr (disbelief in Allah) upon the one who commits Shirk.

This Deen of Islam is established upon five pillars: Bearing witness that none

has the right to be worshipped in truth except Allah and bearing witness that

Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) is the Messenger of Allah, establishing

the Salah, paying the Zakat, fasting the month of Ramadan, and making Hajj once

in a lifetime for the one who has the ability. And the proof of the Shahaadah is

his saying, Ta’aala: Allah bears witness that La ilaaha illa huwa (none has the

right to be worshipped in truth except He), and the angels, and those who

possess knowledge (also bear witness); (He always) maintains his creation in

justice. La ilaaha ill huwa (none has the right to be worshipped in the truth

except He), The All-Mighty, The All-Wise. Surah Aali ‘Imran (3):18

The proof that Muhammad (SAS) is the Messenger of Allah is His saying,

Ta’aala: Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger

of Allah and the seal (last) of the prophets. Surah Ahzab (33):40

The proof of Ikhlaas (sincerity) in worship and the proof of Salaah and Zakaat

is His saying Ta’aala: And they were not commanded except to worship Allah alone

making the Deen (religion) pure and sincerely for Him alone, and to establish

the Salaah (prayer) and to pay the Zakat, and that is the right Deen (religion)

Surah Bayyinah (98):5

And the proof of Fasting is His saying, Ta’aala: O you who believe! Observing

the Fast (Sawm) has been prescribed for you just as it has been prescribed for

those before you, so that you may become of those that have Taqwaa (fear of

Allah and keeping your duty to Him) Surah Baqarah (2):183

And the proof of Hajj is His saying, Ta’aala: And Hajj to the house (Ka’Bah)

is a right that Allah has over mankind for those that have the ability to

perform it and whoever disbelieves, then Allah is by no way in need of the

‘Aalameen (mankind, jinn, and all in existence)! Surah Aali ‘Imran (3):97

The foundations of Eemaan are six: To believe in Allah, His angels, His

books, His messengers, The Last Day, and the Qadr (divine decree), the good of

it and the bad of it.

As for Ihsaan (perfection in worship), it is to worship Allah as though you

see Him and if you are not able to achieve this then worship Him knowing that He

sees you.

So if it said to you, Who is your prophet? Then reply saying: Muhammad bin

‘Abdullah bin ‘Abdul-Muttalib bin Haashim, and Haashim is from the Quraish and

the Quraish is from the ‘Arab and the ‘Arab is from the progeny of Isma’eel bin

Ibraheem Al-Khaleel (the close friend of Allah) may the utmost peace and

blessings of Allah be upon our prophet, Ibraheem, and Ismaa’eel. The homeland of

the prophet Muhammad is Makkah and he (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) made Hijrah

(migrated) to Medinah. His lifespan was 63 years, 40 of them were before His

prophethood and 23 of them were as a prophet and messenger. He became a prophet

with Surah ‘Alaq, and he became a messenger with Surah Muddaththir .

And if it said to you, Has he died or is he still living? Then reply saying:

He has died and his religion remains until the establishment of the Hour, and

the proof is His saying, Ta’aala: Truly, You (O Muhamaad) will die, and surely

they too will die. Then on the Day of Resurrection you will be disputing before

your Lord Surah Zumar (39):30-31

And all of the people that have died will be resurrected, and the proof is His

saying, Ta’aala: From it (the earth) We have created you and unto it you shall

return and from it We will bring you out once more Surah Taha (20):55

And whoever denies believing in this resurrection is a Kaafir (one who

disbelieves in Allah) and the proof is His saying, Ta’aala: Those who disbelieve

claim that they will never be resurrected. Say: Yes! By my Rabb (Lord) you will

certainly be resurrected, then you will be informed (and recompensed) for your

actions, and that is easy for Allah Surah Taghaabun (64):7

And may many peace and blessings be upon Muhammad, his family and his


Foot Note:

[1] And He, Ta’aala says:

Surely, His is the creation and the Commandment Surah A’Raf (7):54 Sufyaan bin

‘Uyainah and other than him have said regarding this Ayah (verse): The creation

is the creation of Allah, The Blessed, The Exalted. As for the Commandment, it

is the Qur’an.

Note in this Ayah (verse) Allah has made a separation between the creation and

the Qur’an. This is a proof that the Qur’an is not created since Allah did not

include the Qur’an as part of His creation in this Ayah (verse).

