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|| laalkitab || Help-----Ketu Remedy chopradeven81

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\||SHREE GANESH||\||VAKRATUNDAYE HOOM|| || KAALI KAALI MAHAKAALI,KAALIKEY PRAMESHWARI,SARAVAANAND KARI DEVI,NARAYANI NAMASTUTE. || ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ [RE:ketu Remedy Dear Devan, Welcome to laalkitab group. its nice that you are learning astrology, well its will help you nd others a lot in future, its very good sciense. now regarding your ketu remedy, Dear, it would be tough for me to comment anything without having actual horoscope, as it would be tough to know the actuall scenario of horoscope by just knowing the position of two planets moon and ketu, so better to provide full details. i am giving some hints over your topic: u-in

laalkitab the planets can be made benefic through their friendly planets like surya k mande asar k waqt chandra ki sahaeya li ja sakti. v-now think ; gold is related to which planet in laalkitab w-ketu-guru and chandra have which relation in laalkitab x-round shape(gol akaar) is represented by which planet in laalkita y-left side of body deals with which planet Hope these hints will help you......... All the best......... Regards, Rohit Sharma. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ If You have read this message, please give your Feedback. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Pt. Rohit Sharma (»--‡§ÜÑÑÝ-») '9888079834 Our groups:- apna-virsa satchitanand laalkitab jazbaat http://groups.google.comsatchitanand http://groups.google.comlaalkitab http://groups.google.comjazbaat aryamaditya chopradeven81 <chopradeven81 wrote: Dear

Mr.RohitI am a new member and I am also learning astrology.I would be grateful to you if you could please help me in the following matter.Problem:my varshphal chart according to Lalkitab contains ketu in 6th house andmoon in 2nd house.I am worried about my mother and also lalkitab states that due to Ketuthe native will have to undergo useless travels and he will beconsidered worthless everywhere and people will turn enemies withoutreason.Remedy given is wearing a gold ring in left hand.Please tell me the logic behind this remedy and will this remedy besufficient to prevent malefic influence of Ketu.RegardsDeven Pt. Rohit Sharma (»--‡§ÜÑÑÝ-») 099888079834 R = Rosary, O = OM, H = Help, I = Immortal, T= Temple Means: Breaths are regarded as beads of Rosary (Swason ki mala), Who always recite OM (Mantra) on Rosary of breaths gets help of GOD, become Immortal (Moksha) & lives in temple (heart of God). Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.

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