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KP Horary prediction: Change in sector and job

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Dear Dr. Rahul and list, I am putting forward a prediction done for the self which has gone right but the timing of the event is not correct. Dr. Rahul, you can recall one of my mail where I had asked about the role of retrograde planets even when they are not retrograde at the time of the querry. Here it is a classic example where the planets were retrograde after the querry was divinated but the result came even when the sub-period lord was retrograde. I am putting my entire analysis for your consideration and comments: ---------------------------- Anurodh: what about next change-pharma or

insurance? PLACE: LUCKNOW;INDIA LAT. 26 , 51 NLONG 80 , 56 E DATE : 11 - 11 - 2005 : TIME: 19 H. 44 M. DASA BAL. Jup. 5 Y. 321 Days ENDS ON 29 9 2011 BHK. Bal. Ven. 0 Y. 151 Days: ANT. Bal. Merc 94 Days: SOOK Bal. Ven. 7 Days HOR.NO : 12 : Asc.for RP 64 Deg 10 Min LORDS : Mer,Mar,Ven,Sat AYANAMSA: 23 d. 50 m. 19 s. day = friday NOTE= SHORT FORMS USED ARE: CI= CUSPAL INTERLINK, S/L=SUB-LORD, ST-L=STAR LORD, M/D=MAHADASA --------moon agrees with the nature of the querry that is job and change in job. 1s/l is moon so the same result. 1s/l is sig 11h so shows that the desire will be fulfilled.-------------------- Pharma or insurance: 1.10s/l= sat=8-6-3-4-10-11[mer-4-10-11-8-6-3]--> 8th house and strong connection of sat and merc and sat connected with 8th house by CI shows that change in the insurance sector only. 2.Sat connection by CI to the 12H is showing

that the success is outside Lucknow but the station will be at present that is short travell has to be done to attain success in the field to attain business. 3.Pakage in the next change: 2s/l=jup=12'-6-9[jup] second cusp is very closly aspect by merc which is a sig of 10-11-6 but it sig 8H and in the sub of jup which is the s/l of 2H but is the sig of 12H-6h. Conclusion-1 Pakage will increase but it will not be as desired as per the plan because the 12H sig is there for the mahadasa lord which is the 2s/l also. As planning to get something between 2.5-3 lacs but this desire will not be fulfilled. 4.The mahadasa lord is jup and it is showing the 9H so the change is there and it is the sub-lord of 3 house

so it shows that the change is confirmed. 5.As per dasa system:M/D-L is jup, bhukti-L is ven, Antra-L is merc are favouring the change. -------------Conclusion-[final] a. Next change in life inurance sector only. b. Change is expected little late as the 11s/l is merc which is in the st of sat. As per the timing analysis with the help of the rps and sig , the time is jup/ven/merc/rahu. Two dates are final: 17.12.2005--> saturday + moon in rahu st. or 21.12.2005 --> wednesday + moon in ketu. c.Change will be there with an increased pakage, but not as desired as jup the 2s/l is the sig of 12H. Merc is aspecting closly to the 2H as

the sig of 10-11-6 but being in the sub of jup[sTRONG SIG OF 12H], again it's potency to bestow wealth is limited. -----ACTUAL happenings: a. interview on 19.12.2005 (saturday) b. Confirmation on 28.12.2005 (wednesday) c. Resigned from the previous job 7.1.2006 after the reciept of offer letter on the same day (saturday) d. Official joining on 11.1.2006 (wednesday) The running period was mercury/venus. Venus is retrograde and saturn is also retrograde. Joined a reputed insurance company with an increased pakage but not upto the plan. Please comment. with regards, Anurodh

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