Allah, Ta’aala says: And if any one of the Mushrikeen (those who commit shirk

with Allah) seek your protection, then grant them protection – So that they may

hear the speech (Kalaam) of Allah (i.e. The Qur’an) Surah Taubah (9):6

Ash-Shaafi’ee has said: The Qur’an is the speech (Kalaam) of Allah and it is

not created. Whoever says it is created is a Kaafir (one who disbelieves in



Abu Haatim Ar-Raazee and Abu Zur’ah Ar-Raazee have both said: Whoever claims

the Qur’an is created is a Kaafir (disbeliever) in Allah, The Magnificent, and

this Kufr (disbelief) takes him outside the fold of Islam. Whoever has doubt in

his Kufr (thinking he may not have committed Kufr) from those that understand

the issue then he, too, is a Kaafir. Whoever has doubt regarding the speech

(Kalaam) of Allah and halts therein doubtfully saying: I don’t know. Is the

Qur’an created or not created? He is a Jahmee. As for whoever halts therein with

regards to the Qur’an ignorantly , He is taught, he has fallen into heresy, but

he is not taken outside the fold of Islam (i.e. Takfeer is not to be made of


[The Foundation of the Sunnah and the Creed of the Deen]

Ahmad bin Hanbal has said: The Qur’an is the speech (Kalaam) of Allah and it

is not created. One is not too weak to say it isn’t created. Truly, the speech

(Kalaam) of Allah is not separate from Him, and nothing from His actions is


[Foundations of the Sunnah]

‘Umar (RA) has said: The Qur’an is the speech (Kalaam) of Allah. Do not twist

and change it with your opinions.


[2] Ibn Taymiyyah has defined ‘Ibaadah (worship) as: A comprehensive name that

is inclusive of everything which Allah loves and is pleased with from statements

and actions whether they be apparent or concealed.


[3] Tawheed is defined as: To single out Allah alone in all worship.

[The Three Fundamental Principles]


[4] Taa’ah is defined as: Obeying Allah in that which He ordered and

abstaining from that which He prohibited.

[Explanation of the Four Principles]


Ibn Qayyim has defined Taaghut saying: At-Taaghut is regarding anyone

whom the ‘Abd (servant, slave) goes beyond bounds whether it be someone

worshipped, followed, or obeyed. Muhammad bin ‘Abdul-Wahhab continues saying:

The Taaghuts are numerous and the heads of the Taaghuts are five: Ibless may

Allah curse him, whoever is worshipped and is pleased with that worship, whoever

calls the people to the worship of himself, whoever calls to having any

knowledge of the unseen, and whoever rules by other than what Allah revealed.

[The Three Fundamental Principles]


The Salaf and the Imaams of the Ummah have defined Eemaan as: (Statement

of the heart and the tongue, and action with the limbs). So it is statement,

action and belief. It increases with obedience (Taa’ah) and decreases with sin.

[At-Tawheed Wa Al-Bayaan Shajarah Al-Eemaan]

From the proofs of Eemaan increasing are as follows:

Allah, Ta’aala, has said: So that they may increase in Eemaan upon their

present Eemaan. Surah Fath (48):4

And He, Ta’aala has said: And it did not increase them, except in Eemaan and

submission (to Allah) Surah Ahzab (33):22

And He, Ta’aala has said: But it only increased them in Eemaan, and they said:

Allah (alone) is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs (for

us). Surah Imran (3):173

And He, Ta’aala has said: And that those who believe may increase in Eemaan

Surah Muddaththir (74):31

And the proofs of it decreasing are as follows:

On the authority of Abu Hurariah (RA): The Messenger of Allah (SAS) has said:

Eemaan has seventy and some odd branches. It’s uppermost part is the statement

La ilaha ill Allah (None has the right to be worshipped in truth except Allah).

And its lowest part is removing something harmful from the path, and Hayaa

(shame and modesty) is a branch of Eemaan. [Related by Bukhaaree and Muslim]

On the authority of Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudree (RA): I heard the Messenger of Allah

(SAS) saying: Whoever from amongst you sees an evil then he should change it

with his hands. If he is not able to do this, then he should change it with his

tongue, if he is not able to do this, then he should hate it in his heart, and

that is the weakest of Eemaan. [Related by Muslim]

The statements of the Salaf regarding Eemaan are many, from them:

Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Hanbal said: I heard my father being asked about Irjaa

(i.e. the beliefs of the Murji’ah), so he said: We say that Eemaan is statement

and action, and it increases and decreases. If one fornicates and drinks alcohol

His Eemaan decreases. [Kitab As-Sunnah Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Hanbal]

Yahyah Bin Ma’een has said: Eemaan is statement and action. It increases and

decreases. [As-Sunnah Al-Khallaal]

It was said to Sufyaan bin ‘Uyainah: Does Eemaan increase and decrease? So he

replied saying: Don’t you read the Qur’an?

But it only increased them in Eemaan

Surah Aali ‘Imran (3):173

And similar to this it is said in more than one place in the Qur’an. It was

then said: And as for decreasing? So he replied saying: There is nothing that

increases except that it decreases. [Related by Aajuree with a saheeh isnaad]

ibn Mas’ood (RA) had said: Allahumma zidnaa Eemaanan wa Yaqeenan wa Fiqhan (O

Allah increase us in Eemaan, certainty, and understanding).

