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Nadi Reading - some Myths and Facts

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Dear All,

As mentioned in my earlieremail, I'm writing herewith on this subject

matter my viewpoints. I'll try to cover the points raised on the

group as much as I can.


1. the nadi readers collect data from us thru question/asnwer session

and then share with us in a consolidated way as if it is written in

on the nadi leaf and then confirm that he has found the nadi leaf.

Facts: It is true that many times, most of the facts are confirmed by

us during the question/asnwer session, but still it will not be at

100% level. If the above mentioned objection was true, in all the

cases - to find the nadi leaf, it would have taken substantially

longer time. If the nadi reader has to collect 100% info of the

person thru the Q & A session, he can hardly check one nadi leaf in

one/two days. No matter how much the person is trained to use skills

of permutations/combinations to arrive at the exact names of the

person, his spouse and his parents, he will not be able to arrive at

the exact 4 names in even no. of days conversation as the possibility

of the permutation/combination is just endless… I've witnessed 12/15

nadi readings and in none of the reading, all these 4 names were

arrived at by the nadi reader thru such permutation/combination

exercise. On an average 2 out of 4 names were confirmed by the person

to the reader. But the rest of the 2 names were exactly matched when

the other 2 names were already matched/confirmed to be right as

writtenon the nadi leaf.

I've seen the nadi leaf found which was only 3rd or 4th leaf seed

during the session. And during the conversation on first 2/3 nadi

leafs rejected, hardly any facts were disclosed to the nadi reader.

This is just next to impossible to do it by any skillful method

adopted by the nadi reader.


Conclusion - therefore, I believe that the reader only reads what is

mentioned in the nadi leaf.


To overcome this feeling what people get sometimes during their nadi

finding session, in the Pune Nadi conference, it was suggested that

it will be good if the nadi reader asks questions on only 2 or 3

basic facts and when all those facts are matched in one of the nadi

leaf, then only they should ask questions related to other matters……

Say for eg: he can ask name/check name of only his/her father and

himself/herself and not of the spouse and mother. We need to see how

such practice can be implemented across the nadi centres. May be when

we people visit the nadi centre, we can specify such things that we

will not disclose the name of say mother till everyhting else is

matched. If the reader agrees, go ahead, if he does not, try another

nadi reader who agrees to this….


2. the nadi reading shared by the nadi reader in the form of notebook

and audio cassete/cd is not actually written on the nadi leaf. Since

we do not understand the language in which it is written, we cannot

verify whether the details are actually written in the nadi leaf or



Facts: those who have read Mr. Shashikant Oak's book will agree that

this is not true. Mr. Oak has verified that his name was actually

written on the nadi leaf which was shown to him as his nadi leaf.


On the ocassion of nadi conference, he has again verified the name

written on the nadi leaf of one person which he showed to me also.

During that exercise, I realised that there is not a very big

difference in the prevelant tamil language writing and the one

written on the andi leaf. I request the people who are very well

conversant with the tamil to come forward and attempt to corelate the

two written form. Though I'm non tamil person, now a days I'm

attempting to learn tamil writing and then next step will be to try

to corelate it with the nadi writing… let us see how much I can excel

in this exercise….


Conclusion: the nadi reading done by the nadi reader is actually

written on the nadi leaf and it is not something which he is just

talking on his own….


Further this also makes the first point objection invalid. Because if

the reader is first collecting info from the person, and then writing

it on the nadi leaf and then in the text book and then sharing it in

audio cassette, then he need some time to goo back and write the

same. Whereas, as per my understanding, in Mr. Oak's case, when his

nadi leaf was found, immediately then and there onlt the nadi reader

showed him his name written in the nadi leaf which the reader

concluded that it belongs to Mr. Oak.


We can also try this out. We can ask the reader to show the name

written on the nadi leaf and also ask him to corelate it with the

tamil font…


I hope that yhe group will agree with my facts and conclusion. if

not, I'm open for healthy positive deliberation on this in the

interest of all the group members...


Will continue to cover other points in my nect email.

pl also give me ur valuable feedback.






mobile no. 9890658280

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