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symbols used: sub-lord=s/l, star-lord=st/l, lord=l, mahadasa=m/d,

cuspal-interlinks=CI, sub-lord of planet=, star=st




Dear Group,


I am posting the solution of the quiz I posted last week. Few of our friends

have posted the ans and many of them are correct.


The case is a blind study done by me. The person contacted me on phone. He is

still a stranger to me as we have not met and all the conversations done till

date are on phone.


The person gave me the time of birth which was 8.30 am to 11.30 am. One

renowned astrologer at Delhi did time rectification and reached at some time

which was between 9 am to 10 am.


I did the entire time rectification using the KP and then varified few things

with the person. It was a ticklish case as it was a blind chart for me and many

of the things read by me from the rectified chart were correct like his

financial habbits, his dieatry habbits, accident and nature of accident, period

of accident, about the wife (she must be from a known circle), health condition

at the time of native's birth, property disputes, brake in education etc.


Now the quiz was to find out the educational background and financial



Friends, I am going to give the solutions what I applied. I use cuspal

interlinks, 4 step theory and combine it with the nature of the planet and sign

involve. I do use the aspects also.


Regarding the cuspal interlinks, I use it in a different way and not as written

in books so many of you may not able to digest it but I do get results from it

and many deep insights.




dob: Male: 10.1.1972

tob: 9 hrs 28 min 25 sec [rectified]

pob: Lucknow [26.51 n, 80.56 e]

dst: 0





Management graduate with specialisation in finance. A student with merits and

studied with a renowned scholarship upto class XII in a renowned school of

India. Got break in the education for good cause like for scholarship

qualification in that school he had to study in class 8th. He took a break for

engneering prepration. He had to wait for his MBA from a renowned university of

India as the session was started but his graduation result was declared late.


Completed his education when Saturn mahadasa started[after 1997].






a.4s/l=sat=11-7-3-1-12[merc=6-10-5-8] CI=6-12-11-5-4


The s/l sat is showing connection with 11 but significance with 3-12 on st

level and 8h in sub level show obstructions.

The s/l sat is not related with 9h so does not show the higher education in

first stance.


b. The 3h s/l shows the inclination of the mind. 3s/l is jup. Jup[indicator of

management and finance] is in ketu st. Jup is on Sagittarius (indicate commerce,

finance). Jup is in the sub of Venus(sig of finance).


c. Jup and merc are in close proximity (with in 4 deg) in 10h.


d. The running period of jup during the major education time.


Conclusion 1:


Education must not be very high and it must having breaks.




There is a interconnection of 4-9-11 houses and that is why he got a higher

education. Let us see how:




4 s/l=11s/l=Sat


9 st/l=9s/l=11 L=Jup


Houses 4-9-11 are related to each-other and that is why in the main period jup

the native attained a good education with merits with all sorts of constraints

in the way.


The native took a brake in education for one year for the preparation of

engineering competition in jup/venus. Venus is connected with 3-12 and gave a

brake in education from institution.



Income and financial status:


The native is employed in one of the renowned organisation and earning well in

Lucknow itself. He has got frquent promotions alomost one every year.


He is not satisfied with his job as he wants to go in some acitve financial

profile job.


Let us examin:




The stong association with 2h in cuspal interlinks and presence of strong 6-10

houses at all lavels i.e. st lavel, sub lavel and cuspal interlink lavel show

good income always but strong association of 12-8 at all lavels st, sub and

interlinks is pulling down badly. Merc is on the dual sign and merc is in the st

of ketu which is on the movable sign. This shows that person has the income

which is good but, at the same time the placement of the money is in such

inturments where the access is quite easy. 12s/l is merc which shows the same

picture and the money is invested in such a way where the liquidity is very



The native confirmed me that he has not planned and lost a large sum of money

to one person who is not giving it back. He has spent a large sum of money on

family affairs like merriage of brothers and sisters, even near relatives have

taken money for education etc but not giving back and even he is not intended to

take this money.




In cuspal interlinks I use the association of planet with the house if it is

the s/l of a house, planets placed in the house,planets placed in the st of the

occupants,planets in the st of house lord,planets in the st of the st/l of

cusp, planets in the st of the s/l of the house.Then I combine the findings with

the natural nature of planet and sign involved.


It has given good results so far. I do not go in for the sub-sub theory and I

consider only in the case where the planets are in same sub then sub-sub is

being checked for deciding the actual nature of the planet.



I hope that fellow members will mail their feedback on the same.










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