[Related by Al-Haafith in Al-Fath and he grades it as Saheeh]

Abdur-Rahmaan bin Abee Haatim has said: I asked my father (Abu Haatim

Ar-Raazee) and Abu-Zur’ah (Ar-Raazee) – may Allah be pleased with them – about

the Madhaahib (plural of Madhhab meaning a way) of Ahlus Sunnah regarding the

fundamentals of the deen, what they know from the ‘Ulama (scholars) of all

regions regarding this, and what they both believed from that. They both

replied saying: We know from the ‘Ulama (scholars) of all regions from Hijaaz,

‘Iraaq, Egypt, Sham, and Yemen, that it is from their Madhhab that: Eemaan is

statement and action. It increases and decreases¼ [Foundation of the Sunnah and

the Creed of the Deen]


The statement La ilaha ill Allah (none has the right to be worshipped in

truth except Allah) has seven conditions, and they are: ‘Ilm (Knowledge), Yaqeen

(Certainty), ‘Ikhlaas (Sincerity), Sidq (Truthfulness), Mahabbah (Love),

Inqiyaad (Submission), and Qubool (Acceptance).

Some say the conditions are eight, and the eighth is Kufr (total disbelief) in



Islam is defined as: Total submission to Allah with Tawheed and succumbing

to Him with obedience (Taa’ah) as well as to disavow and disassociate oneself

from Shirk and it’s people.

[The Three Fundamental Principles]


Shirk is defined as: Calling upon other than Allah along with Allah.

[The Three Fundamental Principles]


In the famous hadeeth of Jibreel, Jibreel said to the Messenger of Allah,

Muhammad (SAS): Inform me about Islam. So the Messenger of Allah (SAS) replied:

Islam is to bear witness that none has right to be worshipped in truth except

Allah , and Muhammad (SAS) is the Messenger of Allah, to establish the Salaah

(prayer), to pay the Zakaat, to fast the month of Ramadaan, and to make Hajj

(once in a lifetime) for the one who has the ability to do so. [Related by



Allah Ta’aala has said: Muhammad (SAS) is no more than a messenger, and

indeed many messengers have passed away before him. If he dies or is killed will

you then turn back on your heels (as disbelievers)? And he who turns back on his

heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah; and Allah will reward those who

are grateful Surah Ali-Imraan (3):144

And His saying, Ta’aala: Muhammad (SAS) is the Messenger of Allah. And those

that are with him are severe against the disbelievers and merciful amongst

themselves. You see them bowing and falling down prostrate (in prayer). Surah

Fath (48):29

And meaning of Muhammad (SAS) is the messenger of Allah is: Obeying him

(Taa’ah) in that which he has commanded, believing that which he informed of,

abstaining from that which he prohibited and forbade, and to not worship Allah

except by what he has prescribed.

[The Three Fundamental Principles]


Ikhlaas is defined as (That a person intends with His worship to get

closer to Allah Ta’aala and to intend to reach and attain the land of his

dignity (i.e. Jennah wallahu a’lam)). That is, the servant should be sincere for

the sake of Allah Ta’aala alone in his intentions, sincere for the sake of Allah

Ta’aala alone in his love, sincere for the sake of Allah Ta’aala alone in his

glorification, sincere for the sake of Allah Ta’aala alone outwardly and

inwardly not intending nor wanting with his worship anything except the face of

Allah Ta’aala and reaching the land of His diginity (i.e. Jennah wallhu a’lam),

as He has said, Ta’aala:

Say: Indeed, my Salaah (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for

Allah (alone), the Lord (Rabb) of the ‘Aalameen (mankind, Jinn, and all in

existence). He has no partner. With this I have been commanded and I am the

first of the Muslims Surah An’aam (6):162-163

And His saying, Ta’aala: And turn in repentance and in obedience (with Tawheed

and true faith (Eemaan)) to your Lord (alone) and submit to Him (alone with

Islam) Surah Zumar (39):54

And His saying Ta’aala: And your Ilah (God) is one Ilah (God-Allah) La

illahailla huwa (none has the right to be worshipped in Truth except He) The

Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy Surah Hajj (22):34

[sharh Usool As-Sittah]


In the famous hadeeth of Jibreel, Jibreel said to the prophet (SAS):

Inform me about Eemaan. The prophet (SAS) responded saying: To believe in Allah,

His angels, His books, His messengers, The Last Day, and to believe in Qadr

(divine decree), the good of it and the bad of it. [Related by Muslim]


Again in the famous hadeeth of Jibreel, Jibreel said to the prophet

(SAS): Inform me about Ihsaan (perfection in worship). The prophet (SAS)

responded saying: It is to worship Allah as though you see Him, and if you are

not able to achieve this then worship Him knowing that He sees you. [Related by



Allah Ta’aala has said: Read! In the name of your Lord (Rabb) who has

created (all that exists). He has created man from a clot of blood. Read! And

your Lord (Rabb) is The Most Generous. Who has taught by the pen. He has taught

man that which he knew not. Surah ‘Alaq (96):1-5

Allah Ta’aala has said: O You (Muhammad) (SAS) enveloped in garments! Arise

and warn! Magnify your Lord! And purify your garments ! And keep away from

Ar-Rujz (idols)! And give not a thing in order to have more. And be patient for

the sake of your Lord! Surah Muddaththir (74):1-7







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